Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Good morning!
    Irene, glad your knee is doing better. We went for a walk in the park yesterday, it was nice. I'm sure you'll be back to your walking soon. :) As for the itch, best to see a dermatologist...could be a lot of things. Mine's usually dry skin and body lotion helps, although, sometimes I get hives. Also had a problem when I switched detergents, so now I get fragrance free laundry detergents and softener sheets. That's been working well.
    Roger, I wear long pants when I'm not walking on paved paths, because I am sensitive to some forest/field plants, but I don't know which ones. Yum on the raspberries. :)
    Hi Jo...hope you got all your chickenwiring done, sounds like so much work.
    Despite hubby's best efforts, we have birds nesting behing our shutters on the front window. He's got bubble wrap stuffed in there and folded over chicken wire to try to keep them out, plus he pushed out their started nests a few times! We'll wait til the babies fly and they leave, clean it out and try something else. We did find bird spikes for over our front door. It has helped a bit, although we are still getting a few bird droppings on our porch, but not nearly as much. Critters can be delightful, but not in our spaces!
    No plans yet for today.
    Hope everyone's weather remains good and you get to enjoy the long weekend. :smile:
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good afternoon;
    The chicken wire is all installed.
    It is a beautiful day 70's and a nice breeze, so working in the yard wasn't so bad.
    We also went to a car show and swap meet this morning and then out to breakfast. I had scrambled eggs, black tea and toast. Yesterday my daughter made homemade mac and cheese, so todays weight was up a little. I am now drinking my water to flush out all the sodium.
    Irene-I am glad to hear that your knee is doing better. As for the itch, it could be the medication you are taking.
    I would check the side effects of the meds and probably call the dr.
    Vix-Your getaway sounds so relaxing. Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love the cool crisp air and the colors.
    Roger-I am inland, so I don't think we will be affected much by the storm. I do hope we get some rain, as we need it.

    Happy Sunday!
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Labor Day!
    It is a crisp cool day! Nothing planned, just a relaxing day.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Good morning!
    Nice cool morning so far, but it'll be hot later. Went for a walk in the town park yesterday afternoon. It was a little warm, but good to get out and walk around.
    Nothing planned for today here either.
    Happy Labor Day!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 65 degrees out the door, Today 7.5K Steps + 11 cents I found Yesterday.

    Hermine has caused zero problems for my area proving that weather-casting is still a less than 100% accurate science :)

    Have a Great Labor Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Irene, glad your knee is doing better. We went for a walk in the park yesterday, it was nice. I'm sure you'll be back to your walking soon. :) As for the itch, best to see a dermatologist...could be a lot of things. Mine's usually dry skin and body lotion helps, although, sometimes I get hives. Also had a problem when I switched detergents, so now I get fragrance free laundry detergents and softener sheets. That's been working well.
    Roger, I wear long pants when I'm not walking on paved paths, because I am sensitive to some forest/field plants, but I don't know which ones. Yum on the raspberries. :)
    Hi Jo...hope you got all your chicken-wiring done, sounds like so much work.
    Despite hubby's best efforts, we have birds nesting behind our shutters on the front window. He's got bubble wrap stuffed in there and folded over chicken wire to try to keep them out, plus he pushed out their started nests a few times! We'll wait til the babies fly and they leave, clean it out and try something else. We did find bird spikes for over our front door. It has helped a bit, although we are still getting a few bird droppings on our porch, but not nearly as much. Critters can be delightful, but not in our spaces!
    No plans yet for today.
    Hope everyone's weather remains good and you get to enjoy the long weekend. :smile:
    Hi Vix
    I wish I knew which plant(s) are causing the itching when I go into the backyard. Maybe we will both get lucky and figure it out. My only problem when walking on grass is that given the time of Day I get out walking the grass is often wet from Dew and I end up with wet shoes :)

    I think I was lucky when they nested under the one window AC that the only problem was the noise. I did not realize what was happening until I heard the baby birds making a ruckus.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Nice cool morning so far, but it'll be hot later. Went for a walk in the town park yesterday afternoon. It was a little warm, but good to get out and walk around.
    Nothing planned for today here either.
    Happy Labor Day!

    Hi Again
    I wonder how all the people in the area that cancelled or changed their plans feel the way Hermine has turned out? I know I would be unhappy.

    Congratulations on getting out yesterday, I agree it was a little warm but tolerable. If I had not gone out early I would not have been unhappy with the weather. At the time I went out Yesterday and today I put on a light longsleeve shirt and since I feel it in my fingers before any other parts I also wore thin gloves, Already :)

    Enjoy the Holiday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    The chicken wire is all installed.
    It is a beautiful day 70's and a nice breeze, so working in the yard wasn't so bad.
    We also went to a car show and swap meet this morning and then out to breakfast. I had scrambled eggs, black tea and toast. Yesterday my daughter made homemade mac and cheese, so todays weight was up a little. I am now drinking my water to flush out all the sodium.
    Irene-I am glad to hear that your knee is doing better. As for the itch, it could be the medication you are taking.
    I would check the side effects of the meds and probably call the dr.
    Vix-Your getaway sounds so relaxing. Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love the cool crisp air and the colors.
    Roger-I am inland, so I don't think we will be affected much by the storm. I do hope we get some rain, as we need it.

    Happy Sunday!
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Happy Labor Day!
    It is a crisp cool day! Nothing planned, just a relaxing day.

    Hi Joanne
    I need to flush something out of my system too, I ate off plan yesterday and I suspect a lot of the 1 pound gain in the past 24 hours to be water weight.

    Until I really read the label I never thought of Cheese as being a fairly high sodium food.

    Good Luck getting the rain. Around NJ the rain has been a no show and we could use it as some of NJ is in moderate drought and the rest of the state including my area is showing on the weather maps a short of rain but not as bad as the moderate drought area.

    Since I have gone walking already that completes my to do list for this holiday day. I thought about doing the laundry OTOH I do not have that much unless I throw in the bath Rug from in front of the shower. It is designed to be used for that and still feel really good underfoot. Something about microfibers as I recall the information that came with it.

    Enjoy the Holiday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 74 degrees out the door 11 degrees warmer than yesterday for the same time of day, however it was not uncomfortable as the humidity is OK and there was a gentle breeze most likely courtesy of Hermine, Today 7.5K Steps.

    Hermine has caused no problems for my area except that today has more clouds and a nice breeze :) According to the weather report I saw at 5:40 today is Hermines closest approach which would be not to good except that it has weakened at the same time.

    I hope everybody had a Great Labor Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Good morning!
    Nice sunny morning here. It will be a hot week, but so far the morning is comfortable.
    Off to clay building group this morning.
    Have a great day, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, how is everyone today? I had a really good pt visit I was actually was on the bike today only for 5 minutes I was surprised I could do it . But it was fine. Still not walking very far I get winded but doing better. Still not sleeping the whole night I normally wake up about 12:00,1:00 looking forward to sleeping the whole night .The pain has gotten better I take mostly aleve last night I did end up taking a pain pill trying to get off of them don't want to get hooked.well take care
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Nice sunny morning here. It will be a hot week, but so far the morning is comfortable.
    Off to clay building group this morning.
    Have a great day, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    I saw the same forecast here, I may have to get out walking early :)
    OTOH I will say that as long as I stay off foods with sugars I do not feel the heat nearly as much as I used to.

    Hopefully This will be the last week with a forecast showing temperatures in the 90 & up range. I could use a break on the electric bill before the heating season starts :)

    Enjoy Your Clay Group
    good morning, how is everyone today? I had a really good pt visit I was actually was on the bike today only for 5 minutes I was surprised I could do it . But it was fine. Still not walking very far I get winded but doing better. Still not sleeping the whole night I normally wake up about 12:00,1:00 looking forward to sleeping the whole night .The pain has gotten better I take mostly aleve last night I did end up taking a pain pill trying to get off of them don't want to get hooked.well take care

    Hi Irene
    I can understand not wanting to get hooked. BTW be careful with the NSAIDs too, They can and do cause stomach issues.

    I believe Your wind will improve as You get moving more.

    I wonder if the Sleep is related to not getting out and about?

    Have a Good Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    roger I wake up because my knee starts hurting and I need to get up and walk around I normally go down stairs and sit with ice in the recliner and fall asleep again
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Irene, glad you're improving..yay for going on the bike. :) Sometimes pains wake me up's annoying.
    Roger, I think sugars feed inflamation, so yes, we feel better without them, but they sure taste good once in a while.
    Hi Jo.
    One of the older ladies in my clay group fell this morning. I think she was just getting up from her chair and her knee gave out. It was pretty awful. We had to call the ambulance.
    Stay healthy!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Some stray Thoughts :)
    Acme has Lean Cuisine and Eating Healthy frozen dinner Entrees that will work for Lunch or Dinner. The Lean Cuisine are on Sale for $2.19 or $2.49 and the Eating Healthy are 5 for $11. I picked up both today while they are on sale to have some extra variety in my diet. For Lunch I had the Herb Roasted Chicken with Roast Potatoes that was tasty and 170 calories. I have separated them into those 200 calories and below or over 200 calories for dinner. Some of them will work as NS substitutions. Look at the Carbs and Proteins and watch the sodium too.

    I also grabbed some fruit, Two 3 pound bags of navel oranges at $4.99 buy one get one which made the $2.50, Good Price for this area anyway.

    I also have a Box of Mixed Fruit and another of Apple Cinnamon Fruit & grain Cereal bars that taste OK from the Dollar Store so 6 bars for $1 :) 100 calories and fairly high in carbs at 20g OTOH a NS Walnut Chocolate Chip Cookies is 17g carb but nicely higher protein. Or to put it another way I forgot to check the Proteins before I bough :( However using them as the extra bit of food I have added to my diet while working on maintaining they do work and taste OK too.

    I mentioned the frozen entrees in case anyone wants a little extra variety.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    roger I wake up because my knee starts hurting and I need to get up and walk around I normally go down stairs and sit with ice in the recliner and fall asleep again

    Hi Irene
    I used to have Leg cramps wake me up in the night, Then I had to lay there massaging them out before going back to sleep :( Since I added a Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc Pill to my daily Vitamins and a Banana a day I have not been troubled by that, color me happy :)

    You are lucky You can sleep in a recliner, I never could.

    I hope that this pain passes soon
    eku0 wrote: »
    Irene, glad you're improving..yay for going on the bike. :) Sometimes pains wake me up's annoying.
    Roger, I think sugars feed inflamation, so yes, we feel better without them, but they sure taste good once in a while.
    Hi Jo.
    One of the older ladies in my clay group fell this morning. I think she was just getting up from her chair and her knee gave out. It was pretty awful. We had to call the ambulance.
    Stay healthy!

    I knew someone that had problems with falling, they traced it to the Blood Pressure dropping way down. She would get up and a few steps from the chair and down she went. It took a long time to diagnose too, sadly.

    Having that happen where I am would have made me feel really bad for the rest of the day. I hope You do better than I would have.

    In my case Sugars have two major effects on me.
    1. they make me feel much warmer
    2. They seem to serve as a trigger food making me crave more sweets.

    So I need to steer clear. Luckily I am happy with the Sweetener I get at Costco on my cereal and it is not to expensive from there, just a huge box that is moderately expensive due to size, however the first one I bought lasted over a year so not too bad.

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good evening;
    Roger-you said you found 11cents the other day, well my daughter found 11 cents on Sunday and I found 11cents on Sunday..spooky!
    Vix-I hope the lady from your clay class is ok, that must have been scary.
    Irene-5 minutes on the bike is great.
    We had light rain most of the day and it was humid.
    Have a good evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Good morning.
    I was pretty upset for the rest of the day yesterday and didn't sleep well. Turns out she injured the knee where she had a knee replacement. There were 2 fractures and she fractured her tibia. She is being sent to another hospital for surgery by an orthopedic doctor...not sure if the knee replacement was damaged or if it fractured elsewhere. It didn't seem that she fell that hard, and she's not that old, but she regularly uses a walker and I know she has a lot of physical problems, takes a lot of meds. Yikes.
    I ate ice cream yesterday....I love ice cream (comfort food), apparently it does not love me. I had a tummy ache all night and am up 2.5 pounds this morning! Definitely the ice cream....darn.
    It's a new day, start again. Have body flow class this morning.
    Have a good day, everyone....stay healthy!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 74 degrees out the door just as warm as yesterday for the same time of day, however it was not as comfortable as the humidity is somewhat higher and there was a gentle breeze, Today 7.9K Steps. Today has more clouds and a nice breeze :) however it is a dreary looking day with dark clouds. The lack of Sun made the walk OK.

    I stopped at the Grocery store and bought 3 pieces of fruit and a box of cereal that was on sale and saved 10% from the Senior Discount Day.

    Have a Great Wednesday

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  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning,Vix sorry to hear of your friend falling I hope she will be ok . I do flexing my leg and feet before I get up since my knee replacement I am a lot more careful , My itchy skin has pretty much gone away I did look up for side affects but none for itchy skin I am breathe better which is good.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good evening;
    Roger-you said you found 11cents the other day, well my daughter found 11 cents on Sunday and I found 11cents on Sunday..spooky!
    Vix-I hope the lady from your clay class is ok, that must have been scary.
    Irene-5 minutes on the bike is great.
    We had light rain most of the day and it was humid.
    Have a good evening. :)
    Hi Joanne
    Interesting set of coincidences to say the least since I found mine on Sunday too :)

    I am not thrilled that the humidity is rising. The thing that is saving me from terminal sweat when walking is that the clouds keep the Sun off of me and the breeze.

    Enjoy the Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    I was pretty upset for the rest of the day yesterday and didn't sleep well. Turns out she injured the knee where she had a knee replacement. There were 2 fractures and she fractured her tibia. She is being sent to another hospital for surgery by an orthopedic doctor...not sure if the knee replacement was damaged or if it fractured elsewhere. It didn't seem that she fell that hard, and she's not that old, but she regularly uses a walker and I know she has a lot of physical problems, takes a lot of meds. Yikes.
    I ate ice cream yesterday....I love ice cream (comfort food), apparently it does not love me. I had a tummy ache all night and am up 2.5 pounds this morning! Definitely the ice cream....darn.
    It's a new day, start again. Have body flow class this morning.
    Have a good day, everyone....stay healthy!

    Hi Vix
    It is possible that the medications could have contributed. Without knowing what ones it is hard to say.
    I am sorry to hear that it turned out so poorly. Even if You did not know the extent of the injury at the time I can see how it could make You upset seeing it.

    I bet that the Ice Cream has caused water weight, There is no way it could put 2.5 pounds on overnight otherwise. I do Know from personal experience that sweets cause me to hold onto water for a couple of days.

    Have a Good Day at Body Flow Class and just stick with it and that weight will fall away in a day or two.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning,Vix sorry to hear of your friend falling I hope she will be ok . I do flexing my leg and feet before I get up since my knee replacement I am a lot more careful , My itchy skin has pretty much gone away I did look up for side affects but none for itchy skin I am breathe better which is good.

    Hi Irene
    It sounds as You are doing well. I now You must be very happy that the Itching is clearing up and the improved breathing.

    It sounds as if Your recovery is progressing nicely
    I noticed that You posted as I was creating the reply above to Vix & Joanne

    Have a Nice Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Back from body flow class.
    Roger, yes, it's definitely fluid or my body just holding on and will go away in a few days as long as I get back on track.
    Irene, glad the itchy skin is gone and that you're breathing better. Good to be careful at least til you're completely healed. :)
    Jo, hope you're having a good day.
    Sunny here today and will be getting hot.