Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    edited September 2016
    Good afternoon.
    Irene, good for you for walking and getting stronger! You'll be back to your old self in no time. :)
    Jo, sounds like a yummy breakfast, and yay for the rest of the weekend off!
    Roger, you are very organized!
    We went for a walk in the park this's all shady, so it was just the humidity that got us. Came home, showered and am doing some laundry. Just have to make a stop at the library, not much else for today.
    Happy Saturday! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Three Recipes below in three posts

    Baked Beans
    This is Our preferred recipe
    * 2 cups navy beans
    * 1/2 pound bacon *
    * 1 onion, finely diced
    * 3 tablespoons molasses
    * 2 teaspoons salt
    * 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
    * 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
    * 1/2 cup ketchup
    * 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
    * 1/4 cup brown sugar

    1. Soak beans overnight in cold water. Simmer the beans in the same water until tender, approximately 1 to 2 hours. Drain and reserve the liquid.
    2. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
    3. Arrange the beans in a 2 quart bean pot or casserole dish by placing a portion of the beans in the bottom of dish, and layering them with bacon and onion.
    4. In a saucepan, combine molasses, salt, pepper, dry mustard, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce and brown sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and pour over beans. Pour in just enough of the reserved bean water to cover the beans. Cover the dish with a lid or aluminum foil.
    5. Bake for 3 to 4 hours in the preheated oven, until beans are tender. Remove the lid about halfway through cooking, and add more liquid if necessary to prevent the beans from getting too dry.

    * bacon can be reduced if desired, just use proper old fashioned smoked bacon, have it sliced 3/8 to 1/2 inch thick, easier to get a nice even dice.

    *if you don't have a beanpot, use a tall ovenproof vessel with a cover.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Pastrami Recipe One
    Simply cut open the package of corned beef, rinsed it off, dried it a bit, and then coated it with a mixture of ground black pepper, ground coriander seed, some paprika, and some dry mustard. Wrapped in plastic tightly and let it sit in the fridge overnight.

    Smoked the next day for about 4 1/2 hours in the 220-250 range using peach wood...fat cap up, .no basting. Internal temp was about 150 when I pulled it. Went on the gas for about 4 minutes a side over medium low heat.

    Pastrami Recipe two
    Take the corned beef and rub with spice mix equal amounts to cover and crust
    Amounts needed will vary based on the size of the meat so the below are a starting point.
    1 Tablespoon Coriander ground more if needed
    1 teaspoon Black Pepper ground more if needed
    1 Tablespoon Paprika optional

    Bake in the oven at 250* till the internal temp reaches 165-175*
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Easy Beer Bread Recipe
    This recipe should only take 10 minutes to prepare. The longest part is greasing the bread pan. The beer you use will determine how much the bread will rise and the density of the bread.

    Note: ( a teaspoon of baking powder will help lighten texture, I often do this.)

    Mix Sugar and flour in a large bowl, add beer. Mix with a wooden spoon until nice and sticky. Grease (butter) bread pan. pour in batter and use back of spoon to smooth out batter. Bake for 40-50 minutes or till a butter knife inserted into center comes out clean. Let cool at least 10 minutes before removing from pan.

    I used Becks dark beer, comes out good
    also black and tan
    and harp dark
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2016
    hi all, well we went for a real nice walk it was about 40 minutes but it was slow going I had to stop a couple of times I get winded not much planned today we already went grocery shopping we go early any more less people. I was actually able to walk the whole store other times we went I would get tired and have to go to the jeep and sit down each week I am getting stronger. On monday I go back to my dr about my breathing he will probably put he on another inhaler which is fine I still get short of Breath. Roger I am so impressed how organized you are. Jo enjoy your long weekend
    Hi Irene
    I have no doubt that your endurance will come back, You were not doing much for a while and that takes it toll.

    Congratulations on the shopping trip, Back when I started on NS I had to sit down midway through the store as well. Now look at me 3+ miles a day :)

    Have a Nice Remainder of the day
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning
    Irene-that is great that you walked for 40 minutes. I hope your Dr. can come up with a solution for your shortness of breath.
    Roger-This time of year I usually stick to apples and bananas.
    When I got home from work, hubby and I went out to breakfast. I had a spinach and mushroom omelet and dark rye toast. I took 1/2 of the omelet and 1 piece of toast home for tomorrow's breakfast.
    I don't have anything else planned for today. It feels like a lazy day. ;)
    Enjoy your day! :)

    Hi Joanne
    When I can I get Apples, Oranges, Green Pears, Nectarines, Cherries when available and of course grapes.

    I have been bringing home a doggy bag when I have breakfast out too.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good afternoon.
    Irene, good for you for walking and getting stronger! You'll be back to your old self in no time. :)
    Jo, sounds like a yummy breakfast, and yay for the rest of the weekend off!
    Roger, you are very organized!
    We went for a walk in the park this's all shady, so it was just the humidity that got us. Came home, showered and am doing some laundry. Just have to make a stop at the library, not much else for today.
    Happy Saturday! :)

    Hi Vix
    Organized how? I do not feel organized, More the opposite :)

    It was humid today here too :(

    Have a nice Evening
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Roger...with your shopping trips and walking. I seem to forget things even when I write lists. Haha....I went out today and forgot half my list so skipped a whole store! I'll catch up tomorrow. :wink:
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 80 degrees out the door slightly warmer than yesterday for the same time of day. It was not comfortable as the humidity is still high, I did work up somewhat of a sweat walking 7,682 steps :(

    According to the weather forecast today's high should be a fair bit lower than yesterday. Not currently as the predicted Cold front moves across the state later today lowering temperatures and the Humidity :)

    Today's Old Time radio shows while walking was the Continuing Adventure of Sherlock Holmes, Hopalong Cassidy and Gunsmoke. Tomorrow I start with You bet Your Life :)

    Have a Great Sunday
    eku0 wrote: »
    Roger...with your shopping trips and walking. I seem to forget things even when I write lists. Haha....I went out today and forgot half my list so skipped a whole store! I'll catch up tomorrow. :wink:

    Hi Vix
    I wish I could say I never forget things, fortunately only unimportant things like do not eat this or that fattening food :)

    My Brother keeps lists for everything whereas I am more of a wing it type. Even when I would leave for vacation I would only have a general idea of where I was headed. For example I might head for Orlando and then from there instead of heading back I might go west sightseeing along the way. That is how I saw the Battleship Alabama, New Orleans, The Alamo and Carlsbad Caverns. Or When I was in the L.A. area and ended up in Vegas with a stop at the Roy Rogers Museum and a Ghost Town along the road to Vegas :)

    Have a Enjoyable Sunday
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good morning;
    A little overcast this morning, but the sun is supposed to some out this afternoon.
    I am going to a bridal shower today. It is for my great nephew and his fiance. Boy, do I feel old saying that. :p
    It is going to be held in a place down by the ocean.
    Roger-thanks for the recipe's. I will be definitely trying them. Baked beans and bread, two of my favorite foods. :)
    Vix-Even when I bring a list to the store, I usually forget to pick up something on the list. :o
    Enjoy your Sunday! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Joanne
    Don't feel old, old is not a calendar thing it is a state of mind :)

    You might try a Whole Wheat flour in the recipe too as a variation one of the times. The thing to remember is that You will need to add some leavening depending on how dense You want it to be. Take note of the Ingredients individual calories and add them up and then weigh the baked bread and using the total Nutrition information You can figure out what weight slice to have :) I also bet I just repeated something You already knew..... That's me AKA Captain Obvious :)

    Enjoy the Shower And If someone gets usage from the recipes It was well worth posting them.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Good morning.
    Have fun at the shower, Jo. :)
    Lists....I jotted down 2 things last night. I would definitely forget otherwise. Haha.
    Happy Sunday, everyone!
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, well today we are going to go to walmart and home depot, I need yarn and George likes the garbage bags from home depot. The yarn is for an afghan I will be making when we are on vacation I usaly crochet on the way up to ny and in the morning while George and Annie is still sleeping.I usaly don't forget stuff I have an apt on my phone that I use it really helps me if I didn't have that I would forget things all the time. Jo the shower sounds like fun. Vix and roger what are you up to today?
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Hi Irene. That's so cool that you can crochet afghans! I really have no plans for today. I'm hoping to get out for a walk or out to a mall to walk around, and I need a few things at Walmart. Was waiting for my husband to get up to see if he wants to go to the park. May work on some drawing/painting projects and/or do something around the house.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good morning;
    Irene-I use to knit all the time. One Year I knitted so many afghans that I gave them to my sisters and nieces for christmas. The last afghan I crocheted was 11 years ago for my nieces baby shower.
    I still have an afghan that my grandmother made and one that my husbands aunt made for us for a shower gift.
    The shower was fun. It was a brunch. They got a lot of nice gifts. My nephew was a little sad that his grandmother wasn't able to come. She lives in Florida. She will come for the wedding in November and stay with me for a week.
    My sister loves to clean, so I will have the cleanest house on the block for a week anyway. :)
    On the agenda for today is banking, sorting through clothes to see what I want to pack for vacation and a little house work.
    Enjoy your day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 58 Degrees This morning a nice change from yesterdays 80 degrees for the same time of day. It was comfortable a with a large drop in humidity too, I wlakes 8k steps.

    I see more Raspberries that still need to ripen. Hopefully The weather cooperates and they ripen.

    Have a Great Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, well today we are going to go to walmart and home depot, I need yarn and George likes the garbage bags from home depot. The yarn is for an afghan I will be making when we are on vacation I usually crochet on the way up to ny and in the morning while George and Annie is still sleeping.I usually don't forget stuff I have an apt on my phone that I use it really helps me if I didn't have that I would forget things all the time. Jo the shower sounds like fun. Vix and roger what are you up to today?

    Hi Irene
    I need to get out to Walmart too, Not until after I get to the bank and refill my on hand money which will most likely happen Thursday, Then Friday I am thinking of going to get a haircut so Maybe Saturday. I want to get a few Long sleeve shirts now that cooler weather is approaching. I could probably get by using the Sweatshirts I used last Winter, However They would be handy as we transition between Summer and Winter when I get out walking.

    I have found that the Garbage bags from CostCo seem to be better quality then the ones we were buying at the Grocery Store. Those bags I had more than one where the Tie came free and there was no easy way to tie the top. I Buy the Large Black Plastic and the smaller White Kitchen bags.

    Crocheting is something that some of the Family did until..... You have good skills doing that. I also remember my Grandmother Darning socks, Now days I suspect that is a lost art, Socks are now so cheap why bother, Just throw them out and replace them.

    You use your phone to remind You what You need, If My Phone could do that I would probably forget to look at it. I suppose that means I am old school not using a SmartPhone and Preferring single purpose devices. Phone that only makes and receives calls, A camera that only takes pictures, a Small iPod for content when walking and only a computer for Internet etc. We do not text either, We use email for communications or make a phone call if it needs to go through right away.

    What am I up to today, Not much, the only thing on my to do list is laundry now that I have walked.

    Have a Nice Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi Irene. That's so cool that you can crochet afghans! I really have no plans for today. I'm hoping to get out for a walk or out to a mall to walk around, and I need a few things at Walmart. Was waiting for my husband to get up to see if he wants to go to the park. May work on some drawing/painting projects and/or do something around the house.

    Hi Vix
    I just started the Laundry and when I go to finish my breakfast in the 9AM to 9:30AM time frame it should be time to put it in the dryer. I started my Morning with a Banana before heading out the door walking, Then on my return at 7:45 I had a Protein shake, Thus You can see that I drag out my Breakfast over a 3 hour period :) I also pulled some sliced roasted Turkey Breast that I vacuum sealed recently when we roasted a Large Turkey. I broke the Breast meats into 6 +/- ounce portions that I will use over the next three days in the snack where the NS plan calls for a SC and a PF.

    Have a Relaxing Fun Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Irene-I use to knit all the time. One Year I knitted so many afghans that I gave them to my sisters and nieces for christmas. The last afghan I crocheted was 11 years ago for my nieces baby shower.
    I still have an afghan that my grandmother made and one that my husbands aunt made for us for a shower gift.
    The shower was fun. It was a brunch. They got a lot of nice gifts. My nephew was a little sad that his grandmother wasn't able to come. She lives in Florida. She will come for the wedding in November and stay with me for a week.
    My sister loves to clean, so I will have the cleanest house on the block for a week anyway. :)
    On the agenda for today is banking, sorting through clothes to see what I want to pack for vacation and a little house work.
    Enjoy your day. :)

    Hi Joanne
    We have lace that one side of the family made as well as all the women on the same side quilted. I have a Nice Quilt from one of them on the Bed right now.

    It sounds as if You had a nice day.

    Can I borrow Your sister for a deep cleaning here :)

    Speaking of the UK, AKA England AKA Great Britain :)

    Have a Nice Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning. I had pt this morning it went good I don't go back until thursday . THis morning I go back to the drs and see what we can do about my breathing it still hurts sometimes well enjoy the great weather I will talk to you all after the DRs.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Good morning.
    Good luck at the Dr's, Irene.
    I used to knit...didn't get much past hats, scarves and the occasional sweater. Both my mother and mother-in-law crocheted afghans. I can't crochet a straight line!
    Roger, that is one crazy round-about!
    Jo, I always have fun at showers. :)
    Went to yoga this morning...ouchy! But it keeps me functional. Luckily have my massage this afternoon.
    Have a great day, everyone.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Roger-Wow that round-about is huge and remember they drive on the opposite side. I would not even try to drive a car over there. At every crosswalk in the Uk they have the road marked "look left". Most of the cars go around the corners without slowing down. We American's look right first before we cross the street. It takes a little getting use to.
    Irene-good luck at the dr.
    Vix-enjoy your massage.