Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 54 Degrees this morning a change to the cooler from yesterdays temperature. It was comfortable walking however. I walked 8,800 steps + 1 Cent found less than 1 block from home as I was returning from the walking ::

    I looked at my email and I see a tracking number for my upcoming NS order this morning.
    I am going with Shelf Stable from the weight. It also shows FEDEX SMARTPOST MARTINSBURG, WV so I am not sure what I was looking at Yesterday.

    Have a Good Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Hope you have a good flight home, Jo. Do you have to go back to work right away?
    Irene, hope the rice wrap works for is more comfortable to be able to sleep in bed. You're doing great with the walking.
    Roger, I'm like that too. Occasionally I start to doze off in a chair, but I wake up as soon as my head relaxes/droops. You're doing great with your walking too!
    I'm back from body flow class and the sauna this morning. Just have some errands to run today. It's a beautiful day outside. :)
    Have a great day, everyone.

    Hi Vix
    I hope You had a good time for the rest of the day too and likewise for today :)
    Beautiful weather here too.

    Thank You for the kind words
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good evening;
    We made it home safe and sound.
    Vix-I do not have to go back to work until Tuesday.
    Irene-good for you getting your steps in.
    Roger-I love this time of year for walking. Since we have been walking for the past 14 days, we are going to try and keep walking daily now that we are home.
    It is 3 am, I am still on UK time. I am currently doing laundry. :)
    Have a good day.

    Hi Joanne
    Welcome Home.

    So You get a week to recover from Your vacation, Yea!

    It has been so nice most of this week and tomorrow is predicted to be nice too, slightly warmer which is fine to me as it will help me avoid running the heat. I am thinking about turning it on for a long enough for it to put out heat just as a test, why wait until You really do need it only to find it isn't working.

    Good Luck with the Walking
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, welcome home Jo sounds like you had a good time. I a great night last night took my heating pad upstairs with me and I slept the whole night yea it was great hopefully it is a start. I do go to the surgeon today I plan on telling him about my pain not sure if it is normal or not. My pt did tell me she my knee isn't as straight as she would like but I do still have 12 weeks of pt left so hopefully we can get it straight. Vix enjoy your day it still is chilly here going to go take Annie for a little walk talk to you later
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Hi, glad you made it back safely, Jo. It's good that you have some time off and can reacclimate...get over the jet lag.
    Roger, it's been a little cooler here...only supposed to go to highs in the 60s this week (except 70 tomorrow). I'm ok with that. :)
    Irene, glad you got a good night's sleep.
    Painting this morning and chiropractor this afternoon.
    Enjoy your day, everyone. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Good to zumba.
    Happy Friday.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 54 Degrees this morning a change to the cooler from yesterdaystemperature. It was comfortable walking however. I walked 8,831 steps today. Yesterday I ended up some what over 11K steps.

    I looked at my email and I see a tracking number for my upcoming NS order this morning, that is the good and since it shows tracking for two deliveries That would seem to be the Shelf Stable and Frozen shipping on different dates.

    Have a Great Friday
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good morning;
    Irene-I am glad you got a full nights sleep. Good luck at the Dr.
    Roger-It is currently 47degrees but supposed to get into the 70's.
    Vix-have a good time at Zumba.
    Yesterday my daughter and I went apple picking. It was a beautiful day out and I got in my steps for the day.
    We went out to lunch and I had a chicken salad sandwich. I ate half and took half home. I ate the other half for dinner. I woke up around 11 pm and was violently ill. Today I have a slight headache. I don't know if I picked up a bug or if it was what I ate yesterday. So far today all I have had is water and a banana and my stomach feels ok.
    Today I will probably lay low and not do much.
    Have a great day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, welcome home Jo sounds like you had a good time. I a great night last night took my heating pad upstairs with me and I slept the whole night yea it was great hopefully it is a start. I do go to the surgeon today I plan on telling him about my pain not sure if it is normal or not. My pt did tell me she my knee isn't as straight as she would like but I do still have 12 weeks of pt left so hopefully we can get it straight. Vix enjoy your day it still is chilly here going to go take Annie for a little walk talk to you later

    Hi Irene
    I wonder what the PT meant by that, Did You get a explanation?

    Great on getting a good nights sleep, a Good nights sleep is the foundation for the entire day IMO.

    Enjoy the walk, I'm sure Annie must love this weather and yea for us as it looks like Matthew will Skip this area, I do feel sorry for the people in Florida However.

    Good Luck at the Surgeons
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi, glad you made it back safely, Jo. It's good that you have some time off and can reacclimate...get over the jet lag.
    Roger, it's been a little cooler here...only supposed to go to highs in the 60s this week (except 70 tomorrow). I'm ok with that. :)
    Irene, glad you got a good night's sleep.
    Painting this morning and chiropractor this afternoon.
    Enjoy your day, everyone. :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good to zumba.
    Happy Friday.

    Hi Vix
    I am sitting here with a bit of a burning in my throat from the Poblano & Jalap Peppers my Brother fried up with his morning eggs. I had planned to be down in the basement on that computer to avoid it and circumstances worked against me.

    The Weather has been decent recently, I hope the Rain in the forecast moves in later in the day tomorrow.

    I hope You enjoyed the Painting and Chiro Yesterday

    Enjoy Your Zumba
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning,my drs visit yesterday went very well. He said I was doing great. The pain I am getting is because of all the exercise I am doing but he gave me some pain medication and told me to keep exercising I guess because it isn't 2 months yet he was so surprised that I wasn't using a cane , but It is probably a month since I have used a cane. I go back in 6 weeks. I did a walk this morning already have in 8894 steps so I should hit my goal today. I did tell the dr what my pt said and he felt everything was good he thinks my knee is straight .
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Irene
    I am happy to hear that the Doctor visit went well. Just in case as far as the Knee being straight it might be time to think about getting a second doctors opinion.

    You are getting around very well if You are up to almost 9000 steps by 11AM.
    Keep up the Good Work.

    I think if it were me I would try and avoid the Pain Medications, I will also say however that I do not like taking NSAIDs either let alone anything stronger. I hope the pain goes away soon well before the next visit.

    Just in case NSAIDs are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug such as Aspirin, Acetaminophen and pretty much anything that does not need a prescription. I ended up with stomach problems from over using them years ago.

    I see that my NS frozen should arrive today and the Non Frozen portion shows as at the Post office today and does not show out for delivery so I expect it tomorrow. I guess FedEx handed it off to the post office to save money as the Weight is 7.8 lbs
    My order was mostly Frozen this time :)

    Good News on the Knee
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi, it's a beautiful day here. My study window is right over the butterfly bushes, and I'm watching butterflies flitter by.
    Roger, yay for a new shipment.
    Irene, glad that all is going well. You'll be back to your old self in no time.
    Jo, sorry you aren't feeling that great, but good that you get a chance to rest up. Picking apples with your daughter must have been fun.
    I went to the little Main St. of my town this afternoon and just wandered and browsed the shops. There is a store where a man makes wooden bowls, and he has some local wool and locally made knit goods. There's a pottery and glass fusing place, a health food cafe, a fancy dress store, a thrift shop, and a couple of other small eateries, and crafty type places. Kind of a pleasant way to while away an afternoon and enjoy the weather. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 54 Degrees this morning no change from yesterdays temperature. It was comfortable walking and I walked 9,455 steps today. Yesterday I ended up some what over 11.5K steps.

    Yesterday I received my Frozen Delivery and according to the tracking number I should receive the Shelf stable portion of my order today via the USPS. It seems that FedEx has handed it off to the Post Office. I suspect that is due to it being under 8 pounds as that is a first for my regular NS food Deliveries. I say regular food as I have had Missing items come that way in the past.

    FWIW I also updated my Weight in the tracking here as it has been down for several days a little lower than what I reported. I prefer to see a several day weight before posting it.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi, it's a beautiful day here. My study window is right over the butterfly bushes, and I'm watching butterflies flitter by.
    Roger, yay for a new shipment.
    Irene, glad that all is going well. You'll be back to your old self in no time.
    Jo, sorry you aren't feeling that great, but good that you get a chance to rest up. Picking apples with your daughter must have been fun.
    I went to the little Main St. of my town this afternoon and just wandered and browsed the shops. There is a store where a man makes wooden bowls, and he has some local wool and locally made knit goods. There's a pottery and glass fusing place, a health food cafe, a fancy dress store, a thrift shop, and a couple of other small eateries, and crafty type places. Kind of a pleasant way to while away an afternoon and enjoy the weather. :)

    Hi Vix
    I have been thinking about planting some Butterfly bushes here, So far only in the thinking about it stage however.

    I pulled one of each of the frozen breakfasts as I just finished the last of the open bottle of milk so rather than open a new one for Cereal I am switching to hot NS breakfasts until I have eaten 1 of each and then I will switch back to cereal until that quart of milk is finished and then repeat until all the hot breakfasts are used up. I did not order many of the NS Pancakes or any of their waffles as I do like the Blueberry ones from the dollar store and I can get three Pancake meals and four waffle breakfasts from them for a dollar, much cheaper and I like the taste of the Blueberry waffles better too. The Pancakes from NS and the dollar store are both tasty so I ordered a few of the NS waffles for variety.

    Your town sounds like a great place for a wander, I wish I had something like it without traveling a ways. A good wooden bowl is a great looking thing too.

    Enjoy Your Saturday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Irene-I am glad you got a full nights sleep. Good luck at the Dr.
    Roger-It is currently 47degrees but supposed to get into the 70's.
    Vix-have a good time at Zumba.
    Yesterday my daughter and I went apple picking. It was a beautiful day out and I got in my steps for the day.
    We went out to lunch and I had a chicken salad sandwich. I ate half and took half home. I ate the other half for dinner. I woke up around 11 pm and was violently ill. Today I have a slight headache. I don't know if I picked up a bug or if it was what I ate yesterday. So far today all I have had is water and a banana and my stomach feels ok.
    Today I will probably lay low and not do much.
    Have a great day. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I missed Your post for some reason, oops :)

    Wow, 47 degrees sounds s little chilly to me. I am wearing gloves to keep my fingers warm right now in the 50s and as it gets colder I will be switching to mittens and then Brown Jersey gloves and / or a reusable hand warmer as the temperatures continue to go colder. I bought two types to try. One type is a rechargeable battery type that recharges via the USB port. I can use the computer for that as I do not have one of those plug into the outlet recharging port devices nor do I have one of the newer Wall outlets that also have USB ports built in to use for that. The other type is renewed by Boiling in boiling water. I suspect I will settle on the battery type for ease of renewing. However the Boiling renew type is a great backup type in case of a power outage. We can always light the stove with a match as we did after Hurricane Sandy ate the electric for over a week.

    How nice that You got out apple picking, They can not get fresher that that :)

    I find that if I get bad / off food it usually strikes me around 5 hours later. Is it possible that the Chicken Salad went off after You ate the first half before You got it home?

    I do not blame You for wanting to lay low.

    Have a Good Day today, I hope You are now back to normal.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, Vix your town sounds so nice I love those kind of stores. Jo I hope you are feeling better. Roger we have those packs to keep your hand warms use them when we use to go see the jets play .My knee is doing so much better no stiffness which I think that bother me the most I am doing so much more .
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Irene
    Which type do You have the rechargeable battery type or the Boil to reuse. I believe that they both have pluses and minuses. Battery type should be a easy recharge and the Boil type should conform to where You put it better as it is not rigid like the battery type.

    I am happy to hear that the knee is doing better, Yay!

    Have a Nice Saturday
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good morning;
    I am feeling much better today. I have walked 3.8 miles so far today, did some work in the yard and am now getting ready to run some errands.
    Irene-It sounds like you are doing well with your knee.
    Vix-Your little Main st. sounds nice. I love to browse stores.
    Roger-I think I would go with the battery powered gloves. I never heard of the boil type.
    Have a good day. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Good morning.
    Overcast and supposed to rain most of the day. Was going to go to a craft fair at the State Fairgrounds, but don't feel like doing that in the rain. Will probably do things around the house instead.
    Warming gloves sound wonderful. I use regular gloves, sometimes put mittens on over them to try to keep warmer. I do have a pair of ski gloves I use if shoveling snow.
    Glad everyone is feeling better. :)
    Happy Saturday!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    I am feeling much better today. I have walked 3.8 miles so far today, did some work in the yard and am now getting ready to run some errands.
    Irene-It sounds like you are doing well with your knee.
    Vix-Your little Main st. sounds nice. I love to browse stores.
    Roger-I think I would go with the battery powered gloves. I never heard of the boil type.
    Have a good day. :)

    Hi Joanne
    They are not gloves it is a gizmo that You can out in the glove.... It also can be used as a Battery to charge USB devices.
    This one to be exact
    EnergyFlux Ellipse 5200mAh Rechargeable Wrap-around Hand Warmer / USB External Battery Pack
    - Full-grip/wrap-around heat with two temperature settings: Low (107F): 6.5 hrs, High (118F): 5 hrs
    - Indicator lights display remaining power as well as heat settings.
    - Charges digital products via USB including; mobile phones, tablets, digital cameras, etc.
    - Rechargeable 5200mAh lithium-ion battery with up to 500 recharges

    Congratulations on getting out today after being under the Weather
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Overcast and supposed to rain most of the day. Was going to go to a craft fair at the State Fairgrounds, but don't feel like doing that in the rain. Will probably do things around the house instead.
    Warming gloves sound wonderful. I use regular gloves, sometimes put mittens on over them to try to keep warmer. I do have a pair of ski gloves I use if shoveling snow.
    Glad everyone is feeling better. :)
    Happy Saturday!

    Hi Vix
    I did not mean to mislead as they are not gloves. I am not sure how durable gloves would be either. IMO this way should be more flexible as it can be moved around as needed. Last winter even in Mittens what happens is that every time I have to take them off in the cold to do something my fingers would get a little colder and not warm back up.

  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning,don't plan on doing much today with the rain I will probably skip walking today don't want to take the chance on falling on all the wet leaves out there I will probably just do exercises inside.Roger I have the battery gloves we also have the packs of I think they are called hot stuff you can put them inside your gloves they also have them for your feet.They do work very well. Part of my n/s came yesterday I guess the rest will come on tuesday, I was surprised that table shelve came fed ex so glad because postal service is not the greatest. I think I over did it yesterday because my knee was hurting last night ended up at 1 am taking a pain pill but it still hurt after that I need to learn to take it easy. Vix I find that mittens are warmer only problem is you can't do any thing with them on. Jo I am glad you are feeling better.Well I am going to go and do my knee exercises take care
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 64 Degrees this morning a change to the warmer from yesterdays temperature. It was comfortable walking despite the light rain. I have walked 7,707 steps today. Yesterday I ended up some what over 11K steps.

    I expect to have a decent step count today as my brother & I are going to a Historical event later on today. The details are:
    Weekend Journey at the Van Horne House 2016
    FREE*****October 8 from 10-5pm and October 9th from 12-5pm*****FREE

    Each year The Heritage Trail Association (HTA) along with the Middlebrook Theatrical Society (MTS) fills the house with an event that took place in the house during the revolutionary war.

    This year we are celebrating the wedding of Mary Van Horne to Colonel Stephen Moylan of the Moylan Dragoons. Col. Moylan also served as Aide-de-Camp to General Washington, (who may visit over the weekend).

    Guided tours with groups of 8 or 10 and lasting 1 hour and 15 minutes will have you participating in the following activities:
    Learn about relationships and wooing in the 18th century
    Dance the popular dance, ‘Come Haste to the Wedding’ with live music –we will teach you! THE place to practice your wooing skills just learned!
    Learn about wedding rites and rituals from our magistrate, John Jacob Faisch
    The Reception of course, with punch from an 18th century recipe, cookies and be prepared to ‘Toast the happy couple’ (this house is not known as Convivial Hill for nothing!)

    Horse races to celebrate the happy couple will occur with prizes to the winners As always, we have lots to do and treats for the kids. Come dressed in period clothes, or modern day duds, but DO NOT miss this party, one of a great many thrown by Phillip Van Horne and his wife, Elizabeth as they celebrate the marriage of their eldest daughter to an Irish officer of the Revolution.
    And yes, this actually did occur in this house September 12th, 1778!

    Yesterday I received the Shelf stable AKA Ready to Go portion of my order via USPS. FedEx handed it off to the Post Office. I suspect that is due to it being under 8 pounds as that is a first for my regular NS food Deliveries. I say regular food as I have had Missing items come that way in the past.

    Have a Great Sunday