Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning,don't plan on doing much today with the rain I will probably skip walking today don't want to take the chance on falling on all the wet leaves out there I will probably just do exercises inside.Roger I have the battery gloves we also have the packs of I think they are called hot stuff you can put them inside your gloves they also have them for your feet.They do work very well. Part of my n/s came yesterday I guess the rest will come on Tuesday, I was surprised that table shelve came fed ex so glad because postal service is not the greatest. I think I over did it yesterday because my knee was hurting last night ended up at 1 am taking a pain pill but it still hurt after that I need to learn to take it easy. Vix I find that mittens are warmer only problem is you can't do any thing with them on. Jo I am glad you are feeling better.Well I am going to go and do my knee exercises take care
    Hi Irene
    I was ambivalent about walking in the rain, however it was a light rain so I geared up accordingly, Light Long Sleeve Shirt with Frogg Toggs rain gear over my clothes, The pants are held up with an elastic and for the Hood on the rain jacket I put on a Sunshade, a Baseball cap would also work, The Bill on the Sunshade helps keep the hood from covering some of my eyes when I pull the tie cord tight to keep it from falling off of my head. The Frogg Toggs are very light in weight too. A pair of Leather Gloves kept my hands dry and warm in the rain.

    I used the one time use Hot packs last year to keep my hands warm, the cost added up enough that some days I did not bother with them and suffered the cold hands on the less cold days :(

    My Non frozen portion coming via the USPS is a first for me... I was a little surprised how long it took them to ship the frozen portion of the order. Our Postman does a good job, he puts packages inside the front porch door on the porch. That keeps them out of sight from outside the house as well as dry. FWIW I gave him a Dunkin Donuts Gift Card fro Christmas last year, likely I'll do the same this year too.

    I'm sorry Your knee started hurting You after the walking.

    I can do what I need to with Mittens on, That being holding my walking stick and holding my Coffee cup to drink from while walking. That is good enough for me and mittens let me put heat devices inside of them down to the fingers as needed :)

    Have a Nice Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Good morning. It's chilly here (high of 62 expected today), the clouds are finally clearing out , getting some sun and lots of wind.
    Roger, you are very consistent with your walks, that's good...I used to do that!
    Irene, best to take care of yourself. ( I took an Alleve last night too...I had a really bad pain in my foot and my hand???) We do what we need to do.
    No special plans for today either. May just putter around and may do some errands/light shopping later.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    Chilly here too, but tolerable wearing the proper clothing to stay warm. I still hear rain hitting the AC, I did not bother too look out, it is predicted to clear out in a little while.

    Thank You for the nice comment Re: walking :)

    Good Luck with those pains
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good evening;
    It has been raining steadily all day.
    Vix and Irene-I am sorry that you are both having pain.
    Roger-I hope you enjoyed the historical event.
    I didn't do much today, skyped with my son and then watched the football game with my daughter. Hubby was puttering in the garage most of the day.
    I stopped by work to look at my schedule for this week and I have Monday and Tuesday off, a little extension to my vacation. :)
    Enjoy your evening.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, well I did walk yesterday I got in 8000 steps and then the rest of the day just relaxed it was really nice.Today I have pt and then George and I are going to go to shoprite don't need to pick up much ,I plan on starting to go again on friday need to get back on an regular schedule . Well saturday was 2 months since my operation I am starting to feel better and I am doing more well gotta go take care everyone.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Good morning.
    Glad you're doing well, months already...time really flies.
    Jo, so glad you have an extra couple of days off.
    Roger, the historical wedding sounds interesting. Hope you had a fun day.
    I pretty much just puttered around yesterday, did a little cleaning, stopped at the library, wandered around TJMaxx for a little while.
    Off to swim this morning. Massage this afternoon. :)
    Enjoy your day.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 50 Degrees this morning a change for the colder from yesterdays temperature. It was Somewhat comfortable walking except when the gentle breeze blew. I walked 7958 steps today. I may end up turning on the heat in the near future as the house is starting to run cold. The Living Room was at 64 degrees when I returned from my walk.

    As expected I had a decent step count Sunday due to my brother & I going to a Historical event. I reached over my minimum goal of 10K steps for the day :)

    Have a Great Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good evening;
    It has been raining steadily all day.
    Vix and Irene-I am sorry that you are both having pain.
    Roger-I hope you enjoyed the historical event.
    I didn't do much today, skyped with my son and then watched the football game with my daughter. Hubby was puttering in the garage most of the day.
    I stopped by work to look at my schedule for this week and I have Monday and Tuesday off, a little extension to my vacation. :)
    Enjoy your evening.

    Hi Joanne
    Both of us enjoyed the event. My brother dropped off a Homemade Cheesecake, a pint of Onion & Escarole soup, a Pint of four Bean soup, a Pint of Split Pea soup from the freezer, a Home Made Eggplant Parm and 2 half pint containers of home made pesto. The same person & Family that received the goodies Brought a Bag of Black Walnuts from the tree in her backyard which are on the front porch to dry along with the ones I picked up earlier. I'll have to start processing them in the near future. The Cheesecake was from Thursdays Bake to use up ingredients before they expired, the gifting of it and the Pea Soup was to save the waistline for both of us. I suspect he might enjoy the baking and gifting to friends more than eating it :)

    My Brother expects to get at two more Eggplants off of the plants before the end of the week. Then The garden which is pretty much done for the season gets pulled.

    Hooray, two more days of Vacation.
    good morning, well I did walk yesterday I got in 8000 steps and then the rest of the day just relaxed it was really nice.Today I have pt and then George and I are going to go to shoprite don't need to pick up much ,I plan on starting to go again on friday need to get back on an regular schedule . Well saturday was 2 months since my operation I am starting to feel better and I am doing more well gotta go take care everyone.
    Hi Irene
    Good going getting those steps since You had been in pain from overdoing it. I hope All is well today.

    Have a Nice Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Glad you're doing well, months already...time really flies.
    Jo, so glad you have an extra couple of days off.
    Roger, the historical wedding sounds interesting. Hope you had a fun day.
    I pretty much just puttered around yesterday, did a little cleaning, stopped at the library, wandered around TJMaxx for a little while.
    Off to swim this morning. Massage this afternoon. :)
    Enjoy your day.

    Hi Vix
    As I always say "My how time funs when You are having flies" :)
    The Wedding was interesting, especially the history lesson on romancing and wedding methods from the 1700s. I found this fact interesting.
    In 1691 the New York Assembly passed the first anti-Catholic enactment, which was followed by laws strongly opposed to Catholics and their beliefs both in New York and New Jersey. Lord Cornbury, when appointed governor in 1701, was instructed by Queen Anne to permit liberty of conscience to all persons except "papists".

    Nothing wrong with puttering around.

    Enjoy You Swim and the Massage
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good morning;
    Irene-you are ahead of me in steps, you are doing great 2 months after surgery. Are you able to drive your car?
    Roger-congrats on going over your step count yesterday.
    Vix-enjoy your massage. I keep saying I should get one,but never seem to get around to it.
    I have been going through receipts from our vacation. I saved as many as I could. I wanted break it down to see how much we spent on food, souvenirs,and tours. I think we spent the most of food.
    I have nothing planned for today,just puttering around the house.
    Have a wonderful day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Joanne
    If food was your biggest expense I would count that as a win :)

    Puttering around the house sounds good to me.

    Thank You for the kind words
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 43 Degrees this morning a change for the colder from yesterdays temperature. It was So-So for comfort walking, I tried out the Electric Hand warmer today. It worked OK, It would have done a better job if I had used mittens so it could nestle down by the fingers rather than the gloves I wore. I walked 8,065 steps today. I ended up turning on the heat as the house is cold this morning, the Living Room is at 60 degrees :(

    Later today We will be going out back and bagging up plant materials from the parts of the garden that have gone by earlier and pulling some more that have reached the end of the line. What is left that is still growing are the Eggplants although what is on them is likely to be all there is. The Beets and Sweet potatoes which are most likely done growing too as the leaves are starting to turn. The Tomatoes seem to be finished too.

    I had a decent step count Monday reaching my minimum goal of 10K+ steps for the day :)

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, great job on the steps Roger.We went for a walk this morning got in 8000 steps but I need to cut back it is too much for me my knee has hurting since then so tomorrow I will try going for a shorter walk see if that makes a difference. well take care and talk to you later
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I was unable to get on the site earlier. They were doing maintenance.
    For the past 3 days I barely made 5000 steps. My excuse is that my left heal has been bothering me. :(
    Tomorrow I go back to work. I really enjoyed being on vacation for 14 days and then being home for 7 days. I could get use to it.
    Roger-I have 2 very small green tomatoes growing on the plant that the squirrels mostly destroyed at the beginning of the season. It was 35 degrees this morning and it got up into the high 60's by the afternoon.
    Hi Vix and Irene.

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Hi all
    I woke up cold this was 61 in the house, in the low 40s outside, so I turned the heat on!
    Roger...good job on the walking.
    Irene, best not to strain, take it slow and build up.
    Jo, so glad you got some well deserved time off.
    I played with clay today, then went looking for a frame for the picture I'm painting. Since they're expensive, my first stop was a thrift shop...I found a puzzle in a frame, half off, and just the right size. :) I had looked at my local thrift shop the other day, but they didn't have the size I needed. I'll probably need some minor hardware to get it to fit right, but feel really lucky to have found one. :)
    Hope you're all having a great day.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, well today I am taking the day off from walking my knee is hurting today. I did start out for a walk and turned back it was hurting too much so today I will just take it easy. I have been up since 1am because of the pain I am sure I will be taking a nap today if the pain is still bad in an hour or so I will take a pain pill but for now I am just putting ice on it I must of over did it yesterday. My ns frozen came yesterday so I am good now for a while. I made my husband shepards pie but instead of using beef I used vegetarian beef it is very good of course I made gravy for it since I didn't eat any of it he has enough for at least another meal yeah I won't have to cook.I normally don't have left overs. Jo sorry to hear your foot is hurting , hope you will be ok for work today. Vix glad you found a frame . Roger what have you been up to?
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,371 Member
    Good morning!
    Jo, hope your heel is feeling better. Hope it's not too awful going back to work.
    Irene, hope your knee feels better today with some rest.
    Roger, chilling of out there, definitely into Fall.
    Body flow class for me this morning. No plans yet for the rest of the day.
    Have a great day, everyone.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was 49 Degrees this morning a change to the warmer from yesterdays temperature. It was comfortable walking and due to unforseen circumstances I walked 4435 steps today. Yesterday I ended up with 10.5K steps.
    I did get my shopping done at the Grocery Store, 4 Bananas, 4 Honey Crisp Apples, 3 Mineola Oranges and 2 D'Anjou Pears and a 10% discount :)

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, great job on the steps Roger.We went for a walk this morning got in 8000 steps but I need to cut back it is too much for me my knee has hurting since then so tomorrow I will try going for a shorter walk see if that makes a difference. well take care and talk to you later

    Hi Irene
    Thank You for the kind words.

    8000 steps is a lot, I would have eased into the walking and slowly built up my step count.
    good morning, well today I am taking the day off from walking my knee is hurting today. I did start out for a walk and turned back it was hurting too much so today I will just take it easy. I have been up since 1am because of the pain I am sure I will be taking a nap today if the pain is still bad in an hour or so I will take a pain pill but for now I am just putting ice on it I must of over did it yesterday. My ns frozen came yesterday so I am good now for a while. I made my husband shepards pie but instead of using beef I used vegetarian beef it is very good of course I made gravy for it since I didn't eat any of it he has enough for at least another meal yeah I won't have to cook.I normally don't have left overs. Jo sorry to hear your foot is hurting , hope you will be ok for work today. Vix glad you found a frame . Roger what have you been up to?

    I am sorry to hear that Your foot is hurting You.

    I think I would have turned back if it were my knee too. I hope the Ice does the trick.

    Nothing wrong with left overs IMO :)

    Good Luck with the Knee
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    I was unable to get on the site earlier. They were doing maintenance.
    For the past 3 days I barely made 5000 steps. My excuse is that my left heal has been bothering me. :(
    Tomorrow I go back to work. I really enjoyed being on vacation for 14 days and then being home for 7 days. I could get use to it.
    Roger-I have 2 very small green tomatoes growing on the plant that the squirrels mostly destroyed at the beginning of the season. It was 35 degrees this morning and it got up into the high 60's by the afternoon.
    Hi Vix and Irene.
    Hi Joanne
    I did see that they were going to do Site maintenance, I did not post it as I did not see it until within the time frame they said they were going to do it. I think I was lucky, I got on during that time frame and posted with no problems.

    I hope Your heel feels better soon. Maybe take a day off from walking?

    I Suspect You are less than thrilled by the idea of going back to work.

    your weather is running colder than here and before I turned the heat on yesterday the Living room was 60 degrees, it was only slightly warmer this morning so i turned the heat on again. I had turned it off again yesterday after the house warmed up and the Sun was out. It did stay comfortable until bedtime too.

    There are a few Cherry Tomatoes left, I do not know if they will amount to much now that the weather has turned colder.

    Good Luck at work today
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Good evening;
    Well, I made it through my first day back at work, luckily it was a slow day. I spent most of it organizing and cleaning.
    After work I went and had my hair done.
    Irene-I hope taking a day off from walking will ease the pain in your knee. It might be a good idea to ease back into walking.
    Vix-Yay for finding a frame. My daughter has been going to thrift stores and picking up frames for some of the photos she has taken.
    Roger-I have not had to turn on the heat. I have been sleeping with the window open a few inches. Of course hubby has an extra blanket on.