Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor has been posted and some cat themed

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 30 degrees.

    Our Ham is 13 Plus pounds and at a cost of $0.99 per pound makes it a good price and sizable enough to leave plenty of Leftovers. As I see it the cooking time should be somewhere between 3.5 hours and 4.5 hours. Since our main meal will be around noontime it will need to go into the oven shortly so as to have time to rest after being cooked. That resting time will leave enough time to bake a Loaf of Beer Bread.

    It's that time of Year :wink:
    The USAF Band - 2014 Holiday Flash Mob

    U.S. Air Force Band - 2017 Holiday Flash Mob at Gaylord National

    U.S. Air Force Band flash mob

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  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, well couldn't sleep last night so now I am tired that is why my sweet tooth is craving food I will probably will just enjoy the bad food and start up again on Wednesday . We did do an hour and a half walk this morning. I need to pack the jeep since George is taking a half a day off and this way I can move the jeep out of the drive way and he can just pull his truck in .We are heading up north for Christmas we are only going for the day. I probably won't get a chance to get on the computer tomorrow so I want to wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS take care
    Hi Irene
    My Sweet Tooth needs no excuse to want sweets :(

    I did not sleep well last night Christmas Eve. I blame it on the evening foods I ate, 1/2 a Pepperoni, Sausage and Extra Cheese Pizza my Brother ordered and picked up fortunately the Side Dish of Sausage was tasty and probably low in Carbs, I also ate 6 of the smaller Onion Rings he ordered. I was so bad at resisting temptation when we had our traditional Christmas Eve Meal :(

    The Ham has been Rinsed off, Just in case and is in the oven now so it can Rest after cooking before being sliced into, The Potatoes still need to boiled and looked at to see if they can be boiled Skin on or need peeling. Mashed Potatoes with the Skin on are fine for me FWIW. The Sprouts and Asparagus are baked and just need reheating, the Eggs are hard boiled for the Deviled Eggs too.

    Have a Safe and Enjoyable Trip
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Hi Vix
    I love that picture, especially the falling snow.

    Have a Great Holiday

    Hi Joanne
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    edited December 2018
    Good morning.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have already posted more humor, I liked the Mort the Frog ones

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 31 degrees. My first Coffee stop had not reopened from their holiday hours, Oops, I thought about what to do and ended up at a Dunkin Donuts that was open so I did get my Coffee. Later today the leftover Ham will be broken down and much of it Vacuum Sealed and Frozen for future use.
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    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Thank You Vix

    Good Morning Irene, Joanne and Vix

    Have a great day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Sun is shining. About 30 right now but supposed to go up to 45 today. Will probably go to work with clay for a while later.
    Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.
    Happy Wednesday! :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    I am up 3 lbs. from all the holiday eating. Getting back on track today.
    I went to the gym yesterday and did 30 min. on the treadmill. I actually jogged for a few minutes.
    Today is laundry and cleaning out my filing cabinet and getting ready for next year.
    Does anyone have any plans for New Years Eve? We plan on staying home.
    Have a great day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I already posted humor this morning

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 31 degrees. I did see a single deer less than 2 blocks from the house as I was heading out.
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    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Sun is shining. About 30 right now but supposed to go up to 45 today. Will probably go to work with clay for a while later.
    Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.
    Happy Wednesday! :)
    Hello Vix
    The Sky here is mostly clear and I am not looking forward to the Rain in the forecast for Friday, The Weatherman was talking about 1 to 2 inches.

    Christmas was Good, Despite the Overeating of things like lots of Baked Ham, Mashed Potatoes and Homemade Gravy poured over both of them. Sprouts, Asparagus, And Homemade Mincemeat Pie. Luckily I am low on cash until after New Years Day when the Pension Check arrives, I expect that to be the 2nd or the 3rd, Typically they mail it on the 1st, Grrr...
    The one thing I can not break my brother of tossing in Small boxes of Candy as sticking stuffers, Example this Year Cow Tales, Peppermint Bark, Dots and Peanut Brittle, Guess who had some of all of them ? :blush:

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Irene
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    I am up 3 lbs. from all the holiday eating. Getting back on track today.
    I went to the gym yesterday and did 30 min. on the treadmill. I actually jogged for a few minutes.
    Today is laundry and cleaning out my filing cabinet and getting ready for next year.
    Does anyone have any plans for New Years Eve? We plan on staying home.
    Have a great day. :)
    Hi Joanne
    You are braver than I, I am afraid of the scale. I fear that if I were to have a talking scale when I got on it I might hear "One at a Time Please" :smiley:

    We have no plans to go anywhere, In years past before most of the family scattered to the four winds we had immediate family over for cold cuts etc. and for for a late Lunch of Baked Ham and all the fixings on New Years Day.

    My plan for New Years Eve will like include a small bottle of Bubbly and retiring around 10PM, I also anticipate problems with a good nights sleep due to people setting of Firecrackers and firing Guns into the air. It happens every year.

    Have a Nice Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    GOOD MORNING, we had an awesome Christmas it was so nice to spend time with my family . I did eat so much food a lot of stuff I never eat I did get on the scale this morning yep I am up 5 pounds so today I will get back on plan. We did walk this morning and I have all the packages to put away I already did put all the cookies and candy in the freezer so we can have it at a later date. Roger I really enjoyed the piece from the af playing very nice. Hey Jo you are doing so good. Vix how are you feeling now hope your cold is all better. I have a few friends that have come down with the flu don't plan on seeing them until they are better. No plans for New Years we will go to mass early but that's about it well everyone have a great day
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    Sounds like everyone had a good Christmas.
    I found a penny yesterday while we were out doing errands.
    Today is the gym in the morning and a hair cut and color this afternoon.
    We usually don't do anything for New years eve.
    Roger-we had someone set off fireworks on Christmas Eve. I was dozing on the couch and it startled me awake. They were pretty, but I feel unnecessary.
    Vix-I hope you are feeling better.
    Irene-I put sugar cookie dough in the freezer. I will use it to make valentine cookies for work.
    Enjoy your day! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More Humor was just posted including some Weather related and late running Christmas humor

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 43 degrees. The rain in the forecast has arrived on schedule as far as I can tell. It is a light but steady rain at the moment with heavy rain predicted for later in the morning during the rush hour.
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    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    GOOD MORNING, we had an awesome Christmas it was so nice to spend time with my family . I did eat so much food a lot of stuff I never eat I did get on the scale this morning yep I am up 5 pounds so today I will get back on plan. We did walk this morning and I have all the packages to put away I already did put all the cookies and candy in the freezer so we can have it at a later date. Roger I really enjoyed the piece from the af playing very nice. Hey Jo you are doing so good. Vix how are you feeling now hope your cold is all better. I have a few friends that have come down with the flu don't plan on seeing them until they are better. No plans for New Years we will go to mass early but that's about it well everyone have a great day
    Hi Irene
    Me too, I overate and the scale was really unkind to me too. I'm hoping a lot of it is water weight and will disappear as fast as it appeared. Good Luck being back on plan. I find that after eating carbs I have craving for other Carb heavy foods.

    Yesterday, Thursday we handed out the Last of the Christmas gifts to a Neighbor and a friend. The Friend Got several things including a book about a woman that fought in the Civil war all the way as a Man. She got a Small Rose plant for her desk, a Puzzle and more. She also brought a Meatball Lasagna that ended up a Lunch for my Brother and I. I was surprised when I had it, I had thought sliced meatballs or maybe crumbled ones, Instead it was tiny Meatballs layered into it, Very tasty too. I am sure it will not help when I get brave and climb onto the scale tomorrow morning.
    The Neighbor got some eats and a Poinsettia, unfortunately she also brought over a gift with summer sausages, Ritz Crackers and a Fancy Mustard, Oh well.

    Most of the leftovers are in the freezer or eaten so that will help me get back on plan. I think a NS Pizza today for The Dinner entree, Green Beans and what is likely the last of the unfrozen Ham. The rest is in the freezer for the New Years Day dinner along with Turkey Stuffing and homemade Turkey Gravy. Not to sure what else, Hopefully not to much fattening things.

    I liked the AF Flash Mob too, I also like the Bolero flash mob, I always like seeing the instruments being played as some of them are not what I would have thought was used.

    I did have a Flu Shot, However since it is not 100% protection I plan to stay careful also.

    For New Years Eve likely some sort of Hors d'oeuvre since we vacuum sealed some uncooked left from last New Years Eve.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Sounds like everyone had a good Christmas.
    I found a penny yesterday while we were out doing errands.
    Today is the gym in the morning and a hair cut and color this afternoon.
    We usually don't do anything for New years eve.
    Roger-we had someone set off fireworks on Christmas Eve. I was dozing on the couch and it startled me awake. They were pretty, but I feel unnecessary.
    Vix-I hope you are feeling better.
    Irene-I put sugar cookie dough in the freezer. I will use it to make valentine cookies for work.
    Enjoy your day! :)
    Hi Joanne
    Yes, Christmas was Good for us here.

    When a loud noise happens and I am sleeping or dosing I tend to jump from it, so far not out of bed onto the floor :smiley:

    Makes sense to me to be prepared ahead, Plus not being baked removes any tempation.

    Congratulations, You are doing better than I finding money.

    Hi Vix
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, on my 2nd walk yesterday I found a dime. .Our 2nd walk is about 25 minutes. No big plans for today just food shopping don't plan on getting much. I already put all the fattening food in the freezer out of site out of mind. we had a nice walk this morning before it started raining. now it is really coming down. I will just be putting my rain jacket on. Our walk was nice I did get in over an hour walk. Need to start getting back on the treadmill good job Jo with going to the y. Well take everyone Hey Roger I think we are going to be having a lot of rain. Hey vix
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Hi all.
    Went to the podiatrist yesterday and got a cortizone shot in my heel, should be feeling much better soon. Went to the endodontist this a.m. and got my root canal finished. Just have to see my regular dentist and get a crown (it just has a temp filling for now.) ibuprofen for now.
    Rainy, foggy, warmish day here.
    My husband caught a really bad cold, so he's at the doc, getting a prescription.
    We'll just hang around today...I'm supposed to stay off my feet for a few days, and he needs to rest.
    Glad everyone had a great we all get to work on the excess pounds. :wink:
    I've invited friends over for New Year's Eve. It'll be fun. I have some hilarious party games. I hope hubby is feeling better by then. Would hate to have to cancel.
    Anyway, Happy Friday, and have a great weekend. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    Vix-I hope the Cortizone shot gives you some relief. Yeah for saving your tooth. :)
    I also Hubby feels better soon.
    Irene-congrats on finding a dime. I plan on counting up all the found money on New Years Day to see how much was found over the year. If I remember correctly I found over $6 in 2017.
    Roger-I was thinking of pulling the small spiral ham out of the freezer for our New Years Eve dinner, not sure just yet what we will have with it.
    Today is grocery shopping and then to the mall. We are buying our daughter a new laptop.
    That is her Christmas present. We thought it better for her to pick out the one she wants.
    For Christmas I copied a picture of a laptop and put it in a box and wrapped it.
    Yesterday I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and also jogged for the last 3 minutes, baby steps.
    My weight has stayed the same for the last 3 days. How come it is so easy to put on and takes forever to come off? :(
    Have a super Saturday! :)