Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just posted some humor, More belated Christmas humor too

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 51 degrees. The rain is gone from around 7PM, Outside everything is still soaked.
    Deaths of Police Officers on Duty on the Rise in the U.S.

    No Surprise to me
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    Egyptian archaeologist haunted by ‘CURSED dreams’ of mummies after opening sarcophagus
    AN ARCHAEOLOGIST was left terrified after the mummy he apparently “disturbed” came back to haunt him in his dreams
    Universal basic income had a rough 2018
    Some of the biggest and most promising experiments were plagued by delays and shutdowns.

    No Shock IMO
    Study: Surgeons Make Significantly More Mistakes When Under Stress
    ‘Hi, my name is ___, and I’m addicted to tech’
    Sears may be down to its last 24 hours. Iconic retailer likely liquidates if no bid comes in Friday

    Have a Great Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, on my 2nd walk yesterday I found a dime. .Our 2nd walk is about 25 minutes. No big plans for today just food shopping don't plan on getting much. I already put all the fattening food in the freezer out of site out of mind. we had a nice walk this morning before it started raining. now it is really coming down. I will just be putting my rain jacket on. Our walk was nice I did get in over an hour walk. Need to start getting back on the treadmill good job Jo with going to the y. Well take everyone Hey Roger I think we are going to be having a lot of rain. Hey vix
    Hi Irene
    Whee, You found money, You are doing better than I.

    That is what helps me also, Out of sight, out of mind, sometimes all it needs to do is be in the refrigerator or the freezer :wink:

    Fridays rain was light as I left the house and slowly grew harder, It never got real heavy up here, You must have been where the rain matched the forecasts. At least it was fairly warm Friday and Saturday although I suspect that the temperatures will be dropping throughout the day.

    It is hard to believe that 2018 is nearly over and that I will have to remember to put 2019 on the checks I write.

    Stay Dry
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Went to the podiatrist yesterday and got a cortizone shot in my heel, should be feeling much better soon. Went to the endodontist this a.m. and got my root canal finished. Just have to see my regular dentist and get a crown (it just has a temp filling for now.) ibuprofen for now.
    Rainy, foggy, warmish day here.
    My husband caught a really bad cold, so he's at the doc, getting a prescription.
    We'll just hang around today...I'm supposed to stay off my feet for a few days, and he needs to rest.
    Glad everyone had a great we all get to work on the excess pounds. :wink:
    I've invited friends over for New Year's Eve. It'll be fun. I have some hilarious party games. I hope hubby is feeling better by then. Would hate to have to cancel.
    Anyway, Happy Friday, and have a great weekend. :)
    Hi Vix
    I hope that shot works for You, BTW was the shot painful, One year I had to have a shot in the joint at the base of a middle finger. The Shot worked, But the Pain as he worked the needle in the joint was terrible despite the Painkiller shot first. I hope Your experience was better.

    Never having had a root canal I did not know it also needed as filling, interesting.

    I imagine that You need to stay off Your feet is to allow the shot time to work. That can not be a easy thing to do as active as You are.

    I need to work on getting rid of the Christmas weight ahead of New Years Eve and day, especially since my brother wants to bake off the Hors d'oeuvre left from last New Years Eve, That would be 4 different ones at 10 each :( Wish Me luck, I'll need it, Maybe if I tell him he'll be eating most of them I can get them reduced to a more manageable quantity.

    I hope the doctor visit helps Your Hubby and all is good for the New Years Eve Party. I'm guessing Snacks to go with the Games ?

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Vix-I hope the Cortizone shot gives you some relief. Yeah for saving your tooth. :)
    I also Hubby feels better soon.
    Irene-congrats on finding a dime. I plan on counting up all the found money on New Years Day to see how much was found over the year. If I remember correctly I found over $6 in 2017.
    Roger-I was thinking of pulling the small spiral ham out of the freezer for our New Years Eve dinner, not sure just yet what we will have with it.
    Today is grocery shopping and then to the mall. We are buying our daughter a new laptop.
    That is her Christmas present. We thought it better for her to pick out the one she wants.
    For Christmas I copied a picture of a laptop and put it in a box and wrapped it.
    Yesterday I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and also jogged for the last 3 minutes, baby steps.
    My weight has stayed the same for the last 3 days. How come it is so easy to put on and takes forever to come off? :(
    Have a super Saturday! :)
    Hi Joanne
    I will be counting how much I found also next year, Likely not nearly as much as last year, That sounds further off than it really is BTW.

    I wish my Brother would even consider a Spiral Ham :( I like the uniform thickness and that means it can be used in a sandwich easily, Either as baked or baked and before put into the sandwich Fried to a nice crispy texture. I used to do that years ago when I was Brown Bagging it.

    I will be interested in what Your daughter ends up with for a laptop. Based on previous experiences I am Partial to Thinkpads and some other Lenovo models. HP had some rocky years as far as reliability, I believe they solved all those issues and it was not there fault as the Video Chip maker had issues that manifested in other brands too. Toshiba laptops, In the past I had some problems with the battery durability, likely also solved.

    Both Lenovo and Toshiba had/have good service networks. I worked in the 90s at a ASP, Authorized Service Provider for both brands as well as some printer brands. Something to think about is getting a extended warranty that covers anything, only from the maker however. Our other location did the Warranty work on a laptop that got left on the roof of the car when it drove off. There was almost nothing that could be reused, however the extended warranty covered it. Dell laptops are usually good too. You do have to make sure the extended hardware warranty covers any cause.
    That is also the best way, Let Your daughter try the Demo model, See if She likes the Speed, Keyboard and display.

    How come it is so easy to put on and takes forever to come off?
    That's easy. Murphy's Law at work.

    Have a Nice Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Jo, what a nice present for your daughter. :) You are doing great with your exercise. I know it always takes me forever to lose weight, even though I can put it on in a few days. :(
    My foot feels better already. The injection was painful for about 10 seconds, then it was fine.
    Glad the root canal is done....will be happier when the crown is done....need to chew on the other side as it is a temporary filling. Hubby got antibiotics yesterday, so hoping he will feel better in a couple of days.
    Irene, you are doing great with your walking and getting back on track.
    Roger, I still have NYE to get through too. I'm just hoping not to put on any more weight! I've already got enough to lose. :smirk: There will be lots of snacks for NYE, and it is one of my friends' birthday, so I am also making a cake. Too much partying!!!
    Happy Weekend everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    hi everyone. We had a nice walk this morning it was like 50 when we walked it was like 1 hr and 20 minutes which was nice I have been bad today eating a lot of sweets oh well it is the holidays. We did find a penny today. We had so much rain yesterday glad it stopped big plans for today . Vix glad the shot helped and hopefully your husband is feeling better. Hey Roger and Jo
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Once again I have posted more humor

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was degrees and the walking was comfortable
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    Really :(
    Survey: Average Person Forms A First Impression In Just 27 Seconds!
    New York Hot Dog Rabbi to Make Qatar Kosher for World Cup
    The rabbi who brought kosher hot dogs to New York baseball stadiums wants to help the Persian Gulf state of Qatar host Jewish fans with food they can eat at soccer’s 2022 World Cup.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2018
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Jo, what a nice present for your daughter. :) You are doing great with your exercise. I know it always takes me forever to lose weight, even though I can put it on in a few days. :(
    My foot feels better already. The injection was painful for about 10 seconds, then it was fine.
    Glad the root canal is done....will be happier when the crown is done....need to chew on the other side as it is a temporary filling. Hubby got antibiotics yesterday, so hoping he will feel better in a couple of days.
    Irene, you are doing great with your walking and getting back on track.
    Roger, I still have NYE to get through too. I'm just hoping not to put on any more weight! I've already got enough to lose. :smirk: There will be lots of snacks for NYE, and it is one of my friends' birthday, so I am also making a cake. Too much partying!!!
    Happy Weekend everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    I have noticed that the weight goes on much quicker than it comes off to. I am hoping to come out of NYE with no or a minimal weight gain, Good Luck to all of us with that happening.

    Tough NYE, Traditional to have snacks and add in a Birthday cake and ouch.

    Did they tell You not to chew on that side or are You just being cautious ?

    I Hope those Antibiotics work for You Husband, BTW did they give You any after the root Canal ?

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    hi everyone. We had a nice walk this morning it was like 50 when we walked it was like 1 hr and 20 minutes which was nice I have been bad today eating a lot of sweets oh well it is the holidays. We did find a penny today. We had so much rain yesterday glad it stopped big plans for today . Vix glad the shot helped and hopefully your husband is feeling better. Hey Roger and Jo
    Hi Irene
    I thought that Saturday and this morning were nice for walking too. As I understand it from the weather forecast Tomorrow morning will be good for walking too. New Years Day I suspect that the rain will be lingering and at a minimum things will be soaked.

    Congratulations on finding money, I wish I was, Oh well

    Hi Joanne
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Roger, the dentist didn't give me any antibiotics, but I was still taking the antibiotics from the cold until yesterday morning. He just told me to take ibuprofen to keep any pain and swelling down. They did tell me not to chew on that side because it's a temp filling.
    Forecast is for partly cloudy with a high of 47.
    Need to do some cleaning, shopping and party prep today.
    Hi Jo and Irene.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    hi all we had a nice walk we went a different way we walked by the lake it was so pretty the geese were in the water and of course Annie was chasing a stick George threw . Annie's leg is still healing it just isn't as strong as the other one but it is getting stronger just taking time. No plans for today maybe another walk later. So I decided that I am not even going to worry about the food I eat I will be going back Wednesday so I plan on just enjoying my holiday .Take care everyone
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have posted some more humor, Enjoy

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 28 degrees and the walking was OK. On the Outbound leg the nose told me that there was a Skunk somewhere nearby.

    I saw the first Christmas Tree at the curb while walking, Likely the first of many. As I was 1 block from the house on the return leg I saw 5 Deer Trotting across the road slightly ahead of where I was.
    Wealthy Taxpayers Are Fleeing These States in Droves
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    The disruption affected 911 emergency services nationwide. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai called the problem "particularly troubling" in its "breadth and duration."
    Baltimore trying to stem decades-long disappearing actBALTIMORE (AP) — LaShelle Rollins’ rental house in West Baltimore is wedged between a line of derelict properties valued only by street gangs, drug addicts and firefighters conducting arson drills. And even though her family’s $700-a-month address sits across from a public school, they are among the only occupants of this desolate block.
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    Why S.F. rents are likely to remain the highest in the nation

    Minimum wage set to increase in 21 states and D.C. in 2019

    Have a Great New Years Eve
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Roger, the dentist didn't give me any antibiotics, but I was still taking the antibiotics from the cold until yesterday morning. He just told me to take ibuprofen to keep any pain and swelling down. They did tell me not to chew on that side because it's a temp filling.
    Forecast is for partly cloudy with a high of 47.
    Need to do some cleaning, shopping and party prep today.
    Hi Jo and Irene.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    I think that the Antibiotics You were taking may have helped avoid a infection, I could also be wrong.

    Ibuprofen can rough on the stomach if used to long. actually any NSAID can cause stomach problems, Don't ask how I know :blush:

    I have a suspicion that Delicatessens and the the Grocery store Deli departments will be selling a lot of food trays for New Years Eve Parties. Kudos for those that do their own rather than buying premade trays of food.

    The forecast for The Times Square NYE event is rain and temps in the 40s.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    hi all we had a nice walk we went a different way we walked by the lake it was so pretty the geese were in the water and of course Annie was chasing a stick George threw . Annie's leg is still healing it just isn't as strong as the other one but it is getting stronger just taking time. No plans for today maybe another walk later. So I decided that I am not even going to worry about the food I eat I will be going back Wednesday so I plan on just enjoying my holiday .Take care everyone
    Hi Irene
    Annies leg should get stronger with the walking. The main problem when walking by our little lake is the deposits the Geese leave on the path making a person look like they are drunk as they walk around those little goose gifts :smiley: We have Geese and Ducks in ours and I maybe beaver. I know a nearby town where beaver kept building a dam and causing road flooding.

    That's the plan here. Today and tomorrows food :(
    Then Back on the 100% NS plan as a informal New Years Resolution.

    Have a Happy & Healthy upcoming New Year.

    Hi Joanne
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, we haven't walked yet just taking it easy we will go but just enjoying the last morning of this year. We watched the movie bird box it was really good not sure if you would like it but we did. Well take care everyone and have a Happy New year
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Irene, I'm doing the same...will get back on track after tonight.
    Roger, I am very careful with NSAIDS (my mother had severe issues from taking them).
    I usually make most of my party food...I am very careful with ingredients...lots of the premade food contains products we need to avoid. It was crazy shopping yesterday trying to find packaged goods that didn't have msg or modified food starch or canola oil.
    Hi Jo!
    Raining here...probably all day and into tomorrow.
    I have a massage appt this morning, then will be doing things to be ready for the party tonight.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Happy New Years Eve!
    Starting tomorrow it is back on track. Our Gym is open tomorrow, so we will go early in the morning.
    I am cooking a spiral ham for our NYE. I bought the smallest one they had as it is only the 2 of us eating it.
    Roger-if you don't mind would you list out the meal plan for men for a day? My hubby doesn't want to do NS, but wants to try and eat healthy.
    Vix-enjoy your party tonight. Is Hubby feeling any better?
    Irene-I am glad Annie is doing better.
    Have a great day! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I shall be posting more humor in a couple of minutes :smiley:

    I'm back home from walking and no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 52 degrees and the walking was OK. The overnight rain had ended when I left the house, Everything was Wet with Puddles all over.

    From one of my Christmas gifts a trivia Desktop 2019 365 day calendar.
    The first Nobel peace prize was awarded in 1901, Who received it ?
    Two recipients shared it. Henry Dunant, founder of the Red Cross and Frederic Passey a free trade economist who founded the first French Peace Society
    I included this one as a example and it will likely be the only one FWIW.
    Social Security hits kids with $100,000 bill after 'dead' father turns up alive 47 years later
    Wife, daughters received benefits after father faked death to run off with mistress
    Less Intimidating ?
    TSA making 'conscious effort' to use less intimidating 'floppy ear dogs'

    This is something I find disturbing
    More retailers are banning cash
    Cyberattack by Foreign Entity Halts Deliveries of Los Angeles Times, Other Newspapers
    A marijuana specialty product sold for a record price of $11,000 Friday night at a mega-dispensary on tribal land near downtown Las Vegas.
    Paiutes sell most expensive pot product to date at Las Vegas dispensary

    Have a Great New Years Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2019
    good morning, we haven't walked yet just taking it easy we will go but just enjoying the last morning of this year. We watched the movie bird box it was really good not sure if you would like it but we did. Well take care everyone and have a Happy New year
    Hi Irene
    To be honest about it if You took a day off from walking once a month for example would that be so bad ?

    Since I do not watch movie advertisements on the TV having come to the conclusion that they show parts that they believe will tempt someone to watch them and quite often out of order too I tend to ignore movies. The One You just watched is an example of that, I have no idea what the Bird Box movie is about, Could I impose on You for a really brief description ? If not it is no biggie.

    I need to do a final adjustment on my NS order since I am way over with Frozen Lunch melts and will be done with Frozen Breakfasts and Dinners when that happens I am thinking of switching the lunch order from Frozen things to Non refrigerated foods with three exceptions I tried the Egg White Spinach Crepe and liked it and will order some Hamburgers and the grilled Chicken sandwiches that I like as they can be configured to many tastes. That Needs to be done by the 14th. My taste buds are in overtime to try the new Dinner Entrees :wink:

    Have a Good Holiday Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Irene, I'm doing the same...will get back on track after tonight.
    Roger, I am very careful with NSAIDS (my mother had severe issues from taking them).
    I usually make most of my party food...I am very careful with ingredients...lots of the premade food contains products we need to avoid. It was crazy shopping yesterday trying to find packaged goods that didn't have msg or modified food starch or canola oil.
    Hi Jo!
    Raining here...probably all day and into tomorrow.
    I have a massage appt this morning, then will be doing things to be ready for the party tonight.
    Hi Vix
    I like that Peanuts Image, Thanks

    I also had severe issues with taking to many NSAIDs for the pain hence my warning :wink:

    I am not surprised You had trouble trying to find foods without those ingredients. It is my opinion that many ingredients are chosen not for their health benefits but for the lower cost and for their effect on the buyer where they make You crave more of the food. I did think Canola Oil was supposed to be better for You than many oils excluding Olive Oil ?
    BTW the only way I can read most of the ingredients in foods is with the aid of a powerful Magnifying Glass due to the small font chosen, Likely by design.

    The rain did end overnight before I went out the door so it could have been worse IMO.

    I hope Your Party was a Huge Success