Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Some humor has already been posted

    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 32 degrees and the walking was OK considering. I say considering since there was a light freezing rain falling that left a pebbly effect on all the exposed surfaces that were above street level. Luckily the streets and sidewalks were not icy.
    Looking out from the porch I could see one Deer standing in the street, When I stepped out it ran around the corner and joined 2 more.
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    Have a Really Good Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, well George found a penny this morning . Yesterday from all the running Annie did I noticed she was favoring her good paw so we just took it easy and today on our walk she was fine. We did an hour walk I did get in 6000 steps. Vix I have started crochet blanket probably a Christmas present for one of my sisters they love that stuff. Hey Roger and Jo
    Hello Irene
    Once again I'm finding nothing and others are finding something, Not one single solitary cent this year so far.

    It is easy to overdo and that sounds like what happened with Annie, The good news is that there was no real damage and it may have helped.

    It appears that I may be the only one with no skills that require dexterity and patience :(

    Congratulations on the steps
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Vix-congrats on finishing the baby blanket. I have been teaching my daughter to knit. So far she has made 2 scarves and a baby blanket. She is just starting her 2nd baby blanket. There are quite a few pregnant ladies at her work, so she decided to knit baby blankets.
    Irene-Is your asthma exercised induced? My daughter has that, but the inhalers do not seem to work that good for her.
    Roger-Lately I seem to be good at avoiding temptation. I just tell myself, you don't need that or you will regret it later. It seems to be working for me at the moment.
    We went to the gym yesterday and today I did a walking video that I found on demand.
    Work is having another" big wig" visit on Wednesday, so everyone is running around like crazy.
    It is cold here 17 degrees.
    Have a nice day and stay warm. :)
    Hi Joanne
    I find that avoiding temptations become easier after a couple of days of not indulging in them. IMO the usual temptations tend to lead to cravings for more.

    Lucky You, A Big Wig :wink:

    Hopefully they do not run You ragged preparing
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Jo, cool that your daughter is knitting baby blankets for her's so nice to have handmade gifts. :) Good that your exercising and avoiding temptation...I'm still struggling with that!
    Irene, hope you are feeling better. I've tried crocheting, but have a hard time keeping a straight line! Good for you for making a blanket for your sister. :)
    Roger, I used to get up when I woke up too....I've changed. Gray and chillier here today too Only supposed to get up to a high of 37 (then warmer tomorrow). I just have a few errands to run today, and cleaning if I get up the motivation!
    It's Monday already! Wishing everyone a good week. :)
    Hi Vix
    Avoiding temptations is really tough, I expect to get through today with minimal external foods temptation for two reasons, One is I spent all my money until I get to the bank and take out some of the SSI once it is deposited and the other is that a few not giving in to temptation and I have very little cravings for junk food.

    It never got out of the 30s yesterday and today's weather is not looking great, Another gloomy day in NJ. Oh well.

    Motivation, What's that ?
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, we went for our walk and had our rain jackets on even Annie had her rain coat on.The beginning of our walk was fine on our way back it started to rain more so we were glad we had our jackets on. Well this morning we had horizon plumbing and heating out for winter check up they say they found a crack in the heat exchange. every time they do a check up they find things wrong so we are having a local company to come out and give us a second opinion . I had one of those days yesterday I had like 3 snacks at least they were ns but still I know better. Jo I will have to remember what you do I will let you know if it works. my asthma is if I get the house to hot or if the air is too humid but exercise really doesn't bother me. hey vix and roger
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Hi all. Went to stained glass and clay today. Have been feeling really tired lately. Just started T-storms. Still looking for my next stained glass project.
    Going to get TDAP innoculation tomorrow. Nothing else planned. Trying to make better dinners using cookbooks!
    Have a good night. Sleep well. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2019
    I already posted more humor

    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 41 degrees and the walking was OK considering that there is a brisk breeze blowing making it feel colder than yesterday IMO.
    Around 11PM I heard rain hitting the window AC so things were nicely soggy :( outside this morning with a brisk breeze that is doing a good job drying things up.

    I finally did my Laundry yesterday, Washed, Dried, and folded. Still to be done is put away mostly in the dresser drawers. I also weeded out two socks that had holes worn in the heels. That seems to be where they wear out anymore. I do have plenty of them washed and more unopened in the sock drawer too so no worries.

    I did have some temptation type items yesterday that my brother brought back from a meeting. Those would have Been Sausage & Peppers, I took some of the Sausage and fished out the Sauteed Onions to go with them passing on the Bell Peppers. I also had some Lemon Chicken too. To compensate I skipped Dinner :wink: That seems to have worked as the scale showed that I was down from yesterday.
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    Have a Really Good Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, we went for our walk and had our rain jackets on even Annie had her rain coat on.The beginning of our walk was fine on our way back it started to rain more so we were glad we had our jackets on. Well this morning we had horizon plumbing and heating out for winter check up they say they found a crack in the heat exchange. every time they do a check up they find things wrong so we are having a local company to come out and give us a second opinion . I had one of those days yesterday I had like 3 snacks at least they were ns but still I know better. Jo I will have to remember what you do I will let you know if it works. my asthma is if I get the house to hot or if the air is too humid but exercise really doesn't bother me. hey vix and roger
    Hi Irene
    Tuesday was OK with a light drizzle, I did not bother with rain gear the rain was nearly a mist more than rain, I did put the hood up on the hoodie and that was enough.

    I am guessing that You have Hot air heat and that You have a Carbon Monoxide detector ? A crack in the heat exchanger can let CO into the house. It does seem a little suspicious that they keep finding problems one at a time. Either Your furnace should not have passed inspection or ...
    A second opinion is always a good thing. We have had people come out to look at the furnace in the past and they have been honest. The one time I knew that we had a small problem as on occasion I could smell gas in the basement. It turned out to be a small leak at the shut off valve, Verified with a light soap solution sprayed on things until bubbles appeared.

    As I understand it the Women's plan is one snack a day vs the Men's plan which has two snacks a day. To the good they were NS snacks, some of which are OK to overuse, that would be low calorie, low carb items such as the "Sweet and Tangy Meat Stick" which I sometimes use as a Protein serving rather than as a snack. FWIW the Statistics are not real bad on the brand name version sold in the dollar store if You exclude worrying about fats which I do not worry about during the winter as a person needs some fats in the winter.

    That's good as exercise does not bother You, I'm guessing that the outdoors bothers You in the summer.

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Joanne
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all. Went to stained glass and clay today. Have been feeling really tired lately. Just started T-storms. Still looking for my next stained glass project.
    Going to get TDAP innoculation tomorrow. Nothing else planned. Trying to make better dinners using cookbooks!
    Have a good night. Sleep well. :)
    Hi Vix
    I wonder if it could be a nutrition thing causing You to feel tired lately ? I know that if I overdo things I feel it the next day OTOH.

    I had to look up "TDAP innoculation" :(

    I am wondering what type of cookbooks, something nutritionally oriented ?

    Have a Nice Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, nice walk today a little windy but warm we did an hour and 10 minutes. I logged my weight loss this morning it was 5 pounds which is great for me. roger we have forced air no gas smell and we also have 2 carbon monoxide never did they go off but we do plan on having it inspected. today I go to the hospital to see the sick people than the rest of the day I am free hi jo and vix
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Roger, my diet is definitely out of whack and that is probably causing my extreme tiredness...I am having a hard time getting back to it, it was so restrictive. I am trying to modify it a bit and it will probably take time to shake out again what I can and cannot include. For now, I am having a hard time just avoiding things I definitely should not have....I get up every morning, thinking today is the day, but haven't been able to keep up the resolve. Maybe today.
    I've been picking out the healthier recipes from the cookbooks I have and modifying some of the of them is a Betty Crocker cookbook, heart healthy version, but it still seems heavy to me. I've ordered a gluten free cookbook, 2 anti-inflamatory diet cookbooks, a skinny crockpot cookbook, an instant pot cookbook, and an air fryer cookbook. I also ordered a book on herbal medicine natural was only $4.98. I think they should all be here by Monday.
    I had to look up the TDAP too :wink: It's done.
    Irene, good luck with the heater. So nice of you to visit the folks in the hospital.
    Hi Jo, hope the big wig visit went well, and that you're not working too hard!
    Sunny, chilly, windy here today, will see what the day brings.
    Happy Wednesday, everyone. :smile:
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    well good news my heater does not any cracks so glad we got a second opinion.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I shall be posting more humor shortly

    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 33 degrees and the walking was OK.
    There was a light snow falling as I went out the door, it appears to have ended by the time I returned home and it was enough to whiten the streets and not enough to cause traction issues while walking.
    With the small raise in the amount of SSI it works out to be $9.93 a month more than last year. I have not decided what to do with that huge sum :)
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    Have a Really Good Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, nice walk today a little windy but warm we did an hour and 10 minutes. I logged my weight loss this morning it was 5 pounds which is great for me. roger we have forced air no gas smell and we also have 2 carbon monoxide never did they go off but we do plan on having it inspected. today I go to the hospital to see the sick people than the rest of the day I am free hi jo and vix
    Hello Irene
    What are the End-of-Life warnings on a carbon monoxide alarm?
    What are the End-of-Life warnings on a carbon monoxide alarm?

    It might pay to check on how old and what the end of life warning signs are for You brand.

    You are so good going to the hospital.
    well good news my heater does not any cracks so glad we got a second opinion.
    Ah Ha, It does make You wonder about the first Heating company, hmm...
    I did a quick search and found this page
    Horizon Services
    IMO well worth reading.

    Congratulations on the Good News regarding no crack in the heat exchanger

    Hello Joanne
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Roger, my diet is definitely out of whack and that is probably causing my extreme tiredness...I am having a hard time getting back to it, it was so restrictive. I am trying to modify it a bit and it will probably take time to shake out again what I can and cannot include. For now, I am having a hard time just avoiding things I definitely should not have....I get up every morning, thinking today is the day, but haven't been able to keep up the resolve. Maybe today.
    I've been picking out the healthier recipes from the cookbooks I have and modifying some of the of them is a Betty Crocker cookbook, heart healthy version, but it still seems heavy to me. I've ordered a gluten free cookbook, 2 anti-inflamatory diet cookbooks, a skinny crockpot cookbook, an instant pot cookbook, and an air fryer cookbook. I also ordered a book on herbal medicine natural was only $4.98. I think they should all be here by Monday.
    I had to look up the TDAP too :wink: It's done.
    Irene, good luck with the heater. So nice of you to visit the folks in the hospital.
    Hi Jo, hope the big wig visit went well, and that you're not working too hard!
    Sunny, chilly, windy here today, will see what the day brings.
    Happy Wednesday, everyone. :smile:
    Hi Vix
    It is amazing how food can affect us, Cravings from one lousy cheat day last for several days.
    I suspect that is why You are having a hard time avoiding things You know You should not eat :(

    I thought You were seeing someone to help Identify foods You should and should not eat ?

    From that statement I infer that You have a Air Fryer and a Instant Pot ? If So how do You like them ?

    Some of the old herbal remedies work real well.

    Now I do not feel so bad not knowing what TDAP was, Thanks
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, yesterday on our 2nd walk I found a penny. Yesterday was a good day. A couple of weeks ago we received a letter from the irs saying we owe them 1000.00 from 2017 it had to do with amazon stock . Well yesterday my account called and told me that IRS screwed up and the taxes were paid on it so I didn't owe any money so that was a big win for me. Then when the heater guy came and said there was nothing wrong need less to say I was very happy. Roger we just got new carbon monoxide like in November but George wants to get 2 more 1for the bedroom and 1 for the tv room rooms are at different ends of the house. Vix I also had no idea what TDAD all so I googled it up the other day .Roger I have an air fryer I love it we do a lot of fryes in it also a lot of ns food. Hey Jo hope your visit at work went ok
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Well yesterday was a roller coaster ride, first the big wigs were coming, then they cancelled, then they were coming and then they cancelled all in the space of 2 hours. They showed up this morning. I met 3 of them. They seem very nice and we got positive feed back.
    Irene-Good news about the IRS and the heater.
    Roger-I also had to look up TDAP. I think you are supposed to get a booster every 10 years, at least for Tetanus.
    Vix-I hope you start to feel better soon.
    I am finally down to my before the holidays weight.
    It has been sunny and snow flurries most of the day, no accumulation.
    Today is gym day. I hope it is cooler in the gym than it was on Tuesday.
    Have a good evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Went to art class this a.m., and we went for a walk in the park this afternoon. It's about 33 out, and windy, but we bundled up pretty well.
    Thanks all. I think I just need to motivate myself a little better. I am at the highest weight I've been in 2 years. :( Will figure it out.
    Jo, glad the meetings went well, and you're doing great with the diet and the gym! :)
    Irene, wow...nice and lucky with the IRS and the heater. :)
    Roger, I stopped going to the functional medicine Dr. I basically know what I shouldn't eat, but things change over time and it's too expensive to get retested (not covered by insurance).
    My husband uses the air fryer to make french fries and sweet potato fries. I haven't really used it, but thought maybe we could use it for something else? And only used the instant pot once so far, seems good, especially if you want to make something I would normally make in a slow cooker, but want to make it fast. Neither of these would I consider essential. I've learned to cook in regular pots and am used to it...that's why I ordered some cookbooks, to see if I can learn new things....I'll let you know how it works out! :wink:
    Hope everyone is having a good day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor was just posted FWIW

    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 35 degrees and the walking was more or less OK. There is a breeze blowing causing a wind chill on the exposed surfaces that are not covered by the hoodie.
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    Have a Really Good Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, yesterday on our 2nd walk I found a penny. Yesterday was a good day. A couple of weeks ago we received a letter from the irs saying we owe them 1000.00 from 2017 it had to do with amazon stock . Well yesterday my account called and told me that IRS screwed up and the taxes were paid on it so I didn't owe any money so that was a big win for me. Then when the heater guy came and said there was nothing wrong need less to say I was very happy. Roger we just got new carbon monoxide like in November but George wants to get 2 more 1for the bedroom and 1 for the tv room rooms are at different ends of the house. Vix I also had no idea what TDAD all so I googled it up the other day .Roger I have an air fryer I love it we do a lot of fryes in it also a lot of ns food. Hey Jo hope your visit at work went ok
    Hi Irene
    And still no money here, I wonder why ?

    Congratulations on both wins, IRS and Heat that will cost you zero dollars.

    I have replaced one CO detector in the past when it went into a replace me mode.

    I could see fried chicken and French Fries would work in the Air Fryed. Also interesting to me, What NS foods do You do in the Air Fryer, The Lunch melts and some of the Breakfasts ? I can not think of any Dinners that would work unless they would be the Pizzas and TBH the frozen Pizzas come out crispy and tasty from the Microwave.

    Have a Good Day