Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Well yesterday was a roller coaster ride, first the big wigs were coming, then they cancelled, then they were coming and then they cancelled all in the space of 2 hours. They showed up this morning. I met 3 of them. They seem very nice and we got positive feed back.
    Irene-Good news about the IRS and the heater.
    Roger-I also had to look up TDAP. I think you are supposed to get a booster every 10 years, at least for Tetanus.
    Vix-I hope you start to feel better soon.
    I am finally down to my before the holidays weight.
    It has been sunny and snow flurries most of the day, no accumulation.
    Today is gym day. I hope it is cooler in the gym than it was on Tuesday.
    Have a good evening. :)
    Hi Joanne
    Big Wigs, The bigger the big wig, the bigger the circles they run around in :wink:

    I did get a Tetnus shot last year in the fall and that was followed up a week later with a Flu Shot.

    It took me until this week to get below my Pre Christmas weight also.

    After the early morning light snow yesterday I saw occasional stray flake for much of the day here. The streets had turned while but still had good traction so no problems with slipperiness and that was pretty much gone and the streets were dry by 7AM.

    You could always mention the temperature in the gym if it is too warm. Who need to sweat when exercising when cool air burns more calories warming the body.

    Good Luck with the Gym
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Went to art class this a.m., and we went for a walk in the park this afternoon. It's about 33 out, and windy, but we bundled up pretty well.
    Thanks all. I think I just need to motivate myself a little better. I am at the highest weight I've been in 2 years. :( Will figure it out.
    Jo, glad the meetings went well, and you're doing great with the diet and the gym! :)
    Irene, wow...nice and lucky with the IRS and the heater. :)
    Roger, I stopped going to the functional medicine Dr. I basically know what I shouldn't eat, but things change over time and it's too expensive to get retested (not covered by insurance).
    My husband uses the air fryer to make french fries and sweet potato fries. I haven't really used it, but thought maybe we could use it for something else? And only used the instant pot once so far, seems good, especially if you want to make something I would normally make in a slow cooker, but want to make it fast. Neither of these would I consider essential. I've learned to cook in regular pots and am used to it...that's why I ordered some cookbooks, to see if I can learn new things....I'll let you know how it works out! :wink:
    Hope everyone is having a good day. :)
    Hi Vix
    It has been windy for about three days now :(

    Maintaining motivation over time is one of the hardest things to achieve, ask me I know :(

    I have heard that it is hard to get Sweet Potato Fries nice and crispy. I like French Fries but they need to be nice and hot and crispy or why bother.

    You should come up with plenty of ideas from the new cookbooks.

    Good Luck with them
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Roger, my husband loves french fries, so the air fryer is healthier for use very little oil, just a quick spray. I don't usually eat fried foods, so ? I don't get NS foods anymore either, and usually found they were fine in the MW. I think it's basically a tiny convection oven. Not very practical. Interesting health news about the senescent cells. Too bad the medicine is still in the trial phase.
    I got the rest of my cookbooks....have to look through them! :)
    Aother cold day today.
    Happy Friday everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, hey roger don't mean to rub it in but I found another penny this morning of course it will probably be a long time before I find any more .I buy the sweet potatoes in the freezer department they all ready have spices on and I use no oil on mine I just shake them up so they get tanned on all of them . Roger I eat a lot of the melts for lunch and the ns pizzas that's pretty much oh last night we did have cauliflower in air fryer they are also in the freezer dept they look just like tater tots but they are so good next I am going to try the broccoli they are called veggie tots they are a little higher in calories. take care everyone. jo I bet your happy the visit is over
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just clicked post on more humor, Enjoy

    I'm back home from walking and the first money of the new year was found, That would be one whole penny. The Temperature out the door was 17 degrees and the walking was OK due to the absence of any wind.

    The forecast keeps changing. Friday the forecast from two different TV stations indicated and inch of more and the other a trace or complete miss for my area, Which is it, Likely a third forecast would be different too. All the Computer models and fancy weather satellites and that is the best they can come up with a forecast arrival 30 hours in the future :(
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    Have a Really Good Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Roger, my husband loves french fries, so the air fryer is healthier for use very little oil, just a quick spray. I don't usually eat fried foods, so ? I don't get NS foods anymore either, and usually found they were fine in the MW. I think it's basically a tiny convection oven. Not very practical. Interesting health news about the senescent cells. Too bad the medicine is still in the trial phase.
    I got the rest of my cookbooks....have to look through them! :)
    Aother cold day today.
    Happy Friday everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    Regarding the Air Fryer I'm sure that both You and I have things that looked really useful in the kitchen cabinet :blush:
    I have actually tried the Microwave French Fries ans TBH they were edible and better than the ones You just bake in the oven as they were lightly oiled and on a Crisper tray where You turned them halfway through the heating time to crisp two sides, I might try them again in the future :blush:

    The interesting thing about the senescent cells treatment was this part.
    The new treatment, dubbed DQ, involves a drug called dasatnib which is already licenced for killing cancer cells in leukaemia patients and quercetin, a common plant pigment found red wine, onions, green tea, apples, berries, Ginkgo biloba and St John’s Wort.

    That means if You could find the right doctor or have the disease it is used on You could try adding in the quercetin and see if that helps. OTOH the possible side effects look serious too so... I hope it does become available as a treatment, I bet I could use that treatment :wink:

    A even colder day here today, It could be worse as so far no breeze. The weather forecasts seem to concur that Your area will get more snow than I, And that Irene could be in teh snow belt whereas I am hopefully on the fringe of snow falling for Sunday. Good Luck Sunday

    Good Luck with Your Cookbooks
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, hey roger don't mean to rub it in but I found another penny this morning of course it will probably be a long time before I find any more .I buy the sweet potatoes in the freezer department they all ready have spices on and I use no oil on mine I just shake them up so they get tanned on all of them . Roger I eat a lot of the melts for lunch and the ns pizzas that's pretty much oh last night we did have cauliflower in air fryer they are also in the freezer dept they look just like tater tots but they are so good next I am going to try the broccoli they are called veggie tots they are a little higher in calories. take care everyone. jo I bet your happy the visit is over
    Hi Irene
    It isn't rubbing it in, it is a statement of fact that You seem to be finding a lot more money that I do, I did break the finding money drought today, One whole penny, Whee :smile:

    Since I buy most of my Frozen vegetables ahead from CostCo I eat a lot of the Normandy Mix which is two types of carrots, Broccoli and Cauliflower and adding Baby Carrots from the ShopRite into them The CostCo Green Beans.

    That makes sense to buy the Sweet Potatoes ready to cook like that.

    FWIW the NS Lunch Entrees and the Dinner Entrees are interchangeable if You wanted to do that. Straight from Dietary Services at NS I got this information when I asked about that and something else.
    I sent a email recently regarding Breakfast bars as a PF +SC replacement and got that would work from Dietary

    Hi Roger,
    Here is how we make substitutions for our foods with the Day Off Guide:
    Breakfast Entree = 1 PF + 1 SC
    Lunch Entree = 1 PF + 1 SC
    Dinner Entree = 2 PF + 1 SC
    Dessert = 1 SC
    Since there is a range of calories within each category, you may find lunch and dinner entrees that are fairly

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Joanne
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    FWIW, I think both my senators are great. Wish there were more like them in the country.
    I'm going to look through some of the cookbooks today and find some recipes to try. Need to go grocery shopping and pick up some ingredients.
    Gray and frosty here this a.m. About 23 degrees, supposed to go up to 35....brrrrrrrr. Snow expected to start around 4 p.m. and going all through tomorrow. Winter is here.
    Happy Saturday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning , it was 14 degrees this morning when we woke up this morning but when we walked it got up to 18 so we just bundled up and we were fine I did get in 10,893 steps it was like an hour an 30 minutes. Roger I was glad to hear you found money. We are going expecting snow tonight into tomorrow which is great we don't need to go any where so by the time George goes to work the roads will be pretty clear. Vix glad you like your cookbooks a friend of mine was saying she put an apple in her air fryer and it came out great I will have to try it and I will let you know. Hey Roger that guide you got is that for men and women or is it for both. Hi Jo
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    We went for a walk in the park, bundled up, of course. Came home and broke a tooth(a big piece fell out) chewing on a carrot. :( I have an appt Wed morning for the crown on the root canal on the other side). I left a message, maybe I can get in earlier. Maybe since I can only chew in the front right now, that'll make me stop eating! This is depressing.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good evening;
    Vix-ouch, I am sorry about your tooth. :(
    Roger-Woo hoo, you broke your streak, congrats on a penny.
    Irene-I have seen the vegetable tots in the frozen section. I think I will try them.
    It was 12 degrees when I went to work this morning.
    Congrats to you all for getting out and walking in this cold weather.
    Have a good evening. :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    FWIW I just clicked on the Post Reply button for more humor

    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 30 degrees and the walking is OK. The snow in the forecast for my area is either not coming or is delayed, the forecast showed it overspreading my area overnight before the time I would be out the door. So far so good, Since I have not seen any weather reports today I do not know if further South which was forecast to be hit harder is getting any snow.
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    Gout is on the rise as more Americans indulge in purine-rich foods like beer, bacon, and beef.

    Have a Really Good Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    FWIW, I think both my senators are great. Wish there were more like them in the country.
    I'm going to look through some of the cookbooks today and find some recipes to try. Need to go grocery shopping and pick up some ingredients.
    Gray and frosty here this a.m. About 23 degrees, supposed to go up to 35....brrrrrrrr. Snow expected to start around 4 p.m. and going all through tomorrow. Winter is here.
    Happy Saturday, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    Gray and Frosty, Yuck. I hope the snow does not cause any problems.

    You are lucky then, I do not have a lot of use for one of mine, It appears he got really lucky, This is what I mean.
    Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez is ‘severely admonished’ by Ethics Committee, ordered to repay gifts

    The Senate Ethics Committee said Thursday that Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez, who avoided conviction in a federal corruption trial last year, violated federal law and Senate rules in accepting unreported gifts from a friend and political ally.

    In a four-page “letter of admonition,” the panel’s three Republicans and three Democrats ordered Menendez to pay back the gifts he received from Salomon Melgen, a Florida eye doctor, and said he is “hereby severely admonished.”

    It would appear that it was a Bipartisan Admonition.

    Today is Grocery Shopping day for my brother, I need to decide do I want to go with him and hope I avoid temptation or stay home and attempt to avoid temptation by heading out for unhealthy but tempting items.
    My next stop after replying to messages is the ShopRite Page to look and see if any digital coupons are worth adding to the key tag.
    eku0 wrote: »
    We went for a walk in the park, bundled up, of course. Came home and broke a tooth(a big piece fell out) chewing on a carrot. :( I have an appt Wed morning for the crown on the root canal on the other side). I left a message, maybe I can get in earlier. Maybe since I can only chew in the front right now, that'll make me stop eating! This is depressing.
    Bundled Up, In weather like I end up wearing a Pocket T-Shirt to hold my iPod, A Sweatshirt and a thick hoodie and if there is a wind that blows right through them, I really need to order a windbreaker that can fit over that much extra clothes.

    I had that happen with a tooth some years ago, That is why I have large filling on one tooth and need to get another one done sooner or later, I avoid dentists even more than doctors. I came to the conclusion that the tooth (teeth) had that happen because they were weakened over time or that something I had eaten before cracked them and after a while the cracks connected :(

    Good Luck at the Dentist
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning , it was 14 degrees this morning when we woke up this morning but when we walked it got up to 18 so we just bundled up and we were fine I did get in 10,893 steps it was like an hour an 30 minutes. Roger I was glad to hear you found money. We are going expecting snow tonight into tomorrow which is great we don't need to go any where so by the time George goes to work the roads will be pretty clear. Vix glad you like your cookbooks a friend of mine was saying she put an apple in her air fryer and it came out great I will have to try it and I will let you know. Hey Roger that guide you got is that for men and women or is it for both. Hi Jo
    Hi Irene
    That is one advantage of the snow falling over the weekend, less carnage on the roads and a better road clearing job since the traffic will be lighter.

    The Apple in the air fryer was cooked there to be dried as apple chips, baked with some flavorings or ??

    Since all of the NS foods are non gendered that guide is for men and women. To put it another way the only differences are that men get a extra snack a day compared to women and in general men have a 1800 calorie plan vs what I understand is a 1200 or 1500 calorie plan. That is my understanding anyway.

    The good news is that since I am over on leftover lunches I can delay my order and use the lunches as a lunch an a dinner to bring things back into balance.

    Good Luck with the Snow

    P.S. I just looked out the window and sometime in the last half hour the snow has started falling :(
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good evening;
    Vix-ouch, I am sorry about your tooth. :(
    Roger-Woo hoo, you broke your streak, congrats on a penny.
    Irene-I have seen the vegetable tots in the frozen section. I think I will try them.
    It was 12 degrees when I went to work this morning.
    Congrats to you all for getting out and walking in this cold weather.
    Have a good evening. :)
    Hi Joanne
    12 Degrees, Yuck, I would be wearing the heated mittens with the heating turned to high at 12 degrees.

    I hope that finding that penny wasn't a fluke :wink:

    The Vegetable tots sound interesting. Since I have Frozen Vegetables on my ShopRite grocery list I may have my brother look for them to try although I know I'll hear from him that the aren't Tots since they are not made with potatoes.

    Thank You for the kind words
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    It started snowing last night....about 4 inches so far this morning. I'm not planning on going anywhere, and hubby is taking the snowblower out.
    Roger, bundled up for me is leggings under my jeans, 2 lightweight sweaters, and a fluffy fleece hoodie coat, hat, scarf, and gloves. I agree about your Senator. I hope Congress passes the Congressional ethics laws they are putting forward. They need higher standards.
    Jo, thanks about the tooth....luckily it doesn't hurt. Hopefully can be fixed. 25 here with an expected high of 30....brrrrr at 12 degrees where you are! are doing really great with the walking! Don't know that I'd go at 14 degrees. Brrrr.
    The snow is pretty, and I have plenty to do in the house....maybe will go outside later anyway, just to breathe in the snowy air.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good afternoon, we got our hour walk in. We did get snow last night not a lot more of a dusting but since we aren't going any where it was fine it was so nice to look out the window watch the snow . It was about 26 when we walked so it was warmer today then yesterday. Vix sorry to hear of your tooth maybe you can get in sooner. Last night I had the broccoli I prefer the cauliflower . Jo I have a pre started in my jeep and I have been using it lately take care everyone
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor will be posted shortly

    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 24 degrees and the walking was OK. While out walking I did see fairly close up 2 female deer.
    Yesterday's Snow was a non event in my area and ended before 9 AM. The roads had be brined and the brined area stayed snow free. According to the weather reports Sunday evening south NJ had a lot more snow.
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    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2019
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    It started snowing last night....about 4 inches so far this morning. I'm not planning on going anywhere, and hubby is taking the snowblower out.
    Roger, bundled up for me is leggings under my jeans, 2 lightweight sweaters, and a fluffy fleece hoodie coat, hat, scarf, and gloves. I agree about your Senator. I hope Congress passes the Congressional ethics laws they are putting forward. They need higher standards.
    Jo, thanks about the tooth....luckily it doesn't hurt. Hopefully can be fixed. 25 here with an expected high of 30....brrrrr at 12 degrees where you are! are doing really great with the walking! Don't know that I'd go at 14 degrees. Brrrr.
    The snow is pretty, and I have plenty to do in the house....maybe will go outside later anyway, just to breathe in the snowy air.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    Our Snowblower is My brother and I getting out with shovels :wink:

    4 inches sounds like more than enough to stay off of the roads to me.

    Our non event snow was light enough that the brined roads were fine and my brother decided to head out to the Grocery Store before 9 AM so I went with him. I picked up a couple of Store made Salads that were marked down 50% and had a sell by date of Sunday. That should keep You warm, Layers is the best way.

    I agree that too many politicians feel above the law and need to meet higher standards than the public does.

    Our weather has been below normal for a few days with more coming. It would appear that we are now paying for the first part of the month that were above normal.

    Stay Warm
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning,
    We went to the gym yesterday and I walked and ran on the treadmill for 2.5 miles. I did more walking than running, but am making progress.
    Today I found a walking video on demand and did that for 20 minutes. I will look a little later and see if I can find any more free videos on demand.
    Yesterday I also made egg bake cups from a recipe that I found on the Numi site. I believe it counts as 1 PF and 1SC. I also made beef stew in the crock pot.
    Irene-I use to have auto start in my other car. I loved it. It didn't come with the car I have now and I didn't want an after marked one. I do have heated seats, so that is a plus. :)
    Roger-in the store where I shop the veggie tots are right next to the potato tots and fries.
    The cauliflower is 110 calories in a serving and the broccoli and cheese are 130. I would probably count this as a veggie and a SC.
    Vix-I hope you are able to get into see the dentist today.
    I plan on cleaning out the linen and the downstairs hall closets today. It is amazing how messy they can get.
    Enjoy the day! :)