Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning,
    Our snow started last night around 5pm. So far we have a couple of inches and it just started raining. We will be spending today clearing off as much of the snow as we can.
    Irene-Great news about Annie.
    Roger-The only thing I didn't like about the lemon cookie was that there were not more in the package. ;) I have not tried any of the other frozen dinners yet.
    Vix-I hope your arm and teeth are feeling better today.
    Today on the agenda is clearing up the snow, going to the gym and watching the football game. I will get plenty of exercise today.
    Stay safe. :)
    Hi Joanne
    That is not real good news, Rain on snow makes for heavy shoveling.

    The Lemon Cookie was tasty once I got past the strong lemon smell and I had to restrain myself from eating the other two from my delivery :blush:

    Enjoy the Game
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Rained over night, seems like just cloudy and windy now. Temps falling this afternoon into tomorrow.
    Jo, hope you don't get too much snow! My teeth are feeling better and the arm is a little better today, but still pretty sore. Sounds like a busy day for you.
    Irene, so glad Annie's tests all came out well. :)
    Roger, we didnt walk yesterday. Don't know about today. Definitely not tomorrow! It is supposed to be a lunar eclipse late tonight....don't know if I'll be up, or if the sky will be clear enough to see.
    Happy Sunday, everyone, stay warm. :wink:
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, we did go for a walk it was only a little drizzle and it did stop raining when we were about half way done. Our temp was51 when we walked it was pretty warm the ice on the lake was melting. For all of you that did get snow be careful out there. We have no plans for today I think we will be staying in and watching tv which is fine with me. We are so happy Annie is ok in about 6 months we will retake the test to make sure she is ok. take care everyone
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2019
    I just posted more humor, Enjoy

    I'm home and did not go walking and therefor no money was found. The Temperature outside is a bone chilling 7 degrees with a wind chill overnight -10s to -20s. Not going out in that and I will have to look at the weather forecasts for tomorrow this evening as what I saw a few minutes age showed a overnight of 10 degrees. The Key will be wind, no wind for Tuesday. The one good thing is that it is a Holiday and around where I am the roads are dry, further North the road conditions are variable.

    I am not even inclined to open the door and see how it feels outside. I do feel sorry for those that have to be outside in this weather, That would be Firemen, Police, and even the delivery people that deliver from Chinese and Italian. I also suspect that later on the News Broadcasts will be talking about how many no start calls AAA have done today. I also suspect that any food deliveries will arrive colder than usual.

    Currently between typing here I am drinking the Coffee I brewed, I also have enough left over to Microwave for tomorrow whether or not I decide to go walking. I pulled the Thermal Bottoms out of the dresser drawer in case I do go walking, Carhart brand if anyone is curious. BTW I put most of today's coffee into a Thermos since the bedroom is running cooler that usual, 68.5 degrees instead of its usual 72 to 73 degrees and that is where the gauge is at head height, I suspect that where I am sitting is cooler since heat rises.
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    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Rained over night, seems like just cloudy and windy now. Temps falling this afternoon into tomorrow.
    Jo, hope you don't get too much snow! My teeth are feeling better and the arm is a little better today, but still pretty sore. Sounds like a busy day for you.
    Irene, so glad Annie's tests all came out well. :)
    Roger, we didn't walk yesterday. Don't know about today. Definitely not tomorrow! It is supposed to be a lunar eclipse late tonight....don't know if I'll be up, or if the sky will be clear enough to see.
    Happy Sunday, everyone, stay warm. :wink:
    Hi Vix
    I can hear the wind whistling around the house. Temps were falling here too, they dropped 6 degrees between 4PM and 6PM.

    I'm glad that Your Teeth and Arm are feeling better. TMI ? I always get the shots in the left arm so I can sleep better since I sleep on my right side.

    The weather forecasts I saw showed that Joanne likely gets enough snow to make anyone unhappy.

    I may be a bit, Hmm..., I'm not sure what word to use here. I start to fret if the weather keeps me housebound even if I only go a short distance. Some of You may be wondering why I buy coffee when walking when I can brew it here easily and fairly quickly if I set the pot up the night before. The answer is that I have no real answer beyond that it gives me a destination and somewhat different coffee tastes when walking. At the Quick Chek and 7 Eleven I can get a Dark Roast, several different Medium Roasts and a Light roast as well as at Quick Chek they also have a Extreme Caffeine, I ignore the flavored coffees as I have never been a fan of them. It is easy enough to tell good coffee from bad coffee when You drink it unsweetened and no milk. To me the Duncan Donut Coffee is good if more expensive so I only go there for a change of destination.

    I seem to be a bit verbose today, I wonder if that is related to sleeping late and not walking ?

    I do not blame You for not walking today, I get out in worse weather and I am staying in :wink:

    I think You could see or have seen the eclipse, when I ran out of energy there were only a few scattered clouds in the sky with stars showing in most of it and that was at 10PM.

    Stay Warm and Safe
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, we did go for a walk it was only a little drizzle and it did stop raining when we were about half way done. Our temp was51 when we walked it was pretty warm the ice on the lake was melting. For all of you that did get snow be careful out there. We have no plans for today I think we will be staying in and watching tv which is fine with me. We are so happy Annie is ok in about 6 months we will retake the test to make sure she is ok. take care everyone
    Hi Irene
    Yesterday was not bad walking, today, no way am I going out walking, Likely I will not even open the door to the enclosed porch which runs close to the outside temperatures. The benefit of the enclosed porch is You are out of any wind or rain while digging out the Front door key and it is a dry place for any deliveries so they stay out of sight and dry :wink:

    Your Sunday Plans are my Monday Plans once I get off of the forum.
    We did go to the ShopRite yesterday morning since My Brother wanted to pick up some things he was out of, $98 dollars later he was done with his and $44 for me, the biggest item being a large jar of Multi Vitamins, then Butter followed by a bunch of 50% off foods, most of which are in the freezer excluding the two salads :smiley:

    Have a Nice Day

    Hi Joanne
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    It is currently a whopping 1 degree. I did go out to the gym this morning and to pick up Vinny's insulin refill. I warmed my car up for about 1/2 hours before I went out. I stuck to the main roads which were mostly clear. My street is a different story, very icy and lots of ruts.
    We did manage to get out early yesterday and clear the driveway of snow. It rained most of the day, so now everything is coated in ice.
    My Patriots won the championship game and are going to the Super bowl. :) The game was a nail bitter up until the last second.
    I plan on staying in the rest of the day.
    I won another challenge on Numi for logging in all my water. This one is a free chocolate pack.
    So I would say it is worth it to log your food on Numi if they keep having challenges for free food.
    Have a great day and stay safe!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    edited January 2019
    Good morning.
    Jo...that's cold!!! It's 10 here right now, going up to 19 today. Ice is the worst. We are lucky here. It rained and what's left of the snow is iced over, but the roads are clear. It was very windy last night and we heard some clunking going on outside the house...have no idea what that was. Congrats on winning the challenges, and your food prizes. :)
    Irene, we walk near a lake too. Glad Annie is good.
    We did go for a walk yesterday. Bundled up, found out my new hiking boots are waterproof.
    The path was snowy and muddy and slushy, and my feet stayed dry and warm. :)
    Roger, seems the coffee helps as an incentive for your walks. Kind of a little reward for getting out there. That's good. I missed the eclipse! I forgot about it and went to sleep. :(
    I'm going to exercise indoors today. I have my eliptical in the basement and some light weights and bands.
    All I have scheduled for today is acupunture this afternoon. Will be warmer by then.
    Happy Monday, everyone....stay safe and warm. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just posted some humor, Some truth in the first one too.

    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 13 degrees. Monday when the Temperatures dropped with the overnight temperatures and wind causing a wind chill in the -10s to -20s I did not go walking. This morning it was a bit warmer and less windy so I did go out walking after heating up the 1/2 pot of coffee left over from yesterday.
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    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    It is currently a whopping 1 degree. I did go out to the gym this morning and to pick up Vinny's insulin refill. I warmed my car up for about 1/2 hours before I went out. I stuck to the main roads which were mostly clear. My street is a different story, very icy and lots of ruts.
    We did manage to get out early yesterday and clear the driveway of snow. It rained most of the day, so now everything is coated in ice.
    My Patriots won the championship game and are going to the Super bowl. :) The game was a nail bitter up until the last second.
    I plan on staying in the rest of the day.
    I won another challenge on Numi for logging in all my water. This one is a free chocolate pack.
    So I would say it is worth it to log your food on Numi if they keep having challenges for free food.
    Have a great day and stay safe!
    Hi Joanne
    It sounds like time to throw Ice melt on driveway, Your street does not sound like the town has done much to make it safe. In the winter before Radial Tires were on everything I used Studded tires in the winter. It sounds as if they would help You currently. They fall out of favor due to causing road wear, That makes the cities, counties and states sound as if they would rather save money than lives IMO.

    It was all over the news about the controversy at the end of the game over the missed call causing the loss of the game, and that there is a push to change the rules. What is Your opinion ?

    I would also be staying in if I had Your weather and the icing.

    Congratulations on the Win, Chocolate Pack, Yummy
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Jo...that's cold!!! It's 10 here right now, going up to 19 today. Ice is the worst. We are lucky here. It rained and what's left of the snow is iced over, but the roads are clear. It was very windy last night and we heard some clunking going on outside the house...have no idea what that was. Congrats on winning the challenges, and your food prizes. :)
    Irene, we walk near a lake too. Glad Annie is good.
    We did go for a walk yesterday. Bundled up, found out my new hiking boots are waterproof.
    The path was snowy and muddy and slushy, and my feet stayed dry and warm. :)
    Roger, seems the coffee helps as an incentive for your walks. Kind of a little reward for getting out there. That's good. I missed the eclipse! I forgot about it and went to sleep. :(
    I'm going to exercise indoors today. I have my eliptical in the basement and some light weights and bands.
    All I have scheduled for today is acupunture this afternoon. Will be warmer by then.
    Happy Monday, everyone....stay safe and warm. :)
    Hi Vix
    And at 19 degrees that Ice is not going away that fast either. OTOH Rain and Ice over Snow can actually make it easier to get rid of the ice as long as it did not reach the ground and turn the Snow to a heavy ice pack.

    If I had to guess the clunking noise was ice falling off of roofs or trees or wires.

    So far I am being to cheap to replace my old insulated boots which are also waterproof. The one reason to replace might be the hardening of the soles due to age, I have had them for what seems like forever. They kept my feet warm one winter when the truck I was driving broke down and I had to walk to find a phone and wait for the mechanic. That was back in the 80s or early 90s. It was so cold that the Diesel fuel jelled and that was it, The mechanic put Anti Jell in each tank and got me going again.

    That is as good a way as any to look at the Coffee, It is my one daily splurge :wink:

    Around here today most of the schools have a delayed opening to allow the temperatures to warm up a bit. Way back when I do not ever remember having delayed openings or very many snow days, Times have changed.

    Stay Warm & Dry

    Hi Irene
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, just ordered 5 more ns gift cards they are on sale until 2/17. We walked about 40 minutes today plus I got on the treadmill for 22 minutes I need to keep the time on the treadmill low because my leg will start hurting again. hey jo and vix take care all stay warm
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Hi all.
    Early day with stained glass class and clay workshop. Got home and made some greek chicken in the instant pot. Very good. :) It was 11 degrees when I left this morning, but got warmer later in the day. The little bit of ice in front of our driveway melted off just from the sunshine, it didn't get warm enough otherwise.
    No plans for tomorrow. Kind of happy about that. Tuesdays tire me out!
    Have a good night. Sleep well. Stay warm. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I Just posted more Humor

    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 27 degrees. There is a slight breeze outdoors, I have a 1/2 of my cup of coffee left for tomorrow, that means 16 ounces left for tomorrow. The weather forecast is for Rain moving in for the evening into Thursday. Thursday's High temperature is forecast to be 59 degrees before the weather turns colder.
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    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, just ordered 5 more ns gift cards they are on sale until 2/17. We walked about 40 minutes today plus I got on the treadmill for 22 minutes I need to keep the time on the treadmill low because my leg will start hurting again. hey jo and vix take care all stay warm
    Hi Irene
    I need to order more Gift Cards also. I have one left so more will be helpful, I love saving money. I am tempted to wait until February, That is tied to credit card closing dates.

    I am sorry that You leg is bothering You, Strangely my right leg is somewhat painful also, I hope we both feel better quickly.

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Joanne
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Early day with stained glass class and clay workshop. Got home and made some Greek chicken in the instant pot. Very good. :) It was 11 degrees when I left this morning, but got warmer later in the day. The little bit of ice in front of our driveway melted off just from the sunshine, it didn't get warm enough otherwise.
    No plans for tomorrow. Kind of happy about that. Tuesdays tire me out!
    Have a good night. Sleep well. Stay warm. :)
    Hi Vix
    I am impressed that You stay so busy, My plans for today are already finished what with the walking being done.

    All of the puddles from the other day are still frozen over, I expect that they will melt later today or tomorrow with the warmer weather moving in.

    Greek Chicken ? I'm not familiar with that one.

    I may just sleep a lot of the day away, Likely a Nap this afternoon.

    Have a Nice Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, got our walk in plus 23 minutes on the treadmill . I will walk Annie when I come home from the hospital she looks forward to her afternoon walk. I do have 8,219 steps in so far. Today was my weigh in day down another 2 pounds yeah me. My sister called yesterday and told me she has a spot on her back that she got tested and it is cancer . But at least they caught it early she is waiting now for it to be removed. Vix I am with Roger I never heard of it. Take care everyone
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    edited January 2019
    Good morning.
    Irene, hope your leg is feeling better. Sorry about your sister's news, good they caught it early.
    Jo, hope you are staying safe and warm.
    Roger, my right leg is my painful one cartilege left in the hip. Keep working those muscles. The article on the IRS is pretty paranoid. Obviously written by someone with no idea how our agencies and contractors "work".
    Greek chicken....I never heard of it before either, but 2 of the recipe books I got have it....the common ingredients are chicken and chicken stock, spices(oregano, garlic, +), lemon, and olives. The one I made last night was with potatoes and peas in a nice soupy base. I'm really starting to like the instant pot. You can start out sauteing, then pressure cook, then heat up or keep warm....all in one pot. And it's quick.
    It's warmer today, in the 30s, cloudy and supposed to rain this afternoon.
    No plans yet for today.
    Happy Wednesday! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    New Humor was just posted

    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 51 degrees and is now up to 53 degrees.
    I got lucky, It had just finished raining when I went out the door and it did not restart raining until I was halfway up the block to my house :)

    Mini Review. I liked the new NS Cheese-steak Pizza, 250 calories and Total Carbohydrates 32g . I did take the Peppers off of it before heating. There was plenty of Cheese, Some diced onions and Beef. It did not have as much beef as shown in the picture of it. That quite possibly is due to a Quality control problem as I have had the other Pizzas where some were light on toppings and others that were over. The way I look at it the average is OK.
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    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, got our walk in plus 23 minutes on the treadmill . I will walk Annie when I come home from the hospital she looks forward to her afternoon walk. I do have 8,219 steps in so far. Today was my weigh in day down another 2 pounds yeah me. My sister called yesterday and told me she has a spot on her back that she got tested and it is cancer . But at least they caught it early she is waiting now for it to be removed. Vix I am with Roger I never heard of it. Take care everyone
    Hi Irene
    You do a good job of walking. Walking Annie should add a decent amount of steps to the total.

    I am sorry to hear about Your sister, The Good news is that it was caught in time to avoid further problems.

    Big Congratulations on the Weight Loss