Slower Weight loss at 50?
Howdy all y'all. It's satisfying Saturday!
We currently have 7 sunny degrees with an expected high of 16 under mostly cloudy skies and 1% chance of precipitation. The cats allowed me to sleep in a bit, which was nice of them.
Buttons is very slowly becoming more outgoing. Her food is still in the hall bathroom, but she is not living in there any more. I think she spends most of her time in the guest room, under the bed or looking out the window. Sometimes she visits J's office, which is adjacent to the guest room, to help with work, but I have not yet been accorded that honor. Buttons is still pretty wary of me. My office space is adjacent to the kitchen and would be a farther stroll anyway. This is not a problem as I do have three others who help me work in my office space.
In the evenings, Buttons does come to visit in the living room, briefly, and will even sometimes climb up on the couch and deign to let me pet her, as long as J is close at hand, and is seen strolling around the house.
She is getting along with Orion pretty well, and sometimes almost playing with him, but the other two cats are still less accepting of her. Dinah sees Buttons as a possible threat to her reign as queen, and will hiss and take a swipe at her if she gets too close, but no real violence seems to be happening. I haven't seen a lot of interaction between Buttons and Kiara but I think they may have just tacitly accepted each other's presence and may be biding their time to get to know each other better.
It's been a long time since we had to integrate a mature cat into an existing adoptive family group, and it takes longer for adult cats than with kittens. I remember my precious darling Lilo took a long time to merge into the existing group when we adopted her, but it all worked out.
I still miss Lilo but have to admit that my life is somewhat less complicated now, with no weekly shots, and no three times a week subdermal fluid treatments to administer. I will see her in heaven someday, along with all the others who have gone ahead.
I need to get some grocery shopping done sometime this weekend. Maybe today. Maybe tomorrow, since I will be at a Kroger store anyway to get my Covid vaccine booster shot. I just don't know if I want to be shopping at noonish on Sunday, so may get the bulk of it done today.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
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Good morning;
It is currently 28 degrees. We are heading out for our walk in the woods in a few minutes.
I hope we see some deer. I was awake unusually early this morning, daylight savings time.
It will take me a few days to adjust.
Wishing everyone a great day.0 -
Good morning.
Enjoy your walk, Jo. I was up at my usual time, then changed all the clocks so it's earlier.
It's currently 32F here, everythings frosty again. Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 56F. Winds light and variable.
Played outside with our grandson yesterday. He's so much fun at this age!
Happy Sunday, everyone. Wishing you a relaxing day.0 -
Howdy all y'all. It's sumptuous Sunday!
We currently have a chilly 2 (35 F) sunny degrees with an expected high of 19 (66 F) under continued sunny skies, and 2% chance of precipitation.
I did my grocery shopping yesterday, so today I just have to go back to Kroger for my Covid vaccine booster. If J is up for it, maybe we can see if the Indian restaurant in the same parking lot has a decent lunch buffet.
We have not dined in since they opened up as a new (to the location) restaurant, but we have ordered delivery once. We loved the old Indian restaurant there but discovered it had closed back in the summer when we tried to have dinner there one night with our visiting friend.
The new one seems to be another location of an Indian restaurant we had tried years ago, and liked, but didn't return to because it was a bit far to go. We are glad that they have opened in the same location as our old favorite. It is nice to have an Indian restaurant so close again.
Buttons is not thrilled with the new location of her food bowl, but she did eat some during the night so we feel sure that in a few days all the excitement of moving will be finished. It may still be a while longer before relationships with all the other cats settle down though.
We will be going out of town for a few days next week, leaving Monday and returning Thursday or Friday, for the annual company meeting of the development group. We have hired a cat sitter to feed them and warned her that she may not see much of Buttons, other than a blur running to hide, and the same for Orion. This will be the first time both of us have left home, at the same time, for more than a weekend, in years.
Nothing, other than the aforementioned shot, critical on the home front. Well, I do have a few more clocks to reset. I didn't do them last night. I knew I would wake up early regardless and, sure enough, woke up at 6 (which felt like 7) and got going on the day. I had a slightly bigger breakfast than usual, including tiny biscuit and sausage sandwiches that I disassembled, having the biscuit part with a dab of marmalade, and then a cheese omelet for the main part of the meal. It was good.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
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I forgot one other somewhat critical thing for this first day of Standard Time.
I have a pot of cranberry beans, with ham, cooking in a Crock Pot, and in my first and oldest, small slow cooker, I have the collard greens from last week's Misfits Market box, coarsely torn, cooking with a small amount of broth.
I will probably make a skillet of cornbread to go with this, and have a lovely dinner, and a few more meals.
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Howdy all y'all. It's magnificent Monday! We currently have 2 (36 F) clear degrees with an expected high of 22 (72 F) under sunny skies and a 2% chance of precipitation. It's funny but you never hear of moony nights, just sunny days.
Nothing critical on the home front today. I did get my booster shot yesterday and my arm is quite sore. Also a very mild headache and slight sore throat, but so far not nearly as icky as I felt after my second regular shot. I think I will call this good.
Buttons actually came to see me this morning, in the kitchen, while I was preparing my breakfast of corned beef hash with eggs. We had a short conversation in Cat language and she wandered off. I noticed that during the night she had eaten most of the food in her bowl too. Hopefully she will be feeling more at home by the time we have to go out of town. I hate to leave them with her still being so new to the house but the big boss insists we all attend his precious team meeting next week.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)0 -
Good morning.
Ed, nice that you have an Indian restaurant nearby. So happy Buttons is starting to get comfortable. Good for you for getting your booster. (I've made an appt for one on 11/17, earliest one nearby).
We made an instant pot chicken and sweet potato dinner last night, interesting flavor with thyme and cinnamon.
It's a bit warmer here today, currently 45F, abundant sunshine. High 66F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. It's been nice sitting in the sunshine in the afternoons.
It's the beginning of a new week, wishing everyone a good one.0 -
We made an instant pot chicken and sweet potato dinner last night, interesting flavor with thyme and cinnamon.
That sounds vaguely middle eastern, possibly Greek. It also sounds delicious.
My "starter" Instant Pot is scheduled to arrive today, though I wouldn't be at all surprised if it doesn't actually come until tomorrow. I don't know for sure where I am going to store it. I ordered the three quart Instant Pot Duo.
As much as I love my plethora of slow cookers, there are times when I wish I had some kind of pressure cooker to speed things up when I forget to get things started. If I like this one, I may buy a larger one at some point in the future if I feel the need for the larger capacity. This will not be replacing my slow cookers, by any means, just supplementing them. I THINK I have room to store it in one of the cabinets in the laundry room.
I also ordered an Instant Vortex Plus 10 Quart Air Fryer, Rotisserie and Convection Oven to, hopefully, replace my current toaster oven as the convection fan in my current one is really noisy now, and I am not sure it is actually working right. Besides, it can't air fry (well, given a basket it probably COULD) and can't dehydrate or rotisserie cook things. Now I don't know that I really have any need to rotisserie cook stuff but it might be nice to have the option.
The oven is also scheduled to arrive today, but as with the Instant Pot, I am not holding my breath.
Well, back to work. My file search has probably completed by now.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)0 -
Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! We currently have 4 sunny degrees out there with an expected high of 24 under mostly sunny skies and a 2% chance of precipitation.
Nothing critical on the home front. Buttons came to the kitchen door to stare this morning but didn't actually come in to visit.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)0 -
Good morning.
It's going to be a beautiful day. Currently 50F here, sunny. High near 70F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. Yesterday was gorgeous too, enjoying time in the sun.
Ed, glad Buttons is easing her way in. The instant pot is great for quick meals. There are lots of recipes online, though I usually change them a bit, and it's fun to experiment with your own. We made chicken tortilla soup last night. Took about 1/2 hour total. I need to tweak that recipe a bit. Your other new purchase sounds interesting too, versatile. Let me know how you like it. We have a Phillips air fryer. Hubby uses it a lot to make fries, healthier than frying.
I picked up some coconut aminos yesterday. I've never used them before. It's a gluten free substitute for soy sauce. Several of the recipes I've been looking at use it.
I'm sure I'll be spending some time outdoors today.
Have a great day, everyone.
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Ed I have an air fryer and i use it a lot .George likes sweet potatoes fries it is so much better for him every once in a while I will have some.
take care everyone0 -
New appliances are in the house!
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Howdy all y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday!
We currently have 7 (44 F) clear degrees with an expected high of 24 (76 F) under partly sunny skies and a 2% chance of rain.
Buttons remains very shy, and is not eating as much as I would like, but as we are trying still to get her comfortable with eating in the same area as the others, that is not abnormal. She was an only cat for years after all. At least she IS eating. We moved her bowl to the hall for now to see if that helps. She will, eventually, be in with the others.
My dinner last night was tamale Tuesday instead of taco Tuesday. J had leftover Indian food, with the bread being warmed up in the new oven during its test run. I only did the pressure cooked water test run in the Instant Pot and haven't actually cooked anything in it as yet. Maybe today if I can think of anything I can do quickly for dinner. I have ordered extra silicone rings as I have heard that strong food flavors can seep into the rings. And I have the glass lid and silicone lid for it as well. I like to watch my food cooking when slow cooking.
Breakfast was one Kodiak Cakes big fluffy power waffle, with cheese, a sausage patty, and an egg piled on top. I heated the waffle in the new oven and it took very little time. I had to watch it closely to not burn it. I have to learn the ways of this new toy, for sure, as I have not had the use of a convection oven for years. I may have to try some fries or something soon.
Nothing critical on the home front today. I have some time to make up at work though because of skipping out part of a day.
As I am up early, that should not be a problem.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
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Good morning.
It's currently 61F, sunny. High 66F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph.
Ed, that looks a lot like my instant pot, but I didn't get a glass cover, and you can clean the silicone ring by soaking it in diluted white vinegar, then washing, or you can put it in the dishwasher, or you can use diluted vinegar, and a lemon and put the whole pot on for a short cycle. So far I've just used dish detergent, and it does retain some odor, but it doesn't affect the cooking. I saw where you can get 3 spares on Amazon for about $10, sounds totally worth it!
We went to a part of the C&O canal yesterday in Williamsport, Maryland where the Conococheague Creek joins with the Potomac. There's an old aquaduct there, some old buildings, and walking trails along the old canal and through the woods. It was a beautiful day for it, sunny with the high about 70F.
House cleaning today.
Happy Wednesday, everyone.
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Howdy all y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! We currently have 13 (56 F) cloudy degrees with an expected high of 21 (70 F) under cloudy skies and a 42% chance of rain.
After a 12 hour work day yesterday (I got a LOT done) we ordered in Chinese for dinner, and J will be having leftovers for lunch. Buttons spent the entire evening in J's lap, alternating between napping and giving herself baths. This morning she scurried quickly past me a couple of times in the kitchen, on her way from somewhere to somewhere.
My breakfast was some sprouted multigrain toast (made in the new oven) with butter and sugar free marmalade with fiber. Eggs, sunny side up, for the protein. It was good. The air fryer convection oven doesn't get toast browned quite the same as a regular toaster or toaster oven but it was crisp and tasty. And I am still learning this new toy. I think I am going to like it.
I am all caught up on hours for work now, so don't need to work any extra today, but there is a user guide I am just itching to finish writing. And I still have some software testing on the program for which I am writing the guide. Since I get into all the nooks and crannies of the software while testing it, and the programmers tend to be terrible at documenting, J assigned the task of writing the user guides to me. It makes sense, since I have to test all the functions anyway and can write the guide as I go.
J's boss is thrilled with the one I already wrote, and is eagerly awaiting the current one.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
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Good morning.
Ed, that's great that you are writing the guides while testing and making sure everything is working as it should. Programmers generally hate to document! Back in my programming days one of my worst projects was rewriting a program from NTRAN, a version of Fortran that I wasn't really familiar with into COBOL. There was NO documentation and I had to rely on users to understand a lot of what the program was supposed to do, so I really had to document before I could write the code, tweaking and redocumenting as I went along.
We made instant pot peanut chicken last night (chicken in a nice peanut sauce). It was pretty good. Hubby is having a hard time tasting things since our little bout with the virus, so I'm trying to make more flavorful things, but he's not tasting much of it.
It's currently 47F here and sunny for the moment. Partly to mostly cloudy expected today. High 67F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. Sounds like another great outdoors day before the cold weather sweeps in.
Happy Thursday, everyone.
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Howdy all y'all. It's fabulous Friday! We currently have 8 (46 F) sunny degrees out there with an expected high of 19 (66F) under sunny skies and 2% chance of precipitation.
I need to get to the grocery store today, after work, and that's all that's critical on the home front. A little tweaking to do an the user guide I have been working on, but it's more or less finished and should be ready to put out there for the users, who plan to be practicing with the application next week!
A final proofread and a little minor editing today. Maybe add another couple of screen shots if I think they are needed.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
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Good morning.
Ed, I'm sure the users will appreciate that!
I made spinach lasagna last night. What a treat, yum. Of course, the scale yelled at me this a.m.
I was able to change my booster shot from the town 15 miles away on Wednesday to my own town on Monday, so that's easier and sooner.
I'm also have an appt for this morning for an evaluation at PT, hoping they can tell me where the pain is coming from and maybe give me some exercises to do.
It's currently 56F, light rain this morning. Some sunshine breaking through this afternoon. High 62F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph.
Happy Friday, everyone. :)
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Good morning.
It's currently 46F, rain showers this morning with mostly sunny conditions during the afternoon hours. High 51F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph.
We'll be babysitting our granddaughter today. My son-in-law's sister is getting married, and the rest of the family is in the wedding. My grandson will be the ring bearer, and was fitted for a little tux!
So, I'll be very busy.
Happy Weekend, everyone.0 -
Howdy all y'all. It's satisfying Saturday!
It's currently 7 (44 F) sunny degrees with an expected sunny high of 12 (53 F) and 2% chance of precipitation. They have a freeze warning, but I don't see any frozen temperatures for today or tonight. All the same, I think we may have to get the rest of the larger plants moved in to the garage today or tomorrow, especially as we will be out of town from Monday afternoon to at least Thursday night at the annual development staff meeting in Murrell's Inlet, South Carolina, at headquarters.
The timing in not great for Buttons, who will likely be traumatized by our absence, brief though it will be. But J already got the meeting moved once, and it really does need to happen before the holiday madness starts up, as we deal in point of sale software and add-on programs for it.
J absolutely has to be there. And the big boss really wants me there too. Not to meet the "new guy" as we've met before. I went several years ago, not to the big meeting week, but to a one day (Friday) meeting, that J attended, and then a Friday night party at the big boss's house, where staff and families were invited, along with one prospective employee (not me) who did not take a job offer then, but may still be interested at some future point.
We drove down for that one on a Thursday night, and I was on my own for Friday. I dropped J off at the office and prowled around to see what I could see of the area. Then I bought a bottle of wine to bring as a host/hostess gift, and we went to the party. Saturday was our drive home to Peachtree Corners. Of course I had no idea then that one day I would be working for the company too!
I met a lot of people who work for the company then, and had already known some for years. In fact J's boss was our roommate for a while when we rented an apartment in the Atlanta area, before buying a house, but she lives up north now, with her husband, who also works for the company. At that time, neither of them were working for C&K Systems yet, but were both working for Radiant Systems, that was later bought by NCR. Radiant Systems had bought out the Synchronics, the company that J and J (J's boss is a J too) had worked for in Memphis. They started out working for a small company that kept being eaten by bigger and bigger companies.
The company we all work for now is, again, a smaller company and is big on family. Not in a nepotism sort of way, just in wanting the family involved and aware. J's boss met her husband working in the industry and it works out well that they could both join this company together when they decided job changes were in order.
There IS a new guy for the big boss to meet though, and he lives in the Atlanta area, as do J and I. J has met him, and delivered the company computer to him. I haven't met him face to face, but one of our weekly conference calls includes video and I know what he looks like, and sounds like. I'll actually get to meet him next week, hundreds of miles from home. He won't bring his wife with him. They just bought a house because they are expecting a baby soon, and she may need to continue the moving in and setting up. He is flying down to the meeting, perhaps so she can have the car while he's gone.
I need to get some grocery shopping done this morning, and maybe buy some new slacks or jeans to wear next week, and get them laundered.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
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Today's fun finds at Aldi. I like a good Stout now and then. I hope this one is good. I will try a bottle with dinner tonight. J doesn't care for Stout so this six pack is all mine.
The hard root beer is all right. I had one with lunch. Not the greatest root beer I have ever tasted by any means, but it was better than some. And the small alcohol kick fit it well enough. I don't think it will ever be a favorite though. Still, I will enjoy the remaining five bottles. J doesn't generally care for root beer so this is all mine too.
We have had this brand of hard cider before, in various flavors, but the plain old apple flavor is our overall favorite, so that is what I picked up. I may drink some, or I may leave it all for J.
Last, but certainly not least, I decided to go a different route for this year's alcoholic Advent calendar. I had really planned to look for this year's wine Advent calendar, but they didn't have any, so I present the Vista Bay hard seltzer Advent calendar.
It will give me a lighter, refreshing calendar and am sure I will enjoy it. Some of them might make good mixers for some fun cocktails too.
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Good morning.
Ed, enjoy your meeting away.
I like hard cider and root beer, but don't think I'd like hard root beer. The hard seltzer flavors sound really good. Yum!
Back from babysiting early this morning. I haven't parked my car outside for a long time, and had to scrape off the frost! Babies are a lot of work, so I will take it easy today. She is precious, and was smiling and laughing when she woke up at 4 this morning. We both went back to sleep after just over an hour.
It's currently 34F and mostly sunny, the forecast is for overcast, with a high 48F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph.
Wishing everyone a relaxing Sunday.
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Howdy all y'all. It's sumptuous Sunday!
We currently have 1 (33 F) frigid, but sunny degree with an expected high of 14 (59 F) under sunny skies and a 1% chance of precipitation.
Nothing critical on the home front. I did laundry yesterday and was up late folding. Orion had no mercy though and insisted that I get up "on time" and fit something close to my usual pattern.
Since I got paid early (nominally the 15th, but my bank posted it overnight Friday) I was able to buy some new clothes at Target yesterday, and had lots of laundry, hence being up late to fold.
Buttons has been spending time on the sofa with J, in the evenings, and spending a good chunk of the night there too, at least some nights, as J has peeked in if up during the night for any reason.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)0 -
good Sunday morning0
Howdy all y'all. It's marvelous Monday!
We currently have 5 (42 F) sunny degrees and an expected high of 15 (60 F) under sunny skies with 1% chance of rain.
I need to clean the house up some and prepare the meals for the pets so the pet sitter can just swap out bowls each day and won't have to prepare any food. And I have a doctor's appointment, and pack up clothes and such, after which we will be heading off to South Carolina for three days of meetings and stuff. I am not looking forward to this trip at all.
Nothing else critical on the home front.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)0 -
Ed have a safe trip0
Good morning.
Good luck with your Dr appt and getting everything ready for your trip, Ed. Safe travels. It might be fun.
How are you doing, Irene?
Hi to Jo, Jan, and Val.
I didn't do anything yesterday, just relaxed. I have my booster shot this morning, and probably won't do much today either.
It's cold today. Currently 41F, cloudy early, becoming mostly sunny this afternoon. High 47F. Winds WNW at 15 to 25 mph. Higher wind gusts possible.
Another new week. Wishing everyone a good one.0 -
It's November 15th, 2021. Happy 5th birthday to our sweet Dinah!
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Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! We have 4 sunny degrees right now in Murrell's Inlet, and an expected high of 20 under sunny skies.
Off to the office, for a change!
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Good morning.
Dinah is a very pretty cat.Glad you're getting nice weather, Ed. Enjoy your meetings.
It's currently 42F here, a mix of clouds and sun. High around 50F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Actually pretty sunny at the moment.
No special plans for today.
Happy Tuesday, everyone.0