Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2019
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Happy New Years Eve!
    Starting tomorrow it is back on track. Our Gym is open tomorrow, so we will go early in the morning.
    I am cooking a spiral ham for our NYE. I bought the smallest one they had as it is only the 2 of us eating it.
    Roger-if you don't mind would you list out the meal plan for men for a day? My hubby doesn't want to do NS, but wants to try and eat healthy.
    Vix-enjoy your party tonight. Is Hubby feeling any better?
    Irene-I am glad Annie is doing better.
    Have a great day! :)
    Hi Joanne
    For me Back on track starts Wednesday after today's New Years Main meal.

    Just Curious what size the smallest one they had is. I never remember to look the few time I go to the Grocery Store, I tend to steer clear of that pit of temptation.

    Here is what my plan is, I think the main difference between the Womens and the Mens is the Extra Snack ?

    The 1800 Calorie NS Mens Plan is as follows

    PowerFuel _________________________________________________
    SmartCarb ________________________________________________

    PowerFuel _________________________________________________
    SmartCarb ________________________________________________

    Nutrisystem® entrée _________________________________________
    PowerFuel _________________________________________________
    SmartCarb ________________________________________________

    Nutrisystem® dessert ________________________________________

    Nutrisystem® entrée _________________________________________
    PowerFuel _________________________________________________
    SmartCarb ________________________________________________

    Nutrisystem® dessert ________________________________________

    And Four Servings of Vegetables

    Every day, you’ll eat three meals, one snack, and two
    Together they provide:
    1,800 calories each day to keep you satisfi ed
    The nutrients you need to keep the muscle while you lose the fat
    Enough energy to stay active
    It all adds up to help you
    drop 1-2 pounds per week
    while avoiding hunger, cravings, and cheating.

    You can find the Grocery List linked at the bottom of the NS pages.

    Have a Good New Years Day
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Happy New Year!
    Roger-thank you for the men's meal plan.
    Hi Vix and Irene.
    We were the first ones at the gym. :) Starting the new year off right, with exercise and eating right.
    I did not make it to midnight. I think I fell asleep around 9.
    It is in the 50's here and windy.
    Have a great day! :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    edited January 2019
    It was nice hanging out with friends last night, (but my body is definitely not happy with the effects of party food and wine!)
    WTG on the exercise and eating plan, Jo!
    Enjoy your New Year's Day celebration, Roger.
    Glad you were relaxing on the last day of the year, Irene.
    Hoping for a kinder, gentler year for the world, and looking forward to all the new, happy things happening in my life.
    Wishing you all a happy, healthy new year. :smile:
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, we did go for a walk yesterday we went by the lake . Todays walk was nice it was like 60 we walked with just a hoodie on it was nice not to have on a heavy coat. No plans for today. George and I went out for breakfast it was really nice glad I am not starting my diet until tomorrow . Happy new year everyone
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did already post some humor FWIW.

    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 33 degrees and the walking was OK. There is a chance of snow showers or rain showers overnight into Thursday.

    Coordinated all over the world, I found it interesting.
    Injection to halt the progress of Alzheimer’s 'available within decade'
    NASA spaceship zooms toward distant Ultima Thule
    Dice roll sinks Arkansas candidate who twice missed voting for himself

    So Wrong as I see it.
    A State Is on The Verge of Legalizing Human Composting
    Now a bill being sponsored in the state's legislature could see Washington become the first state to legalize human composting.
    Armed man headed to 'fulfill prophecy' at church is from Houston area

    Have a Really Good Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Happy New Year!
    Roger-thank you for the men's meal plan.
    Hi Vix and Irene.
    We were the first ones at the gym. :) Starting the new year off right, with exercise and eating right.
    I did not make it to midnight. I think I fell asleep around 9.
    It is in the 50's here and windy.
    Have a great day! :)
    Hi Joanne
    No problem with it all I had to was find the right PDF in my Documents folder and copy it.

    I did not make Midnight, OTOH I also did not try :blush:

    We had areas of NJ with wind Gusts in the upper 40s for Tuesday.

    Congratulations on the start of the new year going so well.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    It was nice hanging out with friends last night, (but my body is definitely not happy with the effects of party food and wine!)
    WTG on the exercise and eating plan, Jo!
    Enjoy your New Year's Day celebration, Roger.
    Glad you were relaxing on the last day of the year, Irene.
    Hoping for a kinder, gentler year for the world, and looking forward to all the new, happy things happening in my life.
    Wishing you all a happy, healthy new year. :smile:
    Hi Vix
    Both my brother and I had problems with sleep New Years Eve due to the Snack foods that we overindulged with. I ate less than my Brother as I skipped 4 of each of the spicy ones and he did not so I ended up eating 17 vs his 25 snacks. Neither of slept good nor was the scale kind to us either.

    Yesterdays New Years Meal was Some Ham, Some Turkey Breast and some home made stuffing AKA Dressing. The Turkey and Stuffing has Home made Turkey Gravy on them. All were leftovers from the freezer. I did not weigh and just winged it, Oops. I would likely have been OK if I had not eaten the Mini Panettone at 350 Calories, The worst of that was the High Carb Count :(

    I am feeling it today, Now I need to be good stay on track with the right foods.

    Thank You, I hope For all of us to have a Happy and Healthy upcoming Year too
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, we did go for a walk yesterday we went by the lake . Todays walk was nice it was like 60 we walked with just a hoodie on it was nice not to have on a heavy coat. No plans for today. George and I went out for breakfast it was really nice glad I am not starting my diet until tomorrow . Happy new year everyone
    Hi Irene
    We seem to be having weird weather here in NJ, Cold and Above normal warmth. I have to look out the window and at the porch temperature to decide what to wear.

    This morning I wore a Sweatshirt and a Hoodie whereas Yesterday I wore a thin Long sleeve shirt and something to break the wind and was fine for example.

    Eating Breakfast out is tough, You can make some smart choices, Eggs and Meat and try for a fruit bowl instead of Home Fries for example. Toast is the hard one to sub for.

    I also decided not to worry about my Diet New Years Eve and New Years Day. Thankfully no Holidays in the near future that involve food before a Easter Ham Dinner.

    Have a Good Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, we went on a long walk this morning almost 2 hours almost 6 miles we will probably be doing this for awhile well today is day 1 for me no more junk food take care everyone
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Hi all.
    Went to work on clay today. It cooled down and got cloudy in the afternoon. Very dark and overcast now.
    Hubby's doing better now. Cold is finally easing up.
    I was so exhausted yesterday, I didn't do anything. Fell asleep reading in a recliner chair. I never do that!
    Anyway, seem to have a little more energy today.
    Hope everyone is enjoying 2019 so far! :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    Yesterday was my first day back at work. I was a little achy last night.
    Today is my late day 10-6pm. I hope I can make it. :p I usually run out of steam around 4pm.
    Vix-I fall asleep while reading all the time.
    Irene-that was a nice long walk, congrats.
    Hi Roger.
    Have a wonderful day! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just posted some more humor

    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 38 degrees and the walking was good. The chance of snow showers or rain showers overnight may have happened, The ground was damp and the cars had water spots on them, beyond that it was dry enough. From last nights 10PM weather forecast it appears that the Snow will be North and west and the rain south of here, so far so good :
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    2018 Saw A Global Revolt Against Climate Change Policies

    Just Sad
    Garbage, feces take toll on national parks amid shutdown

    Have a Really Good Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, we went on a long walk this morning almost 2 hours almost 6 miles we will probably be doing this for awhile well today is day 1 for me no more junk food take care everyone
    Hi Irene
    I did not have Junk food Yesterday as much as the wrong food. Think Bacon Omelet with French Fries and Rye Toast :( A bad choice and one I am feeling overnight into this morning.

    Congratulations on the Walking, I am impressed
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Went to work on clay today. It cooled down and got cloudy in the afternoon. Very dark and overcast now.
    Hubby's doing better now. Cold is finally easing up.
    I was so exhausted yesterday, I didn't do anything. Fell asleep reading in a recliner chair. I never do that!
    Anyway, seem to have a little more energy today.
    Hope everyone is enjoying 2019 so far! :)
    Hi Vix
    Despite the 38 degrees out the door this morning I was feeling warm and lest the Hoodie open while walking. I suspect it is due to the starches from the Omelet I had as a late Lunch or early Dinner, To many Carbs do that to me :(

    Better Dark and overcast than wind blown rain :wink:

    I wish I could sleep anywhere except laying horizontal in bed, No sleep in a chair, Car, Bus, Plane or with a radio/TV or lights on no matter how tired I am. This morning I reclined for a little while listening to a audiobook before coming in here.

    More Energy, Whee, It could be related to the New Years food, I know it is (was) in my case.

    Have a Good Day,
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Yesterday was my first day back at work. I was a little achy last night.
    Today is my late day 10-6pm. I hope I can make it. :p I usually run out of steam around 4pm.
    Vix-I fall asleep while reading all the time.
    Irene-that was a nice long walk, congrats.
    Hi Roger.
    Have a wonderful day! :)
    Hi Joanne
    Darn it, Back to work already :(

    Those hours should at a minimum keep You out of rush hour traffic unless You do not have that were You are ?

    If Those are the late hours, what are the regular or early hours ?

    Have a Nice Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Hi all.
    Went to painting class this a.m.
    Need to catch up with some bills and laundry today.
    Happy Thursday, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Some humor has been posted

    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 29 degrees and the walking was good.
    Expert: Weight Gain Appears Related To When We Eat
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    Vermont has a higher proportion of people moving there from out-of-state than anywhere else in the U.S., study says
    Vermont has a low overall population, yet the highest proportion of people moving there from out of state compared to elsewhere in the U.S., a study says
    At the same time, a higher percentage of people moved out of New Jersey than any other state, followed by Illinois, Connecticut, New York and Kansas

    No Surprise to me :(
    More people moved out of this state than any other in America
    New Jersey residents are on the outs with their state.
    More people moved out of the Garden State in 2018 than any other state, according to a new study by United Van Lines – though New York wasn’t far behind.
    New Jersey, which topped the list of the “most moved from” states, was followed by Illinois, Connecticut and the Empire State, the moving company’s study found.

    Once again not a surprise
    NYC’s minimum wage increase may lead to a business exodus

    Have a Really Good Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Went to painting class this a.m.
    Need to catch up with some bills and laundry today.
    Happy Thursday, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    I wrote out some bills Wednesday and I had planned to post them while walking, Then I remembered I had Coffee left over from Wednesdays walk to heat up so I posted them today.
    Paying all but 20+ dollars of a Credit Card bill and the Nearly $30 water bill ate up almost $400 from Checking. To the good I have reduced the CC bills to where they are completely payable. Hopefully You are in a similar position.

    There is that dirty word, Laundry :wink:

    Have a Good Day

    Hi Irene and Joanne
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Roger,luckily, my retirement planning worked out pretty well. I generally pay my credit card bills in full, and have budgeted out for my other bills, so am in good shape there. And I don't mind doing laundry...I find it kind of relaxing. :blush:
    I have appts today...hairdresser, cut and color at noon, and acupuncture at 3:30.
    Another gray day outside, high of 46 expected with afternoon showers.
    Hi Jo and Irene!
    Happy Friday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, Poor Annie is really sick , she has pneumonia . She started to get sick Wednesday night she was having a problem breathing so we took her to er but by the time we took her she was ok. But we got home and a couple hours later . I was up all night with her we went to our vet yesterday they took an xray it showed she had either fliud or tumor so we then had an ultra sound done and it showed pneumonia. so now she is on meds she also got a shot so she won't get dehydrated . I did take her out for a little walk which seemed to help her. We take her back in 2 weeks then she will get another xray we may need to take her to cardiologist hopefully we won't have to. take care everyone