Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Rain, rain, rain. It's warmer here today, up into the 50s.
    Stay safe from the floods.
    No special plans.
    Happy Friday, everyone. :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Well, I did get out in the cold today, to PetSmart, where they were out of the salmon flavor canned cat food I wanted for Lilo and Orion, but I got a couple of other flavors that Lilo is sometimes happy with. We are back on three different brands of kibble as Orion needs a special kidney diet to help prevent struvite crystals, Lilo needs a special kidney diet for extremely mature cats, and the young girls, Kiara and Dinah are still, for now, on a grain free brand that they seem to like. I may see if the vet thinks it would be beneficial to put them on the same thing Orion is eating, just to save the hassle of keeping up with so many. And since I got canned food for the young girls, and three tubs of kitty litter, and four cans of meal worms for the sugar gliders, it was in excess of $100 at PetSmart.

    I then went to Kroger, which, by comparison, was cheap! And encountered extremely light snow flurries on the way home from there.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's satisfying - and possibly soggy - Saturday! It's below freezing just now and the forecast calls far 90% chance of snow turning to rain. I peeked out and while it's frosty out there, at least on the cars, no snow is in sight and there is a streaky pink sunrise.

    I don't have to go anywhere today so I will just stay in here where it's warm, at least until it's time to pop down the driveway to the mailbox.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning all.
    Sunshine! Yay! Only partly cloudy today. It is in the low 30s going up to 44 today. Nice after all the rain and wind yesterday.
    That's a lot of pet food, Ed! I think you all are getting more snow than we are!
    No special plans for today. Will see what the day brings.
    Happy Saturday, everyone. :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Planning the small group lunch is a lot like herding cats! I am making some chess bars today for Sunday. I was hoping we would cancel as they are having a later mid day lunch because of a funeral. My group does not mind being there from 9 am till 430 pm..but this lady will be going from 10:15 am till 130 pm and have to skip the funeral and helping with the funeral lunch. I did not really know the lady though I took food to the family as she was declining and tons of people will be there for the funeral service itself. I am rescuing my dog which will have to go outside at some point.. :| We have had so many people in this region to die of glioblastomas it is a little frightening. I rarely heard about any just short years ago.
    Talked with my stepmother and her date for surgery is Feb. 28th. I offered to be there for it, but she said her friends will be there. She was not up for company. Offered to be there after or farther down the line for helping not as a guest and she said she was keeping the company that helps her. She would be fine.
    So reevaluating my next months or so since she is fine. Guess I will be home instead.. Hmmm....Love me, love my dog..
    Crazy times!! Stay safe all!! <3
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Well we had a little snow.

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    Friday we lost power at around 4:30 pm and the power came back on at 4:15 on Sat. morning.
    We have a small generator, so were able to keep the heat on. We went out on Friday night to see if we could find a restaurant open to have dinner. All the traffic lights were out and the traffic was horrible. We went to the next town, but the power was out there also. We came home and I went to bed at 6:30.
    As for the halftime show, I fell asleep, so I guess I didn't miss much.
    Ed-Do you usually get snow?
    We have only had snow once, where we had to shovel.
    I am going out with my daughter today to a farm and fiber event. I am not exactly sure what to expect.
    Have a good day!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's sumptuous Sunday! It's cold out there, with freezing fog warnings. That always puts an odd image into my mind of solid walls of fog that a person or car could slam into! LOL.

    As it is pretty rare for us to get any significant snowfall in Peacthree Corners, I rather enjoyed watching our 2 inches or so of heavy, wet snow as it fell for 2 hours, accumulated, and promptly started melting. By bedtime there were only small patches of snow remaining and what is left will probably be disappearing today. It made quite the Winter wonderland for a short time.

    I probably would not have enjoyed it so much if I had to get out in it, but it was nice to look at from the warm confines of our house.

    Not much on the agenda for today. Maybe some laundry.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning all.
    Jan, glad your step-mother has friends nearby. You are so busy with your church.
    Pretty snow, Ed. I'm always happy when we don't have to shovel. No shoveling at all so far this year. Freezing fog does sound like a solid wall!
    Jo, I've missed you. Sorry your power went out...I guess it was the wind. We had some minor tornadoes around here, but luckily our power stayed on. I'm glad you were able to keep your heat on. Have fun at your farm and fiber'll have to tell us all about it. We have a sheep and wool festival here in May. I like it, always interesting wool products and sheep related knickknacks. Plus the sheep are cute, and they usually also have goats and llamas. The llamas are really cute.
    It's in the 20s at the moment and sunny, expected high of 47 today. Rainy and continued mild for the next 4 days, so better enjoy the sunshine today!
    Happy Saturday, everyone. :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    edited February 2020
    Can you find me in this picture, with my parents and 5 of my 9 siblings? I was not in need of any weight loss assistance at that age.

  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, well sounds like everyone is doing good. Jo how are you feeling? Ed we still haven't had much snow. Jan sounds like your step mom is in good hands . Vix we also had a lot of wind on Saturday. Saturday we took Annie back to the cardiologist he wanted us to leave her so he could put her on a drip with meds we decided not too ,we don't want to cause more stress and pain so he gave us 2 more new pills ,it isn't like she is going to improve. well take care everyone
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning all.
    Back to the rainy days here. Gray and gloomy looking out there.
    Irene, sorry Annie isn't going to improve, hopefully the new pills will make her feel a little better. Hugs.
    Ed, the picture isn't very clear...hard to tell. My first thought is the one on your Mom's lap. She looks really little, or your Dad really large. Amazing that you had 9 siblings!

    Have you noticed all the additives in store bought shredded cheese. Cheese is one of my slightly off diet foods, but last night I noticed an unpleasant effect, so I checked the ingredients. I assumed it was just cheese, but there are added starches, enzymes and mold retardant. At least one of those things does not agree with me. So I will shred my own from now on, on those occasions when I choose to indulge. So much for shortcuts.

    I have an acupuncture appt later this morning. That'll be good.
    Have a wonderful new week, everyone. :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's marvelous Monday! 70% chance of p.m. rain, so if I want to go anywhere I need to get on out this morning. I don't see anything super critical on the shopping list, and am trying to keep costs down for a bit until I catch up on all the hospital bills. As expected, they are nickel and diming me. I swear, every doctor who so much as said hello to me in passing has sent a bill for $35, and then the separate bills from radiology and cardiology for the tests. I have paid several and just when I think I have seen them all, another shows up. Reconciling the bills with the insurance statements is a bit of an annoyance too, but as long as the bills are itemized and show the insurance payments and adjustments too, it can be accomplished. Sometimes I have several insurance statements that have to be all reconciled to the same, single, itemized bill.

    I have one bill showing two items at $18 each, with no indication of what, if anything, the insurance paid, or even whether the insurance has been billed. I have paid one bill to that department, that had been sent through insurance, but if they think I am just blindly paying them $36 for two electrocardiagram reports without any insurance statement they can think again.

    OK. I just called, and apparently something got lost in the shuffle during the transfer from one office to another. The hospital I was at had just been I mean acquired by another hospital and somehow this particular bill didn't have my insurance information attached to it. I called the number on the bill, which just gave me a different number to call, due to the office move, and I gave them my insurance ID and they will bill it now. So I can wait far a revised bill, if any, to arrive.

    Lilo has had her "horrible" and treats for this morning, and is patiently (hah!) awaiting breakfast, along with the other three.

    As to the picture, my mother is 5 foot 4 and my father was 6 foot 4, so there is a bit of distance between them. The one in my mother's lap is one of my younger brothers. I am the third of the ten children.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    Irene-I am sorry to hear about Annie. I hope the new meds at least make her more comfortable.
    Ed-Are the one in the back with glasses?
    Vix-The farm and fiber event was just like your sheep and wool festival. Local merchants selling their wool and demonstrations on spinning yarn and felting. It was fun. We also walked around Boston Seaport, Faneuil Hall and had lunch at the Atlantic Fish Co.
    It was a fun day, but a bit cold. I didn't know shredded cheese had additives in it. I will have see if the one I buy does.
    Jan-It is nice that your step-mom has friends to help her that live nearby.
    Hi Val-pop in and let us know how you are doing.
    I went to the Dr.yesterday, she said as long as I am improving, that for now just keep doing the exercises and she will see me in 6 weeks. She also gave me a note for work with a weight lifting restriction of 15 lbs.
    Have a great day! :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, jo sounds like you are doing better. I know it took me a long time until my shoulder was better. Well I think Annie is feeling better she seems to have more energy it is so hard to tell but I will take each day I have her. It is raining here and it looks like it is going to rain all day . I do need to run to the grocery store later hopefully I can go when it slows down. take care everyone
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    edited February 2020
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! I need to get Lilo's shot drawn up and administered, so she can get past her "horrible" and have a treat. I would like to get out for a few things, and may try around 11:00 when the rain chance is the least and it MAF be just "cloudy" for a bit. If I just go to PetSmart and Publix or Aldi, I might not get too wet.

    In the picture posted the other day, I am the beanpole with the Dumbo ears on the far right.

    I installed a camera in the window by the front door yesterday, and set up the monitoring to watch for motion. I found this scary video this morning. Meet Orion, the spook! You may have to click on the picture to activate it. Orion must have heard something outside and poked through the curtain to investigate.



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Well, I did get out for a bit, and picked up the most needed groceries.

    I also got a little more food for Lilo.

    Today is Lilo's 17th birthday!

    Oh, and I think in other pet news, you might like to know that Remus Crabbypants and Clyde are now cohabiting and seem to be fine with it. Right at first, Remus acted as if he was still a baby and Clyde was his daddy, climbing on Clyde's back to ride around. And Clyde let him! He doesn't do it now, so I guess they have worked something out between them.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Hi all.
    I was running late this morning. Went to stained glass class, clay group, and took my car for it's emissions test. Busy day. Rainy and gray all day.
    Ed, you look a lot like your Dad in that picture...are you really tall too? Medical bills always seem to be a mess. Sometimes I find they're still sending bills 6 or 8 months later! WTH. I'm glad Clyde and Remus are getting along so well now. And happy birthday to Lilo!
    Irene, I'm so glad Annie is feeling better. That's good.
    Jo, the sheep and wool festival is one of my favorites. Farm and fiber sounds very much like it. What is Faneuil Hall? Nice to have a seafood lunch. It must be so nice to spend so much time with your daughter. I kind of miss mom/daughter outings, but I'm not complaining...I love any family time.
    Hi Jan and Val...hope all is well.
    Have a good evening, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, well today is Wednesday so I go visit the sick usually takes us about an hour that is all I have planned for today. Happy birthday Lilo! jo I have never been to a sheep festival but it did sound fun.well take care everyone
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! It is supposed to be warm today with 30% chance of p.m. showers. I don't think I need to go anywhere, but I do need to get to that laundry.

    For Lilo's special birthday treat yesterday, I made tuna casserole.

    She didn't get the casserole, but she did get the "tuna juice" (the water from the can) that she graciously shared with Kiara. She loves tuna but doesn't need the extra protein, so I let her have the water and she is happy. When she was younger, I would let her have a bit of the tuna before it all went into the casserole.

    I used Barilla Red Lentil Rotini in this casserole. I can definitely taste the lentil when I use this kind of pasta, or their Chickpea Rotini, in which I can taste the chickpea, but using it in the tuna casserole helped to mask that flavor somewhat, and the extra cooking time, in the sauce, helped with the slightly odd texture of the cooked pasta.

    Using that pasta does take some getting used to, and spending that much on it does too, but it adds protein and reduces the simple carbohydrates in the casserole, so it doesn't spike my blood glucose so badly. The extra fiber also helps me to feel full without eating too much of the casserole.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Ed, you look a lot like your Dad in that picture...are you really tall too?

    I am 6 foot 2.

    Well, this mug of tea is empty. Time to pour another.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
