Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning all.
    Jan, sounds like you're ok. We had at least 12 cases in MD yesterday, and it seems to spread rapidly. ( I think there were only 2 cases the day before). Store shelves were pretty empty. Some people are obviously in panic mode. I'm not too worried at this point, but it is a very dangerous virus with about 10 times the death rate as the flu, mostly in people over 60.
    Irene, if you consider that 20000-60000 people in America die from the flu each year, even though there is a vaccine, it's pretty scary if you multiply that by 10 (and there is no vaccine).
    I'm not saying to panic, but it is a good idea to be careful. The president is making it political, but it shouldn't be. He's more worried about the economy/stock market/big corporations than the health and welfare of ordinary people. Do you know he fired the whole pandemic team in the CDC in December after we knew what was happening in China? That's just part of it. We are not prepared, not enough tests, etc. You may want to expand your reading material.
    Ed, hope you're expecting something good!
    Jo, hope you and yours are doing well.
    Val, wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Stay well, everyone, and have a good day. :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! It's looking like a typical day around here. Warm with 20% chance of precipitation.

    I don't think I need to be anywhere today, but we'll see.

    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Oh, and HAPPY Pi Day!

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning.
    Happy Pi day!
    Irene, you may also be interested in knowing that much of the protective medical gear (like face masks) were mainly imported from China. Not enough are produced in America, they can't afford to do that (they don't have a market for the excess when there isn't an epidemic). Since the trade war, China has found other global buyers, and we are scrambling to find these items from other countries, who are also holding on to them for their own use. So we have shortages. Our medical professionals do not have enough protective gear. Many of our medicines are imported from China and India. Factories do not pop up overnight. Businesses go where they can make more money (pay less for labor). We are in a global economy whether or not people want to believe it. The current regime here is trying to mask reality with bravado and bs.
    Off the soapbox.
    Have a good day, everyone. Seek truth. Stay healthy.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    vix I feel you are wrong
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Irene, you can find facts if you look things up online. You can also find a lot of misinformation. I'm not saying to panic, and I think some medical experts are overestimating the problem. But if you limit what/who you're reading/listening to you are not getting a full picture and have very little to base your feelings on. I think this has been blown out of proportion since only about 81000 people in China have gotten it with about 3000-4000 deaths. It has spread across the world. I doubt it would be worse here than in China. But I could be wrong. My opinions are based on a lot of reading and fact checking. I don't care if anyone agrees with my opinion or not. But I think it would be helpful if everyone would try to understand the facts. And the fact that "alternate facts" are not facts at all.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    edited March 2020
    Well, we managed to stay home all day. I could have done laundry, but Eduardo got creative in the kitchen and instead of making barbecue from the pork I had thawed out, as I had kind of originally planned, supper (for me) was slow cooked chili colorado, made with pork, and with the addition of beans, which don't really belong in that but actually worked well as far as I was concerned. I allowed myself a small handful of corn chips with it, and a sprinkle of shredded cheese on top of the serving of chili.

    In a separate slow cooker I made vegetarian "melt your face" spicy chili for J who is back on solid food again, though carefully as healing is not complete. All the same a small handful of corn chips went with that chili too, and a larger, very generous sprinkle of shredded cheese.

    Last night we had pizza, though not the thin and crispy that J generally prefers. We will get back to that, maybe the next time we have pizza.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's sumptuous Sunday! It looks like we are in for another few warm, rainy days. I might need to get out and buy some ant poison, if I determine that what I have set out isn't working.

    Breakfast was steel cut oatmeal with blueberries, and a small bowl of my chili colorado.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning all.
    I like your inner Eduardo, Ed!
    Cloudy and 38 with a high of 52 here today.
    No special plans...may go out later for bananas, and see if there's any tp to be had. We didn't hoard, and could use a replenishment.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    I have been very busy at work. We have unlimited overtime to keep up with the demand.
    We ran out of water and toilet paper. Paper towels and cleaning products and pasta were in high demand also. People were lined up at the doors yesterday morning. The lines at checkout were so long, that some people were leaving their carts. I spend most of Friday and Saturday putting the perishables back on the shelves. When we finally got some water and toilet paper in yesterday afternoon, there was a limit of two. Did people forget that we can turn on the faucet and get water? I think most tap water is drinkable or you could always boil it.
    Prays for Val for a speedy recovery.
    Jan-most of the theater productions are closed here. My daughter and I were going to go to the flower show today but it as cancelled. Can your daughter get a refund on her Italy trip?
    I here that airline fare prices are very low right now.
    My son's work has shut down and all employee's are working from home. My daughter may also be working from home. The hospital gave her access to her work computer and instructions on how to encrypt her home computer. All elective surgeries have been cancelled.
    Vix-sorry your classes have been cancelled, but better safe than sorry.
    Ed-I bet J is glad to be able to eat solid food again.
    Stay safe everyone and wash your hands often and use hand sanitizer if you have to go out in public.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    eku0 wrote: »

    I like your inner Eduardo, Ed!

    No special plans...may go out later for bananas, and see if there's any tp to be had. We didn't hoard, and could use a replenishment.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)

    I am rather fond of Eduardo myself. Sometimes I go in the kitchen with no clue what I will be making, and just scan the contents of the refrigerator, freezer, and cupboard to see what's there, letting that percolate for a bit and then, like magic, an idea or two (or three) will pop up, and in a few minutes I am starting to make something tasty. It might just be mac and cheese, but then again, it could be chili colorado, coq au vin, boeuf bourgignon, crustless quiche...or something totally off the wall that just pops into my mind. I enjoy cooking, unless I am really tired.

    There wasn't any TP at Kroger. I didn't need any but couldn't help seeing the still empty shelves.

    There WAS some AngelSoft at Walgreen's though! You might try there if your grocery is bare.

    I wanted a couple of cans of small red beans, but the canned AND dried beans (and rice) were pretty devastated at Kroger. I didn't need rice, but again, couldn't help noticing. I did manage, miraculously, to get a few cans of pinto beans. I can use those in lieu of red beans for most purposes, though they do have a stronger flavor. I always keep pinto beans on hand anyway. I may find that I have some dried red beans in the pantry. I wanted the canned beans for convenience.

    I did get the cereal and milk I went for, though the milk doors in the cooler were looking somewhat bare. And I had no trouble finding the items I needed in the spice aisle.

    I had to buy 6 32 oz. Powerade Zero instead of my usual 8-pack of 20 oz. as that was all gone too. And they only had one bottle of my favorite flavor so I am settling for some flavors I am less fond of.

    When this is all over, toilet paper, bean, and rice sales are going to tank for months, maybe even a year.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's marvelous Monday! A little cooler today with a small chance of rain. I do need to get out for cat food. While I am there I may go around to the other ell of the parking lot and see how crazy it is in Publix, and how hard the hordes of hoarders have hit. And if they happen to have anything I need or want, I can pick that up too.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning all.
    Off for a massage this morning.
    Will see what else the day brings.
    Wishing everyone a good new week. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    As of tomorrow all restaurants in my area will only be open for take-out and delivery.
    Is it the same in your area?
    So far today, I have washed the kitchen floor, cleaned the litter box, did a load of laundry,
    repotted my orchid, straightened the linen closet and gave myself a pedicure.
    I am making my corned beef and cabbage today as tomorrow is 9-5 day at work. On days that I have to work until 5pm, I am exhausted. It is still 8 hours, so I don't understand why I should be so tired.
    Have a great day!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning all.
    Well,the virus hit Al. Since it hit us late, we seem to be holding numbers down, as we had the chance to make changes ahead of time. We have 22 cases. I am on the county line and one county has 1 case and the other none. Most are around Birmingham. Many restaurants are going to just take out. The shelves are bare including toilet paper also. People are dense sometimes. Bottled water is flying off the shelves. That is stupid. We were wiped out of canned goods and breads. Go figure!! Anti bacterial soap nowhere to be had at all. I think people here are in panic and greed mode and it put them buying supplies as if we were getting a hurricane or tornado. Some flu products are left on the shelves, like ASA, Tylenol, ect..the stuff you will really need.
    Schools closed early and then go into spring break. Probably will have to cancel testing. They may need to set up video, though not all students in the country parts have access. My daughter is working that out on spring break. All the colleges are on line now and on break.
    We are doing church by video and you tube and will close for several weeks. So glad for the rest from cooking. I only have 3 rolls of TP left but I do have friends who had shopped at Sam's club and hopefully enough friends who were able to grab a roll to share if I get desperate!! :D
    I have to go back to base and get my meds, then will be good for 30 days.
    Irene, I think we all thought it would be more like the flu. It is just a more virulent type. I have worked in health care and it truly still took a bit to see how this virus would be factored. Honestly, our system has not been challenged by anything like this since perhaps when polio hit, but before the vaccine. So far it has been not like China so we are holding our own.
    Vix, there is a lot of perception to what you say. People would be surprised to realize how much of business is owned by foreign interest nowadays. We do not have the capacity and edge we once had, I do not think.
    That being said, I think it is always better to be cautious and not have regrets.
    I also am noticing it is starting to hit people in their 30's, 40's, and 50's.
    We did have our tickets to Miss Saigon cancelled. Saw that coming. We should get money back.
    Jo, I would imagine you are going to be busy for this whole month and maybe more!! Rest as you can!!
    This happening has not been all of a bad thing. It is a wake up call. I am sure in the future there will be more things of this nature happening. Tremendous learning experience if we take advantage of it!!
    Irene, you have a pure and gentle heart!! For us who believe and is also a rare opportunity!!

    Forgive the length!! Take care and be wise!! <3
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Jo, yes our governor did the same. Be careful at work. Stay healthy.
    Jan, probably good your in person church activities were cancelled. And it will be a nice break for you from all that cooking. As you said, better safe than sorry.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! I have given Lilo her Tuesday shot, and REQUIRED subsequent treats.

    I have a doctor's appointment myself this morning. At least I think I do...I checked the website for that office and they haven't posted anything saying not to come in. But then, they do infusions and such there, as well as other medical things, and infusions can't exactly be done online. I'm just going in to discuss some bloodwork and be looked at. I guess it COULD be done online but he may want to look at places I am wouldn't be exactly comfortable with showing online...there's usually some pressing and poking here and there, and the old "does this hurt" sort of thing. I am sure I could to my own pressing and poking but he might have to trust me without actually witnessing that part. LOL. After this I shouldn't neet to see this one for at least 6 months or so.

    My endocrinologist, on the other hand, has closed the door to patients, at least through the end of the month, saying they will have virtual office visits instead, to discuss what would have been normally done in the office, and asking patients to self check vitals (temp, pulse, BP, glucose) and upload their readings from their device. I suspect some patients will have a learning curve on some of that, being used to just handing their device to the staff for transferral of the glucose history. I have been emailing mine for years. And, fortunately, don't have another appointment with the endocrinologist for several months, having seen him fairly recently.

    It should be another warm day with some chance of precipitation.

    I will start my corned beef when I get home from the doctor, so it can cook for several hours. This year my cabbage will be in the form of sauerkraut. I have some marble rye in the freezer, and if I remember, I can stop on the way home and try to get some Swiss cheese so I can make a Reuben sandwich or two from some of the corned beef. I can let Eduardo make the dressing.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning all.
    Good luck with the doctor, Ed. My rheumatologist sent email saying how they were doing extra cleaning and disinfecting, going so far as to disinfect the clipboards between users, door handles, etc! I don't have an appt with them til June. Will see how things are then.
    Have fun cooking. I'm not doing anything special for St. Pat's Day.
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,312 Member
    Traffic was light on the way to (and from) the doctor's office. All my bloodwork looked fine. He said it was time to refresh my Pneumovax, so we took care of that while I was there. My left arm will, no doubt, be sore later, though it's not bad now. I'll get the other Pneumonia vaccine next time, in 6 months or so.

    I was able to stop at Publix where everyone seemed to be eyeing one another warily as they perused the slim pickings. The fresh meat, eggs, milk, toilet paper, beans, and rice were all pretty much wiped out. I didn't need any of those things, but thought it interesting how the hoarded items are going. I mean, not everyone has a whole lot of room in their freezers for a whole lot of meat, so I suspect there will be a LOT of meat being cooked up in the next few days.

    My supply is good on that, and we could probably get by without venturing out now for a couple of weeks. I DID manage to score a few cans of small red beans, and pink beans, in the latino food section. Goya brand, and not particularly cheap, but I got half a dozen cans, four red and two pink, which, with the rest below, brings my canned bean stock back up to where I normally have it. I also managed to get one can of black beans, two cans of hot chili beans, and a can of Mexican style beans, corn, and bell peppers. J may get that Mexican style can as most of a vegetarian supper tonight, with maybe some kind of potato.

    I did find some Swiss cheese, though not the store brand, so again paid name brand price. Tillamook is a good brand though so I don't really mind.

    My corned beef is going in a slow cooker, with a few carrots and a potato. I will heat some sauerkraut later and dinner will be served, for me anyway.

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
    Ed-glad your blood work was fine.
    My follow up appt. for next Monday was cancelled. I also had a mammogram on the same day which was also cancelled. My next appts are scheduled for May. The woman I spoke with said they were only taking patients with fractures and follow up after surgery until May.
    My store was relatively quiet today. We will be closing at 8pm instead of 11. We are all out of TP again and very little water.