Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning all
    Ed, that pizza looks great , but very rich. I copied the recipe anyway!
    Jo, glad your schedule is getting back to normal and that work is slowing down. Our Spring flowering trees are all blooming. The cherry trees at the entrance to our development have bloomed, and are beautiful, as usual. Magnolia trees are also blooming now, though we don't have any, they look really good this year.
    I went for a couple of walks yesterday, the weather was so nice, and supposed to be nice again today. We also went to the grocery store and picked up some frozen veggies and produce that they didn't have the last time. So we're good for a while.
    Wishing everyone a good day. Be well. :)

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Vix-the picture is so pretty with all the trees in bloom.
    Ed-Pizza looks yummy. I have copied and saved the recipe.
    We got water in at work, but still no toilet paper. We will start opening at 6am for senior and at risk customers. We are still closing early at 8pm.
    Have a good evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning all.
    It was pouring rain this morning. For some crazy reason it gave me a craving for toasted marshmallows! oh, marshmallows in my house. Probably just as well. ;)
    Jo, in NJ they are putting up plexiglass screens for the cashiers. We don't have that here, and I am concerned for the cashiers...they get pretty close to a lot of people. They should be protected. We are shopping at off hours, so the stores are less crowded. I heard that the senior hours are crowded. One of my friends tried curbside pickup, but she said it wasn't good. She had to wait about a week, the order wasn't completely filled, and it was kind of a mess at pickup, too many people. But they did give her a 20% off coupon for her next shopping trip.
    I love this time of year, when all the Spring trees are blooming, daffodils and hyacinths, forsythia!
    Wishing everyone a good day. :) Stay healthy!
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    Good morning all,vix thank you for sending this link still can't get on my computer going to see if I can save the link.We are doing good here in nj only go out when I need to get food I usually goes to the acme early in the morning at 7am we can't get on base unless we want to go on the weekend take care every one sending prayers that you all stay safe
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! It should be another pretty hot one, with no chance of rain. I am a little low on a few items but think I can probably get past the weekend without having to go to the store. At this point I am trying to get into the new month when I get paid again. This is not because of the situation, but is relatively normal for me near the end of a month. LOL. I usually don't actually desperately NEED anything but I get a little anxious when more than one item goes below my "will this last a week or two" estimation.

    Not that I need any reason to get anxiety - my general anxiety disorder will come up with plenty of non-reasons ...but sometimes, more so lately, I need an Ativan to get by when the anxiety levels exceed the barrier created by my daily Wellbutrin extended release.

    I think of the Wellbutrin as my daily "let's not go bats*** crazy today" pill and the Ativan as my "Don't Panic" pill, not daily, but as needed, which can be several times a day if it's a bad day, or I can go several weeks without taking any Ativan at all.

    Sometimes just knowing I have the Ativan, if I need it, is enough, along with some deep breaths and meditation. Sometimes I actually have to take it. Probably about time to get a new prescription on that...should have got one while I was in his office on St. Patrick's day. Oh well. They can call or fax one in.

    I don't think there is much on the agenda today.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Glad you made it back, Irene and that you're ok.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Our state is blossoming well. I just go for groceries and meds at this point. I have not been washing down my groceries though..I may need to at least wipe them down the longer it goes on. Goodness!
    Irene!!! :# So happy you got back on!!! <3 Missed you!!
    We have the plexiglass also in stores. Seems very prudent. Montgomery now has a curfew. 8 pm to 5 am I think. I know S,C, does also.
    But!! Lots of people have survived the virus also. In the thousand range, plus. News should report this when reporting cases..I wish.. :)
    Oddly one of the most beautiful springs ever. Perhaps for a reason??
    Take care all and be safe!! <3
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited March 2020
    Eduardo got loose tonight. LOL. J had some veggie fried rice, and I had a bacon egg cheeseburger hot dish. I made enough of both that lunch tomorrow is covered.

    As baked


    and as served


  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    Irene-glad you are back and well. We missed you.
    It seems I am buying something every day at the store. When I get low on something, I am afraid I will not be able to get it later. It is an awful way to live.
    Ed-You are inspiring me to start cooking new dishes. Yours always look so good.
    Vix-Everything seems so fresh and clean when the flowers start to bloom. I can't wait until my daughter and I can go hiking again. I only talk to her on the phone. She works in the health care profession and I at a supermarket, so we don't want to give each other germs.
    Jan-Funny that you talk about washing down your groceries, I get out the Clorex wipes and wipe down mine. :)
    It is raining here, so today I am doing some much need house cleaning. After work during the week, I am just too tired.
    Have a great say! :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's sumptuous Sunday! A little cooler today, with 20% chance of a stray shower or thunderstorm. Those darn strays! Someone ought to catch and neuter!

    Breakfast was steel cut oatmeal with blueberries and cream, and some bacon on the side.

    We have two wild dogwood volunteers in our yard that the neighborhood birds must have gifted us with. Both happened to come up in places we found acceptable, so we let them grow. This year they are blooming. One has a fairly normal sized bloom and the other seems to have quite a tiny one.



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    Good morning all.
    Dogwoods are beautiful. How nice that you have some wild ones, Ed! Your dinners look especially delicious today.
    Jo, I don't wipe down my groceries...maybe I should...yikes. Didn't even think about it. I do love when the flowers start to bloom. We are still seeing my daughter and her family for now. We all have been only going grocery shopping for the last 2 weeks, not out anywhere else. But I'm starting to worry a little. I didn't feel well yesterday, I think it might be stress.
    A nursing home in our town just found 66 cases out of 104 bed capacity. They tested all of them after 2 were confirmed. 11 now hospitalized. This is scary. We live in a small town. I'm sure the workers shop where we shop...don't know how many of them tested positive. I hope both you and your daughter are well protected at work. The medical community and service workers are very brave and deserve our full appreciation. Make sure you take some time to just relax.
    Be careful, Jan, it seems some people can weather this better than others, but no time to gamble on it. Enjoy the lovely weather and beautiful flowers.
    Have a good day everyone. Stay healthy! :)
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited March 2020
    And now Edweirdo...I mean Eduardo...has got the Boeuf Bourguignon, of sorts, going in a slow cooker. Dinner in 8 hours or so!

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Your pictures are wonderful, Ed! I love seeing the flowers. I have loved being outside in such a pretty spring. I do not love this virus obviously, but I hate to say, I rather love the isolation. I guess I could be a throwback and just go live in the mountains or an island somewhere. I have to shut my phone off a little bit for everyone calling to see if I am okay from church!! (or me calling them to check!!). Miss my daughter and BFF especially.
    How did you do your cheeseburger dish, Ed. That looks good. And easy! :)
    I have managed to unstick my vacuum that has a problem picking up. The lower level hose was stuck and I could not open to clear it. After a few non Sunday words and a screwdriver it is undone. Now to extra unclog and hopes that works! I could crochet 3 or 4 more dogs for the house on what May sheds!!! :#
    Take care!! Dire as it is, China is doing better and Italy may be leveling some. That part is good news, though we have a lot to go thru. This is like grief. One must go thru the process, not around it and stay home as much as humanly possible. <3
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    How did you do your cheeseburger dish, Ed. That looks good. And easy! :)

    It was really just a toss together that my inner Eduardo came up with, but it WAS tasty, and fairly easy. It was like having the egg bacon cheeseburger AND fries all in one, without the bun, with the tater tots standing in for the fries.

    1 pound 80/20 ground beef. 90/10 might work too, and be a tad less greasy, but can't say for sure.

    1/8 cup or so soy sauce, A1 type steak sauce, or Worcestershire sauce. I used soy sauce but surmise that the others would be fine. I have all three but it was the first one I saw, in the refrigerator door.

    1/2 to 1 Tablespoon onion powder. Who measures? Not me...

    3 large eggs.

    About a cup and a half shredded cheese. I used sharp Cheddar, but use what you like, or, as I did, what you have.

    4 to 5 ounces of cooked bacon, crumbled. This weight is AFTER cooking. I used some bacon pieces packaged for salad topping.

    Mix all that, and spread in a baking dish that has room for you to...

    Arrange tater tots (store brand is fine) on top in whatever pattern you like, to cover the top, and bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for about one hour.

    Let stand for ten or fifteen minutes and cut into servings. Top with your choice of ketchup, mustard, pickles, whatever you like on a cheeseburger!
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, well it rained all weekend so i got my bread machine out and baked 3 loaves of bread and made soup husband loved it.No plans for today need to get on the treadmill take care everyone and stay safe
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's magnificent Monday! It should be fairly warm with zero chance of rain. I have given Lilo her Monday fluid treatment. That went very smoothly today. I need to call the vet to order her next bag of fluid though, as she only has two doses left in the current bag.

    The Boeuf Bourguignon was the best I have ever made! I had some more for breakfast, and have enough left for another meal.

    Well, let me get that call in to the vet so I can set that up...


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,367 Member
    edited March 2020
    Good morning all.
    We used zoom to have a conference call party online for my son's birthday yesterday. I made muffins and lit a candle and we sang happy birthday, and then talked and visited for a while. I can't wait til we get back to normal.
    I ordered some organic coffee online so we don't have to go to our natural food store to buy it. I need to refill my zinc and vitamin c, but vitamin shoppe was out of the brand I use, so I'll look elsewhere online. I guess those are popular now, though I take them every day.
    My husband has to pick up some prescriptions on the weekend...maybe I'll see if I can get some laundry detergent while we're out....We're really trying to not go out much.
    China and Russia are apparently putting out a lot of propaganda and lying. They may have many more cases than what they are reporting. They also tried to blame it on the USA. What a crazy world. Things like this bring out the best in some people, and the worst in others.
    Cloudy with a high of 64 expected today. Will see what the day brings....I hope it's nice enough that I want to spend some time outdoors later.
    Have a good day, stay healthy.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Thanks for the recipe, Ed! I will pick up Tater Tots when I go out next. Just looks like a comfort meal!! You must be good at eating the proportions you should! Ahem, unlike me!
    It has been so warm, 90's and now 80's. After our possible severe storms Tuesday, we will be more seasonal with lows in the mid to upper 40's and then in the 60's and seventies.
    I have been watching Frazier. Not much new I like. :) I also ordered a couple of my favorite movies and sent to a couple of friends to surprise them. Give them something to do.
    China's stats are probably a bit of a joke. Russia will just outright lie. Neither care much if they lose some of their people... :(
    I did not realize you all were so wet the last few days!! (Well, not Ed!!). I do like the days better with real sunshine!!
    Take care all!! Stay safe!! <3
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, well another raining day here getting tired of all the rain. take care all
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited March 2020
    Howdy all y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! Cool today, with near 100% chance of rain. I do need to pick up Lilo's next bag of fluid, but can wait until tomorrow if need be. There are a few grocery items I could stand to get as well, but nothing critical. And I would like to wait and see if the doctor has called in my prescription and combine that with any grocery run I make.

    So nothing major on the agenda today. Laundry to be folded. I have given Lilo her Tuesday shot.



    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
