Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited April 2020
    Howdy all y'all. It's fabulous Friday! Cool today with no chance of precipitation. With the low humidity and strong winds, they have issued a "red flag" warning for the county, so restrictions may be in place for outdoor burning. The warning includes the Chattahoochee and Oconee national forests, but I don't imagine there are too many people camping or hiking today.

    Our brilliant governor did re-open state parks and beaches, but I hope not many people are going to those areas. And I absolutely don't understand how he can insist on "no non-essential travel" but open the parks and beaches! Since when is going to a state park or beach essential? And how well will people really maintain proper social distancing if they do go?

    I do understand that it might be pleasant to get out for a picnic, for families who have been stuck at home, possibly in an apartment or relatively small house, but one doesn't know who last touched that water fountain, or whatever else you might touch, or WHEN they last touched it and it just doesn't make medical sense to me that he is letting, nay ENCOURAGING people to go there.

    I do get out, most days, for a nice walk, depending on the weather. This may be helping me remain sane in the midst of this insanity. J has been working from home and, in the off times, working on little projects and watching youtube. I usually walk in the mornings, while J is either working or, on the weekends, sleeping in, but would welcome the company on my walks. To be fair, I would have to slow down, and perhaps not walk as far, for J to keep up...

    I read a meme on FaceBook, shared (and questioned) by one of my brothers in law, where a person was claiming that since the projected death toll is now at about 60,000 this virus is about the same as the flu. The person didn't give a number for the flu, though a little research popped up the number 56,000 in some hits.

    BUT...this person didn't take into account that the only reason the current projection has been lowered to 60,000 is that we have instituted severe quarantines and social distancing measures, which has not been done in recent times for the flu, and if we relaxed all that, the number would likely skyrocket and there would be a lot more deaths.

    IN ADDITION...this person did not take into consideration the fact that the number for the flu was for flu or "flu related" and "flu-like" causes, including pneumonia that came on after the flu weakened a person, and including other illnesses with flu-like symptoms that were not necessarily the flu. From what I have researched, it seem like an accurate count for verified actual deaths caused directly by flu (in the U.S.) is more like three or four thousand per year.

    This current corona virus seems much more deadly, and I read about scary cases where someone feels fine, then has a headache, then a fever, and in very short order (like a few days) dies.

    I don't want to be an alarmist, but about the same as flu? If I could believe that, I'd be happier, but I don't buy that and am choosing to remain as safe as possible.

    I hope all y'all stay as safe as possible too! Sorry to be so verbose this morning...some of the insanity I see happening is upsetting.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning all.
    I totally understand where you're coming from, Ed. The more you read, the more you learn.
    It's unfortunate that our leaders were slow to pick up the impact this virus could have, and are eager to paint everything with their rose colored glasses, while they still sit and do so little. The stories coming out of NYC, NOLA, etc are horrific. It would have been better, had we been prepared and started the confinement earlier. And some of the other things this administration is doing while people are distracted are eroding our democracy even further. This is a very scary time. I wish the sheep in this country would wake up and start using their brains, instead of listening to their phobias. At least if they could figure out the real threats. It's frustrating. (Luckily, my governor and legislators for my district are pretty good).
    Yesterday kept going back and forth between sunshine and rain, with lots of wind. Our power went out for about an hour last night.
    It's cold and windy here today. Only in the 30s with a high of 48 expected. Our daffodils look sad.
    Wishing everyone a good day. Stay healthy.

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    I am happy to hear that you are all well and are being safe.
    The store has supplied us with masks and gloves. I have been washing my hands every hour and changing my gloves.
    I have only seen a handful of people come into the store without masks on.
    A lady came into the store yesterday and gave me a mask that she had made. I was very touched my her gesture.
    I think everyone is getting on edge. We had 2 ladies fighting at the fish counter today.
    Two employees broke it up and called for the police officer on duty.
    We have police in the store 6am to closing. They have also started to limit the number of people coming into the store.
    Stay safe and have a good day! :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    I'm glad your store is giving you masks and gloves, Jo. And that you are well and safe. I do think that people are starting to get on edge. I'm happy when I see some really funny jokes or pictures...some of those that Mike emailed us last night were pretty funny.
    It was cold and windy here today, but we did see my grandson and went out for a short ride to nowhere in the car. It's good to get out a little bit.
    Have a good night, everyone.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    I got a good walk in today in the cool of the morning, then came home and scrubbed the shower in the master bath. Lunch was a grilled egg and cheese sandwich on whole grain high fiber low carb bread, with a handful of regular potato chips for a treat.

    For supper Eduardo tossed together a Frittata Florentine, with a small amount of jalapeño, and a good handful of chopped mushrooms. Of course the eggs, cheese, spinach, and potatoes were the stars of the dish. I think Eduardo did well. J ate it, and avowed that it was all right. But J doesn't really care much for cooked spinach. I occasionally serve a spinach soufflé, and it is accepted, albeit not with great joy. LOL. I figured if I put it in with eggs, cheese, potatoes, and mushrooms, that J would find it at least acceptable. I thought it was delicious. And I guess I will be having it for breakfast and lunch tomorrow to finish it off, and that is just fine with me.


  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's satisfying Saturday! Another cool one here, and I may have to wear more clothes than I have been wearing if I walk! OK. That sounded a little weird...but yesterday I was a bit chilly in shorts and tee, but just enough to encourage me to keep up some speed.

    Today I may want to at least wear sweat pants, and maybe a jacket. I'll decide if/when I get ready to walk. I definitely should walk, as it's a nice day and the walks seem to be doing me good, physically. They might be doing me good in other respects, as at least they get me out of the house and I see a few other humans, besides J, if only to wave at them.

    Tomorrow's prediction calls for rain, so I shouldn't waste today's opportunity. Breakfast was a nice wedge of my Frittata Florentine. Delicious, if I do say so myself. I may clean some counters today and do a bit of vacuuming.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning all.
    37 here with a high of 58 expected, but looks less windy than yesterday. We had some snow flurries yesterday!
    Ed, I love frittatas...but we're running low on didn't have them last visit. I usually fill frittatas with lots of veggies...I see you do the same. :)
    I was thinking I may make a couple of extra masks today. See what else the day brings besides regular chores.
    Have a good day, everyone.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    hi all, jo stay safe. Our neighbor made mask for us very nice ones still waiting on the ones we ordered from amazon but the one my neighbor made was with material take care all
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Well I got my walk in, came home and finished off the frittata for lunch and then made J eat spinach for lunch anyway! In the form of a frozen Indian meal with the main dish of Mattar Paneer. LOL. If j is going to eat cooked spinach, that is the preferred form.

    Then, for today's project, I tackled the longest kitchen counter, eliminating a lot of the clutter, deep cleaning, and re-organizing what I decided needed to stay on that counter. J was surprised, but when I had mentioned cleaning up a counter the other day, as a possible project for me today, J thought I meant the kitchen counter but I said that I had meant the master bathroom counter, which also needs it. J seemed disappointed that it wasn't the kitchen counter I planned to do.

    So cleaning the kitchen counter was my surprise today for J and it was a very well received surprise when J walked into the kitchen to get a drink, just as I was finishing up. The bathroom counter can wait until after Easter.

    I don't plan a walk tomorrow. It's supposed to rain anyway, but I will be preparing Easter dinner. And the only cleaning project planned for tomorrow is to clean as I go with the dinner prep, and then after dinner.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Hi all. I made 2 more masks today, but the sewing machine is was going so slowly, I could have hand sewn faster (but my hand sewing is not as strong). I may try to take the machines apart tomorrow and clean them up, try to figure out what is not/having trouble moving. I do have a little oil left. I'm not so sure I can take the newer machine apart, but I'll take a look.
    Have a good evening, everyone.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Happy Easter!
    Vix-good luck with the sewing machines.
    Ed-I love frittatas! What are you making for Easter dinner?
    We are having brunch. An egg cheese bake, vanilla french toast, ham and Mediterranean stuffed peppers and for dessert chocolate cream pie.
    Irene-What a nice gesture from your neighbor. :)
    Jan-Hope you are doing well. Have you heard from Val?
    Supposed to go up to 60 today. My daughter and I will probably take a walk after brunch.
    Have a nice relaxing day!
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's sumptuous Sunday! Happy Easter to those who celebrate it! May the Easter Beagle be kinder to you than he was to Charlie Brown!

    What he brought for each of us here was


    Poor Chuck, though


    The plan for Easter dinner, unless Eduardo suddenly goes berserk in the kitchen...

    Let's start with dessert. All the best people do, right? OK, I am really starting with dessert because it's the only thing that's already completely ready to serve, waiting in the fridge.

    Dark chocolate pudding pie, with pecan crust, topped with milk chocolate curls. Optionally I could add some whipped cream as an additional topping.

    Deviled eggs (one of my Easter traditions)

    Egg potato salad (because I always make J's grandmother's potato salad if J is home for a holiday - I will eat a bit)

    Scalloped potatoes (a small casserole because that is the potato I want with my ham - J will eat some too)

    speaking of ham

    Hormel sliced Cure 81 classic dinner ham, warmed in the oven. (bought and frozen when on half price)

    Broccoli gratin

    Canned corn

    The weather forecast hasn't changed, so no walk today. My right hip is definitely feeling the weather too!

    My deceased ex's brother, D, and D's wife, who live near Boston, in Massachusetts, are both sick now with the virus. He thought he had been careful, but apparently not careful enough and he feels some guilt for bringing it home to her. Both are breathing OK, but she is sicker than he is, with higher fever and feeling worse. They are both at home, but have been told to not even step outside their apartment into the hall. I hope they both recover fully.

    I was reading on FaceBook yesterday, someone who was about to run to the store to get some last minute items for Easter dinner and was thinking how normal that would have sounded last year, and how crazy it sounds to me right now.

    I believe they could make do with what they have on hand, unless there are essential items also needed. I don't currently "run out to the store" at all, but plan my trips with great care. And I bought everything for Easter dinner over a month ago. I wouldn't mind some green beans, but J doesn't eat them, so I will just have something else for a green vegetable, or eat some of the broccoli gratin that I am cooking mostly for J anyway.

    I was lucky enough to find four N95 masks in the garage, left over from an old painting project, and J found 19 plain, simpler masks left over from visiting a cancer patient while ill. So when I do go out, I have some protection. And we already had plenty of gloves, as much as I hate to wear them.

    I honestly may order my next groceries to be delivered, though I hate having to trust someone else to pick my items

    Breakfast was the last of yesterday's supper, some baked red lentil penne all'arrabbiata with lots of added cheese.

    I will get started on Easter dinner later this morning. Nothing else really on the agenda.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good Morning all.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    happy Easter hope everyone is having a nice day. George had to go into work a problem with one of the computers . Our weather here is beautiful it started out in the 30s but right now is 65 so have a great day
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    The Easter feast. Deviled eggs. Egg potato salad. Scalloped potatoes. Broccoli gratin. Sweet corn. Hormel Cure 81 ham. Dark chocolate pudding pie with milk chocolate curls in a pecan crust. Florent Descombe Pinot Noir for the wine selection.






    And I managed to get all the leftovers into my fridge, proving that it's bigger on the inside than on the outside.

  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, Well ED you sure can cook the pie really looks good. It is raining here waiting for it to slow down a little so I can walk Annie I think I will just have to put my rain coat on and walk her take care everyone
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy all y'all. It's magnificent Monday! It's expected to be cool today, with no chance of precipitation. My breakfast was what I almost always have for Easter Monday. Fried ham and eggs (cheese omelet) with whole grain, high fiber, low carb toast. There is still plenty of ham left. Lunch will include ham in some way...maybe a ham and cheese sandwich. I do want to save a couple of slices to cube up into a can of split pea soup that I have been saving for when I would have some ham to put in it. It's a large can, and vegetarian for now. I would share it wit J for a lunch but J doesn't care for split pea soup. Pickiest vegetarian I ever married. Oh, wait, the only vegetarian I ever married. But there are a lot of vegetables J doesn't care for.

    I will admit I didn't think I liked split pea soup either until NutriSystem sent me some in my first delivery from them, the one where I didn't get to pick my items. I dreaded that lunch, but was pleasantly surprised to find that I liked it a lot! After liking their "add boiling water and wait" version, it was a no brainer to liking canned, or even freshly made split pea soup.

    I think I will walk today, and, after resting, maybe do some vacuuming and consider tackling that bathroom counter.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning all.
    Hope you all had a nice Easter.
    Ed, dinner looks delicious...yum, pie!
    Here's a no-sew mask: :wink:
    Have a good day.