Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning!
    Thanks, Jo. Sorry about your house setback. I'm sure your contractor wants to get it done too! Congrats on getting your shopping done. I'm still working on it, but will finish this week.
    Ditto on the congrats, continue to do great with this! I'm sure you're feeling healthier all the time. :)
    Sending you some energy, Irene!
    Have a great day, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was somewhat warmer this morning, Most Likely not going to be a good day as I'll be having lunch at a Chinese BBQ with a friend, they selected it :)

    Poking around on the Internet I found that Dunkin Donuts gives a free donut with a large or extra large coffee. If anybody goes there :)

    My Lucky Brother won a $75 50-50 drawing and everybody got a $50 Shoprite Grocery Store Gift card at his meeting as well as a hot buffet lunch which he did not really need the day before We go to the Hibachi grill today for lunch. Now if he could get that lucky with the Lottery tickets.

    Have a Great Wednesday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Roger-I have gotten steamed chicken and vegetables at our local Chinese restaurant.
    Good luck avoiding temptation.

    Hi Joanne
    Since I have not been there I do not know what options are available :)
    I have seen Chinese places where You can order off of the menu or use the buffet,
    The One in the Blue Star Chopping Center OTOH is Buffet only. I'll know at 12:30...

    eku0 wrote: »
    Roger, I agree, buffets are the hardest to find good food.
    However, you may be able to opt out of the buffet,
    and as Jo said, order a main dish steamed with the sauce on the much healthier!

    Hi Vix
    I may just have to bite the bullet, grin and bear it so to speak and be a picky eater.
    I do not expect to be 100% on plan today however. yesterday was the first day of the new 100% challenge
    and what with two holidays in it I plan to lower my Challenge goal for it.
    I really want to try this years batch of fruit cake when it is ready :)

    Wish me Luck, I may eat healthy
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Happy Chanukah.
    Little set back with the house yesterday. The contractor's helper has a rotator cuff problem and it is acting up,
    so he will not be able to hammer. Contractor worked by himself yesterday, hopefully he will have some help today.
    Roger-congratulations on getting a smaller belt. You are doing amazing. Do you have much more to lose?
    I got my last online order yesterday, so I am officially done christmas shopping. :)
    I am making chocolate lollipops today. They are for my hubby's and my work. I make them every year.
    Have a great day and stay warm. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I gather that the rotator cuff injury is painful too. Good Luck getting the house done.

    I do have enough to lose that the best I can hope for is to hit goal by spring next year,
    especially with learning to Flex and maintain.

    Thank You for the nice words
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good Morning;
    Roger-How did you fair yesterday at the buffet?
    Today I am cooking a turkey breast and returning a scarf that I bought yesterday. When I got the scarf home, I took the cardboard hanger off and there was black mold under it. It looks like it may have gotten wet. I probably could have washed it, but didn't want to take the chance.
    Hi Vix and Irene.
    Have a good day. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning all!
    Much better taking it back, Jo. Have fun cooking!
    Hi Roger and Irene.
    I'm going to body flow class today, will take a quick stop at the sauna, and I have a PT appointment at noon. After that, I will finish up my holiday shopping. That's my plan for the day. :)
    Enjoy the day, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    It is somewhat warmer this morning, not a lot but every little bit helps.
    We are in a slow warming trend through the weekend :)

    The Chinese Buffet Yesterday was not good for people dieting.
    If I liked Seafood then it would have been better, Grilled Fish, Squid, Clams, Sushi etc.
    I did have some tender beef in a brown gravy, A slice of Ham, Some Chicken Broccoli,
    Heavy on the Broccoli, Some fresh fruits and and it would have been OK
    except that the Carrot Cake kept calling my name.
    I am retaining water today most likely from the sauces.

    FWIW I have tried two No Sugar Added Sweet Gherkin Pickles, Vlasic found at Walmart and Mount Olive
    found at the Shoprite Grocery store. Both show Zero calories per serving,
    Which means that they are under 5 calories per serving. That makes them a nice sweet crunchy snack.

    Have a Good Wednesday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Morning;
    Roger-How did you fair yesterday at the buffet?
    Today I am cooking a turkey breast and returning a scarf that I bought yesterday.
    When I got the scarf home, I took the cardboard hanger off and there was black mold under it.
    It looks like it may have gotten wet. I probably could have washed it, but didn't want to take the chance.
    Hi Vix and Irene.
    Have a good day. :)

    Hi Joanne
    You can see how I did in the post above, Not what I would have liked for a result.

    I would not take a chance washing anything either. I seem to remember that the black mold is bad for a person too.
    If You had washed it and did not like the results it could have made returning it harder.

    I Have Roasted turkey breast in the freezer that was vacuum sealed from Thanksgiving day.
    I am saving some for Christmas and New Years meals and am using the rest to supplement my PFs.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning all!
    Much better taking it back, Jo. Have fun cooking!
    Hi Roger and Irene.
    I'm going to body flow class today, will take a quick stop at the sauna, and I have a PT appointment at noon.
    After that, I will finish up my holiday shopping. That's my plan for the day. :)
    Enjoy the day, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Good Luck with the holiday shopping, I suspect it will be crowded many places.

    I know people that start shopping for the next year at the clearance sales right after Christmas is over.
    They must be better organized than I and have serious space for storage too.

    bad news this morning, My Toaster is going bad, Two slots don't toast as dark as the other two
    and will only stay down for one toast. Now one of the slots on the other side is only toasting one side,
    I noticed it this morning with the the NS waffles :(

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good morning;
    Roger-sorry to hear about your toaster. :( I use my toaster oven for toast and waffles. I haven't had a toaster in years. I have the Vlasic no sugar added bread and butter pickles in my frig now. I usually have one now and them when I need something crunchy. I can't resist dessert either. >:)

    Vix-I hope you had better luck than me shopping. I went to the christmas tree shop to get 3 ounce mini jar candles that were advertised for $1.00. I looked all over the store, asked 3 store employees and no one seemed to be able to find them or give me an answer if they are even going to get any in. I thought they would make cute little gifts to give to my great nieces. We have a Yankee swap every year, but I also like to give everyone a little something. :)

    Enjoy your day! :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was out walking today + 1 Cent, I looped through the Quick Chek for Coffee, Down and around to the Produce store for Bananas since I was out. I also picked up a Head of Lettuce for me and two for my Brother, Zuchinnis and Cherry Tomatoes for him too. A small package of Raspberries and Blackberries for SC portions. I just managed to fit it all in the Backpack, Darned heavy too. Then I staggered on home :)

    Have a Great Thursday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Roger-sorry to hear about your toaster. :( I use my toaster oven for toast and waffles.
    I haven't had a toaster in years. I have the Vlasic no sugar added bread and butter pickles in my frig now.
    I usually have one now and them when I need something crunchy. I can't resist dessert either. >:)

    Vix-I hope you had better luck than me shopping. I went to the christmas tree shop to get 3 ounce mini jar candles
    that were advertised for $1.00. I looked all over the store, asked 3 store employees and no one seemed to be able to
    find them or give me an answer if they are even going to get any in.
    I thought they would make cute little gifts to give to my great nieces. We have a Yankee swap every year,
    but I also like to give everyone a little something. :)

    Enjoy your day! :)

    Hi Joanne
    I'll have to have my Brother look at the Bread and Butter pickles when he goes to the Grocery store later today,
    My Grandmother used to make delicious ones. After the produce store I'm done for.

    If that is the Same Christmas tree Store chain we have here I am not surprised You had no luck.

    Maybe a Michaels or Bed bath & Beyond, We have all three nearby as well as a Hobby Lobby, never been in that one BTW.

    Good Luck Finding them

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    edited December 2015
    Sorry about your fancy toaster, Roger...we just have a simple matter to me, I'm not eating anything that can go in the toaster! not eating pickles either! It was a beautiful day here today, glad you got to go for a walk.
    Jo, I did fine with the shopping. Finished except for a couple of little things for friends. Got the presents wrapped up last night for family. (except for hubs...picked up a pair of slippers for him today that need to be wrapped.) :)
    Just switched my medical insurance up a notch. Hope it's not a mistake, it's so confusing!
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning.
    Actually switched my insurance back last night so I could sleep. Will call today and try to get some answers before making the switch!
    Happy Friday!
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good morning;
    Vix-I find insurance confusing. You are smart to call and get answers before switching. Yeah, for getting your shopping done. :)
    I got a letter from my primary care doctor yesterday saying he was leaving the practice in January. It gave a list of doctors I could choose from. I called his office and asked where he was going. They didn't know, or were instructed not to say. I asked that the doctor call me. If he is moving to a practice near enough, I will follow him. I really like him and don't want to switch to a new doctor. :(
    The electrician is coming today to finish installing the lights outside and putting a new plug and dimmer switch in the kitchen. The front of the house is almost done. I hope he finishes up the front today.
    Nothing planned for today.
    Have a great day! :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Jo, got my fingers crossed for you that they finish up the front of the house today! Yay for the electrician!
    I had that happen with my primary care physician about 6 or 7 years ago and I stayed with the practice because I couldn't find him (I think he may have gone to an HMO for a while?). This year when I was having trouble getting an appt with the doctor in that practice, I looked around and found my former doctor that I had liked, and he was closer to my new house than the old practice. I called and was able to make a next day appt, and switched.
    I have a busy day ahead...gym, PT, and some cooking and cleaning. Kids are coming tonight for dinner to celebrate the holidays. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I have been out walking + $1 and then to Lowes,I am back now.
    The weather is not to bad currently.

    I am, listening to a Old Time Radio show called Suspense,
    episode Island of the Dead in the background.


    Well that one ended and I am now listening to Suspense,
    The Creaking Door episode called Don't go down the mine
    eku0 wrote: »
    Sorry about your fancy toaster,
    Roger...we just have a simple matter to me,
    I'm not eating anything that can go in the toaster!
    not eating pickles either! It was a beautiful day here today, glad you got to go for a walk.
    Jo, I did fine with the shopping. Finished except for a couple of little things for friends.
    Got the presents wrapped up last night for family.
    (except for hubs...picked up a pair of slippers for him today that need to be wrapped.) :)
    Just switched my medical insurance up a notch. Hope it's not a mistake, it's so confusing!
    Have a good night, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Trust me it was not a fancy toaster beyond being able to do 4 slices at once.
    My Brother picked up a cheap Proctor Silex @ $7

    I have a few more Christmas cards to do and then they are done :)

    Are You on Medicare, I do not remember. I do like the way they do their plans.
    A plan F from any insurer is the same which makes comparisons much easier.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Actually switched my insurance back last night so I could sleep.
    Will call today and try to get some answers before making the switch!
    Happy Friday!

    Hi Again
    I like that one :)

    Good Luck Non Medicare insurance was always a pain to me to decipher.
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Vix-I find insurance confusing. You are smart to call and get answers before switching.
    Yeah, for getting your shopping done. :)
    I got a letter from my primary care doctor yesterday saying he was leaving the practice in January.
    It gave a list of doctors I could choose from. I called his office and asked where he was going.
    They didn't know, or were instructed not to say. I asked that the doctor call me.
    If he is moving to a practice near enough, I will follow him.
    I really like him and don't want to switch to a new doctor. :(
    The electrician is coming today to finish installing the lights outside and
    putting a new plug and dimmer switch in the kitchen. The front of the house is almost done.
    I hope he finishes up the front today.
    Nothing planned for today.
    Have a great day! :)

    Hi Joanne
    I am a suspicious type person and I suspect he can not tell where he is going
    nor are the workers allowed to tell You as they do not wish patients to follow him.
    I have s sneaky suspicion that once the move is done a
    Google or Bing Search with a time limit of one month will show where he has ended up.

    We are lucky that My Brother or I can do that sort of light electrical work as I worked for a
    electrician years ago and he was a electrician for many years.

    I hope the house gets finished soon
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Jo, got my fingers crossed for you that they finish up the front of the house today! Yay for the electrician!
    I had that happen with my primary care physician about 6 or 7 years ago and I stayed with the practice because I couldn't find him (I think he may have gone to an HMO for a while?). This year when I was having trouble getting an appt with the doctor in that practice, I looked around and found my former doctor that I had liked, and he was closer to my new house than the old practice. I called and was able to make a next day appt, and switched.
    I have a busy day ahead...gym, PT, and some cooking and cleaning. Kids are coming tonight for dinner to celebrate the holidays. :)

    Hi Again
    As I mentioned these days a internet search is Your friend, 6 or 7 years ago not so much.

    Enjoy the Dinner
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good morning;
    Roger-I was able to find out that my doctor is going to be working with geriatric patients in a nursing home setting.
    I was able to switch to another doctor in the practice.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning.
    Roger, I was just teasing about your toaster. :) We actually bought a kind of fancy 2 slice chrome colored one for our new house....our old one was falling apart. You and your brother are very frugal. We usually are too, but have been splurging lately from time to time. :)
    Jo, I hope you like your new doctor. It's hard switching, but I've done it a lot to find someone I felt comfortable with. How's the house coming?
    Hi Irene! Hope you're holding up ok with all the extra work.
    We had a nice family night last night. I really didn't stop going yesterday until I sat down for dinner sometime after 7:00. l made a roast (from a recipe in Better Homes and Gardens) with rosemary and olives. It was pretty good! :) And potato pancakes, homemade applesauce, a salad, and homemade cheesecake for dessert.
    Oh, I did end up getting the higher end medical insurance. I'm not sure how it's going to be, I couldn't really get answers to my questions, but if I don't like it, I can switch back in a year.
    Happy Saturday, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    When I left this morning it was slightly warmer than Yesterday, By the time I got home I had removed my gloves and would have removed my sweatshirt if I had not been a few blocks from home. Warming up outside nicely, I think I'll go crack some more Black Walnuts while it is really nice later on :)

    Have a Nice Saturday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Roger-I was able to find out that my doctor is going to be working with geriatric patients in a nursing home setting.
    I was able to switch to another doctor in the practice.

    Hi Joanne
    Not the answer You were hoping for I'm guessing. Good Luck finding a replacement doctor, some of them not only have a bad Bedside manner but are even worse.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Roger, I was just teasing about your toaster. :) We actually bought a kind of fancy 2 slice chrome colored one for our new house....our old one was falling apart. You and your brother are very frugal. We usually are too, but have been splurging lately from time to time. :)
    Jo, I hope you like your new doctor. It's hard switching, but I've done it a lot to find someone I felt comfortable with. How's the house coming?
    Hi Irene! Hope you're holding up ok with all the extra work.
    We had a nice family night last night. I really didn't stop going yesterday until I sat down for dinner sometime after 7:00. l made a roast (from a recipe in Better Homes and Gardens) with rosemary and olives. It was pretty good! :) And potato pancakes, homemade applesauce, a salad, and homemade cheesecake for dessert.
    Oh, I did end up getting the higher end medical insurance. I'm not sure how it's going to be, I couldn't really get answers to my questions, but if I don't like it, I can switch back in a year.
    Happy Saturday, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    He bought it at the Grocery store. Frugal or cheap?

    Mom had a better homes and gardens cookbook for years. How was the Cheesecake? That is something my Brother is muttering about making, Grumbling about the cost of the ingredients too.

    Good Luck with the Insurance upgrade
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    edited December 2015
    Frugal. :)
    I made a small, old fashioned simple cheesecake, using neufchatel instead of full fat cream cheese. It only uses 2 8 oz packages,1/2 cup sugar, 2 eggs, vanilla, and a graham cracker crust. I substituted chopped nuts for the crust. It's not as good as the bigger ones with more ingredients, but still a treat for us. Some of the better recipes use 4 packs of cream cheese, and sour cream, and flavorings. I love a good cheesecake! I was going for quick, easy, and not too bad for the diet. :p
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Hi again;
    Had to cut my post short this morning because my daughter was waiting for me.
    The front of the house is finished, except for the shutters, only 3 more sides to go. :)
    Vix-Your dinner sounds nice, especially the cheesecake.(Can you tell I like desserts.) :p
    I am going to try and post a picture of the front of the house, wish me luck.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    It looks really nice, Jo! What color shutters are you getting?