Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good evening;
    I stopped off at Walmart on my way home from work to pick up a few stocking stuffers. I then came home to make cookies. I have a cookie press that I have been wanting to try out. I got the dough made and into the cookie press.
    While putting on the attachment for the shape i wanted to make, I cross threaded it and now I can't get it off. I am waiting patiently for hubby to come home from work to rescue me.
    Roger-We always give something to the mail person. I never see the ups or fedex people, so I don't know if we have the same person all the time.
    I am also guilty of not turning on the dryer. :p
    Vix-I have slowed down a lot over the last few years, don't do nearly as much as I use to.
    Have a good night. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    I've slowed down a lot. I don't even know if we have the same mail person all the time! I'm not paying attention to the things I used to. If I get a chance maybe I will pick up a Starbucks gift certificate. Sounds like a good idea.
    Have a good night everyone.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Good morning!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Warmer outside today, I could see where we had a real light rain when I left the house. Then past the halfway mark of my walk it started drizzling. Heavier rain later on.

    I'll be out the door shortly with my brother visiting friends and dropping off things. Then on the way home Coffee at the Diner with a Friend of many years.

    Have a Good Tuesday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good evening;
    I stopped off at Walmart on my way home from work to pick up a few stocking stuffers. I then came home to make cookies. I have a cookie press that I have been wanting to try out. I got the dough made and into the cookie press.
    While putting on the attachment for the shape i wanted to make, I cross threaded it and now I can't get it off. I am waiting patiently for hubby to come home from work to rescue me.
    Roger-We always give something to the mail person. I never see the ups or fedex people, so I don't know if we have the same person all the time.
    I am also guilty of not turning on the dryer. :p
    Vix-I have slowed down a lot over the last few years, don't do nearly as much as I use to.
    Have a good night. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I think we all have slowed down as the years pass :)

    Cross threading happens to all of us. I now have a Gizmo that I can use to remove lids from jars where I used to just use my hands. I have talked to both of them as they deliver over the last few years now that I am home and not at work by day.

    eku0 wrote: »
    I've slowed down a lot. I don't even know if we have the same mail person all the time! I'm not paying attention to the things I used to. If I get a chance maybe I will pick up a Starbucks gift certificate. Sounds like a good idea.
    Have a good night everyone.

    Hi Vix
    I have a FedEx out for delivery today and since it is possible I will be away I have put the Dunkin Donuts gift card in a envelope and taped it to a chair I set on the porch.

    BTW am I strange? I do not get the stones on the back as part of a massage, I see it in the plugs for trips on Wheel of Fortune too.

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Roger-I think there are different types of massages; deep tissue and hot rocks are a few. I have only had a massage once in my life and only because I entered a drawing and that was the prize.
    It has been raining heavily most of the day, so no work on the house.
    Today I am making pumpkin nut bread. I made baskets for my sisters with a dishtowel, pot holder, wooden spoon,
    cookies in a jar, 2 types of homemade candy, a canister of hot chocolate, pumpkin bread and a christmas ornament.
    I usually am not this elaborate, but I got free baskets at work and thought this would be a good use for them.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    The gift baskets sound wonderful, Jo. I'm sure your sisters will love them. :)
    Roger, the hot rocks are really nice. They are very smooth and warm. My therapist uses them to rub certain areas on my back and neck and then leaves them there for a while so the warmth can soak into your bones. It's very relaxing. I put the picture up to wish everyone a relaxing holiday! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    It was not to bad outside this morning, in the low 50s, Foggy and misty, The ground was wet from condensation I suspect. There is rain moving into the area later on and it is supposed to be heavier than yesterdays was too.

    have a Great Wednesday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Roger-I think there are different types of massages; deep tissue and hot rocks are a few. I have only had a massage once in my life and only because I entered a drawing and that was the prize.
    It has been raining heavily most of the day, so no work on the house.
    Today I am making pumpkin nut bread. I made baskets for my sisters with a dishtowel, pot holder, wooden spoon,
    cookies in a jar, 2 types of homemade candy, a canister of hot chocolate, pumpkin bread and a Christmas ornament.
    I usually am not this elaborate, but I got free baskets at work and thought this would be a good use for them.

    Hi Joanne
    I think most the East Coast is in for some rain for the next couple of days.

    Pumpkin Nut Bread sounds delicious :) And not fattening at all.

    It sounds as if You have been busy making those baskets too.

    eku0 wrote: »
    The gift baskets sound wonderful, Jo. I'm sure your sisters will love them. :)
    Roger, the hot rocks are really nice. They are very smooth and warm. My therapist uses them to rub certain areas on my back and neck and then leaves them there for a while so the warmth can soak into your bones. It's very relaxing. I put the picture up to wish everyone a relaxing holiday! :)

    Hi Vix
    I hope everybody us ready for the Holidays.
    I had misread the Web page, I think my package is M.I.T.
    Missing in Transit :)
    It showed on the truck for delivery for the 21st and as of this morning still shows the same thing :(
    I have called them and they are supposed to get back to me via a phone call what is up. It was may Christmas gift to me and that's what I get for choosing free delivery :) According to teh girl it was supposed to be delivered Saturday. I hope it fairs better than a UPS shipment that happened to a few years back. After I put in a claim, suddenly UPS found it and a special UPS van with two people came with this batter ripped up package to deliver it, I made them wait while I checked to see is anything was missing before signing. Luckily it was there and in good condition inside the package.

    Thanks for the Information on the Massage.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Good morning.
    Hope you get your package in good shape and quickly, Roger!
    Off to Pt in a few minutes.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good evening;
    Roger-I hope they find your package.
    Vix-Are you getting any relief from the PT?
    Irene-It is almost over and then you can get back to your regular routine.
    Today after work I made M&M cookies to take to my sisters and tomorrow I will make a cake and cut up some fruit for a fruit bowl to take also. After that I am done baking for a while.
    Have a good evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Jo, the PT is definitely helping my legs. My neck is still messed up, but I've got some exercises. :) All your goodies sound wonderful. I found a gluten free recipe for a chocolate, caramel cake for my friend's birthday on new years eve. That's all the baking I'll be doing. :)
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Good morning!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    It was so warm outside for this time of year that I was outside walking in a Pocket T-Shirt today. Record warm already and more of a rise in temperatures expected before the day ends. Predicted on the NYC broadcast was a high of 74 degrees, previous record was 63 :)

    During my walk I noticed clues that Beavers have moved into the Brook that feeds our lake here in town or else into the lake.

    Have a Great Christmas Eve.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Hope you get your package in good shape and quickly, Roger!
    Off to Pt in a few minutes.

    Hi Vix
    Short story, It appeared on the front porch while I was poking around in the basement.
    First they said it transferred, Then Delivered and still not here, then later on it was here. In Good shape. It was a 42" HDTV to replace the 32" I use on the one computer and the One TV set. It was really cheap, however the picture is good, a little bit more of a pain to switch inputs on. Cheesy tinny sound just like the reviews said it was. Now if it is durable....
    A lot lighter than the 9+ year old 32" it replaces and much lower energy usage. The Energy Star label says $10 a year.

    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good evening;
    Roger-I hope they find your package.
    Vix-Are you getting any relief from the PT?
    Irene-It is almost over and then you can get back to your regular routine.
    Today after work I made M&M cookies to take to my sisters and tomorrow I will make a cake and cut up some fruit for a fruit bowl to take also. After that I am done baking for a while.
    Have a good evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    It showed up sometime between Noon and 1PM :)
    I am still tweaking the settings FWIW. I plan to try a spare computer speaker set with it later to see if they sound better, plugged into the headphone jack they should work.

    Congratulations on being almost done baking and prepping. Part of our prep for tomorrow is pulling the Vacuum sealed bags of Mashed Potatoes and Stuffing out of the basement freezer to defrost for tomorrow.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Jo, the PT is definitely helping my legs. My neck is still messed up, but I've got some exercises. :) All your goodies sound wonderful. I found a gluten free recipe for a chocolate, caramel cake for my friend's birthday on new years eve. That's all the baking I'll be doing. :)
    Have a good night, everyone. :)

    Hi Again
    Good to know that the exercises are helping.

    Any reason for gluten free baking?

    BTW the shelf at the Grocery store proudly proclaimed Sugar Free Seltzer :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Congrats on the new TV, Roger. :) I'm glad it came and was in good condition. Hubs roasted a chicken last night. I guess that and veggies will be our holiday fare. :)
    Mostly gluten free because my husband has Celiac. And, my doc told me to stay away from the white starches, and that gluten free would be good for me too. Apparently people with RA often develop Celiac. My friend whose birthday we'll be celebrating also tries to eat healthfully and avoids eating too much gluten.
    Duh...on the sugar free seltzer!
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Roger-I am glad you got your TV and it was not damaged. :)
    Vix-My daughter in law eats gluten free. It is really had to find gluten free foods in the UK. She gets really excited when she finds something. :)
    Today I made an Italian christmas cookie cake. It was a recipe that I found on pinterest. I hope it tastes as good as it looks. I am going to try and take a little nap before we go out tonight.
    Happy Christmas Eve!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Have fun, Jo. The Italian Christmas cookie cake sounds delish. Betty Crocker has gluten free cake mixes! Yay!
    Have a wonderful Christmas eve everyone. :) Good night. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Merry Christmas! Enjoy your day!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Good morning!
    Foggy here....I'm sure Santa needed Rudolf's red nose last night!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi All
    Merry Christmas
    It was very foggy out this morning when I started out, I could not see the far end of the block I live on :) The fog is getting lighter now. It was cooler this morning, still well above the norms for December 25. I wore a Pocket T-Shirt and a light long sleeve shirt. Cooler in the forecast for Saturday and then warming back up for Sunday.

    I used two of my Christmas presents today during the walk. I have joined the earphone brigade. While walking I was listening to a old time radio show called Chandu the Magician I got a iPod Nano and earphones last night from my brother so I loaded some OTR (Old Time Radio) shows into it and charged it overnight. Maybe tomorrow I'l listen to some Boston Blackie, The Mysterious Traveler, The Shadow, The Whistler, The Inner Sanctum, The Fat man, Fibber McGee & Molly or Fred Allen.

    Have a Great Christmas Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    Congrats on the new TV, Roger. :) I'm glad it came and was in good condition.
    Hubs roasted a chicken last night. I guess that and veggies will be our holiday fare. :)
    Mostly gluten free because my husband has Celiac. And, my doc told me to stay away from the white starches,
    and that gluten free would be good for me too. Apparently people with RA often develop Celiac.
    My friend whose birthday we'll be celebrating also tries to eat healthfully and avoids eating too much gluten.
    Duh...on the sugar free seltzer!

    Hi Vix
    I guess white starches includes Breads, Pasta & Potatoes?

    I was afraid it might have had a hard journey since it came surface from California but it arrived looking pretty good.
    The Thing I was somewhat afraid of was a cracked screen.
    I guess they have the bugs worked out of packaging for shipment. The Reviews were right regarding one thing. Cheesy,
    Tinny sound quality. I Just need to get the right cable to feed it into the Sound system.
    I was lucky that someone had posted to try Sanyo TV Codes for the Dishnetwork remote in one of the reviews.
    Now I need to set up a Harmony Remote to work with it and Voila I'll be a happy camper.

    Have a Great Holiday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Roger-I am glad you got your TV and it was not damaged. :)
    Vix-My daughter in law eats gluten free. It is really had to find gluten free foods in the UK.
    She gets really excited when she finds something. :)
    Today I made an Italian christmas cookie cake. It was a recipe that I found on pinterest.
    I hope it tastes as good as it looks. I am going to try and take a little nap before we go out tonight.
    Happy Christmas Eve!

    Hi Joanne
    In some cases I suspect that people just eat Gluten free since it must be healthier :)
    I believe that the Gluten is needed in Pizza dough to give it the strength for the twirling thing
    they do to form the crust.
    I have seen things that say Gluten free on the package that never should have Gluten anyway :)

    If I can impose on You to post the recipe or a link if it is delicious?

    Merry Christmas
    eku0 wrote: »
    Have fun, Jo. The Italian Christmas cookie cake sounds delish.
    Betty Crocker has gluten free cake mixes! Yay!
    Have a wonderful Christmas eve everyone. :) Good night. :)

    Hi Vix
    That should make it much easier to produce the cake. Is there a premium cost for them? I'm guessing that there is.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Foggy here....I'm sure Santa needed Rudolf's red nose last night!

    Hi Vix
    That could be, It was sure foggy when I left the house. OTOH it is warm too and I'll take that.

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,177 Member
    Yes, there is a premium for the Betty Crocker gluten free mixes....I think the box was about $4.50! All the gluten free products, bread, etc that we buy for my husband are way more expensive than the regular flour products.
    My no white starches, includes bread, pasta, white potatoes, rice, pretty much any flour products, and most grains. I really don't mind. I miss the nightshades more....tomatoes and peppers were staples for me...I only had eggplant or white potatoes occasionally, so don't really miss them. I'm trying some veggies I never really ate before, like some of the winter squashes. I also think I will eat a bit more fruit or dried fruit, and steer away from red meat, sub in some beans. It's hard trying to figure out what works for me. I feel like a continuous experiment. :wink:
    Anyway.....have a fun day, enjoy your festivities! :)