Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    I am sitting here having my coffee awaiting the next bit of snow that we are getting. I got my exercising shoveling off the deck and patio yesterday. By late afternoon the sun was shining and the streets and sidewalks were dry.
    Crazy New England weather. :)
    Vix-Are you leaving today? Have a great vacation. :)
    Irene-Maybe Annie was still spooked from the thunder, anxious that it would happen again, poor baby.
    Roger-I think the manager has been there about 2 years. They usually don't stay longer than that. I have a feeling upper management doesn't want managers to get to friendly with the employees. The manager that is leaving is a great guy, but was a little soft on the employees. He let a lot of things slid, that I would have fired people for.
    We need a strong manager that won't take any nonsense from the employees
    Have a great day! :)

  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, well I think the reason Annie didn't want to walk was George wasn't with us so when George came home we went on another walk and she was fine so I think it was she was missing him. Good luck with your new manager ,target was the same way they were forever changing managers well my plans for today is I would like to clean my spare room it seems everything gets put in there so maybe I will clean that my knee is hurting so we shall see. But it doesn't take much for my knee to hurt I did go for a walk this morning so that is why it is hurting but I have to get some exercise or I will be gaining weight oh we found 7 cents today yea. have a great day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2016
    I made my banks run today , Walk actually 8.6K steps worth. It started a light rain part way into it and when I left the bank I ended up putting up the Umbrella. Today's weather is off and on rain and moderately cool, It was in the 30s when I left the house :)

    I am sitting here burning a couple of DVDs that I created from Video Captures, And Currently I am putting Windows XP on a old Pentium 4 laptop, I tried loading Windows 10 onto it and it just kept cycling and never partitioned the drive or anything useful. I will try again from within Windows XP and see how that goes. I plan to give to a computerless person and want a windows version that is still getting security updates and not long discontinued like XP. Wish Me luck

    Nothing else much going on today.

    Have a Great Monday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    I am sitting here having my coffee awaiting the next bit of snow that we are getting.
    I got my exercising shoveling off the deck and patio yesterday.
    By late afternoon the sun was shining and the streets and sidewalks were dry.
    Crazy New England weather. :)
    Vix-Are you leaving today? Have a great vacation. :)
    Irene-Maybe Annie was still spooked from the thunder, anxious that it would happen again, poor baby.
    Roger-I think the manager has been there about 2 years. They usually don't stay longer than that.
    I have a feeling upper management doesn't want managers to get to friendly with the employees.
    The manager that is leaving is a great guy, but was a little soft on the employees.
    He let a lot of things slid, that I would have fired people for.
    We need a strong manager that won't take any nonsense from the employees
    Have a great day! :)

    Hi Joanne
    You seem to be getting our rain as snow currently :) I think I'll take the rain.

    The departing manager sounds like he was 6 of one and a half dozen of the other as far as handling personnel.
    If You were in trouble then You would like him, OTOH if it made more work for You, then not so much.
    However I will take someone that is easy going versus a martinet having worked for
    Easy, Moderate and hard employers / Bosses.

    At least the snow cleared up with no real effort on Your part.

    Have a Good Upcoming week
    good morning, well I think the reason Annie didn't want to walk was
    George wasn't with us so when George came home we went on another walk and she was fine
    so I think it was she was missing him. Good luck with your new manager ,
    target was the same way they were forever changing managers well my plans for today is
    I would like to clean my spare room it seems everything gets put in there so maybe
    I will clean that my knee is hurting so we shall see.
    But it doesn't take much for my knee to hurt I did go for a walk this morning so that is why it is hurting
    but I have to get some exercise or I will be gaining weight oh we found 7 cents today yea. have a great day

    Hi Irene
    George being missing is as good a reason as any.

    I have the same problem with the spare bedroom, it becomes a catchall.

    Congratulations on getting out and finding 7 cents, The only reason I came home with more money than I left with was
    quite simple, I cashed a check to have some spending money.

    Enjoy the Day
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good evening
    It has been snowing all day. I shoveled the driveway when there was a lull. Right now it looks like I didn't even go out. Storm watch is until 10 pm tonight.
    I found 11 cents today... in the washing machine. :p
    I also have a spare room that is a catchall.
    Have a good evening. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Cold & Windy today, 26 degrees with a wind chill in the teens, Brrrr.....
    7200+ Steps so far and a trip to the supermarket later.
    That will likely add more than a few steps as they are still moving things around and You need to explore to find anything :)

    As I walk I see plenty of spring flowers blooming currently, Daffodils, Grape Hyacinth, Hyacinth, Flowering trees,
    And Lots of Violets along the sidewalks. Nice time of year to go walking that way.
    Plenty of Birds using the Bird feeders we have set out in front of the living room window too.

    Have a Good Tuesday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good evening
    It has been snowing all day. I shoveled the driveway when there was a lull.
    Right now it looks like I didn't even go out. Storm watch is until 10 pm tonight.
    I found 11 cents today... in the washing machine. :p
    I also have a spare room that is a catchall.
    Have a good evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    It seems that unused rooms have that happen to them, I occasionally watch a show called Garage Brothers based in Raleigh, NC
    where they clean out a garage for free, they keep anything inside to sell to cover the expense.
    They do give back any money they find however, The shows I watch they usually make some money doing it too.
    When the door goes up on those garages at the start of the show some of the garages are really loaded up.
    I have also seen a show where they do the same thing with attics, I think that one is in the Mass. area.

    I guess we were so lucky here, some areas had hail and a little snow, none in my area however.

    Have a Good Day Stay Warm & Dry
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Our snow should be gone by Friday. We are expecting rain by the end of the week. It is cold out today. I had my winter jacket, mittens and a hat on to shovel the end of the driveway.
    Roger-I think I have watched Garage Brothers.
    The spring flowers and flowering trees had just started to bloom and now everything is covered in snow.
    I saw the aftermath of a car accident on the way to work this morning. There was only one car and it was facing the wrong way and the front end was all smashed in. There were 3 police cars there. I think the car may have hit some ice.
    Enjoy your evening. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    all,went and had my MRI glad it is done I actually sat up in a chair and put my knee in this machine it took like 30 minutes and the worst part was the head sets you had to wear it actually hurt my ears while I had them on but once I took them off I was fine. I have everything on a cd pretty cool now I just have to wait until the 22 nd when my Dr looks at it . I am ready for my knee to stop hurting .I love watching the shows where they come in and get rid of all the stuff my problems is our don't have a lot of room once we move back to Browns Mills I will be fine. I did walk this morning and we found 5 cents all of them were penneys well I need to go take care
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning,well I didn't walk yet today. George took Annie for her walk going to see if I don't walk if the pain is better but it is still there. Nothing is planned for today I will just take it easy still haven't finished my spare room maybe I will work on that, it just doesn't sound like fun
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Once again it was cold outside, At least there was no wind.
    I Lost track of my steps, the battery on my Fitbit died :(
    Rain in the forecast for tomorrow, yuck.

    I'm running out of time today too.

    Have a Nice Day
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Our snow should be gone by Friday. We are expecting rain by the end of the week. It is cold out today.
    I had my winter jacket, mittens and a hat on to shovel the end of the driveway.
    Roger-I think I have watched Garage Brothers.
    The spring flowers and flowering trees had just started to bloom and now everything is covered in snow.
    I saw the aftermath of a car accident on the way to work this morning.
    There was only one car and it was facing the wrong way and the front end was all smashed in. There were 3 police cars there.
    I think the car may have hit some ice.
    Enjoy your evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I have been bundled up foe the last two days myself, Thursday is supposed to be much warmer but also rainy.
    Win some lose some :)

    I have seen accidents occurring and the aftermath in the past, I had one person try and pass me on a snowy road,
    the last I saw of that one it was spinning like a top going down a ramp, on the NY Thruway I had a car go whizzing past me in the snow,
    shortly thereafter I saw it trying to back out of the ditch in the center of the road.

    Going fast on slippery roads is a recipe for disaster.

    Have a Nice Day
    all,went and had my MRI glad it is done I actually sat up in a chair and put my
    knee in this machine it took like 30 minutes and the worst part was the head sets you had to wear it actually hurt
    my ears while I had them on but once I took them off I was fine.
    I have everything on a cd pretty cool now I just have to wait until the 22 nd when my Dr looks at it .
    I am ready for my knee to stop hurting .
    I love watching the shows where they come in and get rid of all the stuff my problems is our don't have a
    lot of room once we move back to Browns Mills I will be fine. I did walk this morning and we found 5 cents all of them
    were penneys well I need to go take care
    good morning,well I didn't walk yet today.
    George took Annie for her walk going to see if I don't walk if the pain is better but it is still there.
    Nothing is planned for today I will just take it easy still haven't finished my spare room maybe I will work on that,
    it just doesn't sound like fun

    Hi Irene
    Congratulations on Your MRI & 5 Cents, that makes five cents more than I found this week.

    Nope, working around the house is almost never fun but it has to be done!

    Good Luck with the Doctor
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Roger-I left my fitbit on the charger when I went to work today. :'( So far I have 878 steps. :'(
    I better get a move on. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, went for a walk and found 25 cents ya. I found it doesn't matter if I walk or not the knee hurts so I figured I am better off to walk I started using heat on my knee and it does fill better . It looks like it is going to rain today . On our walk this morning it was actually warm looking forward to spring. Tried calling the dr to get an earlier apt but the one I have was the earliest so I kept it. Nothing planned for today
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I am still waiting for the forecast rain, however it is on the way. However I did get out walking + 1 Really corroded penny
    that I am not sure how I even saw it sitting in the grass alongside of the Sidewalk.
    The rain is coming slower than originally forecast which is good as I got out the door later than usual.

    I had my Breakfast and then went out to our shed and pulled the carburetor off of the rototiller
    as it does run on starting fluid or a squirt of gas in the carburetor and when that is gone dies.
    Thus I did order a rebuild kit and have started taking it apart to see if I can get it going properly,
    if not then I can order a replacement carburetor via Amazon or Briggs and Stratton. Wish me luck :)

    Have a Good Thursday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Roger-I left my fitbit on the charger when I went to work today. :'( So far I have 878 steps. :'(
    I better get a move on. :)

    Hi Joanne
    With the Battery being dead in my FitBit Zip, It takes a CR 3025 that is good for a few months
    I only had a few hundred recorded steps myself Wednesday. I did not want to get a rechargeable battery version as
    I have enough trouble remembering to plug the Flip Phone & iPod in every week or so, The Other day I was sitting at the other computer and
    heard chiming noises, a light bulb went off over my head and I pulled out the phone, pushed the Volume button on the side to
    turn on the display and sure enough a Low Battery warning was displayed.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, went for a walk and found 25 cents ya. I found it doesn't matter if I walk or not the knee hurts so I figured I am better off to walk I started using heat on my knee and it does fill better . It looks like it is going to rain today . On our walk this morning it was actually warm looking forward to spring. Tried calling the dr to get an earlier apt but the one I have was the earliest so I kept it. Nothing planned for today

    Hi Irene
    Once again You are ahead of me finding money :)

    I agree, if the pain level stays the same walking or not walking, why not walk.

    Good Luck at the doctors, I had Knee surgery many years ago for Torn Cartilage from work. That did cure my knee pain so I am glad I did have it.

    It started spritzing rain a few minutes ago and then stopped again

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    It has been raining here all day. I found 2 cents today.
    Roger-I get an alert on my phone when my zipbit battery is low.
    Irene-I am glad the heat is helping with the knee pain.
    Vix-I hope you are having good weather in Charleston.
    Enjoy your day.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning, on our walk this morning we found $1.01 it was pretty cool looked down and there was a dollar laying there nice. found the penny on another street. I am really happy my loa was approved I got the call yesterday glad at least this way I will have a job when I get to go back to work . It is pretty cold outside because of the wind it didn't fill this cold when I walked this morning . I already went to shoprite so the food shopping is done next I take Annie to the vet for a nail trim talk to you later
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    When I started walking to the post office to mail a payment it was not to bad out, However while I was out the sky kept getting darker and a chilly wind out of the North kept slowly increasing until I was glad to get home. I did stop and talk to two of the crossing guards while I was out walking. The rest of the time I was listening to "Boston Blackie" a old time radio show.

    I also filled the one Bird Feeder. While walking this week the Colors I see in bloom are Yellow on the Forsythia and Lots of Dandelions as well as Purple on plenty of Grape Hyacinths.

    Have a Great Friday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    It has been raining here all day. I found 2 cents today.
    Roger-I get an alert on my phone when my zipbit battery is low.
    Irene-I am glad the heat is helping with the knee pain.
    Vix-I hope you are having good weather in Charleston.
    Enjoy your day.

    Hi Joanne
    I had a email alert from the fitbit people the previous time when the battery was low, not this time however. I could never get an alert on my Flip Phone I suspect.

    Our rain was part way through the day and the balance that was supposed to come through never appeared so we were lucky that way.

    Have a Nice Day
    good morning, on our walk this morning we found $1.01 it was pretty cool looked down and there was a dollar laying there nice. found the penny on another street. I am really happy my loa was approved I got the call yesterday glad at least this way I will have a job when I get to go back to work . It is pretty cold outside because of the wind it didn't fill this cold when I walked this morning . I already went to shoprite so the food shopping is done next I take Annie to the vet for a nail trim talk to you later

    Hi Irene
    Congratulations on Your find and Your Leave Of Absence approval too.

    It is not that nice outside IMO currently and I am wondering what tomorrow will bring. The Forecast for Saturday seems to keep changing, earlier this week it was supposed to be OK, Then they started showing snow and now the forecast I saw seemed to be backing down on snow totals so who knows what will really happen.

    I am good for food between a earlier trip to CostCo for Fruits, Vegetables and Yogurts and then later this week the ShopRite and Yesterday I walked to a different grocery store and bough a two of boxes of Cheerios that were on sale. Multi Grain that is 110 calories per serving and Apple Cinnamon that is 120 calories per serving.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Just a quick update as regards the Tiller, The first Thing we did last fall, pull the fuel tank and flush it, then Change the fuel lines as they were slightly cracked from age. I did put Stabil, a gas stabilizer in the gas in the tanks and gas can last fall.

    A Rebuild of the Carburetor using a Rebuild kit from Amazon and a cleaning of parts using Carburetor cleaner and when I installed the Carburetor today, set the choke and filled the tank it fired right up and churned the ground as it is supposed to do, We did not till today beyond testing it as it is cold outside with the wind chill :)

    Good to know my memory was not letting me down as to what is ToFu.

    Have a Good Day
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Irene-congrats on your find. That is great that your LOA has been approved.
    Roger-Turner classic movies has Boston Blackie episodes on every once in a while.
    The rain yesterday washed away all the snow. :)
    Did you know that it is really difficult to type with a cat sitting on your arm. :) Vinny thinks he has to be as close to me as possible.
    Have a great evening. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,161 Member
    good morning,found a penny today on our walk it is always nice to find money.The weather person is calling for snow but so far nothing is happening yet hopefully we don't get any I am pretty much done with winter I would like a little spring now. My plans for today is go and get some new Yankie candles they smell so good .
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I found a dime AKA 10 cents on the homeward leg of my morning walk. I am still waiting for the forecast snow or rain to start. That means I had a good mornings walk and stayed dry, I did have to wear a Sweatshirt & a Hoodie with Mittens to keep warm on my walk. I refilled the Squirrel proof bird feeder on my return to the house. The Birds seem to be hungry right now :)

    Currently I am capturing a 4 hour VHS tape on my big computer and will be editing and Converting it to be in DVD format when that has finished. It is three different Specials I recorded back in the 80s.

    Have a Great Weekend
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Irene-congrats on your find. That is great that your LOA has been approved.
    Roger-Turner classic movies has Boston Blackie episodes on every once in a while.
    The rain yesterday washed away all the snow. :)
    Did you know that it is really difficult to type with a cat sitting on your arm. :) Vinny thinks he has to be as close to me as possible.
    Have a great evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I will have to look for those Movies, I have been listening to the radio show while walking. Some of the Commercials are for Beneficial Finance, Rinso Laudry Detergent and LifeBouy Soap,
    complete with the B.O that sounds like a ocean Bouy, Link to a commercial on YouTube here the sound is at the 33 second mark and the 1:22 second mark.

    I believe You, I have enough trouble typing with both hand free.

    Thank You for the Turner Classic Movies Information
    good morning,found a penny today on our walk it is always nice to find money.The weather person is calling for snow but so far nothing is happening yet hopefully we don't get any I am pretty much done with winter I would like a little spring now. My plans for today is go and get some new Yankie candles they smell so good .

    Hi Irene
    You are ahead of me for the week in money finds. For once the Money I found looks like new, not all corroded or scratched up. The last penny I found You could barely tell it was a penny :)

    I have not seen any snow or rain as of 10AM either, Hopefully it stays away. Tomorrow looks as if it will be colder than this morning from the weather forecast I saw.

    I am also ready for spring. I hope the cold weather does not damage the Raspberry, Blackberry or Columnar Apple trees we planted last weekend. They did need to be planted as they were shipped bare root style.

    Have Really good Saturday