Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Tuesday!

    Steph..congrats! Your body needed the carbs/calories!
    Esther..much luck at the doctor.
    Janice..overnight weight gain is sodium..no worries!

    It's cloudy and very humid today with on and off rain. Planning on purging today but need to go get clear plastic tubs first.
    I'll check back later.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie so happy for you. Afraid I am not doing so well. I gained 5 lbs overnight yesterday/ So struggling to
    It has t my system my blood sugar is running great so I know I am eating right. So I am not really worried about it. As long as my sugar is fine.I have been eating eggs for Breakfast and seems to have more energy. Computer was down yesterday too. But got it working again.

    We are going to walmart this morning for groceries. I will get Jerry to leave me there for a couple hours so I can brouse some. He does not rush me but I know he gets tire of waiting on me.
    Everyone have s wonderful day. Tomorrow I plan on sewing

  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    I'm at 192.8 today, which is lower, but slower than desired. I'll take it. I should get to 185 by November, during the week I'm in New Orleans, but I'm planning to thoroughly enjoy that trip, so I may have to work extra hard when I get home and over the holiday season to keep in this range or keep dropping.

    Daughter decided to participate in homecoming this year, her last year of high school. She is not a dress or community functions kind of girl, so I was surprised, but happy for her. The theme is "Nightmare before Christmas". I ordered her a red and black brocade pattern with a corset bit and lace on the straps dress.


    I'm worried it won't arrive in time. The website said 2 day shipping and it says shipped but the tracking hasn't budged in awhile. I was hoping it would be here today. I checked the invoice and in very tiny letters on the bottom it says most packages take 7-10 business days not including weekends. UGH, the dance is this weekend.

    Anyway, (in case the link doesn't work) it's like a cocktail dress from a Gothic dinner party and we bought her first heels. She insisted on shiny black pumps a little higher than I think she can wear, but that's what she really wanted and life will teach her what 4 hours in those will feel like after 4 hours in those better than any of my cautioned words. Ha. To be 17 again.

    I think the last time I wore heels I was 25 or so, because that's when I got really heavy and couldn't anymore. I'm hoping to be able to wear some sensible ones eventually. I'm kind of tired of my flats and I could use an inch or two added to height.

    Keep on trucking ladies...

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    I see everyone is doing well and still plugging at their weight. I was down today too but not where I want. I am on a challenge
    on here until Thankstgiving but not doing well. I am on week 2 of South Beach and still at it.

    Today it has been raining all day so I did Leslie Sasone dvd today inside. Just finished praticing my choir music. We have
    practice tonight and a social after that. I will try and keep my calories low.

    Have a good evening

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good afternoon everyone,
    Have had a busy day. Helped with memorial meal at my church. On my feet for 4 1/2 hours but it is a rewarding ministry.
    I am trying to cut my my carbs this week.
    Have a good evening.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Connie-Its been rainy here today, we really needed it. Purging I s good, I hate clutter.
    Stepanie-I am glad you are down, after enjoying your weekend in New York.
    Esther-I hope your leg isn't as bad as you think, hopefully the doctor gives you some good news. Enjoy the football game.
    Marie-What are you sewing? I prefer to go to the grocery alone, my husband does rush me, when I'm there. When I shop for clothes, he knows its not fast, so he is better, but he normally don't go with me, which is good.
    Eninad-I hope your daughters dress arrives in time, take a picture and post it to us. I can't wear heels very good either, my ankles have both had problems, one broke and one severely sprained, plus I am flat footed and they don't fit right. I have some boots that have a couple inch heel, but they are sturdy.
    Shirley-Glad to hear your down some, there is like nine weeks left till Thanksgiving, thats hard to believe, I would love to lose some more before then. I am on that challenge, too.
    Nancy-That is so good you are giving back and helping at the church ministry meal. I use to volunteer all the time, I spent alot of hours at my childrens schools, room mother, pta, governers cup, coaching cheerleading and helping my husband coach ball, I organized an auction/ chile supper, to pay for new stage curtains, for the school, and new playground equipment for the school. There was alot more but you get the picture, I wasn't working and I wanted to help, this was before I got divorced and had to work and support myself. I am glad I did it, it makes me feel good to know I helped.

    I got my 100 miles in yesterday for the challenge on the Thanksgiving thread for September, I started off slow, because it was hot then, but I did complete it with 2 days to spare. See ya tommorrow. Janice

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Wednesday!

    Eninad..the dress is so cute; I hope it arrives! Do you have a back up plan if not? I have a pair of basic black pumps for church and that's it. The rest are flats and short wedges.

    Janice..good for you on the 100 miles!

    Nancy..your ministry sounds wonderful.

    Marie..where are you?

    Shirley...I do Leslie sometimes, too.

    Lots of clouds and more humidity today along with rain. We haven't seen the sun for well over a week now and probably won't for the remainder of the week. I hope none of you are in the hurricane's path on the east coast.

    Gym day for me. I'll do upper body again and will walk after.

    Make it a great day, losers!

  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi everyone

    Just checking in

    Been a training course today which meant a shorter day hours wise for me so that's good!

    I am thinking of signing up to a nutritionist so I can properly understand diets/foods and what's good for me! I think I need the extra accountability too!

    We have to submit swimwear photos which I took yesterday and I was surprised what I actually looked like as I guess I never really look at my self in swimwear! I think these pics and the accountability will definitely give me the kick up the but I need!!

    I will let you know how I get on :-)

    Make it a good one losers


  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    good morning ladies,

    off to meet a friend to do some weight lifting. hope you are all doing well. nothing to interesting here, it is starting to feel like fall.

    make smart choices today!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited September 2015
    marie here reporting in . Stop off first for a couple rounds of bingo on the internet Won a few very few.

    Connie I am here my mind sort of wondering around some.

    Faye I I try to get one years ago but never did make connections now to old to et around to doing that

    step Don't over do the exercise

    Janice congrat on the 100 miles. hope your sister is better.

    nancy you are a busy girl.

    have not been to the mail box yet need to do that. I am kind of planning for a little western cowboys quilt for our little cowboy due in January. I better hurry up for it will be here way too soon.

    Will be making My Mexican rice for dinner

    hope to get going on my sewing.project today.

    I have a question for Barbie. I notice you mention black rice in one of your post. I saw some last week at Kroger and wonder what advantage it has over brown rice?

    Have not had breakfast yet so off to get it prepare. Will be oatmeal this morning.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning misfits,
    -Connie, Will you be impacted by the hurricane? Our weather man said that
    the east coast would probably see many inches of rain. Be safe.
    No solid plans for today other than my exercise on the bike.
    Have a great day.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Not much going on here today. I went to my Yoga class this morning and cleaned the kitchen and bathroom upstairs.
    Tomorrow lunch with my sister and her boyfriend.
    Tomorrow morning my weigh in on the challenge. :|


  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    Good luck for your weigh in Shirely!

    The haze/smog and air pollution is still bad in Singapore this morning! All outdoor activities have been stopped, which means no dragon boating for me! I am also reluctant to cycle as I don't wasn't to be breathing in all that dirty air ;-(

    Here's hoping we have fresh clean air soon, as the whole of Septemebr has been dreadful!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited October 2015
    Good morning, losers! Happy Thursday!

    Nancy..we will just have rain from the hurricane as it's supposed to hit up the coast of NC rather than SC. it's cloudy and cooler this morning.

    Shirley..enjoy your lunch.

    Faye..how long have you lived in Sinapore? What brings you there?

    Not too much planned today. Will be cleaning/purging after I fix my breakfast.
    I also joined the October walking challenge to motivate me to move more during the day. The knee feels much better now and I will return to lower body training tomorrow without the squats and lunges.

    Make it a great day, losers!

  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    Connie - I can't imagine living in a country with such extreme dangeous weather like hurricanes! I would be terrified !

    Been in Singapore for 3.5 years. I always had an ambition to work and live abroad and I like hot weather. One day I was fed up in the cold waiting for a train in London (that was delayed) and thought there has to be more to life than this! So I started looking for jobs overseas in hot countries where they speak English....a few months later I was in Singapore!

    I was lucky my bf gave up his job too and came with me and then found a job out here, not sure how it would have worked out being on my own as the first 8 months or so were really tough as we had no friends! Haha

    But all good now ;-)

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi there,

    just finished my breakfast and am going to get ready for spin. I had the weirdest thing happen to me yesterday. I started to not feel good in the afternoon, chills and achy. took my temp after dinner, 101.2. my little boy gave me some Tylenol and put me in bed. I woke up perfectly fine this morning. so odd? but I was down a lb so I am taking it!! hello 146!!! yay! hope the lb does not find me again!! I have a birthday lunch today.....

    make good choices today!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello there.
    so nice to hear from all of you. I sort of read all of your posting on my I pad but forgot to post back. dumb me

    Faye you have some interesting stories to tell. What country are you really from? I don't think I would have the guts to do that. Connie walking is a good way to go. I used to do a lot of walking in my younger days in my 70's But the years have taken there toll .My little dog Angel and I walk all over the little town we live in. And my cat Caliecat went with us. Now the cat just walk with us in the neighborhood. But she love to go.

    Can't seems to get in the sewing mood. Now my excuse is I can't get my needle threaded . Can't see the eye anymore.
    Stept are you still following the one one plan I am to the extent of one protein, one carb and one fat.
    Its hard to get just one carb. For I like my fruit too well and still think I need at least one starchy carb. So I am trying to get one protein one starchy carb and a fruit have a wonderful day. And all the non starchy veggies I want
    I got to make a trip to the doctor this morning to to sign a document for a new and walker.This afternoon.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good afternoon,
    -Connie, So glad you will not be in the path of the hurricane. It looks nasty right now.
    -Steph, Happy you lost that pound and glad you are well today.
    Just did some cleaning today.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :) Marie, I bought black rice once because someone told me it was good stuff....it required rinsing before cooking, Jake didn't like it and I didn't think it was anything special so I never bought it again.

    :) Jake and I are fine except that he wrenched his shoulder and is using a sling and I'm still nursing the injury from last month (chiropractor said the inflammation would probably take 8-12 weeks to go away completely). We just do the same stuff every day.....everyday life in Utopia is the title of our life.

    <3 Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie good hearing from you Sorry Jake injure his shoulder
    you two take it easy till you are heal.
    Going back to the TV room with Jerry and the kitties and read some.