Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I think my son just took this outfit to Grayson to wear today. at least that looks like his hand holding him up
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    MARIE - Grayson is adorable and what a happy baby. We are going to see Isaac next week and I can't wait.


    Not much going on here its my rest day but no rest for me I have been busy since I got up. I started with ironing and
    then grocery shopping. Some shopping for a couple of Fall tops. Made sauerkraut, sausage and carrots in the crockpot
    washed some sheets and still have to make the bed. No exercise its my rest day but I am still busy.

    The weather is much warmer today after freezing yesterday we still don't have our furnace on but using a heater
    downstairs and the oven upstairs to get the chill off. It is much nicer today.

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Marie.........if Jerry was in the Air Force he would have been up north. I want to say Fairbanks. If that's the case Fairbanks is considered believe it or not an arctic desert. Where I am in Ketchikan is a temperate rainforest. If you look at a picture of the state of Alaska the string of islands on the bottom right hand side of the state is all rainforest. In fact we have gotten 112.24 inches of rain so far this year. Now keep in mind May was the driest month ever in the history of the town. Most people can't handle that much rain. But keep in mind in the winter it is the best. Because I don't have to shovel the rain in the winter ;)

    I am now killing time between houses. My daughter and her Girl Scout troop are selling nuts and candies to earn money to go to Washington to a horse camp next summer. They are walking the blocks and I just give them a ride to the next block over.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    t1818.gif Esther, the quote about no bad weather, just bad clothing came from a woman who lives in Norway....I think I'm with you about all that rain being too much.
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi all,

    marie, your grandson is adorable!!!
    connie, hope the weather gets better!! hope your knee is feeling good!
    esrer, hope you are a little more relaxed from the craziness of the kids:)
    Shirley, glad you are back!! I wish I had a crockpot!

    had a really good and pretty relaxing weekend! nice with no plans! my daughter started driving which has been interesting! back on track and hoping to see 145 this week! will check in tomorrow!

    have a great night!!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Monday!

    Marie..your grandson is so cute!
    Steph..good to see you..your daughter driving now can be a blessing and a curse! I remember those days!

    We are fine..just stuck in the house and having to boil drinking water. Luckily, we have bottled water and ice and the power is on. Many areas in other parts of the city have no running water. I am going to do a walking DVD to get some exercise in today. My knee is achy but feels okay when I walk..maybe it's just the damp weather. ;)

    Make it a great day, losers! Stay strong!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie thanks for the update I did see some news and it looks awful take care my sweet.
    I am just wondering what the kitties will do when it rain here Since they go out by thyself now.
    Steph good to see you post everyday now. You don't have a crock pot? I could not live without one I ave 4 of them/ 2 small ones which I used mostly and 2 large one; like using them for I do not have to keep a close eye on the pot and don't burn things. . Did you give up on the one one plan? My goodness I did not realized your daughter is old enough to start her driving lesson.

    Barbie I know you dress for the weather Have been for quite a few years now.

    Have a great day everybody
    <3 Marie

  • cristina0000
    cristina0000 Posts: 111 Member
    Hey!! I know it's been awhile since I posted just been very busy traveling and studying. My weight has been going up and down the same 7 lbs. Hoping to get things back in control and not continue to gain weight I've already lost!

    Hope everyone doing great. I'm in the Virginia Beach area so it's been raining a lot here.
  • cristina0000
    cristina0000 Posts: 111 Member

    I was lucky enough to see my daughter during my last trip. She's in the Air Force stationed in Japan and it just so happened that her job sent her California during the same time my job sent me there.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Cristina welcome back! Lovely women in your pictures. Beautiful smiles.

    I know what you mean about the weight going up and down I am having the same problem. I started drinking a detox drink
    in the morning with aloe vera juice and hope to get some things moving. I am still trying to lose my summer weight.

    Yoga class today, tomorrow and Wednesday because we are leaving Thursday to go to the cottage for our
    Canadian Thanksgiving. We will be babysiting my grandson Isaac on Thursday night and then leaving the next
    morning. My oldest daugher Kristina will be joining us along with my MIL. I have booked a yoga class on
    Saturday for my daughter and myself to do.

    I hope everyone has a good week and stay positive.

  • cristina0000
    cristina0000 Posts: 111 Member
    Thank you Shirley! I have joined a women's boot camp that goes 3 days a week and a Kickboxing gym that I can go to whenever I want so I hope to loose inches at least. My goal right now is to be consistent and eat healthy foods! I've even been getting up working out on my home elliptical machine.

    I hope you enjoy your Canadian Thanksgiving trip at the cottage!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Cristina so wonderful to hear from you And what a lovely bunch of ladies you are sharing the screen with.

    Shirley have a wonderful thanksgiving with your family.

    Alice is going out of town for Thanksgiving and she is the one that cooks Thanksgiving. so waiting to see what Kathy is going to do. Maybe we will have Dinner out in the cow pasture. But whatever Jerry and I will have dinner somewhere. May just buy a dinner from Kroger And Walmart make a great Loaded potato salad that I just love.

    See you guys
    Connie be careful if you get out.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Tuesday!

    Cristina...good to see you back with us!
    Marie..good morning!

    Sunshine and blue skies today! I have exercised and after breakfast and dog walking, I plan to get out of this house. Schools and some businesses are still closed. I had a dentist appointment today, but there is no running water in their building, so will have to reschedule. It's a blessing that the northeastern area we live in was not compromised in any way.

    I hope all of you have a wonderful, productive day.
    Stay strong!
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    good morning everyone,

    Christina, nice to see you!! beautiful daughter!!
    Marie, cutest grandson!
    Connie, that's to bad about the dentist! I hate going but would like to get it over with....hope everything is returning back to normal.

    I am still sitting at the same weight as last week. I think I need to vary my meals a bit. seems to help. any new ideas?

    have a great day!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I had Yoga with a different instructor, a young girl just starting out. It was supposed to be a beginning class but
    she saw we were all experinced Yogies she ran us through the paces. A good workout today!

    After class I went to visit my MIL who is 89 and still doing well.

    Cristina - Good luck with the elliptical it should get things moving for you too!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    t09130.gif Another perfect uneventful day except for going to get our flu shots.
  • cristina0000
    cristina0000 Posts: 111 Member
    Good morning everyone! Its nice to see that everyone is still meeting up with each other here. I hope everyone has a great day!
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi all,

    I am still bouncing around the 146's, goal is to see 145 by end of this week! hope everyone is having a good day! I have already had a busy morning. my daughter had early practice so to the high school by 6. she left all her clothes at home so back to the high school at 6:15. then realized, she forgot to pack underwear!! ughh!! silly stuff to get annoyed about, right:)

    have a great day everyone!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2015
    <3 Good morning folks.
    <3 Cristina great having you back with us

    <3 Barbie I got my flu shot last week and my arm is just getting over it.. I love your graphic of the kittie wit a pretty flowers.

    I am posting my menu on the One one group. now till I get tired of it nobody seems to be posting there now so I thought that would be a good place for me to post my menu so I would not bore anyone else. I may try the food chart out again if I can keep up with it.
    Have a great day
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi Misfits, I just wrote a post and something happened to it, so aggravating. Not much going on today, just the normal house cleaning and laundry. I may go to the nursing home, later. I hope everyone has a good day. Gotta go, the day is flying by. Janice