Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Connie. I am just fixing to get in the shower to get dress. He should be here shortly.. as much as he loves Texas I don'dt know why he moved to Mo. Well I do his wife is from St. Louis , her family all lives there. And that the way it should be. He does come home at least twice a year. He loves fishing down here and going to Cowboys ames He has a Son and daughter by his firsts wife living They live north of us so don't see much of them.
    Gotta geet Busy.
    Love marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited November 2015
    I was away for the weekend and I had 35 posts to read. I skimmed through most of them.

    JANICE - Sorry about your lab she was adorable. It's always sad to lose a pet such a part of the family. <3

    MARIE - How is Alice feeling? Nice to hear after all these years calling your hubby lover boy, so cute!

    CONNIE - What a great house you will have once its all done. The land with all the trees in the background
    looks inviting.

    Hello to Nancy, Esther and Barbie...your costume is so cute and you are cute in it.

    I just got back yesterday from our Yoga retreat with my daughter #1, Kristina. We had a great
    time, met some very nice ladies and just enjoyed the weekend of Yoga, meditation, walking,
    singing and of course the food which was all vegetarian. My other daughter, Kathy, wants to
    join us next year when Isaac is a little bigger.

    Today was laundry and catching up around here with chores. I stripped the bed now have to
    make it so we can sleep in it tonight.

    Happy evening!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good evening.

    Wow!!! November already!!!! Christmas is just around the corner.

    Just a routine day for me. Exercise, cleaning house and laundry.

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Guess who?? I'm here I'm here! I thought when school started back for my kids I would have more time but that never seems to be the case. Oh well, back to focusing again on my health.
    Hope everyone has had good loses!!
    Rain rain go away. Ruthie
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited November 2015
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Tuesday!

    Marie..hope you had a wonderful day with your son. I know it was not long enough for you, but a little time with our children is better than none, I guess.

    Shirley..glad you enjoyed your yoga retreat and time with your daughter.

    Nancy..time passes so quickly!

    I am off to do the MRI this morning. My knee was pretty calm last week so I hope whatever it is, it's healing on its own. I think the lesser carbs really helped with inflammation. I also have a finger that used to stick (trigger finger). That stopped sticking last week and I can get my ring back on it! So yeah..has to be a reduction in inflammation.

    Down .06 this morning and will take it.

    Make it a great day, losers!

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi everyone,

    I have been reading but just have not posted. I am up and not really sure why? I do have TOM which may be part of the problem.

    Janice, so sorry about your dog, I know that is really hard. hope you are feeling a little bit better.

    marie, hope you have fun with your boy. I adore my son:)

    connie, that is great news! what are you eating these days? sounds like it is working. maybe I should try it!!

    ruthie, nice to see you!!

    ester, this is the first year that I had no Halloween plans with my kids it was very strange....they don't need me anymore

    Barbie, love the costume!! hope you are doing better!!

    hope everyone has a good day!

  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    I'm still working on it. I'm 193.8 this week. Halloween went well.

    We had a very nice Captain America come to the door. I thanked him for watching over us and he said "Your welcome Ma'am." He was so proud! I think he was about 8 years old. I wore a plague doctor mask which was quite scary at first for most of the kids, but I gave them two candies as "preventatives for the plague" and that helped. One boy asked "how's sugar gonna help Doctor?"I told him, when you need energy really fast, sugar would do it. He nodded. One girl took notice of my long nose and asked "Are you a witch??" I told her magic was only science she didn't understand yet. Handed out about 500 pieces of candy.

    Only 1 greedy group this year. Those are ones where they bring multiple pumpkins or bags claiming to be "trick or treating for others stuck at home"...all 8 kids each carrying 2nd and 3rd buckets. Seriously? The group had a really large women (the mother?) off to the side watching me dole out the candies...saying "you better give 'em all some candy... and I couldn't help but feel like they were gathering all the candy for her. I felt bad being so judgmental, but those kids were so tiny and scared acting...and she was all bossy and huge; and yes, I gave all the buckets they had candy. One of the kids said she didn't even get any as she was walking away and I was like, shaking my head at the attitude, but I grabbed a handful and walked up to her and said "There ya go."

    Apart from the greedy group and the teens in no costumes with pillow cases, I loved the baby penguin, the adorable minnie mouses and princesses, batmans and zombies, basically any one who was trying to participate.

    Next year I think I'm going to add fog to my front porch.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Good afternoon, everyone. The weather here is in mid 70's and sunny, yesterday was nice, too. We have a couple of more days that are suppose to be just as warm. I am going to walk the dog, Cody, in alittle bit. He likes walking and does pretty good.
    Stephanie-I am doing better, I have to accept that they're gone, and I like to think, that they all together again. Thanks for inquiring. Its hard sometimes, when our kids grow up, and you feel they don't need you, but they do. I love the relationship I have with my daughter, she's 28, the teenage years were hard.
    Connie-I hope your mri, shows your knee healing, thats interesting about the carbs and imflammation, I never knew that they would effect you like that.
    Marie-I hope you had a good long visit with your son.
    Ruthie-Glad to hear from you, sometimes life gets busy and we lose track of ourselves and what we need to do to make us healthier and happier. Sorry to report , no big loss for me lately, but overall around 58 pounds.
    Have a good day, everyone. Janice
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2015
    And I am here too. I thought I posted this morning but must not have click on the post button.
    Well My son did not make it by yesterday. hut fish was calling him to come catch me and they did. and threw them back in the lake Did not want to clean them. So now he is off to ST. Louis

    Connie have you ever try the joint pain supplement Been reading up on it But not sure of it. I sure would like some relief from my pain in my back. Have anyone tried it?

    Love to you all have a great night.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Misfit

    foggy this morning Nut not as bad as yesterday. Should clear off earlier.

    Jerry plans to work in yard Leaves!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Me I plan to sit on my butt.And cook some of those nice veggies Bruce pick up in E. Texas.We still have not had our first frost
    Gonna close for now till my eyes clear up

    <3 Marie
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Wednesday.

    We are in fog, too, Marie..but I still made it to the gym. Knee feels pretty good this morning, and I am down 1 pound.

    Janice..58 pounds is awesome! I hope to get there at some point.

    Eninad..sounds like you had a fun Halloween.

    Steph..good to see you!

    Make it a great day!

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi all,

    that is great news connie!! what are you eating? just protein and veggies?

    hope everyone has a good day!! I dropped a 10lb weight on my left foot on Monday. my little toe is barely hanging on....going to try and get in some exercise today!!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    slw19 wrote: »
    hi all,

    that is great news connie!! what are you eating? just protein and veggies?

    hope everyone has a good day!! I dropped a 10lb weight on my left foot on Monday. my little toe is barely hanging on....going to try and get in some exercise today!!


    Veggies and protein...yes. I sent you a message.
    Sorry to hear about your foot.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie I am so proud of you. Sweetie you are jiving Keep it up. You know I think we get a lot of carbs in our veggies and cording to a friend of mine enough protein. in our veggies, I thought I wrote something like this earlier
    But could not find it. You Rock. girl. I do eat some tacos chips for they are gluten free.
    I made my summer yellow squash casserole and delish. Got two more meals put up for later in the freezer I used those little trays that the gluten free meals come in for they hole a cup of casserole. Slowly but surely we are going to get there
    Love Marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    CONNIE - I too deal with trigger fingers, and have had cortisone shots in the past. I know inflammation is the culprit for
    me too. What kind of carbs are you eliminating? Good luck with the MRI.. Yoga has helped with my joint pain immensely.

    MARIE - The only joint pain supplement I have taken in the past has been GLUCOSAMINE/CONDROITIN. You have to take
    it for about a month to see any results. There is also MSM.

    ENINAD - Sounds like Halloween was fun with the little ones. I was away on that weekend for the first time in over
    20 years so no handing out candy and I used to get dressed up too and paint my face.

    STEPHANIE - Ouch! I hope the toe gets better soon. It must be painful. :/

    RUTHIE - Good to hear from you, glad you found us we are still hanging in.

    A beautiful day here the temps in the high 60's and warm. I went to Yoga this morning
    and got my hair cut from another hairdresser. My hairdresser is dealing with a lump
    she found in her breast. She had it removed and now is waiting the results. Lisa cut
    my hair and she did a great job for the first time. I have been going to Dawn for many
    years. I hope her prognosis is positive. <3

    Yesterday was the anniversary date of my very best friend who passed away one year
    ago from cancer. We met with her husband and two daughters last night at the
    grave site. We were invited over for dinner at one of the daughter's new house which
    was just built. The other daughter gave me a butterfly necklace in memory of her
    mom.. It brought me to tears and that was so thoughtful of her.

    I am now waiting for my DH to come home and start dinner, he just bought a used
    canoe for our daughter and son in law for Christmas. They live not far from a lake
    and they always use the one we have at the cottage when they visit.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    b0409.gif the doctor thinks I have some sort of nerve compression syndrome.....I'm going for a nerve conduction test on November 20 and until then, taking a prescription for nerve pain and wearing foot splints to bed. I'm still walking the dogs and dancing and riding my exercise bike but I'm in pain and there's a tingling in my legs and feet. I'm taking it one day at a time and not trying to use the internet to self-diagnose.

    :) Shirley, your yoga weekend sounds like a great time.

    :'( Marie, sorry that your son went fishing instead of coming to see you

    :'( stephanie, sorry about your foot

    :'( Connie, hope you find out what ails your knee so you can be back to all your regular exercise

    <3 Barbie


    this is what the foot splint looks like
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am sticking to my plan of eating. getting use to eating this way I got to for gluten sake.. But I am staying away from gluten free sweets just extra carbs I do not need I think I am getting plenty in my non starchy veggies I do have a bowl of fruit for breakfast every morning. Connie you have encourage me on sticking to protein and vegies. I am learning to cook a whole new way. I am freezing my left over food by a meal size. When I cook. That is giving me lots of TV dinnersYay do not have to cook as often, along with gluten free Lean cuisine TV dinners.

    Connie I had trigger fingers too long time ago. Kept giving me shots and finally did surgery on that hand and no more problems since

    Sleep well my friends,
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Thursday!

    Barbie... The internet can be a blessing and a curse. It can inform you as well as frighten you.

    Marie..freezing meals is a great idea! I have a few Lean Cuisine in the freezer...the ones with turkey and vegetables. I keep those for emergencies.

    Shirley...such a nice gift for your daughter and SIL.

    Steph..hope that foot feels better.

    Not much planned today except the house purge continues. I have done a short exercise DVD and will go walk the dog in a few minutes. It's still cloudy and wet...we have not seen the sun for so long.

    I had the MRI on the knee, and I have a DVD copy. I don't really know what I'm looking at exactly, but I can see that there is still lots of cushioning between the bones, so that's a relief. When my DIL comes this weekend, I'll have her look at it. My next orthopedic appt is the 18th.

    My knee just feels so much better and so does my finger. I haven't been able to wear a ring on that finger for many months. That is enough for me to continue with low carbs/calories. I did have my weekly cheat meal yesterday...Red Robin...burger, fries, shared a piece of cheesecake. I am up a little today, but know that is water from sodium.

    Time will tell.

    Make it a great day, losers!
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi everyone,

    connie, thanks for sending me the info. I wish that they just told you exactly what to eat, I do better like that. I have a hard time cutting out all carbs. it makes me go the other way a bit and binge. I'm so glad it is working well for you!! cheat meal sounds yummy!

    marie, I wish I had more frozen meals! I am always scrambling to get to the store and get dinner on the table. my family is a little spoiled, particularly my husband. that is my fault. last night I raced home from taking my son somewhere and started dinner around 6. my son needed to be at basketball by 7:30, always a mad dash, had salad, steaks, spaghetti and green beans on the table by 6:35. I could use a valium after that, lol!

    Shirley, love how much yoga you do. I tried so hard to get into it and just never got the mental connection:(

    Barbie, agree with connie, internet can be an issue.

    have a great day everyone!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2015
    one day at a time
    I am taking one day at a time
    Have not got my plan for today work out. Had my fruit and cottage cheese for breakfast.

    Will do some research on find the Teas 5 point star pattern. I am having problems this computer keeps dropping letters Don't know how to correct it Maybe I need to cut it off and restart it. If I try to correct it just keeps getting worst.

    Connie you are doing great. Hummmmmmmmmmmm Hamburger and frys. Can't beat that I am not going for a cheat day Except When Alice and I go out to eat. Which is Still gluten free But higher in sodium than I am used to.But that is just every 2 weeks Alice is beginning to eat more like me now.
    Be back later to let you all know how my day is going.