Kitty Gonzalez OMAD Becoming a Warrior

mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
edited November 2024 in Social Groups
I was a little sad I was starting today, I guess it's because I have such an emotional connection to food, for me it's like saying goodbye to an old friend.

But as the day wore on, I started to feel more excited about my new way of eating, and well, my first meal is one of my favourites, not only because it tastes insane, but also because its rather healthy.

Kebab meat with a pita bread cooked in the toaster, a whole tomato, a lot of lettuce, a third of peeled carrot, a handful of pickled gurkens, 4 tablespoons of tzatziki (next time I will have 3, 4 was too much) and 30 oven fries. I was stuffed, but I still had left over calories for one HavreBamse (a cookie made basically of oats) and a small fun size kitkat.

I won't be doing any exercise unless its walking to the shops. My calories for the day worked out to be exactly 899.




  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,709 Member
    Good job.

    But hey, DON'T feel lonely. You aren't giving up ANYTHING. You are just dividing up your "friends" into different "vans" to go to the same wicked-cool "concert"! But you're all going to the same place.

    It's hard to imagine now, but you won't be restricting forever. You'll make peace with all of this and you'll accept it as the norm...and you won't miss your old ways. This is the one huge way to whip your psychological addiction to eating forever. I know exactly how it was. You'll totally do it if you want to.

    And your dish looks divine!
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    Thankyou Joe! I read your advise over 3 times so it really sunk it. I really appreciate your advice since you have been where we all are now, and know our issues. I'm truly grateful for the support you give us all.

    I got hungry around 2.30am, during these hours, my husband and I are still awake.

    My husband asked if I would be upset or angry if he ate something- I said no. So he ate and I thought about the story you told us Joe, at the Chinese restaurant. - I can eat, but just not now. But I did feel kind of deprived. I feel deprived often when I can't or shouldn't eat something, I hope these feelings change.

    So I stuck to my coke zero and my ciggies.

    I woke up earlier than usual today - just 8 hours sleep, a huge improvement, no aching stiff body, only my stomache ached a little, but I ignored that. Normally I sleep almost 12 hours and wake up full of aches and still tired.

    Im excited about dinner! I still have no idea what I want to eat, (too many ideas) I will post a picture at dinner.
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    edited December 2015
    Tonights dinner was pasta with salmon, onion and broccoli, and one havrebamse cookie. very yummers, todays calories 912

  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,709 Member
    edited December 2015
    Wow, are taking to this quite nicely. I say that because many do not; they begin and get sidetracked by life or whatever. People have such problems viewing things from the long-term. You can re-condition your mind and body with littler work than some think. It just takes the will to do it.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    edited December 2015
    Thankyou Joe! I read your advise over 3 times so it really sunk it. I really appreciate your advice since you have been where we all are now, and know our issues. I'm truly grateful for the support you give us all.

    I got hungry around 2.30am, during these hours, my husband and I are still awake.

    My husband asked if I would be upset or angry if he ate something- I said no. So he ate and I thought about the story you told us Joe, at the Chinese restaurant. - I can eat, but just not now. But I did feel kind of deprived. I feel deprived often when I can't or shouldn't eat something, I hope these feelings change.

    So I stuck to my coke zero and my ciggies.

    I woke up earlier than usual today - just 8 hours sleep, a huge improvement, no aching stiff body, only my stomache ached a little, but I ignored that. Normally I sleep almost 12 hours and wake up full of aches and still tired.

    Im excited about dinner! I still have no idea what I want to eat, (too many ideas) I will post a picture at dinner.

    "I can eat, just not now". That is the right attitude I believe and is what I tell myself. Keep going! Knowing you can have whatever later helps with the deprived feelings. I've also saved stuff I've really wanted for later so I wouldn’t miss out on it. You will be motivated when you see the weight comming off.
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    Thanks Joe! For some reason, this is getting easier as the days go by, I know what I can and can't do, so I stick to the rules of this plan. I figure why waste time? Just do the math and just do it. =)

    Last night my husband was eating candy, and to be honest, I didn't even realize he was eating candy, and this was hours after dinner.... bravo to me!!!

    Thanks Blambo!.... So you use that phrase too hey? It really works, doesn't it? I think I do the same thing you do as well..... save stuff for later so you don't miss out, hahah that's cool!!!

    Today has been a really good day. I felt very positive mentally all day. And when I sat down outside today my winter jacket didn't feel so tight around my midsection. (last week when I sat down with it on, it felt restrictive and tight)

    Another tell sign is I measure my right wrist with my left hand, it feels smaller....for me that means I've lost weight.

    So, looks like I've lost weight!! Now I just need to get some scales.

    Tonights dinner wasn't easy, I was planning on having pea soup and bread, but my husband wanted us to eat the rotfrukt gratäng we have in the fridge, so I worked out the calories for that and it was good actually - A lot lower than I expected.

    So with that I was going to have my left over salmon, but I didn't feel like that, nor pork, so I dug around in our freezer and found a Viennese schnitzel. Good show! Oh, and I'm also going to fry up some cabbage, I can never get enough of cabbage, its the best veg in the world.

    Dessert is Citron Fromage, a huge treat for me. =) Will take a picture of dinner as always. Did quite a bit of unintentional walking today.... and my hip didn't hurt at all. good sign. =)
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,709 Member
    edited December 2015
    I can tell, not only by your resonating with that thing I learned to say to myself, but also by your ability to express yourself, that you have a good head on our shoulders, which translates to the ability to assess yourself and your situation well. It's knowing yourself that is at the foundation of losing weight, which is at the foundation of a stable life well-lived. It always comes back to that because those who let themselves get out of shape are, almost by the very nature of the case, unable to manage their affairs. And it's interesting how those who "have it together" or "get it together" have the ability to manage their health. They take control, not just in one area, but in all areas, generally speaking.
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    Thankyou Joe. To be honest, I was never always this stable, I suffered with bi polar for almost 18 years, but a different country, life and meeting my true love has changed all that for me. Love, stability and understanding and taken me to where I am today. =)

    And guess what? The little grill bar down the road has bathroom scales in their toilet - so today I borrowed them.
    And I weight 111kg. Very happy with that result!

    Now it's time for my pea soup and bread. Will have a pic later.
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    edited December 2015

    900 calories today,, yesterday was 820
    The bread was rubbed with garlic and put into the sandwich maker, they were awesome, no butter needed.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,709 Member
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    Really good day today!

    I felt extremely full after last nights dinner, and tonights too, so from tomorrow I'm cutting down to 800calories.

    Today I dusted and vaccumed as I had more energy, it felt fantastic. =)

  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,709 Member
    edited December 2015
    You, my dear, are adjusting. Your body has decided to downsize since you've been showing it that there won't be coming into it any surpluses, so after fighting you, it has decided to give in and downsize! It is now starting to burn the stored energy you are carrying rather than what you are eating.

    Feels great, doesn't it?
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    So that's what it is! Thankyou Joe, I had no idea! Yes, it actually does feel great! It feels like I'm actually gaining some control over my stomach for once. =)

    No picture tonight, because we dined at my mother in laws house as its xmas eve here, but dinner was a one plate wonderful meal for me.

    Jansens delight, around 9 meatballs, half an egg, 3 prawns, beetroot salad and two pieces of xmas bread.

    After new years eve I'll be picking up my scales, so my next weigh in will be when I get them home.

  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    way to go!
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    Thankyou Blambo!! =)

    Today was another good day, feeling a bit sore today, but I guess that is life, so I will get over it.

    Tonights dinner was hamburger and fries... 823 c today

  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,709 Member
    I love the simple meals when everybody else is doing holiday stuff and I'm just eating whatever is available any day of the week.
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    Joe, I was going to go down to 800calories per day, but I remembered when I tried that at the beginning of the year, I lost 6kg in 2 weeks.....but boy was I miserable!! So I'm sticking to 900 because I'm still really happy, and sticking to this. =)
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    edited December 2015

    Dinner was 2 pieces of crispy fish, oven baked with 1 cup of rice and 2 cups of chinese cabbage
    dessert was kokosmak (coconut) yogurt sugar free with one cookie 902 cals

    Extremely full after dinner again....what do you suggest Joe? My thoughts are to still have a 900calorie plate, but If I just get way to full, just quit eating the rest...

    what are your thoughts?
    fish.jpg 171.4K
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,709 Member
    Add the remainder to your next plate. If you are filling up, that is great. It's nice not being stuck a mere calorie number. This means you are letting your body speak to you rather than having to mentally remind yourself that you've had enough and to curb your eating off till the next meal. My difficulties are first were not only post-meal hunger, but having to control myself when eating (of course, I could put down 8 plates, so it was a little different with me) lol

    Sounds like you've got a sound rhythm down now. I had the same fish meal today, too, it looks like.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,436 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the group, but not new to fasting. My strategy to get calories in is giving myself a four hour eating window. That way when I can't eat enough at my meal I can either eat the rest within that window, or have another snack before the time is up. It's impossible for me to eat enough at one sitting! Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    I hear you Karlo - but I'm one of those eaters that if I eat more later, I won't be able to stop, it keeps snowballing, so I'd rather just take my one hour and be done with it. =)
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    edited December 2015
    Thankyou for the advice Joe, will do. Letting my body speak to me is a good way to go, I like that idea. Cool we had the same meal =)

    Didn't sleep so good last night, not sure why, but feeling very happy today, a bit achy this morning, but that passed, dinner was lasagna (made by my husband) with a lot of salad, carrot, lettuce, tomato and red onion, desert was toffee flavoured sugar free yogurt and one chocolate chip cookie, not sure on the calories for this one, but didn't feel overfull or stuffed.

  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,709 Member
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    Got a bit of acid reflux tonight, not happy about it, but not much I can do. No horrible pain though thankgoodness, just uncomfortable in the throat....

  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,709 Member
    Well, you are still human. Somedays will present some hangups. Good going. I got rice and cajun for tomorrow.
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    Home made coleslaw with tzatziki instead of fattening mayonnaise. And left over lasagna. yummers! toffee yogurt and 4 Danish biscuits for desert. Very satisfied with dinner, and feel like im getting more patient for my meal time (good sign)

    Thanks for the encouragement Joe, it really means a lot to an obese person like me. =)

  • M_Foote
    M_Foote Posts: 148 Member
    Just stopping in to say you are killing it! Great job!
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    thanks M ! =)
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    Tonight I had 2 pieces of bread with a little beetroot salad and 4 meatballs around 10pm, I was starting to feel angry and deprived. I guess its the burnt out feeling people describe sometimes? After that, I felt like a million dollars.... back on track tomorrow though! I love my OMAD (even though it sounds like I don't, from this post)
    but if a little meal sometimes keeps me on track, then I will do it =)
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