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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Jeanette, prayers ongoing for your daughter and granddaughters. So sad to hear you all are facing this. Hopefully it will have a calm and fair resolution for all, especially those precious girls.

    Janet, your dinner sounds fabulous and barely indulgent. I do love trout and that tart sounds divine. What a wonderful way to spend time with your friend over great food and wine. I am sure she enjoyed it as much as you did.

    Cindy, your weekend plans sound like exactly what you need.

    Bert, what a great tribute to have someone request your written reference. I think maybe you need to give your knee and hip some rest if they are causing you so much pain, maybe do some upper body work for a day or two.

    Kim, are the Piyo workouts on DVD or on line. I keep hearing about it but haven't checked it out. It is always great when you find something you love to do.

    Karla, enjoy your day with Izzy, it sounds like a lot of fun. My eating has actually been under control except for my Tuesday nite taco feast. Haven't been tracking it though. That stops today. Just feeling a bit rebellious this week, lol.

    Off to the gym and then I think I am going to my favorite antique/consignment shop to find a thank you gift for our friends in NC. She gave me several ideas when we were shopping so hope I can find that "perfect something" for her.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hey ladies- Bert and I have signed up for the free week with Kimmie B on Facebook. No obligations. Just a free week above is just a link to a quote she put about us all being a work in progress. She posted the week of suggest menu's and a grocery list. Clean eating is what it is all about for us, right? At least we try, eh? Search her out on Facebook.. She's associated with the Beachbody group, which, believe me, this grandma is not a beachbody, but I do go to the beach!! LOL.

    Cindy- Yes, Glenn is still losing. He is up to 13.5 off and me at 10.2.

    Patti- Don't stay rebellious too long my friend or you will be like be and out of Onederland, I am back in it now, thought I'd never leave, but hey, it happens so quickly. Summer is a coming!!

    Finishing my billing. My housekeepers are here beautifying my home. Chris is in the backyard working on the leave removal. Life is good.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Below is the grocery list from the Free 5 day Eat Clean program.

    almonds (raw) almond butter alfalfa sprouts beef steaks (grass-fed four-4 oz loin, flank or skirt)
    black beans (2 cans) eggs apples chicken breast (eight 6-oz)
    brown rice low fat cheddar cheese avocado (2) pork loin chop (lean, boneless four 4 oz)
    Dijon mustard low fat cottage cheese baked potato salmon (wild two 4-oz pieces without skin)
    fat free Italian dressing low fat sour cream bananas
    fat free ranch dressing low fat strawberry yogurt bok choy
    honey non fat milk broccoli
    hummus cantaloupe
    low fat turkey bacon carrots (large & diced)
    Parmesan cheese celery
    parsley cherry tomatoes
    pico de gallo cilantro
    pineapple rings (canned in juice) cucumber
    powdered ginger garlic
    quinoa (2-1/2 cups) mixed greens (4+ cups)
    sesame oil oranges
    strawberry preserves peas
    teriyaki marinade or sauce raisins
    tuna raspberries
    turkey breast red bell pepper (2)
    turkey sausage (60-70 cal each) rosemary
    walnuts scallions
    whole wheat bread spinach
    whole wheat flour torillas tomatoes (2-6)
    whole wheat pita (6") zucchini (1)
    whole wheat tortillas (~70 cal)
    whole wheat waffle (apprx 100 cal)
    wild rice


    TT What are some of your staple foods from the above list?


  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    good morning OMG ladies :)

    let’s test my memory:

    Jeanette- I’m sorry to hear of your daughter’s struggle in trying to raise her girls in the best possible way. My thoughts and prayers are with her (and you) and I pray for guidance for the family court judge, if it comes to that.

    Bert- how nice to me asked for a reference letter. congrats on completing an intricate puzzle! i do love your new profile pic :) I”m sorry to hear of your left knee and hip. I assume you already know about sleeping with a pillow between your knees (if you are a side sleeper) I hope you get that nap!

    Diane- sorry to hear of your car troubles. I hope you find a great deal on a new to you car and (in retrospect) it all works out for the best. congrats on the weight/inches loss!

    Karla- you seem to be in the groove…. keep it up! Enjoy your day with Izzy!

    Patti- keeping your GF in mind. I admire her for continuing with her plans as intended. praying for guidance for her surgeon for when she returns.

    Cindy- good morning. I’m glad you are back to your passion :) I rarely log into FB (because i lose hours of my life when i do, hehe) but in your honor I will log in to ‘like’ your page :D hang in there with your efforts to become healthier.

    Janet- i’m sorry about your left foot and ankle. I admire your upbeat spirits regardless of your challenges! keep on keeping on.

    Beth- I had to chuckle at the “chatty” comment. I try to keep up with them, but usually cannot ;) I have never heard of piyo. but it sounds like you enjoy it! :)

    Hi MaryLynn! with every hike i read about, my itch to see VI for myself gets stronger! perhaps when the kids are out of the house ;)

    somehow, it is Friday again. for those of you who wish to change next week’s OMG….. just post it in all caps (doesn’t matter to me which thread) and I’ll put it on my cheat sheet for Monday morning’s post.

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    TT: I always have almonds handy. I have learned to put a 1oz portion of them in snack baggies ahead of time. (i also always have almond butter & almond flour around) I LOVE raspberries. low in sugar, high in fiber. I am on a guacamole kick too.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning Ladies,
    Thank you so very much for your prayers. I will keep you posted on the developments.
    I am a bit out of sorts today so no personals except

    Bert- have you ever considered acupuncture? It might be worth a try

    Myra - good to see you back

    Have a wonderful day, be blessed and bless those around you
    Grace and peace to you
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, I did know it was National Wine Drinking Day and enjoyed the sauvignon blanc. Hope your pain subsides. One thing that sometimes helps me is creative pillow deployment. Being asked for a letter of recommendation (or to serve as a reference) is an honor. I have been humbled when it's been my pleasure to recommend someone whose smarts, work and work ethic I respect.

    Cindy, wishing you a great and productive trip, with accolades galore for your hard work.

    Karla, thanks for that list. I tend not to join FB groups for privacy reasons (I do ZERO FB apps or games) but will learn what I can from those of you who do. I suspect it's geared more toward those of you who cook for 2 or more.

    TT: I confess to chucklng with what-ifs reading the list. What if some of those lines were each one food? Would I enjoy low-fat turkey bacon carrots, or would I prefer the honey nonfat milk broccoil better? Thinking the canteloupe hummus and the tuna raspberries might be kinda gross though. The list has more starches than I try to eat but I do make sure I always have fruits, fresh veggies and lean proteins in the house. And I am a spice/condiment "collector" (that's English for "I have way too many).

    Myra, pre-portioning almonds is very wise -- and something I need to do more often. Good reminder.

    Jeanette, keep us posted.

    Patti, we're all rebels so you're in good company!

    Beth, the plyo (I looked it up) sounds like great fun. Enjoy.

    Diane, have you reached the farewell point with your car?

    Will check back later -- time to DO instead of TYPE! Hugs to all.

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning!
    You have all become such an important part of my daily journey. I don't say this often enough! As women, when we honestly share one another's joys and concerns, we are strengthened to continue stepping forward with greater confidence. I will try to be brief here.

    Bert: A restful night is so important and I hope you find lasting relief soon! Portion control can derail our efforts so easily. Measured and balanced nutrition deserves more of my attention.

    Karla: Thanks for the interesting ideas and links. What we stock in our kitchens ends up on our tables. A "spring cleaning" with a nutritional health focus sure makes sense to me!

    Jeanette: I applaud you as you continue to build strength and increase activity levels in a mindful manner. Please keep on nurturing yourself, particularly during these tough days.

    Patti: Glad you are able to stay connected with your BFF, as I understand how deep your concern is for her. Being able to return to your activities likely relieves some of that stress.

    Cindy: Congratulations on the focused portion control and enthusiastic approach to life! Your "marathon form" is showing up as you celebrate numerous victories in small ways every day.

    Janet: We could all benefit from your organizational focus in the kitchen...such an inspiration! Hope that you find a suitable fitness activity that can be maintained without painful results.

    Beth: Trying new ways of balancing fitness and nutrition is always exciting and you certainly seem energized! With such a busy family and work life, just getting it all done is remarkable.

    Myra: You have a wonderful gift for encouragement. Hoping that you are soon able to enjoy the active fitness lifestyle that seems to feed you in such positive ways. May healing find you.

    Wonderful to reconnect with you all in a personal way. Have a great Friday and weekend!


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Today I took our taxes to our accountant. Hoping for a nice refund! My principal/friend appreciated the food I took her. It was good to see her as she was too sick to be at school last week when I subbed.

    I bought some salon pas patches for my knee today. I'm wearing it now while I'm resting.

    Patti: I do think the walking has aggravated my knee; however, every time I turn around, the weather changes and "Arthur" speaks loud and clear!!!! I did upper body yesterday. Wow, I'm sore today. I haven't done much working out in the last several months. Thanks for your advice. I definitely need to rest it.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Ladies, some sad news from one of our own -- those of you who have and love animals will understand why I am in tears as I post this.

    Suzi's daughter posted some photos of Laci the dog today with words indicating that she had passed. I e-mailed Suzi with condolences and she replied with this message, asking me to let you know:

    Laci had a stroke while I was working out of town Wednesday and had been in the hospital since. We decided to let her go this morning. Would you tell the troops for me? I'm nothing but a giant puddle today.

    Suzi, we're all with you in spirit.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    So sorry for you, Suzi. We had to let our 15 year old pug go a few years ago. He was so sick. We've also had to make the same decision with one of our other dogs many years ago. My heart goes out you you and your family.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Suzi, so very heartbroken for you. Big hugs and keeping you in my prayers. Losing our furry family is so very painful
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! It's somewhat foggy this morning. I'm heading to the grocery store early today to hopefully avoid Saturday shoppers. Then I'm heading home to "tidy up" the house. Euchre Club meets tonight, so I'm trying to make something healthy.....I found a recipe in my book for quinoa/black bean salad that I might try. We are having Mexican night. Have a great day.

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Suzi- i'm so very sorry to hear about Laci. I agree with Janet, we are all there with you in spirit.

    Bert- I hope that rest and salon pas will heal your knee. have fun with Euchre club :)

    MaryLynn- it's hard to think of myself as encouraging... but i'm glad you think so! :smiley:

    waving hello to everyone else.... i'm going to try an "experiment" today.... and eat only what my body PHYSICALLY needs. just for fun. ;)
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Saturday morning. We are loading up and heading out to Destin momentarily.

    Suzi- My heart is with you, we discussed Laci when we were together. As well as my Brutus. So glad we got together and hope to have more. I know your heart is heavy.

    Myra- Listening to our bodies is good. Unless it is saying how much it wants nacho's and cake and cookies and for us to stop exercises. LOL. That's what mine usually says. hehe.

    Bert- That salad sounds good. I liked a salad I made with the Better Home and Gardens plan that had black beans and tiny orange slices, really good. I'm going to look that one up.

    I have to shut down and load this laptop up. I"ll check in when I can.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It is a gorgeous day in the Ohio valley and it does wonders for the mind and spirit. I am in a shopping mood, so dare not leave the house. There is nothing that I need or truly want and that is when I can do serious damage. My pocketbook says to stay home and I will do my very best to obey. I hit my favorite antique store yesterday and found 2 of the things I was looking and 3 I was not. But the 3 items were under $8 total so I don't feel bad. My Stampin Up friend collects birds and I found the sweetest one, totally her style, for $2.25, how could I NOT buy it! lol. So my plan for today is to clean and reorganize my craft room. I have just been putting everything in there and then making neat piles, shoving things into corners and closets to delude myself into thinking it is neat and tidy. Nothing could be further from the truth. I have 3 piles of stuff for the Goodwill that will be the first to go. I want to make my sewing machine more accessible and somehow generate more usable flat space to work on my paper crafts. I also want to make the meatloaf for Edd and taco ring for me. I think my ring will be more like a loaf, using just 4 crescent rolls, same concept, different shape. The other rolls will be fed to Edd with his dinner. Just finished my breakfast, felt like a total splurge eating two farm fresh eggs, cooked in real butter with 1 slice of very tasty whole wheat bread for egg yolk dipping. I am in heaven and may repeat the experience tomorrow. I have 2 dozen and I sure wouldn't want them to go to waste!

    Karla, I know you will have a fab trip. Hope the weather cooperates for some good beach walk and talks with your BFFs.

    Myra, love your plan but agree with Karla, hope your body tells you it wants healthy food. Mine would try to convince me that potato chips and pizza are the two essential food groups!

    Bert, I love Euchre but haven't played in years. My husband does not like cards or board games. I grew up on both but sadly, he did not. I always joked that as soon as we started getting an allowance my parents taught us how to play poker. And if we lost they kept the money too. I think it taught us many lessons. The value of money, sportsmanship and strategy to name a few. One of our mottos was "if you can't afford to pay, you can't afford to play". In today's world I am sure someone would say they were teaching us to be gamblers, but in truth it was an inexpensive way to entertain 4 kids. I loved it because it was family time!

    Time to put my words into action.
  • Java_Mom115
    Java_Mom115 Posts: 43 Member
    Jeanette, I will be praying for your family! Custody issues are so difficult.

    Janet, dinner with your friend sounds like just what you both needed.

    Karla, the piyo workouts are a combination of yoga and pilates, which is good for me to strengthen my core since I injured my back about five years ago, and it randomly flares up. I can't do a lot of high impact stuff for an extended amount of time because it tends to make my back pain flare up (on going nerve pain). It's 8 weeks, scheduled, and it works well for me. A couple of the workouts are shorter, but most are around 30 mins. There's a meal plan you can follow but I don't. I don't find it easy to modify being a vegetarian.

    Cindy, hope you have a lovely weekend!

    Bert, what an honor to be asked to write a letter of recommendation.

    Patti, thinking of and praying for your friend still. I think you were asking me boutique the piyo workouts. They are on dvd. It's a beach body program, so they are a bit pricey, but I've gone through the 8 week program several times.

    Hitting post before I lose this much and then I'll resume
  • Java_Mom115
    Java_Mom115 Posts: 43 Member
    Myra, haha, well, sometimes I can keep up, other times there's no chance at all! I agree with MaryLynn that you have a gift of encouragement!

    MaryLynn, you're very sweet...I very much agree that as women we need encouragement on this journey. I very much appreciate the encouragement you all offer!

    Ok, this weekend in a nutshell for me is just cleaning like crazy, not much planned. I saw a recipe floating around the Internet for crock pot minestrone soup, so I might do that tomorrow. It's warmer than typical for February in Michigan but oh, my, the WIND!

    Talk to you all soon!
  • Java_Mom115
    Java_Mom115 Posts: 43 Member
    Shoot, missed the last page (one my phone) Suzi, very sorry to hear. My condolences as well ❤