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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, here is how to add your measurements. Once you've logged in, click on "My Home", then "Check in", then "Track Additional Measurements". You'll be taken to a page where you can add or remove measurements in your account. Any changes you make will be synced to the app the next time the app is connected to the internet.

    On the website, these measurements will be visible in the "Check-In" area. In our apps, you'll find them on the "Progress" page.

    Have had a pretty productive day. Lots more floor space now in my craft room. Went thru a huge stack of papers that have been piling up and they are all either shredded or neatly filed away. Plus I have all my paperwork together for the tax man. Have 4 bags and a basket full to take to Goodwill tomorrow. Still need to rearrange some furniture but still thinking about what would be best. Now going to work on the wedding invites. Upside I have stayed out of the kitchen, downside I have slacked on the water. Oh well there are always sacrifices.

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    goooooood morning ladies!

    your collective productivity is truly inspiring! every cabinet and closet in my house is in need of attention.... hmmm.... where to start.

    I am hoping to get my girls dropped off at school early enough to make it across town for a 9am yoga class this morning. it's a very gentle yoga class, so it's more for the mind than the body. I'm so sorry to hear, Janet, that any exercise has a negative paired association for you. "shaming" is a horrible thing, especially to inflict on a young child. :(

    I shall post the weekly OMG's here and in the other thread too :)
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    ROSTER and OMGs 2/22!

    Karlalm58 - Karla - AL(gulf coast)-drink 72 ounces water daily.
    Smack59 - Suzi - OK - TRACK IT ALL!
    bertevans - Bert - IN - drink water, eat less
    LCUConley - Lisa - ON - Track No Matter What
    68Myra - Myra - NC - NO FOOD PAST 7PM
    Blessed Beyond- Vikki - VA - workout 4 days a week, 4 days cardio, 3 days strength training; come in under calorie goal 5 days this week
    Xjsjaguar - MaryLynn - VI, BC - -6 CARDIO/3 WEIGHTS & LOWER SUGAR MICROS.
    LivLovLrn - Jeanette - OR- EAT 3 VEGGIES EVERY DAY
    tedwards - Tracy
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies.....this is the second time I've started to post.....I clicked the back button and lost it! :p Today is a sunny day. I love sunny days, they lift the spirit. Today is my first day of a 5 Day Clean Eating challenge. I'm hoping for success, especially in the measurement department. The challenge for me is the exercise portion as I'm limited on what I can do since I'm post-op. Oh well, at least I'm moving! I've been doing well (for me) on the 21 Day Fix program and getting in steps.

    Patti: Thanks for the help. I wish the progress on my phone would show everything at once rather than having to select each part. Oh well, at least it's on there.

    Karla: I like spades, too. Not many play around here though. I love Brighton jewelry. We are going to Mike's work convention this weekend, and there is a Brighton store where we are going. I think I'll look for the right piece of jewelry, although I definitely don't need jewerly.....it's one of my weaknesses.

    Myra: Please keep my goals the same. I really need to focus on water intake.

    I'm working in my "craft/office/grandkids" room today. First, I'm shredding papers and then will try to organize the room better. This room seems to be the junk room. I have got to get it to look better. Have a great day everyone.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Mornin' y'all! I'm sitting in the waiting room waiting to have my annual Breast MRI. Although I've not had any Breast issues, I'm considered ultra high risk since we lost both my sister at age 39 and my mother to Breast cancer.

    Also on today's agenda - an hour or two of work to share some info with a colleague and complete some expense reports, etc prior to our departure tomorrow for AZ. There's some iffy weather predicted tomorrow for the TX panhandle and eastern NM, so we may be making some changes to our route to take a more southerly route through TX and NM. My cousin we're visiting near Phoenix said to bring shorts and being suits. Overnight temps at Grand Canyon will be mid-20's, so it seems like I'm taking a ton of clothes with everything from swimsuit to gloves and ear warmer!

    Yesterday I finally dumped all my camera cards to the computer so I've got the camera gear ready to go. I may try doing some picture editing while Dave drives. I'm still not through all the pix I took in Italy last June. Then there's last August's Colorado trip, the family reunion in Eureka Springs, Thanksgiving trip to Galveston and Christmas. GEEZ! I need to get started.... At least it will give me something to do through the boring, flat, empty parts of west TX and NM.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, it is sunny but a bit cooler here today. Have lots of little errands for today. Need to check in with Tracy to see which class at the gym she wants to go to today. It determines my eating times since one class is 4:15 and the other is 6:45. I was binge watching Once Upon a Time while I worked in my craft room yesterday and didn't get to the wedding invites. The lace stamp will be here later this week and am praying it will be exactly what will work to finish the belly band.

    Bert, I agree that on the iPhone and iPad it is a bit labor intensive to enter all your measurements but so glad you got it done.

    Suzi, what a great way to pass the time during that long drive. You will have fun reliving those memories. Hope you find time to go to Sonoma when you are in AZ, it is stunning.

    Myra, thanks for keeping our OMGs updated. I wish my gym offered yoga, I would love to give it a try. Thanks also for sharing that article. Great food for thought, no pun intended.

    TT: what is your biggest or most challenging food trigger? Do you have a strategy in place to deal with it? Does it work for you?

    My answer: in the winter my biggest trigger is boredom. My most successful strategy is to physically remove myself from the first floor where the kitchen beckons. My craft room keeps me from eating because I don't take food in there and doing a project relieves the boredom. It is very successful when I do it.

    Have a beautiful day.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert- I am going to a Brightin today!!! Love thk
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    TT: I also get bored and then find myself wanting to eat. For this winter, working my puzzles helped. I try to stay active so I won't focus on food.

    I finally stopped shredding. I shredded 4 paper grocery bags full. I still have mounds to do, but I feel good getting that done. Mike will be amazed with all there is for recycling. The trash company comes tomorrow and so far, there are 5 bags for recycling! He didn't get to our college recycling facility on Saturday.

    The rest of the afternoon is devoted to dusting and de-cluttering the house. I need to go through cabinets and closets, but that will have to be another day.

  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning! I trust you all had a good weekend.
    So far Alanna and Avery’s (Avery is 4 months old) dad has been very reasonable about visitation requests! I am so very surprised and pleased at this. I can only attribute it to prayer because this is very out of character for him. It is just down to money. I believe my daughter is asking for a reasonable amount but yesterday when the dad (I suppose I could tell you his name is Will) came to pick up Alanna he claimed the online court calculator showed that he wouldn’t have to pay anything. Not sure if this is accurate but I can say it would be his norm to not pay anything if he has a say. I tried to recommend what I feel is a “happy medium”, even though it means less money for my daughter, and am hoping he will accept that amount. Thank you so very much for your prayers!

    Janet – I am so sad to hear that you don’t like exercise and the reasons behind it. I hope you will continue to try different things until you find something that is fun that just happens to burn some calories. I don’t know how much your ankle will allow but have you considered the dance world at all? Sorry, but I have to ask because dance has brought such joy to me I just want everyone to love it There is a type of Zumba called Zumba Gold which is a low impact form; also ballroom dancing might be an option, it is a little more low key but can give you a good burn. And then of course, modern dance might be another option. I hope you will continue to look at a variety of things until you find something that you love.

    Cindy – it sounds like you are doing really well, getting yourself on the right track and moving forward; well done

    Myra – remember it is ok to take little steps to make progress; it doesn’t have to be all at once. Anything moving forward is in the right direction. I get it, though, when we have a sort of revelation or idea of what will work for us we just want to go for it and do it all right now! Ah that patience thing :D

    Karla – definitely praying for your BFF’s husband’s situation. When I hear of things like this I always think what I whiner I am for getting down about what I am dealing with.

    Patti – you crack me up. Love the story about the dog; those furry friends sure are a comfort to us. I’m definitely a cat person but I think the attachment part is the same.

    Diane – you are so very busy, and multi-talented! You must be a bundle of energy and one of those people who it’s hard to keep up with! PHEW! Sounds like to are extremely productive and your family and place of work are very lucky to have you on their side.

    Well, I’d best be off, today is test day for the ballroom classes. I will video tape them dancing and then grade them. I also require that they watch the videos and write a short few sentences about what they did well and what they can improve on.
    Grace and peace to you
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Jeanette, I absolutely love to dance. Truly my favorite thing. I caught myself dancing in the Goodwill today and again at the grocery. One of my favorite times to dance is at the cabin while I am grilling. We have a killer outdoor sound system and so does the neighbor who happens to be a DJ, so we have every kind of music there is. He knows what makes me dance, too. Wish I lived near you because you sound like an excellent and fun teacher. Sounds like progress is being made peacefully for the girls but will continue to pray that they both do the right thing for those precious little ones.

    Errands all done and am taking a short break before I prep dinner: pork tenderloin, roasted Brussels sprouts and salad. Got the paper and plastic goods for the party. I am going to put dip in the bottom of small plastic cups with carrot sticks, celery sticks and strips of peppers. I hate veggie trays and these will be in keeping with finger foods. Found a really pretty pitcher for sangria at the Goodwill for $2.99 and 2 pair of mid calf yoga pants in almost new condition, $6 for both pairs. Love finding such bargains. Looks like break time is over, need to get cooking.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Jeanette, I am a world-class dancer in my mind, and when sitting in my car or at a table. But I am really an arthritic klutz! Have been known to hit the dance floor at a wedding but only after a few drinks and only in short bursts and with very good friends. A Zumba class or anything that requires being on my feet for long without a break isn't an option for me. Had foot/ankle surgery that hasn't proven a long-term solution and am going to start looking for a new surgeon soon (I have a couple of recommendations already). I do stretch and exercise my core and try to lift light handweights now and then and have been told I am far more flexible than I have a right to be. Being negatively observed daily for many decades in many contexts makes me extremely shy. It's been hard-wired in me since I was a toddler -- trying to overcome massive, ingrained body and appearance shame is difficult. I do my best. Cannot imagine finding physical activity I would love but keep hoping ... If I win the lottery I get one of those indoor infinite lap pools I can use ALONE! That said, I am an eteranl optimist and hope for better days ahead.

    Patti, glad you found good bargains and hooray for treating yourself to the new yoga pants. Your party plan is coming together beautifully.

    Having an emotionally tough day here, having had several occasions out in the world where I was made to feel "other" because I didn't happen to have a man at my side today. Target, car wash -- It was just plain weird and pretty awful - pushed some of my most sensitive buttons. Now at home, regrouping but need to run a couple of other errands soon. And I intend to scream my head off in the car to let it out.

    Bought three kinds of berries and some asparagus to treat myself. Figured it was better than other options!

    Lots to do tonight and tomorrow but trying to stay on track and to be kind to everyone. Gave a hug to a sweet guy who works in Target who looked (and was) exhausted.

    Big hugs to all of you!

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Bert- good for you on the spare room clearing….. btw, i’ve learned the hard way that shredding papers is best done in batches…. for the sake of the shredder ;) mine has overheated twice in the past, but luckily came back to life after a “rest”

    Suzi- hope you had an uneventful test this morning…. and have a fabulous trip! i think i have over ten years worth of digital photos to organize….. someday ;)

    Jeanette- I can only imagine you feel like you walk on eggshells as a go-between, and hoping for an agreed upon compromise. hats off to you for being willing and able! I used to like dancing…. in my youth. I haven’t danced for a very long time, but low impact zumba sounds kinda fun. Yes, i will remember that little steps are OK :) your comment reminded me of what my Dad used to say to me: “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. i’m such a pack-rat….. i assure you, my closet cleaning can ONLY be a slow moving project, lol. today, i chose to take a walk with a friend instead of cleaning anything. and it was worth it :)

    Patti- congrats on the great bargain finds! The dinner you are preparing sounds delicious, and the party plan is coming along great!

    Janet- my sister has one of those endless pools…. and absolutely loves it. it’s in an enclosed porch…. she can set the temp and the “speed” and she even has waterproof tunes to listen to. I must admit…. i do ENJOY your eternal optimism, so keep it coming :) I need to wrap my brain around asparagus and berries being a treat, LOL. j/k….. i often eat frozen blueberries as dessert while the rest of the family has ice cream. i LOVE frozen blueberries. i’m sorry you were treated unfairly during your errands today. I don’t understand why humans are so rude to each other.

    my only mini goal this week is to not eat after 7PM. I started last night, so I have one day of success under my belt :)

    TT: i have multiple triggers, but I’m focusing on frustration first. when my girls argue, and i get frustrated, the first thing i want to do is reach for something to eat. as the afternoon/eve goes on, the worse it gets. still working on what to do instead.

    have a great evening everyone. I’m pleased to say this is the best Monday i’ve had in a while… and it’s even overcast/raining. i’ll take it.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Myra, my organizing is also done slowly and I have many projects going at once. Sigh ... chore ADD. Glad you've had a good day.

    TT: For me, carbs trigger big hunger, so I try to be extra careful about them. Frustration, anger and sadness make me want to eat -- today's been one of those and I have done worse than I should but better than I might have.

    To cap it off, my neighborhood club wants to meet with non-members about what offerings might encourage them to join and the original post specificied couples. I posted that I couldn't believe it was just "couples" in 2016. After two women (both married, incidentally) agreed with me, the guy rephrased his post and I deleted the comment. Some days it's just a FIGHT all day, simply to be respected as a human being. This was one of those -- but getting so much of it in one day must mean that tomorrow will be vastly better, right?

    Met my 5 servings of veggies goal today.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, my heart goes out to you. It is so hard to believe that in this "politically correct" world that people still find ways to be be rude and inconsiderate. I hate that you had to deal with the idiots today. Maybe it is time to send out the flying monkeys to show people they need to learn a little respect and common courtesy. I would have headed straight to the chips!

    Myra, choosing a walk over cleaning sounds like the best choice. How very wise of you and bet it had something to do with your feeling that this has been a good Monday.

    Had fun at Zumba. We did several line dances, which I always enjoy. Finally remembered to check out steps per song and found that most songs are 400-600 steps. The 50 minutes totaled 6k steps. Everyone in the class was interested in knowing the numbers. I will be over 14k by the end of the day. I need new shoes, my feet are killing me.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Flying monkeys -- what a great idea! It's just hard to have to fight for simple acceptance and respect.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    And some days you just need to wear the hat to remind them who you are (or sometimes a tiara will work)
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies.....another sunny day this morning.....the calm before the storm so to speak. It's supposed to be nasty weather tomorrow. Last night was a full moon....SO GLAD I'm not in the classroom anymore! Discipline will be in full force today.

    Janet: My friend always said "People who hurt, hurt others." I'm sure the rude people were probably hurting about something. It doesn't excuse the behavior.....Hang in there.

    Patti: I love line dancing! I'll bet you had fun.

    My cleaning lady is coming this morning, so I need to get myself ready for her arrival. Have a great day.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Tuesday morning dear OMG ladies. Yes, the prodigal member has returned. We had an absolutely wonderful time. The men enjoyed their time trying the different Craft beers, visiting pubs and teasing us ladies. Monica and I giggle like teenagers, and always have. So fun. The resort was a 4 Star, Wyndham, Crown resort and was out of this world. I expected no less even from the outside appearance. I have been coveting this place for quite some time. My poor baby and I both have to head back to the real world of business today, yuck. Glenn actually told us all that he was going to put in for his retirement package in AUGUST now. Yes, we are talking August of 2016. Yippeeee.

    Janet- I agree wholeheartedly with Patti, put on your tiara and let them idiots know whom they are dealing with. I have always been so headstrong and hard headed that I have never given what other thought of me a second thought!! I had a rough childhood for quite a few years after the divorce of my parents as a teenager. It affected all four of my brothers, but I seemed to have thrived right past it. Mainly because I was such a driven person and a daddy's girl and not reliant on my mother whom seem to have lost her mind for a few years. I wish there was some way I could take away your feelings of inadequate placement. There are many, many people that choose single hood.

    Patti- I'm glad you enjoyed your class. How is the eating going?

    Bert- I purchased two gorgeous necklaces at Brighton's and some more flip flops!! Plus I qualified for the free gift.

    Myra- A good Monday is always a great thing.

    I better run. We are expecting severe weather this afternoon and the schools are all letting out at noon I want to only work half day if that is the case, and the rest from home. Have a wonderful and planned take. Take control of your life in each and every way.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Wowzer, still lost on my trip. Weighed in today and down .5!!!!!! I'm at 198.6.


    TT: If you don't mind sharing What is your current height and weight? I do miss displaying that under our names like we used to with weight watchers.

    I am 5.5.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Way to go, Karla!

    TT: I'm not comfortable displaying my weight, but will share my height! 5'2" and no, my eyes aren't blue! :o) I feel more comfortable displaying how much I've lost.....maybe at some point, I won't mind sharing.
