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OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Welcome back Karla. Glad you had a good time with your friends. Congrats on your loss again this week

    Bert, when I worked in the hospital the times of the full moon were crazy. You didn't even have to look at the sky to know it was there. My BFF used to be a psych nurse and the stories she would tell made the thought of werewolves seem tame, lol.

    Heading to Mom's as soon as I get my shower. Nothing else on tap for today other than TRX and finishing the laundry. Proud to say I have been on plan since last Tuesday (my taco meltdown night) have tracked 6 days in a row and plan to continue this trend. I did have a case of the munchies last night but I realized I was way under on calories so had some baked oyster crackers with cheese and garlic pepper. Just put them on a plate, top with cheese and seasonings and microwave for 30 seconds. When I want something salty and crunchy it fills the bill and I don't feel guilty about it.....and I track it.

    TT: I am 5 3 1/2, I don't really feel ready to put my weight out there right now. I use it to beat myself up enough and sharing it makes me feel like I am publicly flogging myself. Right now I am on a tenuous path with myself, so need to tread lightly with sharing that which has the power to knock me off my current course.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Yay Karla! Thrilled that Glenn is moving retirement up too. Freedom!!!!!

    Patti, thanks for the excuse to go to my nearest Tiffany store for a tiara. And maybe a wand too (already have several brooms). Get new shoes ASAP -- not good for you to be doing your classes in inadequate footwear. Crossing fingers that you find a great buy on the shoes that work best for you.

    Bert, I have lots ot tidying to do as well. Organizer comes at 5 (landscaper at 1) and cleaner tomorrow morning. In my quest to divest, I've made messes all over that need to be

    The best part of my yesterday was hugging my favorite Target worker, a sweet young man who has MS and works so hard and is always helpful and kind to everyone. He looked exhausted so I asked him if he could use a hug. He's a big teddy bear.

    Had Greek nonfat vanilla yogurt and fresh raspberries for breakfast and am going to try NOT to snack my way through the day, even within my limits. Trying to remind myself that I can sit with hunger and have something later. "I'm not going to eat anything right now."

    OK, time for a shower and to get moving around here. Have already weeded and organized casual napkins and have brought the good ones (napkins, tablecloths & runners) into the living room to sort & organize. Between organizer visits I try to work on things that are one-person jobs and which don't involve a ton of lifting/carrying heavy objects. She and I can work on rearranging china cabinet and buffet this evening -- much easier as a team!

    Later! Love you all -- have a good day. Thinking of Cindy and Diane on their trips too.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    TT: Several of the latest posts hadn't shown when I hit "post reply." My weight is a classified number -- sorry, Karla -- just not my thing to be so public. I'm 5'5" and would like to drop 5-10.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning ladies! I am sitting here trying to type around my cat. When I sit, he jumps in my lap. Sometimes I get a reprieve, but not usually before he gets some attention. I don't mind so much; this cat adopted us but it took him a really long time to act like he was comfortable here.

    Janet - Do you not like to exercise? Or do you not like to exercise in front of people? I just want to hug child you and tell her she is ok. People tell me all the time they have "two left feet" or can't dance but my experience has shown me that it is more that they just don't have experience with it and the more they do the better they become. Anyway, have you considered chair dancing? Here is a video link (I don't know if just the link will show up or the video) to one that looks like fun; there were quite a few options out there.

    Patti - I think if we lived near each other we'd be dancing buddies :smile: I almost always lead when I dance with a partner, I am tall and a dance instructor so it just comes more naturally for me. I can just see you dancing about your day!

    Myra - I am an obnoxiously objective person so my daughter often feels like I am not on her side; I have to constantly remind her that, yes I am on her side, and explain why I say whatever it is I do that sounds other wise. I think you should take up dancing again! It is such a fun way to spend time and burn a few calories. Hubby went to a Tango lesson with me on Sunday (and enjoyed it!) and was surprised to find it made him sweat a bit.

    Karla - Sounds like you had a wonderful trip! Glad you got some time with your hubby and some good friends, and congratulations for losing while away :smile: And it sounds great that Glenn will retire soon; exciting times ahead! Aren't you a bit of a devil though, asking for our height/weight. I told myself I wouldn't be secretive about such things any more but I do want to smack you.

    TT: I am 5'10" and the last time I weighed myself (about 3 weeks ago) I weighed 202. I have gotten down to around 198 in the recent past but my body wasn't happy with me for it and I gained it right back (I have been around 207 for about 5 years or more). I'll be near a scale the first weekend of March and weigh in again then.

    Well, hope you all have a wonderful day; the sun is shining here but it has finally (in late February no less) decided to be brrrrrr cold outside! well, cold for here anyway. No snow or anything like that.
    Grace and peace to you

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Overcast skies here this morning, but sunshine is predicted so we will get out there shortly. As Myron was grilling our chicken last night, the full moon rising was tinted in coral tones. What a beautiful world we are blessed to enjoy. May you seize every moment ahead today!

    I've been enjoying my breakfast "go to" lately. It is just so easy and holds me through the hikes: 1/3 cup plain yogurt, 1 T. sunflower seeds, 1 T. almonds, 2 T. ground flax seed. When I'm in a hurry, my favorite is a small banana with 1 T. unsalted, unsweetened peanut butter.

    TT: I am 5'5" and 158 lbs.

    Hugs for now and catch you all in a bit!

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    for some reason i'm picturing a flying monkey wearing a tiara and line dancing! hmmm. perhaps my guacamole was TOO spicy!

    I'm happy to hear about the cleaning lady, the organizer helper, the mom visit, and the avoiding classrooms (and psych wards) during a full moon!

    and thanks for the tune in my head: 5'2", eyes of blue....... has anybody seen my gal??? :)

    TT: I'm 5'8.5" for years i thought i was 5'9", so, YES that half inch counts! HA! my pants are tighter, so I shall not step on a scale, but it's sub 150. (I feel my best at 135, but, i'm trying to change my eating habits for non scale reasons)

    Jeanette- obnoxiously objective, haha, i think that's an admirable trait! My mother took my ex-husband's side when we split up ;) I understood her perspective, and didn't hold it against her, but i admit, it stung my ego a little in the beginning. it's all good now. My hubby absolutely refuses to dance, so I would have to dance alone or with my younger kids.... both good things, I suppose. I "chair dance" in the car occasionally, if that counts any, haha.

    Patti- I totally agree with Janet: NEW SHOES! when i ran consistently, i changed my shoes every 6 months or so. (now they last a bit longer)

    time to gear up for carpool again. I saw my physical therapist this morning, and she added a new "technique" for me to try several times a day to see if it can keep my hip out of trouble. time will tell.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert- Your friend was wise. Those that are hurting, hurt others. That was sure evident in Downton Abbey's episode from Sunday.

    I have enjoyed seeing the height and, those that felt comfortable, their weight. I don't like where I am right now. I am working on getting it down. It helps me to show where I am currently, so I can proudly show where I am at later!! Does that make any sense? I was at 232 pounds in 2011. I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

    Mary Lynn- I would love to join you at 5'5" and 158, surely by the end of the year I will be there if I keep my current rate!!. I keep forgetting about the flaxseed in my pantry, I'm going to get it out now!!

    Myra- You are really coming through this week with some witty words. Love it!! I know what you mean about that half inch too!! I was 5'7 and half in HS and now 5.5.. getting shorter!!

    Jeanette- Me? The devil? noooooo,, lol. I am a bit pushy though. I call it being honest with ourselves. You are lucky to be so tall!! 5'10", that's great. My husband is 6'2.5 and I am a shrimp next to him. The top of my head is at his shoulders unless I have heels on. It just helps me to have a idea of where we are all at in our journey. In WW you could, by choice, display under your picture your starting weight, current weight and goal weight. I thought it was a good ego and encouragement builder. Some people proudly displayed theirs, some people hated it, hence our reactions here. I was down to 178 in 2012 when the bottom fell out of my world when my mother unexpectedly died and I became the Matriarch of my family and put myself on the back burner. Sheesh, why did I do that??

    Janet- If I had your stats I would proudly shout them to the world. You have come such a long way. If I only had 5-10 pounds to lose I would think I was dreaming or was already up in heaven!! You know I am teasing you. I already know approximately what you weight anyway. I was just wanting us all to have some sort of body image of each other. Not just our heads. LOL. I hope today has been better for you in every way possible.

    Patti- Congratulations on the string of tracking and successful eating. How was your visit with your dear mother? Did you watch Downton Abbey? I wanted to hit Mary right upside the head.

    I just spoke with Glenn and he is finishing up some reports and will be heading home. I have missed my wonderful husband today after such a bonding and lovely time together. The first thing he asked me when we were heading home was when is our next trip!!

    I was very mindful of my eating while away, it was only two days, plus I clocked over 10k steps each day. I did the strength training with the weights before I left, and, I did it last evening. I increased the weights to five pounds, and wowzer, I could surely feel the difference. I just want to get through these 190's and down into the 180's.


  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    good evening everyone. per my OMG, i'm done eating for the day. i'm happy and sad for myself, haha.

    I just want to tell Karla to BE CAREFUL and watch that weather! Our home was hit by a tornado in 2011, so now i'm a nervous nelly ;) nobody was hurt in our home, as we were huddled in the basement, but it was quite frightening and caused about 50K worth of damage. Let's just say i gained a new level of respect for mother nature.

    take care,
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Done eating here too. Had an OK day but succumbed to a light English muffin with honey and cinnamon this evening.

    Karla, no offense taken -- That Number is just something I am not comfortable sharing and I know you understand. In fact, I am trying NOT to think about the number these days but to focus on my behavior so I don't self-flaggelate as much.

    MaryLynn, your go-to sounds yummy and nutritious.

    Jeanette, I just plain loathe exercise. The chair dancing guy made me laugh a lot. I can't be that dorky even in private! In my next life I hope to be able to dance. I'm a music person and have internal rhythm but that's the extent of it.

    Got some stuff done today on my own and this evening with the organizer. Need to straighten up a bit for the cleaner but going to save that until morning.

    Sweet dreams, everyone!
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! I'm checking in from he parking lot of Walmart in Roswell, NM in route to AZ. We frequently "camp" at Walmart when we're driving cross-country. Most stores actually welcome campers and truckers. we've even seen a few that had water or electric hookups.

    Myra, I'm a tornado baby, too. The 5-3-99 tornado that hit OKC and Moore OK blew my house down while I was laying on top of my kids in the bathtub. That was the one with the highest wind speeds ever recorded. It the EF scale went as high as 6, it would have been EF 6, but EF-5 is the highest it goes. Then in 2003, Jessi and I were in another one out at my dads house at the farm. It didn't hit the house, but took out one barn completely and big hunks out of 3 others. Which reminds me, I need to make an appointment as soon as we get home to have a storm shelter put in. I had one in my house, but Dave doesn't have one. That was one of my conditions when we started talking about me selling my house and moving in with him!

    Nighty night girls.

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    wowsers @smack59 I cannot begin to imagine in EF-5. I think the one here was an F2, but here in Raleigh, we are STILL talking about it ;) nobody has a storm shelter here, and I feel lucky to have a basement (they aren't all that common)

    needless to say, I'll be on weather alert all day. lucky for me, anxiety isn't a food trigger for me.
    I hope Karla didn't sustain any damage.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies......We are to have bad weather today, so I'm staying in. Right now it's raining, and then it is to snow this afternoon. Mike is on the road today, so I'm praying he will be safe.

    Suzi: How scary to actually be in a tornado! I'm so glad you were safe.....A storm shelter sounds wonderful for you. We were in some type of storm in 1999 with hail and high winds. They never classified it as a tornado. Mike, Brutus (our pug I told you about), and I were in the downstairs bathroom. The whole back side of our house was hit and all our windows were blown out. All cars were damaged from the hail. Very scary.

    I think I'll start organizing closets and cabinets today. Have a great day!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Suzi- Good to hear from you. We had a tornado touch down in Pensacola with some damages to a couple apartment complexes and homes. Just beginning to see them this morning. I checked in with my father and they were fine. You sound so chipper and happy, but, whom isn't when they are away on an adventure? I will be meeting Jodi tomorrow again for some walking. We had a really good talk last week.

    Janet- The internet is down with my eye clinic client, so I am going to organize my antique vanity in your honor. I love the two necklaces I purchased at Brighton's and need to display them proudly in my jewelry boxes. I also need to polish my Pandora bracelet beads and re-string my blue one. These are things I just never seem to make the time for.

    Myra- Thank you, sweetie, for thinking of me. We had a bad tornado on Christmas day back in 2012 hit in downtown area of Mobile and do some major damages to a couple of our old churches. Weird to have them this time of year, but with this warm weather!!

    Watching my eye as this is the first time it has been off the prednisolone drops since July. I stopped the drops last Friday per my UAB physician. It is red this morning, but always is when I wake up as the eye does not get much moisture when closed. I slept with my humidifier on last night, Systane Nighttime lubricant and the prescription ointment Erythromycin too. Poor thing.

    TT: With spring upon us, some sooner than others, what plans do you have for planting outdoors? Are you a flower person? Shrubs? Do you plant any vegetables?

    TT#2: Are you planning any vacation for you and your family this year? What will you do for just YOU this year? Any rewards for your good behavior?

    Cindy- Where are you my dear? I worry.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Karla: I'd love to see pictures of your new necklaces......I'm such a Brighton fan! I have necklaces also.

    TT: I love perennials, but also plant Gerber Daisies along the outside of my front yard flower bed. I like flowers that don't grow very tall. We plant tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers....that's about it.

    TT#2: Mike and I are spending a week with friends in Destin.....his friend has a time share there and invited us and other couples for the week. For me, I would like to see a play/musical in Chicago. For the family, I'm hoping we can get tickets for a Cubs game. We haven't been to one in a while.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert- I will take some pictures of them and post them here. One is a very long necklace with a double moon. Made me think of my Izzy. The other is a emblem. Both beautiful.

    TT: I have two greenhouses that I keep my Hawaiian Plumeria plants during the winter. I will pull them out the end of next month. They are already budding in there and some are putting out leaves. I have grown them for over 8 years now and some are up to 7 feet tall. I share with all my friends. They have beautiful flowers that are very fragrant. These are the flowers that the leis are made with. I also love geraniums around my pool and petunias in hanging baskets. I do have lilies and daffodils coming up now. My large pot of the Amarillo's (not sure of spelling there) is slow coming up this year.

    TT2: I have already mentioned most of my planned vacations. I did have to cancel going on the large pontoon boat with my BFF in mid May. Glenn said that just wouldn't work with his ship schedule. We will plan a getaway weekend there somewhere. Our next vacation will be two trips back to Destin. Four days with the grand kids on April 10-15, and then April 30 for 3 nights, paid for by the Podiatrist. This is the convention I missed last year with Glenn's surgery. Then July we have my class reunion, September we are going to Disney World, Izzy's request, and November we are back at the resort in Panama City.

    I better get back to work,

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    With another "spring like" day ahead, it is easy to think of planting some of the seeds in the flower beds here. We picked up a handful of various packages when we were at the nursery last week. Found two more apple trees which have now joined the magnolia in our garden. The deer around here LOVE to feast on new buds, so with some new protective fencing around some of the exposed fruit trees, hopefully we will see some productivity this year from them. Found a new hiking trail yesterday to explore nearby called "Englishman River Falls" and will post a picture here to give you all some idea of what is continuing to keep us motivated to get out there and just inhale the cedar aromas. Some of the trees are SO huge and ancient, it always causes me to reflect on how small I am, at least in the bigger picture of creation!

    As always, I enjoy catching up on the happenings in your lives and sharing some of ours too.

    Bert - Thinking of you and Mike today as you wait for the wild weather to settle back down. Sounds like you are finding plenty to do inside and hope you find a way to keep active today.

    Karla - Great to have you back and pleased that your trip was rewarding in so many nice ways. Relieved that you are off the prednisone and hoping that your vision begins to improve soon.

    Patti - You are doing so well to stay on plan and track everything, in addition to your activity! With that freshly organized craft room, it must be fun to retreat to it for creative enjoyment.

    Janet - Wow you are on top of the organizational world these days! It sounds like you enjoy it. What a great way to keep moving, too! Well done on handling hunger cues in positive ways!

    Jeanette - Positive energy seems to be just flowing through you like a river these days! This seems a miraculous calm in the wake of such stress. I value your objectivity and applaud you.

    Myra - Great that you have a PT to provide some new ways of dealing with that annoying hip issue! When it heals and easy movement returns it would be fun to all get together to dance!

    Suzi - Safe travels and enjoy your journey together! The adventures you share create positive memories to treasure and sometimes you can capture those moments in an image or two.

    Cindy - Hope your travels are proving positive for you as well. Miss not hearing from you!

    Enjoy your day ahead, all!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Spring has left for a bit. It is raining and in the 50s but will be dropping into the 30s with snow tonight and tomorrow. Expecting less than an inch and then back to the 50s for the weekend. Had a great day yesterday on all fronts. Always a good day when I can spend time with Mom. She is such an intelligent woman and we cover so many topics of conversation, once we watch Dowton Abbey that is, lol. TRX was a kick booty workout. Haven't felt that wrung out in quite a while so it makes me feel she has been taking it easy on us. The trainer's husband has joined our class, he is majorly fit, but we was breathing hard and sweating by the end too. Then had a quick, easy and on plan dinner before date night with Edd (NCIS and NCIS NO) I take what I can get. Our card making group is reforming and our first get together is this Saturday. We usually make 3 cards, can't wait to see what she has designed for us. My Mom is going with me and then we will go out to lunch somewhere. She is looking forward to the get together too.

    Janet, I think you are very wise to focus on things other than the number on the scale. I am working very hard to get to that mindset. We need to get together soon. I miss your face and your company.

    Karla, glad the storms did not affect you or those you love. Cindy is on a business trip and had won't be checking in until tomorrow I think. Diane is at sea.

    Jeanette, I love your term "obnoxiously objective" sounds like a fancy way of saying brutally honest, something I have been accused of on an occasion or two. Keep up the good work. The world needs more honesty and less sugar coating.

    Bert, saying prayers to keep Mike safe. Seems like everyone has jumped on the organizational band wagon. I will be in paper shredding mode for a bit today.

    Myra, I love your imagination....flying monkeys in tiaras doing a line dance....I see it too. So glad to have you in the group, love your unique wit and wisdom.

    If I haven't called your name it doesn't mean I am not thinking of you, just that I forgot what I wanted to say to you at the moment.

    TT #1: most of you know this about me, but I don't garden or dig in the dirt unless it has something to do with construction. I always enjoy seeing the beautiful flowers and definitely appreciate fresh produce but I get no joy from working the land!

    TT #2: we are going to FL the end of March to visit our dear friend who lost her husband last May. Then on to somewhere else in FL to visit with some Beemer friends. We will be helping them with a tech rally in yet another town in FL for the weekend. We will be gone 2-3 weeks depending on what else we might find to do. First part of May we are going to MS for another vintage BMW get together and am hoping to get a couple days in Birmingham to see my brother. The 4th of July weekend will be a pontoon trip up the Ohio River for several days with our cabin friends, I think there will be 4 or 5 boats going. I think this summer will find us doing projects around the cabin and lots of boating. Nothing else on the calendar but that just leaves lots of room for spontaneous activities and that is what I love the most. Would love to get a bike/camping trip in some time.

    Better get it in gear. Have meeting with our finance guy at 5pm, so need to be dressed and ready for the gym in case it runs long and will probably need to eat during the call. Oh well.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Janet: You have given me the organization bug! Our house was cleaned yesterday, and church service is finished. I'm staying home today due to the weather, so I'm organizing closets. The "linen" closet is organized. I say "linen" because it has many other things in it. I'm tackling the tv room closet next. It is the "catch all" closet for things I just don't want to see; decorations, children's books that our boys had, etc. I'm happy I have the time to do it.

    I'll check back later

  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Good morning! Boy, your tornado stories are scary!! We don't have that kind of weather here, and I am very thankful for that. I don't have
    time for personals today, didn't sleep much last night so I let myself sleep as late as I could before Miss Alanna is here. Then off to teach and
    then I'm thinking I'll try to nap.
    I am a bit frustrated with the poor sleeping. This is what I've dealt with during this illness, the more I do the worse I sleep. It has been a while
    since I slept this poorly, though, so I am hoping this past week was just a short phase.

    Have a wonderful day, ladies
    Grace and peace to you