
  • 2run2ski
    2run2ski Posts: 133 Member
    Challenge #1: “Let’s Say Halló in Iceland!”
    @MissionEnforcer -- I've sent friend requests to all and I have heard back from all.

    The following is a partial repost with added facts about Maine (trying to qualify for those pts):

    I live in Maine --- specifically downeast Maine (which refers to a particular area on the coast --- basically the final 1/3 of the coastline until you hit Canada). Our coastline is stunning --- no other way to describe it! The ocean water here is verrrry cold, though. You can't stay in it very long. Hypothermia in the summer isn't unheard of... yikes!

    We have 4 distinct seasons... at least, we're supposed to! Spring, Fall, Winter...and mud season. We just don't have spring like most every other place. :( If you like the outdoors, Maine is good place to be. HOWEVER, the state bird here is either the black fly or the mosquito! (It's really the chickadee) They can be ferocious and tend to suck the joy (and blood) out of being outside sometimes... lol

    • Maine has 3,478 miles of coastline (very rocky)

    • Maine has 3,166 off-shore islands. Only about 1,200 Maine coast islands have an acre or more, 600 comprise 95% of the island acreage.

    • Maine has over 32,000 miles of Rivers and Streams.

    • Maine has over 6,000 Lakes and Ponds.

    • Maine State Berry: The Wild Maine Blueberry - (More blueberries grow in Maine than any other state, over 90% of the country's blueberry crop)

    • Average Summer Temperature in Maine: 70 degrees • Average Winter Temperature in Maine: 20 degrees

  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    @rusgolden I have to thank you again, this challenge has my competitive juices flowing. Got in my 100 minute walk this morning & hope to get another in this evening! My goal is to stay in the top 10% of the power list thingy! I'm going to do extra exercise as long as I feel okay; I've been sidelined with injuries & pain before. Even now, I'm dealing with these bulging disks, but it is actually okay for this challenge since it's minutes vs. distance or speed and the doctors want me to walk! Slow & steady may really win this race!
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    2run2ski wrote: »
    Someone on Fab Fives, please answer this question: What do I need to say to get my 10 pts for Challenge #1? (It was complete earlier this week)

    I think just because you haven't entered your points for him to verify. Everyone enters their own points on the challenges once they're complete. For challenge 1, the numbers will be red until verified, then they'll turn black and be added to our total.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,096 Member
    edited October 2016
    :star: Woot! Fab Fives! We're over 90% of the way to the goal city! :star:

    I can't wait to visit the blue lagoon... :tongue:

  • geminiswede
    geminiswede Posts: 903 Member
    Just checked my friends list, and all teammates officially accounted for unless I'm bad at clicking links. :tongue:

    I've had a kind of stressful week and haven't done the videos yet, but going to try to get that done tonight and tomorrow.

    Water I'm struggling with, but it's been warmer the last few days which has helped. Hopefully I'll still hit it.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    MiamiSeoul wrote: »
    @rusgolden I have to thank you again, this challenge has my competitive juices flowing. Got in my 100 minute walk this morning & hope to get another in this evening! My goal is to stay in the top 10% of the power list thingy! I'm going to do extra exercise as long as I feel okay; I've been sidelined with injuries & pain before. Even now, I'm dealing with these bulging disks, but it is actually okay for this challenge since it's minutes vs. distance or speed and the doctors want me to walk! Slow & steady may really win this race!

    I was just looking at the power rankings thinking, ooh, if I just do another half hour maybe I can jump into the top 10. :innocent:
    100 minute walk is amazing! I've been doing 60 minute walks and my calves are burning. I'm so out of shape. :tongue:
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    b3achy wrote: »
    :star: Woot! Fab Fives! We're over 90% of the way to the goal city! :star:

    I can't wait to visit the blue lagoon... :tongue:


    Ooo, me too! Are we going to have a party or do you think we'll all be too tired?
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    Just checked my friends list, and all teammates officially accounted for unless I'm bad at clicking links. :tongue:

    I've had a kind of stressful week and haven't done the videos yet, but going to try to get that done tonight and tomorrow.

    Water I'm struggling with, but it's been warmer the last few days which has helped. Hopefully I'll still hit it.

    @MissionEnforcer -- @geminiswede did her "where I am from" intro on page 2 and tagged you there.
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    Fab Fives, there's a mad dash going on right now to make it to our first destination! I'm sooo tired! I got in a mid-day walk, here was my view from a local park . . .




    Let's dig deep so we can be the first to arrive in beautiful Reykjavik . . . and then soak our poor, sore muscles! Did someone remember Epsom Salt?

  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member

    @MissionEnforcer -- @geminiswede did her "where I am from" intro on page 2 and tagged you there.[/quote]

    When I looked last night her points weren't posted.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    I don't know who just put us over... but, WE MADE IT!!!! Now just to keep the lead and earn the extra gravy points... :wink:

    Speaking of extra points, anyone want to explain the 10% over goal points? Do we get an extra 10 points for every 10% we are over 5,621 miles?
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    edited October 2016
    MzManiak wrote: »

    Speaking of extra points, anyone want to explain the 10% over goal points? Do we get an extra 10 points for every 10% we are over 5,621 miles?

    Yes, and depending on the length of the "leg", this can make a big difference...or not. Oh, and 9.99% will not do it.
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    Hey Fab Fives...

    I just saw on another game forum that @sue_01 had a family member die suddenly, so please be thinking about her and her family.

    Great work everyone for getting us to our destination... remember those challenges and how important they are!! For this leg, it will take 563 minutes of exercise to = 10 points... which is great, but only requires 37 minutes to bang on some "drums" to also = 10 points!
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,096 Member
    edited October 2016
    Woo hoo! Way to go Fab Five!! High Fiving everyone on the team! Almost feel sorry for team 1 who thought they were in the lead because their challenge points were verified to keep the pressure on the other teams with our challenge completions and more minutes!

    Brrr, it's cold up here...heading to the steamy waters of the blue lagoon to warm up!

    Water or cocktails FTW?

    So sorry to hear about @sue_01! Will keep her and her family in my thoughts and prayers.
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    Congratulations Fab Fives!


    CHALLENGE #1: “Let’s Say Halló in Iceland!” (10 points)
    1. Completed M 10/17
    2. & 3. Completed T 10/18

    CHALLENGE #2: “Drum to a Viking Beat!” (10 points)
    Completed W 10/19

    CHALLENGE #3: “Fill Up at the Foss!” (5 points)
    194.5/2 = 97.25 = 12-ish eight-ounce cups/day
    M 10/17 - 17 cups
    T 10/18 - 15 cups
    W 10/19 - 17 cups
    R 10/19 - 16 cups

    17 Oct. 151 minutes
    18 Oct. 181 minutes
    19 Oct. 170 minutes
    20 Oct. 166 minutes (100 minute walk + 45 minute walk + 21 minutes of day 17 of my 30 day challenges)

    I'm looking for @b3achy at the lagoon!


    Condolences to @sue_01.
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I'm out of town at a conference without a car, so I did lots of walking today trying to get from place to place :smile: Tomorrow is our longer run day, up to 7.5 km. I signed up to run 150 miles before dec 4, so we've got to average 25 km/week. I'm doing really well with the water, 4/4 days. I started the drumming videos yesterday. I did the first one twice, and will do the others when I get home on Sunday.
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    Challenge 2- complete

    The drummer in me really came out during the second round. I'd forget to watch the video since I was dancing to the beat of my own drum. Hehe
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    50 minutes for Thursday too.