

  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    Ain't that the truth T?!?
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    -80 squats done, probably do another 20 before bed. I typically do my sumo squats with an 85-90lb dumbbell, but no way am I going to do 140 with that much weight. So I'll do a bunch of bodyweight sumos, and then do my weighted ones later in the week.
    -2 videos done
    -well under calorie count for the day so that should be fine

    I did a mile in the pool this afternoon, and then decided to test out my ankle. It was feeling pretty good at work. I went for a really easy 1.5ish mile run, and learned I'm definitely not run-ready yet :(. It felt soooo good to run, until it hurt. Not horrible pain, but enough that I know I shouldn't be running on it yet. Maybe will try again at the end of the week.
  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    @MissionEnforcer 2 videos done and 40 squats done. Its harder than it looks. I did some squats between answering the door for the trick or treaters. and I also watched the video. Very beautiful @hawkins410. I really can't believe how awake my upper body is after doing the first two videos.

    Hope everyone had a goulish night for those of you that celebrate Halloween.
  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    Vowder wrote: »
    1000 minutes is really tough to do.

    After my 2nd 3 hour workout this weekend.. I still have 53 minutes left to hit 1000.

    I'll do a 20 minute walk with the dogs... but that still leaves 33 mins and I am bagged.

    Hmmmm ....

    Does a hot bath count?

    How about a steam shower?

    I'm sure my wife will have a chore or two for me if I open that door just a Crack.

    you are doing awesome, I am glad to getting as much exercise as I can, but 1000 minutes is out of reach right now for me. I bet your wife will help you with some chores though.
  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    I have questions...When I get home from working out and I do laundry, cook dinner and clean up should I add those minutes as well or just my exercise minutes as I have been doing? Also I stretched today during the day at work 2x rather than before work I used it as a break from sitting all day at my computer, does that 7 minutes count from those videos or just the challenge points?
  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    I loved the beautiful videos, I watched them both. @celtikgirl as long as we all give it our best in minutes for the team, I think that is all anyone can do. The smoking is up to you, when you are ready to quit you will. I say that with knowledge because I went through it myself 16 years ago.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Hey team. I did the rajio taiso stretching this morning and I enjoyed it. I really like swinging my arms around like that - fun and feels good. I did a walk with Stella this morning and then a run after I got home. I almost bagged out on the run because it was already almost dark and the trick or treaters were already out. But I decided to go for it and put on my headlamp and reflective gear, and Stella's light up pink collar. And we ran! She set a good pace tonight and we did 2.2 miles.

    Bad day for food though. I desperately need to plan meals and grocery shop, and I have almost no food at home. But no time today and I had a reception at work so I ate a few hors d'oeuvres there and then came home and ate leftover pizza. My estimate is probably off, but in any case - OVER! Now I'll be under the gun to stay on track to get my 5/7 days.

    No sumo squats yet, so I'll have to get that going too. My legs are a little sore today after yesterday's long hike.

    Hope you all had a good Halloween run or walk or swim or whatever!

  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    Good morning!
    Day 2 of Radio tasio done!
    I only got about 45 squats yesterday. I will do more tonight.
    That radio thing does energize it's nice to do first thing in the morning!
    Have a great day!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    edited November 2016
    @mamaelf2008: Thank you for posting that comparison board! While looking at those bowls full of candy last night, I just wanted to leap right in. But the thought of 0NE-HUNDRED PUSH-UPS for that little bag of Skittles made me limit myself to just two mini-chocolates and I stayed under my calorie count! B)

    @aenglehardt347: The exercise minutes that are supposed to be used for the challenge are those that are above and beyond your normal daily activity. So, if it is normal for you to come home and do laundry, clean up, etc., I would NOT count them. I think there are a couple of players in this game (NOT on Team One) that are counting almost every minute they are awake. @MissionEnforcer is trying to address that issue with those individuals. I think you should carry on with the way you have been doing it! :)
    I'm not sure what you meant about the stretching at your desk. Were you doing it with the Rajio Taiso videos? Definitely count the seven minutes toward your exercise time (good idea to stretch at your desk, I should do it more often!). If you are doing it w/ the videos, then that would count as 2 out of the 10 required times. Although we prefer that everyone starts their day with the Rajio Taiso, it is not a mandatory MORNING routine, only a mandatory 5 out of 7 day challenge.

    @celtikgirl: Another 10K? I am super impressed! @cardbucfan, @wolvinnetje, @katharmonic: sounds like you are off to a great start to the week! @ka97: that's frustrating about missing the upcoming run, but sooo much better to completely heal now and have a better running future!
    @TamiJo1004: Sorry to hear about your pants! But hey, you took one for the Team! <3

    Glad everyone is enjoying the videos! Kyoto in the Fall has sure made my bucket list!
    I stayed within my calorie count, did 25 squats and 2 Rajio Taiso videos, so I am on track so far this week! :)
    Chīmu no 1 ni ikimasu!
    Go Team One!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member

    You can find it under the "Weight Track" Tab on the regular spreadsheet.
    Don't worry if you didn't start during Week One, it will still work for you!

  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,416 Member

    I guess if I have to work that hard for a piece of candy it better be darn worth it.

    I understand where this chart comes from but I'm trying really hard to move away from the mentality of "earning" my food and am in a weight lifting group where we are all trying to focus on eating good food, enjoying it in moderation and working out for the benefits it gives our bodies and the health and life enhancements versus how much we can eat. I try to think of my calorie allotment as money. I have so much to spend and if I spend it on candy, I don't have as much to spend on steak. I also try and go by the week vs the day (although I will try daily for this challenge this week) It's definitely a process and very hard to do (kinda like not caring about the number on the scale but how your pants fit-right now neither is good!). I will log all my food the rest of this week but knew last night would be an aberration in my routine. We NEVER have candy in the house and I bought different stuff than I usually eat so I ate quite a few tootsie rolls! Today is a new day (granted my sons birthday and there's cake!) and I will eat more moderately today.

    About to do my videos before golf. First round of the Handicap Championship. I'm the reigning champion but that was pre-vertigo so I don't have high hopes this year!

  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    @cardbucfan happy birthday to your son! Good luck with golf!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    I did videos 3 and 4 of the rajio taiso this morning - I really liked the 4th one showing all the different people doing it. I think I finally have the moves down. Now I may have to learn the Japanese words :)

    I also did 25 sumo squats, mostly while waiting for my pumpkin waffles to heat up in the toaster.

    I logged my breakfast and pre-logged my lunch and snack for today. I also have my group run workout tonight so I shouldn't have much trouble staying within my calorie goal today. But I need to plan ahead for the rest of the week!

    Happy Tuesday - it's a gorgeous day here for the first of November. Hope yours is as well.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,416 Member
    Gorgeous day here! Won my match (surprisingly) which means I have to play more! I'm having technical difficulties with the spreadsheet so haven't logged anything yet but plan to get on the computer in a bit so hopefully can input stuff.
  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    @hawkins410 thanks for the info! I put the Rajio Videos on at work and take a break in the mid morning and then in the afternoon but I did not count those minutes because I thought it was just challenge points. I will add them to tonight's squats since that is what I am doing tonight after work to get that challenge done
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    @hawkins410 thanks for the info! I put the Rajio Videos on at work and take a break in the mid morning and then in the afternoon but I did not count those minutes because I thought it was just challenge points. I will add them to tonight's squats since that is what I am doing tonight after work to get that challenge done
    Sounds like you are making great progress! :)

  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    @cardbucfan I think of my calorie allotment as money too - and I find it really helpful when the calorie count for the Reese's cup is right there on the front of the package screaming at me that I will have to "spend" so much on that one item.

    As I've said before, I'm trying to do things in a reasonable manner - I make the healthier choice 75% of the time - I'm aiming for healthier food and to get stronger, leaner, smaller. But I'm older and wiser than I used to be, I guess, and I know that expecting perfection every day isn't going to happen. It isn't realistic to think that I will go without the things I like - so moderation in portions, and a commitment to physical activity helps keep me on the path.

    One of the things that has helped me with things like candy and treats is that if I REALLY want something, I buy just one serving. If I kept ice cream in the house, I would eat it every day, so I don't keep it in the house. If I need ice cream, I go to the shop and buy a single scoop, if I want chocolate, I buy one candy bar.

    And yes, I forgot who asked, but I signed up for the Across the Bay 10k, mostly because I wanted the chance to walk across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and be able to look out over the water without seeing it all through my car windows. It should be fun, and the weather looks like it will cooperate.

    Radio stuff on the schedule in a little while, off to the gym tonight, on track to be under my calories for today!
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    hawkins410 wrote: »
    @aenglehardt347: The exercise minutes that are supposed to be used for the challenge are those that are above and beyond your normal daily activity. So, if it is normal for you to come home and do laundry, clean up, etc., I would NOT count them. I think there are a couple of players in this game (NOT on Team One) that are counting almost every minute they are awake. @MissionEnforcer is trying to address that issue with those individuals. I think you should carry on with the way you have been doing it! :)
    I've intentionally tried to keep quiet about this, because it caused quite a bit of stress for me during the summer race. I finally had to come to the conclusions that: 1.) Looking at what others are posting on the spreadsheet is in no way helpful to me, so I'm just going to do my thing and not look at what anyone else is doing. 2.) I think that there are many people (though not saying anyone on THIS team) who are not making the distinction between "physical activity" and "exercise." And I know that is a difficult one to define, because that distinction is going to be unique to each person.
    As many of you discovered last week, 1000 minutes or more, is incredibly difficult to do. And IMO, unless you are training for an endurance event (think marathon, ironman, etc) it's not something that should be done on a regular basis. If you are someone logging 1000+ minutes on a regular basis I would question - Are you honestly distinguishing between physical activity and intentional exercise??? And if so, are you truly exercising at a worthwhile intensity relative to your current fitness level???
    BUT, as I said, I'm not going to worry about what others are doing, because it will only push me in an unhealthy direction. I will do the most that I can, given my current circumstances at any given time, and hope that my team will respect and support that.

    @celtikgirl Hooray for the 10k! :) That is actually my favorite distance - it's enough to feel like a workout, and give me the endorphins I crave, but not so much that it puts a heavy toll on my body or takes up too much of my time.
    celtikgirl wrote: »
    One of the things that has helped me with things like candy and treats is that if I REALLY want something, I buy just one serving. If I kept ice cream in the house, I would eat it every day, so I don't keep it in the house. If I need ice cream, I go to the shop and buy a single scoop, if I want chocolate, I buy one candy bar.
    Yes, this exactly!!!

    I am totally committed to logging my food this week. So far so good. I'm glad that was one of the challenges - it will help me get myself back on track.
    Sumo squats are almost done - tomorrow is a lifting day so I'll finish them up then.

  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    2pzs4bveb9v8.jpgI've taken up doing a lunch walk and an afternoon walk at work! It gets me up from behind my desk and I get to experience more of the "great outdoors". This fall weather is perfect for it, and believe it or not, we actually have some leaves turning color in Southern California! I can see them from my desk, but this reflective view I get on my walks is pretty cool. :)