

  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member

    I guess if I have to work that hard for a piece of candy it better be darn worth it.


    I print this out and plce it on the fridge!
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    If anyone is still having trouble accessing the spreadsheet, send me your G-Mail address (ex:, and I will add you for direct access. Send it to me via MFP mail, which is found under "MY HOME", at the top of the page.
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    I print this out and place it on the fridge!
    Love it! I think I need it as a screen saver on my computer at work to help me keep away from the candy here! I made my husband hide all the chocolates at home, but at work they are in the kitchen, next to the bathroom, which I need OFTEN because of all this water I'm drinking!! Yikes! :D


    Time to have some Team Fun!


  • Vowder
    Vowder Posts: 378 Member
    Just as a note...

    Spent 12 hours in a car yesterday for a 70 minute meeting. Hard to get any exercise in. Will be back at it in a few hours though.

  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Great fall photos everyone! The peak of our fall colors has passed here and now we are starting to get the ugly leaves on the ground part of fall.

    @katharmonic I am so jealous! This is my favorite time of year to run. And now we are less than a week away from changing the clocks back, which means a shorter window of daylight after work :(
    120maggie wrote: »
    Look at our thread! We have such a great :) general theme going on!!! We are all individuals with healthy goals and however we accomplish our own goals it helps our team!! We look at food and exercise differently but we are doing it!! <3 Like @ka97 I get annoyed that different people post activity and exercise as if they were the same, but we aren't all the same! What an athlete can do is different than someone struggling with a very high BMI.
    I hope I didn't come across as judgemental or elitist. I do think it is individual to each person. And I think it is less about the form of the activity and all about the purpose. If you are doing ____ to get some exercise, then it's exercise. If you are doing ____ for any other person, and you happen to get your heartrate up or work up a sweat as a result, then it's physical activity - still beneficial in its own right, but not the same as intentional exercise.

    @ka97 @leti126 I am glad you pointed out just the actual minutes that we exercise! I was feeling bad because I normally only get an hour in after work and on weekends I put in extra but doing as much as I can around the house above and beyond getting ready for winter. I was worried that I would be letting everyone down because I don't have as high of numbers and I don't know how they can do that and still work. Hope my 60 minutes a day and sometimes more is just fine
    I think you are doing great!!!!!
    Everybody must know by themselves but I count only the workouts where my heartrate is real up!
    So please A and everybody else who have sometimes feelings of Quilt please don't!!! You are doing all an amazing and healthy Job and at the end you must can say "wow what a pleasant time and how much fun we had in this challenge" and not "pffff next challenge I will skip because it's make me crazy and my body hurts"
    My rule of thumb is pretty simple, if I get dressed in workout clothes, then it's exercise. :)

    @vowder Your trendlines look great! I think you've got a pretty good handle on what is going on. One thing to keep in mind (if you haven't already) is that it's not unusual to see a jump on the scale after an increase in exercise. It's part of the body repairing itself process. I never get on the scale for at least a week after a long race, because I know it is going to be up. So could partially be your body trying to recover from that 1000 minutes last week.

    OK....squats are done. 3/5 days done with the videos. On track for 3/5 days under calorie goal (with a little wiggle room for a glass of wine this evening if I want it :) ). Lifting done this afternoon - was able to do barbell squats for the first time since the ankle injury. Weight on squats and deadlifts are still down, but getting closer to normal. And shortly I'll be headed back out for a kickboxing class. I'll be wearing an ankle brace this time to see if that helps.
  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    Took the day off of life today. But I did get videos 5 & 6 done and 20 squats.mtomorrow I'll finish the squats. I am not going to make calorie count today. Note to self: don't stay home alone when there is a big bowl of candy hollering at you from the kitchen. It just isn't a good place to be. Tomorrow is a new day. A new beginning. Ya da ya da ya da
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 4,972 Member

    My bike ride today. Left work early to ride.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    I managed a run today, plus the rajio taiso videos, plus 50 squats. I watched the last 2 videos - the kids were so cute. And then I saw the "challenging" one. I thought it was just going to be faster or something and then - hey, we're doing bendy gymnastics! I laughed and watched it and then went back to my everyday people one.

    I managed another day under my calorie goals by a pretty good margin. Still no meal planning but I did stop at the grocery store and at least stock up on a few things for breakfast and tonight's dinner and tomorrow's lunch and dinner.

    So, for the challenges I'm at 3/7 days with the rajio taiso, 75/140 squats, and 2/7 days with being under calorie goals.
  • Vowder
    Vowder Posts: 378 Member
    Awesome pics
  • dtplow
    dtplow Posts: 127 Member
    Loving the rajio taiso videos.... I find it a great new warmup for me. Got a good laugh from the challenging one!! The tracking has come at a great time for me.... really struggling to get the weight I have gained back off... tracking is always the key for me. @hawkins410 thanks so much for the beautiful Korean travelogue... as always you amaze me!
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Oh dear Lord in Heaven, this might be my last note for a while... because I can barely lift my hands enough to type. I went to a bodypump class for the first time ever. I managed to do almost everything, except the push ups and some kind of side plank (I can barely do a regular plank). I'm not sure I'm going to be able to wash my hair in the shower tomorrow morning. My arms are like rubber right now.

    I did the radio stuff as a break this morning at work, and I wanted to get the squats behind me, so I did ten every time my fitbitch buzzed, so 40 yesterday, 60 more today, and then at least 40 more as part of the class, @MissionEnforcer I'm done with the squats!

    Fall is coming into its own around here, but I haven't gotten any pictures. I'll have to look around tomorrow.

    I'm watching the CMA awards and enjoying the eye candy... Matthew McConaughey just introduced Tim McGraw... I'm all kinds of distracted now, so I'll stop trying to write.
  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    I was so sore today from doing all the Suma squat yesterday after work and walking in between I was only able to walk 20 minutes today and do videos 3&4 I am hoping the stretching helps and I will be able to do a lot more tomorrow. I worked my arms really hard 2 days ago and they didn't kick in until today. muscles can be viscous
  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    edited November 2016
    :D On a happy note I made it through the week so far under my goal, today only by 15 calories that was close..I need more exercise I really was regretting today but my body's not
  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    @celtikgirl way to go! Body pump ✊ I always wanted to try that, but but now I am a little nervous if it did that to you! I will have to really tone up more because I am still working up to it
  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    dtplow wrote: »
    Loving the rajio taiso videos.... I find it a great new warmup for me. Got a good laugh from the challenging one!! The tracking has come at a great time for me.... really struggling to get the weight I have gained back off... tracking is always the key for me. @hawkins410 thanks so much for the beautiful Korean travelogue... as always you amaze me!

    Yes the videos are great!! My coworker was joking with me yesterday but today she tried some of the 3rd one with me. I had to redo it at home because she kept interrupting me. But it is great to get warmed up or to stretch in the middle of the day when you sit much of the day. I have fallen in love with the trees of Japan.
  • dtplow
    dtplow Posts: 127 Member
    Yikes I meant Japan travelogue not Korea! ;) Although I am sure Korea is beautiful as well!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,396 Member
    Well I'm not gonna get the under calorie challenge points :( I was doing well yesterday then that darn baseball game happened and the stress and tension made cake happen! Sorry gang. But I'm doing well with everything else!

    Sorry to the Indians fans on here but Yay Cubbies! (As a Cardinals fan I've kind of always though of them as our inept younger sibling. We have a very friendly rivalry. Now I can hate them as much as the Giants lol!)
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    @120maggie; Gorgeous photo! How fun to be able to see such beauty! :)
    @katharmonic: Glad to see someone tried the "challenging" Rajio Taiso! :D
    @MissionEnforcer got a particular kick out of that one. He kind of has an "evil" side. ;)
    @Vowder: I am also gaining weight. I have been doing everything right and I only have to look in the mirror to see it is not fat turning into muscle. It is very discouraging and frustrating!! I think if it wasn't for this race, I'd be throwing in the towel right about now. I'm excited for you that your graphs are showing a positive change. It gives me hope! :)
    @dtplow: You know how much I like seeing you pop up on the thread, whether we are in Japan, Korea, or Timbuctu! <3
    @TamiJo1004, poor thing, is feeling very poorly. We will have to pitch in and step it up a notch to help keep her back!
    Team Five will reach Kyoto today and will soon leave us in the dust. I don't know about you all, but I don't like eating dust. :s
    I have a "special" surprise waiting for all of you in Kyoto, so let's get there sooooon! :D
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member
    Vowder wrote: »
    So I've been a little discouraged since the Amazing Race started because I feel like I am eating well and working out like a machine.

    Guess what... my weight has gone UP two weeks in row.

    It just doesn't make sense... I FEEL like I am doing what I did to lose 100 lbs and my weight is virtually the same. Then I did a little analysis of my weight. These numbers were collected from my scale which measures, among some other things, % body fat.


    I guess it is not as bad as I thought.

    Still... I'd like to see the change on the scale. I think part of the problem is how HARD I am really working out. 1000 minutes last week was an insane amount. It is unlikely that I will be able to do that again. Now, don't get me wrong.... I feel great. I mean I really feel like a machine so in the end it is really worth it.

    I agree with all the above posts. Track your numbers for YOU. I love it when I see people right about afternoon walks, evening walks... extra stuff they are doing. That is the whole point.

    I just walked to the bank and back... 10 minutes each way... a trip I've historically done in my car. Why... because I want the minutes and the steps. I'll still go to the gym on my home tonight.

    Okay... as for tracking food. This was a great time for this challenge. Like I said above, I FEEL like I am eating well. Then... I sit down and enter my food and low and behold I am REALLY not eating as well as I thought I was.

    Those mixed nuts are a killer. My salad dressing is insane. etc. etc etc.

    My food is back on track and I am committed to tracking firmly until at least Christmas. With slight less intense workouts I will stop building muscle and, hopefully, continue to lose fat so that the scale goes the right way.

    I find the squats really difficult to do. Enjoy the morning exercise more than I thought I would. Still focused on being #1. If it means that we don't track as aggressively but get all the benefits... I will still be proud.. and not matter what... WE ARE NO. 1.

    There was a sweet smart guy a week ago who told me to go on and try to keep strong I believe you know him ;) So keep your smart motivating words in your mind and go for it! you have a bunch of girls behind you