Trying to Concieve



  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @Katycapp and @samlovesthesnow the spreadsheet says you are currently ttc...hows it going? I think I ovulate today, and know the next 2 weeks are going to be so hard for me >.< This is real cycle 1, so trying not to go crazy but man I am terrible at it!
  • StephAStephan
    StephAStephan Posts: 22 Member
    hey, ladies. if any of you are experiencing infertility issues (or having difficulty TTC), here's my blog:
    i'm literally going through treatments, so this is gritty, raw, and real.
  • samlovesthesnow
    samlovesthesnow Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks for asking @Kirstie155 - I'm on month 5 of TTC and waiting to ovulate. I'm tracking my BBT this month for the first time (it won't change what we do, I'll just have a better idea with retrospect as to how good our timing was). I have to admit, I was sort of expecting to get pregnant straight away so my first few periods have come as a shock! It's given me a bit of time to get my life and body sorted out though - aiming back towards a normal BMI and have restarted a regular exercise routine. Hang in there for your 2ww and try not to go mad googling early pregnancy symptoms!

    @StephAStephan - read your blog with interest. Fingers crossed that this IUI works for you!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited March 2017
    Something that I didn't know until the month that we conceived... is you're not supposed to clean up right away. It's best to "let it rest" for 20 mins or so after doing the baby dance. Just wanted to put that out there since I spent 4 months not "letting it rest" and I wonder if that hindered my chances.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @StephAStephan I also read your blog, sorry you are having troubles. Hope this IUI works! I have to admit infertility is something I am very concerned about, but for no good reason. My mother got pregnant with me and my sister while on the pill some 30 years ago, and my sisters 2 kids were both accidents. I have normal but shorter (24 day) cycles, but my lutal phase is 2 weeks so no worries there. I have every indication that I am ovulating like CM and sometimes feeling ovulation pain. I have been waiting for years for hubby to be ready to ttc, it feels unreal that we actually are. Im a worrier! But fingers and toes way crossed for you lady! I hope this is your cycle <3

    @samlovesthesnow I am also foolishlyhoping thinking that it will happen right away. I keep telling myself since they count from your LMC, Im really 2 weeks pregnant, I just wont know for another 2 weeks, when I miss my period and get the positive. Trying not to get so carried away, because I know how unlikely it is that we will get it straight away. I need to chill or this is going to be a lonnnng journey :( I do still have quite a bit of weight I'd like to lose, so that will be my focus until I get the positive.

    Ahem. Doesnt mean I didnt just add a stroller and diaper bag to my secret amazon baby registry last night tho!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    Something that I didn't know until the month that we conceived... is you're not supposed to clean up right away. It's best to "let it rest" for 20 mins or so after doing the baby dance. Just wanted to put that out there since I spent 4 months not "letting it rest" and I wonder if that hindered my chances.

    I so did this. Elevated my hips on some pillows and laid around >.< then went to bed! Thanks for the tip @VeryKatie

  • katycapp
    katycapp Posts: 40 Member
    @Kirstie155 I had a chemical pregnancy last cycle. My hcg went down to 0 as of last week and we were given the go ahead to try again after my next true cycle starts. They weren't sure if I will ovulate between now and my next cycle and I haven't been tracking much as I am trying to get my head clear and ready for next cycle. I am going crazy feeling like I am wasting time though. Ugh!
    We have been trying for over a year but last cycle was my first medicated and monitored cycle. I am ready to get the ball rolling again!
  • StephAStephan
    StephAStephan Posts: 22 Member
    @Kirstie155 thanks! Try not to worry, as that doesn't help! Genetics may play a part in getting pregnant, but every woman is different. My mom struggled but my sister has four! She thinks about getting pregnant and carries to term lol I get pregnant easily but cannot sustain the pregnancy. Things that will help when TTC: use a tracking app, like ovia, and pick up some OPKs... Drink wine (relax!), and have fun :) don't let this become a chore for your husband!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @katycapp and @StephAStephan Im so sorry about your losses. Everyone deserves to be a mother <3

    I am currently using 3 tracking apps (is this crazy?) and am super terrible at temping. Havent bought OPKs, but just got really intimate with my cervical position which is something that I didn't track before. I thought it was hard to tell when it was open, but apparently that was just when it was closed. My tracker apps said I was fertile Saturday-Thursday (Ovia &FF), Thursday-Wednesday (Glow). We BD on Saturday and Monday, but we went able to later in the week. Not sure when I ovulated? Fingers crossed for all of us <3
  • jennamae102
    jennamae102 Posts: 179 Member
    @Kirstie155 good luck girl!!!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Thanks Jenna!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Baby dust sent everyone's way!
  • katycapp
    katycapp Posts: 40 Member
    Totally not crazy @Kirstie155. I currently use 2 apps and a website. I think that in this process, the more data we have then the more control we feel. So much of it is out of our control!
    Best of luck during this tww!
  • girlalmighty08
    girlalmighty08 Posts: 130 Member
    This may be in here somewhere already, but I'm curious who is TTC right now, and who is trying to lose weight before they start TTC? For those of you trying to lose prior, what is your goal weight before you start baby-making?
  • jennamae102
    jennamae102 Posts: 179 Member
    I think our first month TTC will be September or October. My goal for this year was to lose 30 pounds by my 30th Birthday in August, so hopefully I'll be down to around 146 by the time we start!
  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    edited March 2017
    So undecided @girlalmighty08! I had a non-negotiable goal of getting under pre-pregnancy weight from my first baby (now 16 months) and I am literally only 1lb away, but I started the pregnancy still overweight (206lb) so I am still not at goal which is around 175lb (I'm tall). Ideally would love to lose another 8-10 before TTC, but I'm really feeling the urge! Thinking maybe of starting now and then if it doesn't happen straight away I've got the opportunity to reach my next goal. Part of me still feels like I should wait until I'm in better shape though...feeling reasonably fit but not at my potential, and could obviously do with dropping a few more lb's...eeeek so torn!! Where are you at with it all?
  • 1fit_mamma
    1fit_mamma Posts: 101 Member
    edited March 2017
    You seem pretty driven and on track @jennamae102, I'm sure you will smash that goal!
  • sarahspractice
    sarahspractice Posts: 19 Member
    edited March 2017
    This may be in here somewhere already, but I'm curious who is TTC right now, and who is trying to lose weight before they start TTC? For those of you trying to lose prior, what is your goal weight before you start baby-making?

    Good question! Always so variable. We were plannting ttc October/ November but now it seems I will be working full-time for 4-6 months between the end of my Masters and beginning on my PhD which puts up back a bit further. I had wanted a winter baby July/August but I guess not this time. The phd has paid maternity leave at the end of the first year so its worth us waiting till 3-4 months into the program ☺
  • samlovesthesnow
    samlovesthesnow Posts: 173 Member
    We're TTC just now, but I'm losing at the same time. It's a nice consolation prize - every month we don't conceive I get to lose another 4-5lbs. I wanted to have a normal BMI before pregnancy, and establish a regular exercise routine, in an ideal world.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Im TTC now, my first month. I'd love to continue losing as well though-Im 191 at 5'10 so still overweight BMI. Ive been in the 180-210 weight range for the past 7 years or so, yoyoing those pound off and on. For me it is silly and frustrating to put off TTC until I reach a magical number that I'll likely not hit, since I have a proven track record of yoyoing. :/
    I tend to lose weight with laser focus, then get worn out of obsessing over my food and activity, then gain it back. Im not good at the slow and steady. This is where I am now actually...getting diet fatigue and ready to eat all the foods I have been denying myself for the past 3.5 months! Hoping the baby rabies will keep my diet on track, and the warmer weather will help me become more active so I can continue to trend downward.
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