Progress & support



  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    edited December 2017
    I am so happy to read I am not alone. I was measured on Fri & in 4 months I've lost a total of 6.7 inches! So I'm showing my progress pics to my fam feeling fabulous. And then they bring out the candy, the pie, the carbs & carbs & carbs & i felt so good for losing the inches that I celebrated w a grilled cheese!!! But I didn't buy the creme brulé (small victory). And after I ate HALF a bag of caramel corn (it's a big bag) that MY MOM GAVE ME FOR CHRISTMAS (really Mom?! Do you think I have the will power to only eat one serving?) I continued to eat a piece of pie & a crap ton of chocolate & carbs & carbs. This is day 2 of this binge fest!
    I'm not logging my food cuz I don't think it'll count that many calories. tomorrow I will wake up and try to workout. No I will!!
    I have sugar belly...

    The struggle is REAL lmao. I have to TELL my mother not buy certain foods when we go shopping. She shouldn’t be eating junk either, but I can’t force her to lose weight, so I tell her if she wants to get cake get something that’s not a trigger and keep it in your room. There are just some food I can’t have in the house. Especially not in the beginning.

    I LOVE caramel corn! Is that your stomach in your avi? *eyeball emoji* I wish my stomach looked like that *siiiiiigh*

  • sdancer2017
    sdancer2017 Posts: 178 Member
    I am so happy to read I am not alone. I was measured on Fri & in 4 months I've lost a total of 6.7 inches! So I'm showing my progress pics to my fam feeling fabulous. And then they bring out the candy, the pie, the carbs & carbs & carbs & i felt so good for losing the inches that I celebrated w a grilled cheese!!! But I didn't buy the creme brulé (small victory). And after I ate HALF a bag of caramel corn (it's a big bag) that MY MOM GAVE ME FOR CHRISTMAS (really Mom?! Do you think I have the will power to only eat one serving?) I continued to eat a piece of pie & a crap ton of chocolate & carbs & carbs. This is day 2 of this binge fest!
    I'm not logging my food cuz I don't think it'll count that many calories. tomorrow I will wake up and try to workout. No I will!!
    I have sugar belly...

    The struggle is REAL lmao. I have to TELL my mother not buy certain foods when we go shopping. She shouldn’t be eating junk either, but I can’t force her to lose weight, so I tell her if she wants to get cake get something that’s not a trigger and keep it in your room. There are just some food I can’t have in the house. Especially not in the beginning.

    I LOVE caramel corn! Is that your stomach in your avi? *eyeball emoji* I wish my stomach looked like that *siiiiiigh*

    Oh yes-that's a great plan for you & your mom! I dont have anything junky in my house. Then i visit the fam & they've got chocolate candy bars (calling my name as I type this) & a whole cabinet devoted to my weaknesses!

    Yes, that's a pic from last month. I think it's totally the lighting & the early morning stomach. But I'm trying. I just did my own jog/hitt session on the treadmill of squats, lunges, burpees, abs...I feel better prepared to head into Christmas Eve dinner strong!

    Have a BEAUTIFUL Christmas! !
  • sdancer2017
    sdancer2017 Posts: 178 Member
    So.....I forgot my goal to not BUY sweets. Dang it!

    Maybe a new goal of mine is to only eat 2000 calories 2 days out of the week. That's over my trainer's recommendations.
    And I'm gonna try adding yoga.

    Any goals anyone wants to share to help solidify it on your mind, feel free to share!
  • CryingBlue
    CryingBlue Posts: 270 Member
    Reading everyone's struggles and goals is refreshing.
    @bootyrubsandtacos you are a saint for taking care of your mother. I'm in the same boat myself. Took care of my dad this summer and he passed away. My mother moved in with my husband and I and we now care for her. It's been hard and a complete lifestyle change to do this. My husband even had to change careers. It's been so hard, but we know it's what we need to do.
    Dispute not being overweight, my mother has terrible eating habits. She is a picky eater who lives off tv, sugar and carbs. It's hard to be around. My saving grace is her keeping sweets in her room and the fact i have a lot of food allergies, so many things are off limits.

    I did pretty well with Christmas eating and only ate over my calorie goals 3 days this week i think. However I was over on my carbs a lot and hit the wine pretty hard. So my weight is up. I'm wanting to go back to drinking less or not drinking at all in the new year, or at least have a lot better control. It's been a long time struggle of mine.

    We leave Friday for a family beach trip for new years, it's a 3 day trip. I know there will be lots of food and booze. It's my hubs family, but mom is tagging along. :neutral:

    Also today I finally got my house back after having my sister, her husband and child here for a week. I'm going to welcome 2018 with open arms.
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    Good luck with all of your goals!

    Yesterday I had the first semi good day since before Christmas! I had gained quite a bit, but I am not sure how much if that is over indulgence, water retention and PMS. I managed to go without eating until 4:30pm (thanks to a day of Diablo) but then the 3 glasses of pina colada tipped me way over the edge again. The two things I don't get to do often are have a drink and play Playstation. I need to wait until my kids are with their dad and this is the first time this year they have been with him for more than 2 nights!

    Anyway, I digress. I feel as though I could, just maybe, not have gained quite so much as I thought
  • ColinIsTheName
    ColinIsTheName Posts: 365 Member
    I found it! I have lost 124 pounds since March. I have done this once before with weight watchers and then slowly put most of it back on. I'm now my lowest weight as an adult and hope this fun group can help me keep it off this time. I'm happy to help others who might be in a similar situation.
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    Well done!! I was just about to direct you here!

    And we'll done on your progress! That is awesome! I am just hoping to be my pre-baby-number-2 weight before the end of Jan (which includes said baby's 6th birthday party!). Perhaps Feb would be more reasonable. No! Jan it is
  • ColinIsTheName
    ColinIsTheName Posts: 365 Member
    Thank you! I got to 430 pounds by putting things off until later, so I say January is a good goal. I love that I stumbled upon this group, as it's not a bunch of whippersnappers looking for the hook up thing! Now get off my lawn!
  • sdancer2017
    sdancer2017 Posts: 178 Member
    cwells16 wrote: »
    Thank you! I got to 430 pounds by putting things off until later, so I say January is a good goal. I love that I stumbled upon this group, as it's not a bunch of whippersnappers looking for the hook up thing! Now get off my lawn!

    That's exactly why I am here! I posted about being uncomfortable in other groups & Evan created this! We will support each other!

    I was in a crappy mood before going to the gym. Just reflecting on my ex husband, ex boyfriend, etc. But a fellow gym-goer, at the tail end of my workout (12 min mile run & 10 min row) even said "how many minutes you got left on your row machine?"
    (Grumbly face) I said "5!" (I was complaining that I couldn't possibly do another 5 min on that darn machine)
    "Ok, I'll go 5 more minutes on here with you!"

    It was such a great feeling! And I thought about everyone on here, too. You are like my new family!

    My trainer kept shouting "new year! New you! New goals! Healthy relationships!"

    I really look forward to the updates you all share.

    And thank you to those of you who take care of others. Much love from this social worker :wink:
  • sdancer2017
    sdancer2017 Posts: 178 Member
    Can someone please start a thread in our Group "Nerd confessions/debates"
    Is that lame?

    I dont want my profile pic to show up. I dont want to change my pic tho cuz it's my way of measuring progress for myself. I hope someday to put a really cool muscle flex pic up.

    Anyway, I have a nerd confession to make & I think there may be the place for nerdy funny/embarrassing stories of our youth or funny nerdy debates/confessions.
    For example,
    I have DVDs of Fraggle Rock. Yup DVDs, not VHS. Which means I excitedly got that as a gift as an adult (haven't watched em yet).
  • ColinIsTheName
    ColinIsTheName Posts: 365 Member
    cwells16 wrote: »
    Thank you! I got to 430 pounds by putting things off until later, so I say January is a good goal. I love that I stumbled upon this group, as it's not a bunch of whippersnappers looking for the hook up thing! Now get off my lawn!

    That's exactly why I am here! I posted about being uncomfortable in other groups & Evan created this! We will support each other!

    I was in a crappy mood before going to the gym. Just reflecting on my ex husband, ex boyfriend, etc. But a fellow gym-goer, at the tail end of my workout (12 min mile run & 10 min row) even said "how many minutes you got left on your row machine?"
    (Grumbly face) I said "5!" (I was complaining that I couldn't possibly do another 5 min on that darn machine)
    "Ok, I'll go 5 more minutes on here with you!"

    It was such a great feeling! And I thought about everyone on here, too. You are like my new family!

    My trainer kept shouting "new year! New you! New goals! Healthy relationships!"

    I really look forward to the updates you all share.

    And thank you to those of you who take care of others. Much love from this social worker :wink:

    I usually feel better after going for a long run in the cold. It feels good to push through, even when it's difficult. I think back to how I looked and felt at my highest weight. I was so uncomfortable and had zero confidence. I'm not cocky or anything now, but feel better about myself.
  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    edited December 2017
    CryingBlue wrote: »
    Reading everyone's struggles and goals is refreshing.
    @bootyrubsandtacos you are a saint for taking care of your mother. I'm in the same boat myself. Took care of my dad this summer and he passed away. My mother moved in with my husband and I and we now care for her. It's been hard and a complete lifestyle change to do this. My husband even had to change careers. It's been so hard, but we know it's what we need to do.
    Dispute not being overweight, my mother has terrible eating habits. She is a picky eater who lives off tv, sugar and carbs. It's hard to be around. My saving grace is her keeping sweets in her room and the fact i have a lot of food allergies, so many things are off limits.

    I did pretty well with Christmas eating and only ate over my calorie goals 3 days this week i think. However I was over on my carbs a lot and hit the wine pretty hard. So my weight is up. I'm wanting to go back to drinking less or not drinking at all in the new year, or at least have a lot better control. It's been a long time struggle of mine.

    We leave Friday for a family beach trip for new years, it's a 3 day trip. I know there will be lots of food and booze. It's my hubs family, but mom is tagging along. :neutral:

    Also today I finally got my house back after having my sister, her husband and child here for a week. I'm going to welcome 2018 with open arms.

    Far from it, but thanks :blush: I’m so sorry about your loss @CryingBlue . Caregiving is extremely hard. I know you guys must be struggling to maintain your sanity. It is imperative to take time out for yourselves. It’s SO easy to lose yourself in this job and that breeds anger and resentment. It’s hard to find that balance of moral obligations while still being able to live your own life. I’m still trying to master this. I think for me the hardest part is doing it alone. Not having anyone to call for some backup you know? I deal with a lot of anxiety because of it. Anyway if you ever need to vent you can hit me up whenever you want. I think caregivers need a space where they can be HONEST about the realities of caregiving without judgement.

    I’m a recovering alcoholic. I’ve been sober for little over a year. Giving up alcohol was probably one THEE BEST decisions I’ve made in my entire life. Even with my anxiety and depression I still have no desire to go back to that hell. It’s a freedom I can’t even put into words.

    My mother is the same exact way. She doesn’t weigh much less then me, but she’s actually been pretty supportive lately. We went shopping yesterday and she didn’t go down the bakery isle, and she would ask me before hand if something was a trigger before putting it in her cart. She knows my vision is at risk If I don’t lose weight.

    Speaking of the bakery isle. The grocery store I go to has huuuuuuge cookie display when you first walk in the damn store and then there’s like a entenmann’s stand in every f******ckng isle! It’s so aggravating lol. But I didn’t get any goodies. I’ve also worked out the past two days and stayed within my calories, so that’s good. I’ve been also posting in the daily commitment thread. It really helps when you feel like you’re not alone :smile:
  • sdancer2017
    sdancer2017 Posts: 178 Member
    Great job passing that up @bootyrubsandtacos!!! And big high five to Mom too for asking that-shows she wants you to succeed too!
  • ColinIsTheName
    ColinIsTheName Posts: 365 Member
    I went and made tons of 5 different kinds of Christmas cookies, then ate too many. I can pass them up in the store no problem, but I make f'n good cookies!
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    cwells16 wrote: »
    I went and made tons of 5 different kinds of Christmas cookies, then ate too many. I can pass them up in the store no problem, but I make f'n good cookies!

    My Christmas cookies are almost too pretty to eat. I decorate really well and it is a shame to eat art
  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    Who keeps “woo’ing” me? Lmfao :/ I really hate that damn button. It makes me self conscious . What was wrong with last post? I was just trying to relate to folks. Sheesh.

    Thanks! @sdancer2017 :smiley:
  • sdancer2017
    sdancer2017 Posts: 178 Member
    @bootyrubsandtacos - It's me wooing hahahaha!
    I just read a thread from the head of MFP on what that means cuz it was driving me nuts! They decided to take off awesome!
    So when i hit it-it means woohoo! Or i laughed out loud! (Like @cwells16 & @Versicolour's cookie talk). I chuckled & threw my fist up in an emphatic "woo! Cookies! You're awesome!"
    My FP wouldn't put a discouraging option on there. Lordy, if "yuck" were a clickable option or anything negative we'd all go back to eating & bad habits!
  • CryingBlue
    CryingBlue Posts: 270 Member
    What does the "woo" button mean?
  • sdancer2017
    sdancer2017 Posts: 178 Member
    Hahaha apparently i wasn't the only one who didnt know what it meant. I thought i should be using it! Let me find the thread & paste it
  • sdancer2017
    sdancer2017 Posts: 178 Member
    This is from My Fitness Pal announcements:

    Hey folks!!

    Thank you to everyone who participated in our poll for a new reaction. We had a very clear winner.

    The winning vote goes to... Woo!

    Since Woo is a different type of reaction than anything we've enabled in the past, we're going to start this off in beta mode.

    Woo can mean two things. You can click it both to mean woo as in woo-hoo or to express that you think an idea or approach is too good to be true.
  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    @bootyrubsandtacos - It's me wooing hahahaha!
    I just read a thread from the head of MFP on what that means cuz it was driving me nuts! They decided to take off awesome!
    So when i hit it-it means woohoo! Or i laughed out loud! (Like @cwells16 & @Versicolour's cookie talk). I chuckled & threw my fist up in an emphatic "woo! Cookies! You're awesome!"
    My FP wouldn't put a discouraging option on there. Lordy, if "yuck" were a clickable option or anything negative we'd all go back to eating & bad habits!

    Oooooh okay! You know I kind of figured as much, but I still thought it might be someone trolling lmao. The new meaning makes more sense actually. Thanks for the heads up! :smiley:
  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    I’m a little more excited then I should be about getting 5 containers of black berries for 79 cents per container :p:o I have never seen a container of berries for less than 4 bucks. Aldi’s for the win!!
  • sdancer2017
    sdancer2017 Posts: 178 Member
    @Versicolour I am currently sitting in my car
    "She's got the look! She's got the loooook! Nanananana"
    Belting it out for you!!
  • ColinIsTheName
    ColinIsTheName Posts: 365 Member
    @Versicolour I am currently sitting in my car
    "She's got the look! She's got the loooook! Nanananana"
    Belting it out for you!!

    That's a huge blast from the past! Now it's stuck in my head! At least it's not country!
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    @Versicolour I am currently sitting in my car
    "She's got the look! She's got the loooook! Nanananana"
    Belting it out for you!!

    Thanks! :grin: I love Roxette, especially that song!!
  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    edited December 2017
    I need to vent a little to hold myself accountable.

    My anxiety got the best of me a little bit last night. I did so well the entire day calorie wise and then when I tried to go to sleep I started ruminating over worst case scenarios. I don’t know what it is about the night, but it’s it’s like my anxieties intensify. I worry about my mom getting sick or dying. Some days I don’t even think about it, but other days it consumes me. The year she was bedridden almost killed me. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. I honestly don’t think I can go through that again. My mom is my best friend and partner in crime. When she goes I’ll be alone.

    So anyway I got the urge to eat while laying in bed. I managed to talk myself out of it and stave off the urge with a piece of hard candy ( I keep them by my bed) and then my cat started meowing, so I went into the kitchen and fed her and then I ate two snack pack puddings, a handful of cereal and a cracker. Was it a major binge? No, but I wasn’t hungry. Whenever I’m sad and anxious my first inclination is to eat. How do you unlearn that?

    I’m not going to give up though. I’m going to workout this morning and get right back on track. I even logged the small binge.
  • ColinIsTheName
    ColinIsTheName Posts: 365 Member
    I need to vent a little to hold myself accountable.

    My anxiety got the best of me a little bit last night. I did so well the entire day calorie wise and then when I tried to go to sleep I started ruminating over worst case scenarios. I don’t know what it is about the night, but it’s it’s like my anxieties intensify. I worry about my mom getting sick or dying. Some days I don’t even think about it, but other days it consumes me. The year she was bedridden almost killed me. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. I honestly don’t think I can go through that again. My mom is my best friend and partner in crime. When she goes I’ll be alone.

    So anyway I got the urge to eat while laying in bed. I managed to talk myself out of it and stave off the urge with a piece of hard candy ( I keep them by my bed) and then my cat started meowing, so I went into the kitchen and fed her and then I ate two snack pack puddings, a handful of cereal and a cracker. Was it a major binge? No, but I wasn’t hungry. Whenever I’m sad and anxious my first inclination is to eat. How do you unlearn that?

    I’m not going to give up though. I’m going to workout this morning and get right back on track. I even logged the small binge.

    I often do the same thing while trying to sleep. Good for you not going on a crazy binge. Great job actually logging it and making a plan to sweat it out. I think you handled it better than I would have, since I have corn dogs in my freezer. :) It's a good thing you realize why it happened, and just try to manage the binge in the future.
  • 40xBEFOREx40
    40xBEFOREx40 Posts: 208 Member
    I’m a little more excited then I should be about getting 5 containers of black berries for 79 cents per container :p:o I have never seen a container of berries for less than 4 bucks. Aldi’s for the win!!

    Aldis is a great place to shop - with such a large family, I have to pinch every penny I can. Aldi definitely is my goto place for fruit and veggies!!!
  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    edited December 2017
    cwells16 wrote: »
    I need to vent a little to hold myself accountable.

    My anxiety got the best of me a little bit last night. I did so well the entire day calorie wise and then when I tried to go to sleep I started ruminating over worst case scenarios. I don’t know what it is about the night, but it’s it’s like my anxieties intensify. I worry about my mom getting sick or dying. Some days I don’t even think about it, but other days it consumes me. The year she was bedridden almost killed me. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. I honestly don’t think I can go through that again. My mom is my best friend and partner in crime. When she goes I’ll be alone.

    So anyway I got the urge to eat while laying in bed. I managed to talk myself out of it and stave off the urge with a piece of hard candy ( I keep them by my bed) and then my cat started meowing, so I went into the kitchen and fed her and then I ate two snack pack puddings, a handful of cereal and a cracker. Was it a major binge? No, but I wasn’t hungry. Whenever I’m sad and anxious my first inclination is to eat. How do you unlearn that?

    I’m not going to give up though. I’m going to workout this morning and get right back on track. I even logged the small binge.

    I often do the same thing while trying to sleep. Good for you not going on a crazy binge. Great job actually logging it and making a plan to sweat it out. I think you handled it better than I would have, since I have corn dogs in my freezer. :) It's a good thing you realize why it happened, and just try to manage the binge in the future.

    Thanks! :blush: I don’t think I could’ve resisted corn dogs though! I can’t keep ANY kind of “trigger food” in my kitchen. Well not this early in my weightloss journey :neutral: I had to tell my mom to keep the rest of her snack packs in her room. I can resist temptation when I’m outside, but not in the house you know?
    I’m a little more excited then I should be about getting 5 containers of black berries for 79 cents per container :p:o I have never seen a container of berries for less than 4 bucks. Aldi’s for the win!!

    Aldis is a great place to shop - with such a large family, I have to pinch every penny I can. Aldi definitely is my goto place for fruit and veggies!!!

    It really is! The fact that I can get all of my staples for under 30 bucks is a amazing. I get so excited when I go in there lmao :smiley:
  • ColinIsTheName
    ColinIsTheName Posts: 365 Member
    cwells16 wrote: »
    I need to vent a little to hold myself accountable.

    My anxiety got the best of me a little bit last night. I did so well the entire day calorie wise and then when I tried to go to sleep I started ruminating over worst case scenarios. I don’t know what it is about the night, but it’s it’s like my anxieties intensify. I worry about my mom getting sick or dying. Some days I don’t even think about it, but other days it consumes me. The year she was bedridden almost killed me. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. I honestly don’t think I can go through that again. My mom is my best friend and partner in crime. When she goes I’ll be alone.

    So anyway I got the urge to eat while laying in bed. I managed to talk myself out of it and stave off the urge with a piece of hard candy ( I keep them by my bed) and then my cat started meowing, so I went into the kitchen and fed her and then I ate two snack pack puddings, a handful of cereal and a cracker. Was it a major binge? No, but I wasn’t hungry. Whenever I’m sad and anxious my first inclination is to eat. How do you unlearn that?

    I’m not going to give up though. I’m going to workout this morning and get right back on track. I even logged the small binge.

    I often do the same thing while trying to sleep. Good for you not going on a crazy binge. Great job actually logging it and making a plan to sweat it out. I think you handled it better than I would have, since I have corn dogs in my freezer. :) It's a good thing you realize why it happened, and just try to manage the binge in the future.

    Thanks! :blush: I don’t think I could’ve resisted corn dogs though! I can’t keep ANY kind of “trigger food” in my kitchen. Well not this early in my weightloss journey :neutral: I had to tell my mom to keep the rest of her snack packs in her room. I can resist temptation when I’m outside, but not in the house you know?
    I’m a little more excited then I should be about getting 5 containers of black berries for 79 cents per container :p:o I have never seen a container of berries for less than 4 bucks. Aldi’s for the win!!

    Aldis is a great place to shop - with such a large family, I have to pinch every penny I can. Aldi definitely is my goto place for fruit and veggies!!!

    It really is! The fact that I can get all of my staples for under 30 bucks is a amazing. I get so excited when I go in there lmao :smiley:

    I wish Aldi's was in Washington State! It seems like it'd right at home in Seattle.