TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (April)



  • freespirit6315
    freespirit6315 Posts: 119 Member
    April Challenge!!

    Logged calories-yes
    Under calories- yes
    Exercise- yes
    ( 40 aerobic exercises)
  • freespirit6315
    freespirit6315 Posts: 119 Member

    That's Fantastic!!! Congratulations!!!
    Can't wait until I hit below the 200 range.
  • bluewindfarm21
    bluewindfarm21 Posts: 23 Member
    Username: Bluewindfarm21
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Current weight: 192.6
  • Addie378
    Addie378 Posts: 49 Member
    April 7-
    Water- 83 oz
    Calories- under
    Exercise- 2 miles walked
    Tracking- yes
  • bluewindfarm21
    bluewindfarm21 Posts: 23 Member
    April 7

    Calories yes
    Tracked yes
    Exercise walked a couple miles sunshine finally came out after the snow
  • Journey4Jen
    Journey4Jen Posts: 27 Member
    mini challenge:

    I’ve been tacking and under goal so far for the day. I went to the gym this morning and did 50 min of strength training and 30 min walk on the treadmill. I’m about to head out with the girls. I’m going to try really hard to stay under calories and keep track of what I eat. These events are always the hardest. It’s way easier to put my head in the sand and start again tomorrow.

    4/6: tracked: yes
    Under: nope
    Exercise: yes

    I had snacks and wine last night. I kept track of what I had and logged it all. I felt super guilty this morning, so I jumped on the scale to validate my feelings and I was down a pound. I guess the moral of the story is that every now and again you need a night out, and I should be nicer to myself about it.
  • drea2011
    drea2011 Posts: 874 Member
    Exercised: no it was my well needed rest day
    Tracked: yep
    Under: yep even with a Reece’s cup and some Cadbury eggs ( they got me at Kroger they were only 74 cents and sooooo good)
  • mexiconona
    mexiconona Posts: 394 Member
    Track yes
    Calories yes
    Exercise no
  • bluewindfarm21
    bluewindfarm21 Posts: 23 Member
    edited April 2018
    Where is the progress chart? I thought I saw one once
  • mexiconona
    mexiconona Posts: 394 Member
    Tomorrow, I travel to Las Vegas and next Sunday, I will be back in our condo in Puerto Vallarta. I will be back on track in my own place next week. Meanwhile, I am making some good decisions.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Where is the progress chart? I thought I saw one once

    Under April Information, click on the "April" link to see the spreadsheet.
  • katevt78
    katevt78 Posts: 248 Member
    Exercise: yes, 11 mile walk
    Water: 110 oz
  • Addie378
    Addie378 Posts: 49 Member
    I weighed in at 134.1 from 135! I’m hoping the scale will start to move faster after water weight.
  • primekayprime
    primekayprime Posts: 253 Member
    edited April 2018
    April Week 2
    Previous Weight: 224.2
    Current Weight: 228.6

    I did a spectacular nose dive off the wagon this past week. Too much food and too little physical activity. I have avoided this site altogether because I didn't want to see just how far off track I have gotten. The scale kept track, though :(

    Now, I am feeling motivated all over again. The final push that got me back on track was catching up with a friend of mine whom I haven't seen in a very long time (she moved across the country). I learned that she is on a healthier lifestyle journey, too! Seeing how great she looks and feels reminded me that I like feeling that way too! I am thankful for this reminder. And still a bit gobsmacked that she re-entered my life at just the right time, showing me what I needed to see.

    So here I am, ready to continue pushing forward.

    And thank you, @HASWLRS for being such a great captain.
  • primekayprime
    primekayprime Posts: 253 Member
    Accountability has always been my biggest hurdle in this journey. For accountability purposes, I am going to post my workout schedule here.

    Sun 20min strength training + 15min yoga
    Mon 20min cardio
    Tue 20min strength training + 20min cardio
    Wed 20min yoga
    Thu 20 min strength training + 20min cardio
    Fri rest day
    Sat rest day

    I may move around some of the elements to better fit my week, but it should come out to 3 days of cardio, 3 days of strength training, 2 days of yoga. I don't have any reason why I can't get these done short of falling ill or a serious emergency.

    If you notice me getting off-track, feel free to call me out teammates. I won't be upset by being called out. This is a commitment that I've made to myself and being reminded of that when I'm slacking is not upsetting to me.

    Cheers to a new week and another chance to move closer towards our goals!
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    7/7 in all areas
    Tracked Calories under
    Carb cycling all week
    Great week even when I had pizza
    Don’t think I’ll eat pizza again though cause bowl problems
  • drea2011
    drea2011 Posts: 874 Member
    Last week: 231.5
    This week: 228.4

    Sigh...... I’ve been stuck in this low thirties/ high twenties weight for like a month which is fustrating because I’ve been eating right and working out! The first three moths weight was flying off now I’ve been kinda stagnant.

    I did order a food scale, and starting Tuesday, being able to see what I’m actually supposed to be eating will help me with portion sizes. I feel Ike that’s why I’ve been stuck...could be also that my body was used to the workout schedule I had...I do start a new series (gamma focus t25) tomorrow which I hope will kickstart the weight loss...I may have to check macros etc but I’ll be honest that *kitten* is a lot lol! I don’t even know where to start with that not to mention I’m vegan (been vegetarian my whole life).

    Ok there’s my rant I hope I didn’t kill the vibe...I’m going to go take some measurements hopefully I’ve shrunk somewhere!

    Happy Sunday everyone!

  • ladylovesmilktray
    ladylovesmilktray Posts: 21 Member
    Exercise - 40 mins on x trainer
    Food Tracked -yes
    Calories - stayed within allowance (with added cals earned on x trainer)
    Water - not so good today, 1000 ml.

  • freespirit6315
    freespirit6315 Posts: 119 Member
    Logged calories- yes
    Under calories- yes
    Exercise -yes
    (20 minutes aerobic exercise and 20 house cleaning lol)

    Tomorrow weigh-in date:
    We'll see for sure about how much weight I've lost? and I'll check my measurements.
  • miroller
    miroller Posts: 92 Member
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes, swimming with the family
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