TEAM: The Slimsons (February)



  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday)
    Track: no
    Calories: out of freaking control
    Exercise: 25 minutes elliptical and one hour superfit class
  • cleohedlund
    cleohedlund Posts: 19 Member
    Daily post Wednesday Feb 6
    Track yes
    Calories Over by 500 :(
    Exercise walked 1 mile :)

    Will do better today, on a positive note my goal for this week is to get a total of 10 miles in and I already have 6 so far by Wed night still have all day Thur, Fri, and Sat to go :)
  • Beckymomof3girls
    Beckymomof3girls Posts: 102 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    I’m worried about losing hair again so want to keep protein high and I have calories leftover over for one.

    @Beckymomof3girls I have never lost hair while on keto, make sure you're getting enough vitamins, and the one that's specifically recommended for hair is collagen. Maybe add a supplement if you're worried about it, I do take one myself.

    @AB0215 thanks! I’m taking a hair and nails multi vitamin (I forget to log it all the time, though) and put collagen in my first cup of coffee. I make homemade bone broth, but I’m not good at drinking it.

    My labs look good, so my doctor is ok with me going back on keto, and thinks my hair loss was due to weight loss and my body adjusting after having my third baby.

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited February 2019
    gjaholy33 wrote: »

    Hope you feel much better tomorrow. Hate to ask bnb this but is it possible you drop the weight because you was woozy from the medication? If, so please be careful those weights hurt but wish you much success in using them once you're much better

    @gjaholy33 Nope, didn't drop the weight for that reason, I was taking it out of the box and it was stuck in the box so I shook the box to free the weight from it's cardboard prison and it slid out and right onto my foot, literally, happened for my own stupidity, I should have cut the box open a little more instead of shaking it, but I took a shortcut.
    Also, I'm not taking any medications. Even if I have strep they don't want me to take an antibiotic since I'm allergic to so many and I weight lift, it can cause muscle ruptures and it's not really necessary to take an antibiotic for strep, it clears in 2-3 days with or without antibiotic.

    I actually don't feel sick, just have a sore throat. Still running around like nothing is wrong, I feel fine, just have a little bit of a sore throat.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited February 2019
    gjaholy33 wrote: »

    (If, so I apologize in advance for today's motivation tip.)

    Let's be clear these ingredients are not found in only soda or diet soda this is why it is important that while we are on this journey to learn how to read the Nutritional Labels (more on that tomorrow)

    I am not saying anyone should never drink soda but everything in moderation is key but I am trying to give it up period and I'm almost there.

    @gjaholy33 Haha, guessing I fall into the avid soda drinkers category. I drink 1-12 oz Diet Dr Pepper everyday, drinking one now lol. Sadly, my Diet Dr Pepper is like my little release, the one little thing I do that I probably shouldn't, but I don't see myself giving it up any time soon.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    Today's Lone Weigher:

    Really thought with all the newbies, we would gained at least ONE more Thursday weigher, but nope, you're just special.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member

    @AB0215 thanks! I’m taking a hair and nails multi vitamin (I forget to log it all the time, though) and put collagen in my first cup of coffee. I make homemade bone broth, but I’m not good at drinking it.

    My labs look good, so my doctor is ok with me going back on keto, and thinks my hair loss was due to weight loss and my body adjusting after having my third baby.
    @Beckymomof3girls There's a lot of things that can cause hair loss, and weight loss in general is one of them. Just watch it, and I used to not track my vitamins, and electrolytes and I realized on the days where I feel crappy, it's because I didn't pay attention to the mineral intake so now I track that religiously.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited February 2019
    tinak33 wrote: »

    It's really awesome to see you back at it, Gloria!! <3

    I second this. It's really inspiring to see you come back from where you were and do so well.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited February 2019
    gjaholy33 wrote: »

    So this morning was a bit frustrating but proud moment because my aide did not show again. Instead of having a defeatest attitude I had my friend on the phone while I took care of business just in case she needed to call 911 and she help me with my socks but I was able to do the rest. 2 months ago I would've had to cancel my appt. but losing that 15lbs made a DIFFERENCE so feeling proud! Plus (now I do not know why I'm always expecting bad news at the drs) my appt with the pulmonologist was excellent no new medication my PFTshow a little decrease but nothing to worrisome don't need to see him for 6 weeks and cleared for surgery. Plus they hook me up with the sleep lab so someone can help me with my BIPAP machine.

    On another note I was soooo light headed cause I spent all the time getting dress did not have to eat but I did stick 4 unsweetened motts applesauce but the aid met me at the doctor's so I sent her to Chipotle good thing too cause by the test we got back to the Bronx it was time for her to go (do not know why they sent her for half a shift, idiots) but a least I got one meal today

    @gjaholy33 That is a HUGE NSV. It's really great to see you getting your independence back, that's huge. And the positivity, also amazing. It's really upsetting when you rely on others and they let you down, but it's really awesome that you didn't let it get to you and ruin your entire day, you worked through it and came out on top. So great!!

    And kudos to Gloria, with everything else this week, she's been learning how to use spreadsheets, and she's been helping me track daily posts and entering your weights into the spreadsheet, 3 cheers for Gloria!
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Happy Thursday!

    Today's Lone Weigher:

    Really thought with all the newbies, we would gained at least ONE more Thursday weigher, but nope, you're just special.

    Haha!! It's all good. I will represent Thursday. haha

    Username: tinak33
    Weigh in week: February Week 1
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous Weight: 164.8
    Current Weight: 164.6

    Not a big loss, but it's in the right direction. I was hoping it would be bigger, but that's ok. Next week will be bigger!
  • tdrjustus3
    tdrjustus3 Posts: 542 Member
    edited February 2019
    Week 1
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    PW: 281.4
    CW: 280.0
    I can’t believe I lost! I was in the car driving for hours the past week but I was very careful with my eating.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    tdrjustus3 wrote: »
    Week 1
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    PW: 281.4
    CW: 280.0
    I can’t believe I lost! I was in the car driving for hours the past week but I was very careful with my eating.

    @tdrjustus3 You know, sometimes that's all that matters, when you're watching what you eat, you'll be surprised at how successful you are. Glad you stayed the course even with your difficult week. Congrats!
  • vicky2767
    vicky2767 Posts: 2,472 Member
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    Daily Post
    Track yes
    Calories yes under
    Exercise yes walking 20-35minutes
    Water 50-60ounces way under cause I was at the doctor's for 12-5pm so that's a big chunk of no fluids

    So this morning was a bit frustrating but proud moment because my aide did not show again. Instead of having a defeatest attitude I had my friend on the phone while I took care of business just in case she needed to call 911 and she help me with my socks but I was able to do the rest. 2 months ago I would've had to cancel my appt. but losing that 15lbs made a DIFFERENCE so feeling proud! Plus (now I do not know why I'm always expecting bad news at the drs) my appt with the pulmonologist was excellent no new medication my PFTshow a little decrease but nothing to worrisome don't need to see him for 6 weeks and cleared for surgery. Plus they hook me up with the sleep lab so someone can help me with my BIPAP machine.

    On another note I was soooo light headed cause I spent all the time getting dress did not have to eat but I did stick 4 unsweetened motts applesauce but the aid met me at the doctor's so I sent her to Chipotle good thing too cause by the test we got back to the Bronx it was time for her to go (do not know why they sent her for half a shift, idiots) but a least I got one meal today
    This is fantastic
    Daily Post: February 6th

    Track: Yes
    Calories under goal: Yes
    Exercise: 60 minutes on the exercise bike (13.9 miles) + 5200 steps at work

    I think I might have finally broken through my plateau. I lost another 2 lbs this morning
    Daily Post- Wednesday

    Track yes
    Calories yes (way over on carbs though)
    Exercise yes - Biggest Loser workout and shoveling snow

    I let stress get the better of me and had half a gf frozen pizza with my husband for dinner tonight. I tried to ward off my pizza craving at lunch with a homemade cauliflower crust, but it didn’t do the trick. Then my husband got home an hour and a half late because horrible traffic in the snow, and we just went with the quickest and easiest option, so low on protein and over on carbs today. I may add a protein shake later if I end up hungry before bed. I’m worried about losing hair again so want to keep protein high and I have calories leftover over for one.
    It’s easy to lose track on stressful days but remember tomorrow is a new day!
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Daily Post (Wednesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise:Yes, 90 mins walking, 60 mins weight training

    Comments: Woke up with a sore throat, hoping to wake up tomorrow without a sore throat.
    Got my new weight plates for training, super excited about that. Did a workout today to test them out, so excited about them. Did manage to drop one of the 10 kg plates on my foot while unboxing it, so that wasn't great, it's sore and bruised, but not broken so that's good I suppose...
    Going to head to bed and hopefully wake up feeling back to normal tomorrow. Luckily it wasn't unbearable and it's really the only symptom I have, maybe it's allergies?!
    Feel better.
    ssssanaaaa wrote: »
    Daily Post:Tuesday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yess
    Exercise: Yes. Intense workout at home.

    Daily Post: Wednesday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes.
    Exercise: Yes, went to the gym.

    Comments: We had a lot of snow this past weekend where I live and we had school off for Monday and Tuesday. We had school today and I saw police cars and ambulances around the fountain my school has. A 19 year old sophomore girl passed away today at my school from slipping on ice and hitting her head. And I just can't stop thinking about her. Be safe everyone. <3:(
    Sorry to hear this. Prayers for her family
    gjaholy33 wrote: »

    (If, so I apologize in advance for today's motivation tip.)


    Let's be clear these ingredients are not found in only soda or diet soda this is why it is important that while we are on this journey to learn how to read the Nutritional Labels (more on that tomorrow)

    I am not saying anyone should never drink soda but everything in moderation is key but I am trying to give it up period and I'm almost there.
    I gave up soda 10+ years ago. I can’t count on 1 hand how many times I’ve had it since. Now it’s way too sweet for me. Good luck with giving it up.
    tinak33 wrote: »
    Daily post for Wednesday 2/6/19

    Track: yes
    Calories: YES!! (for once...)
    Exercise: stairs at work and 50 squats (goes up to 65 tomorrow!)
    Water: 101 oz.

    Did much better!
    Weight loss challenge at work starts today! Time to get my game face back on for REAL.

    You got this.
  • vicky2767
    vicky2767 Posts: 2,472 Member
    Daily post Wednesday Feb 6
    Track yes
    Calories Over by 500 :(
    Exercise walked 1 mile :)

    Will do better today, on a positive note my goal for this week is to get a total of 10 miles in and I already have 6 so far by Wed night still have all day Thur, Fri, and Sat to go :)
    tinak33 wrote: »
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Happy Thursday!

    Today's Lone Weigher:

    Really thought with all the newbies, we would gained at least ONE more Thursday weigher, but nope, you're just special.

    Haha!! It's all good. I will represent Thursday. haha

    Username: tinak33
    Weigh in week: February Week 1
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous Weight: 164.8
    Current Weight: 164.6

    Not a big loss, but it's in the right direction. I was hoping it would be bigger, but that's ok. Next week will be bigger!
    Still a loss! You’ll get them next week.
    tdrjustus3 wrote: »
    Week 1
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    PW: 281.4
    CW: 280.0
    I can’t believe I lost! I was in the car driving for hours the past week but I was very careful with my eating.

    Nicely done!
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    gjaholy33 wrote: »

    (If, so I apologize in advance for today's motivation tip.)

    Let's be clear these ingredients are not found in only soda or diet soda this is why it is important that while we are on this journey to learn how to read the Nutritional Labels (more on that tomorrow)

    I am not saying anyone should never drink soda but everything in moderation is key but I am trying to give it up period and I'm almost there.

    I totally gave up regular Dr. Pepper in November. However, I have been drinking an occasional diet Coke for the last 2 - 3 weeks. I just got so bored drinking water all the time. I can't drink too many or I will get headaches from the aspartame. I know they aren't good for me....but I just need a treat once in awhile. Diet Coke has always been the only diet drink that I can stomach....the others all just taste awful to me. Years ago I was addicted to it and drank 5 - 6 of them a day. I can't do that again.

  • Ver9nika
    Ver9nika Posts: 183 Member
    Daily post: Thursday 07.02

    Track: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: no

    This week was almost perfect regarding CICO, but I feel fat and scared to step on scale tomorrow. Tonight's late dinner was at 9PM. I'm still full and feel quite bad &sad.
  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    Thursday - Feb 7 👍💃🏋️‍♀️
    Track: Yes✔️
    Calories: Yes ✔️ I will be for the day.
    Exercise: Yes ✔️ Barre one hour and 3 mile burn 🔥
    Comments: Sunny; however cold outside, went three miles. Hubby and I are going out and know exactly what I will have and it’s within my calorie range. Also, no wasted calories on alcohol for me!
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    Daily Post: Thursday, February 7th

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes, Under
    Exercise: Yes, Body Pump & Zumba
    Water: 165 oz.
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