WEIGHT NO MORE -- February 2019



  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    Is it too late to check in?

    Check in for: Tuesday
    Logged food? No and prob over
    Water: 64oz
    Steps and exercise: Walked 30 min with Charlie and 8,066 steps

    Check in for Wednesday
    Logged food? Yes and under
    Water 96 oz
    Steps and exercise: 30 min walking tape, 30 min stationary bike, and 10,402 steps(so far)

    Sorry I haven't been on, I am not doing well with time management with this new job. I will get my act together eventually. Tuesday was awful, I really don't feel like we got enough training. I was working from home and had a plan for food and to exercise but got so caught up in everything that my plan went out the window. I ended up snacking because I was starving. I snacked on healthy things but definitely overate. By the end of the work day, I felt better about things, I figured out what I needed to do and made a plan for today with work. I also had a plan for food and exercise today too. Needless to say, today went way better. Tomorrow is my first day going to a doctor's office for the chart auditing. I have someone going with me to show me the software and what to do. I am hoping after that I will feel more confident and can get into a better routine. I have my outfit picked out(you all know how I stress over that), I plan to have breakfast right before I leave and I am hoping I will be done for lunch so I can come home and eat. I am bringing a water bottle and protein bar with me. I am not sure I will be able to drink around the computers but at least I have it if I can take a break. I will check back in tomorrow morning hopefully. If not, I will be back in the evening. Sounds like everyone is doing great! Let's keep this going!

    @ihp2015 It is so nice that you are at a point where you are able to listen to your body. Look how far you have come! Awesome loss this week! I am wondering if I should start out like you did and then take snacks away when I feel I don't need them. If I ever get to that point...
    @twyla77 Taking the time to make a plan makes everything so much easier. I don't know why I put it off sometimes. I am currently on a putting off phase, I need to get back into the swing of things. We are still missing your steps from Sunday if you don't mind posting them.
    @GingerPwr Maintains aren't bad. I am sure you will have a loss again next week.
    @Mrsbell8well Nice loss! What is your goal? You must be almost there!! I am glad this new way of eating is working so well for you! Sorry to hear about Molly's mom. She will continue to be in my prayers.
    @cyndiesstuff I never thought of that. You will be home recovering so it is not like you can go take a walk or go out. At least in the beginning. We need more books and podcasts for you! I know you will have a plan.
    @eyesopennow I think we had the same weather you did but a few hours later. Your lunch sounded yummy. I haven't had a grapefruit in a while.
    @amsandos That happens sometimes. I don't understand why. Do you think you had the snack attack because of your run? Maybe you need to be sure you have a healthy snack before or after your run? Sounds like you are back on track!
    @Zumba_Luvah It doesn't matter if you log on here. It is good that you are logging and 540 days is impressive! Sounds like you are having a good week!
    @pacsnc6 I have been trying to have a drink instead too. My night time snacking has to stop Lol!
    @ljdanny Hope you aren't coming down with anything. I was wondering how you were doing on your new eating plan. I am glad to hear it is going well.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    Steps 10,495
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    Steps 14327
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    edited February 2019

    2/19: 17 228

    2/20: 16 259

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    edited February 2019


    As a whole we lost 91.9 lbs or 0.28%!!

    TEAM % LOST[/b]

    1st - WaistAways - 0.54%
    2nd - Mission Slimpossibles - 0.45%
    3rd - Trimstones - 0.27%


    1st - WaistAways - 29.3
    2nd - Mission Slimpossibles - 26.0
    3rd - Trimstones - 16.1


    1st - @mulecanter - 3.39%
    2nd - @SaraMakingChanges - 3.36%
    3rd - @CassieGetsFit2013 - 2.60%


    1st - @SaraMakingChanges - 7.4
    2nd - @mulecanter - 7
    3rd - @BabeMeister83 - 5.6


    @Ever_J @Jactop @abowersgirl
    @treebek @BabeMeister83 @Coleen312


    1st - Workout Warriors - 854,342
    2nd - Weight No More - 790,903
    3rd - WaistAways - 666,637
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @sleepymom5 my goal is 142.8 to hit 60 pounds lost. 142 by June 1st to be in normal weight range and 132 by October 1st before my birthday to begin maintenance. It’s a long journey. I try to stay focused on monthly and weekly goals. It’s mentally very absorbing. I was 155.4 last weigh in. Goal for February is 154.6 for a total of 4 pounds this month. I’m on track with .8 to go.
    Hang in there w new job. Mine is new but at least it’s familiar so I’m doing good.
    @cyndiesstuff great job super star. Now I’m swinging my hips and doing the happy dance for you.
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    sleepymom5 wrote: »

    @ihp2015 It is so nice that you are at a point where you are able to listen to your body. Look how far you have come! Awesome loss this week! I am wondering if I should start out like you did and then take snacks away when I feel I don't need them. If I ever get to that point...

    Pam, I know it isn't easy, especially if you have a new job and everything. But that is exactly why it helped me so much to not have to think so much about it. There were 6 meals a day, and I just had to eat at the given time. Of course, I did pre-plan so that I knew what to eat and when and exactly how many calories for each meal, but that structure was exactly what I needed at that moment.

    Now about 1,5 years later, I can feel that I'm now ready to skip some snacks/meals and can focus more on when I'm hungry and listen to my body.

    If you think it may help you, then why not give it a go! It certainly can't hurt, right? Of course, you will also get to that point, but it definitely takes time. We all have to start somewhere!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for: Wednesday
    Ate to satisfied: YES!!!
    Water: 68 oz
    Steps or exercise: 13899 steps

    wooo whoo. look at that drop on the scale this week. i am as suprised and amazed as you are. my hard work is paying off. i have been learning alot about my relationship with food. this has really been helping me eat more intuitively. i haven't changed the food i eat. it is already for the most part real healthy. the main thing i have changed is eating when i a slightly hungry and stopping when i am satisfied, not full. this whole time i was overeating. dahhhh, that is why i am overweight. i am working on how i think about this. this is the last thing that i have to change to get my overweight to stay gone forever. credit worthy acts for yesterday: got up early, exercised, replied to mfp, recorded in my journal, listened to podcasts, packed breakfast and lunch, drank my water, ate when hungry and quit when satisfied, made my 24 hour plan, and did not have an evening snack. I am still negotiating with ED but he is not as argumentative these days. I am in 100% control of what i put in my mouth. ED can't make me. Shut up ED!

    @ihp2015 ughhh i responded to you yesterday and my post disappeared. i am still not good at no eating the whole package! the old boy brought home girl scout cookie. i told him he was welcome to eat as many as he would like. in his car or at work. i told him some day soon it will be okay to have them in the house but today was not that day. lol.

    @eyesopennow I just love the way you tell a story. i love when you add it your side thoughts. retired guy with a bad back and a rust shovel. you write with charm and humor. have you ever thought of writing a book? i would buy it, i think your a crack up! and i guess i never really thought of it the way you described it, it now makes more sense and i had a good laught. thanks bud!!

    @ljdanny ohhh no, i hope your not getting sick. that suck. how do you like that new program? did the headaches go away? take care!!

    @sleepymom5 it is never to late to check in! don't you worry about the time management thing. with all new things there is a learning curve. you will figure it out. hey and i can't blame you on being concerned about what to wear. just remember, you hold your head up high. Your pam, and you rock!! Now put on your good luck panties and go out there and wow them. (maybe better wear more than panties, just saying!)

    @bbcbw nicely done. another pound down. good job. you keep working hard cause this is going to be your year. How are you doing?

    @Mrsbell8well ohhh yea girl. doing the happy dance! shake it like you mean it! you and i are going to be the skinny minnie twinsies!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    Just checking in quick! I will check in later today! Hope everyone has a great day!

    @bbcbw Nice loss! I love the new profile pic! Beautiful!
    @cyndiesstuff Wow! You are doing great! I am doing a happy dance too! On a side note, I just don't get this hunger thing. I need to focus on this. I am afraid I will be hungry before it is time to eat again if I need to. I am going to go through the book where they talk about this and book mark. I am also going to look and see if there are other sources that address this.
    @ihp2015 Thanks. I need to start somewhere. I just really am having trouble with this.
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    @cyndiesstuff I will try to find out how I report it.

    wednesday checking
    food on target (despite being tempted with crisps)
    water on target
    exercise run 30mins, swim 60mins

    I am really sleepy today. I was really hungry this morning but I am not so much now that it is lunch time. Have another lunch run planned and a gym session today.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    @amsandos Wow! Another successful day! You will be ready for that race! or races...I know you have a lot coming up!
    @Shirin_K Nice loss! I love that you re committed and are so successful! That is awesome!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    2/20 steps: 15,750
This discussion has been closed.