WEIGHT NO MORE -- February 2019



  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    Check in for: Friday
    Logged food: Yes and under
    Water: at least 64 oz
    Steps or exercise: 10,509 steps 20 min walk with Charlie and 45 min (3 mile) walking video.

    I have two good days under my belt, my weight is back where it was. I wish my weigh in day was today Lol! I am hitting my exercise, step, water and logging goals. Oh and NO SNACKS all day yesterday! Just one day but I didn't think of it once. I also was hungry for lunch and I had to walk Charlie. I ate part of my lunch and then said I would finish when I came back. Guess what? I have a better understanding what "satisfied" is. I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat when I came home. And I "didn't die or get pregnant" lol! I also lasted to dinner with no snacking. It wasn't too hard because I was focused on work. It is a start.
    I have been overwhelmed this week and looking at my schedule for March, that isn't going to change. Hopefully as I become comfortable with this job, I won't feel so overwhelmed. I am basically through the first phase of this job, scheduling. It is harder than you would think. I have 3 stragglers that are giving me the run around. Now to phase two, going to the sites to extract the info and enter it in the computer. I actually went to my first site this week with a co worker to show me the ropes. I am done after this phase if they don't find anything I need to go back for. I have till the end of April to get this done but I have scheduled all my sites in March. I have made it clear that I am done after this caseload and I don't want more work because April is open Lol! While this is going on, I decided the weekends need to be for me, for now at least. I will clean so I don't have that hanging over my head, I will make my plan for the week, read and listen to podcasts for me(not work related), enjoy my exercise, not rush to get it in. I am undecided on shopping. I am so used to going during the weekdays that I am not sure I am up for being in the crowds. I am feeling very positive after a not so positive week.
    I also had bunco last night and made an excuse not to go. I was crabby from work and to be honest, didn't feel like dealing with the temptations. I feel bad but am thinking I could have gone if I wasn't crabby and I had a plan. I don't want to miss out on fun things because of what is being served. Next weekend we are going to NYC for an overnight with college friends. I almost said no to that too. I decided to look at the menu and there are several healthy options. I also can do my 3 drink rule there, who would think after our college years this crowd isn't really big drinkers. We are meeting early to watch the Villanova game (that is where we went to college) in a bar but these friends could care less if I have water. In fact, a few of them will be too. I also should have time to exercise before I go and when I get back Sunday.
    Ok, I am getting long winded. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! xo

    @DananaNanas That sounded very healthy! Successful night!
    @amsandos . Thank you! Sounds like a good day, I saw you got yourself out for a run even though you weren't feeling like it! Hopefully your scale is an easy fix like a new battery.
    @FieryVixsin No worries, I jumped the gun. I didn't realize how early I posted that. I usually post later. You weren't late. Nice loss! Hope all is going well.
    @Gingerpwr It always seems easier with a plan. You are setting yourself up for a good week. Love the goal for March to add more fruits and veggies!
    @Mrsbell8well Your menu yesterday sounded delish! I can't wait to see Hannah's room. Post pics! Looking forward to hearing about the blind date tonight too. Do you know what you are going to order?
    @cyndiesstuff What a fun evening and even more exciting that you stayed on track! I would love the recipe for you ice cream sandwiches. They sound good. This weekend I have time to make a plan and do things for me. I plan to re read the hunger chapters, listen to the podcast while I clean and stick to my eating and exercising plan.
    @lenka1 Nice loss and amazing steps as always!
    @Zumba_Luvah I am so happy for you! I never lose that much in a week so I can feel your joy! You worked hard all week and you got the results! Congrats on being in Onderland too! I hope to join you there soon. I have 3 lbs to go! Take this feeling and use it as motivation to keep this going! Hugs!!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @lenka1 woooooo whooo look at that loss. good job sticking to your plan. you did great.

    @Zumba_Luvah you are in onederland girl. that is great. you are finding your grove. keep up that hard work.

    @sleepymom5 yes! two days is great progress. look at your building up that momentum. i am doing the happy dance. no snacks! now that is something to celebrate. you are going to lose this weight in 2019. you are learning so much about how to build the new you. your showing up. that is great!!! and i love your weekend plan. good job!

    @kirsten11872 there you go girl. the scale moved in the right direction. good job getting back to moving toward your goal. you got this.

    @twyla77 good job at finding alternative exercise that you will do. variety is essential so you don't get bored. i love your renewed attitude. yay twyla!!

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    2/22 steps: 9,528
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Congratulations @Zumba_Luvah!!! Well done!
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    2/23 Steps 11,507
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    2/23 steps 7,491
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    @kirsten11872 Nice loss!
    @Twyla77 I need to expand my horizons with the online workouts. There are so many out there! I always use the computer as much as I can Lol! It is so much easier than using that little phone.
    @cyndiesstuff Thanks for posting! That sounds so good!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member

    Sunday's Weigh Ins

    Monday's Weigh Ins

    Weigh No More Step Team-Don't forget to get your steps in for the week!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    2/23 10,031
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    edited February 2019
    Steps 2/23: 15,407
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    Feb 23

    14 368

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @lenka1 your in the 30’s...wow fantastic job of staying with. What an accomplishment!
    @Zumba_Luvah oh my @cyndiesstuff is going to be doing lots of her crazy celebration dances! How wonderful for you. Just think you never have to see the 200’s ever again.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @cyndiesstuff I just love everything about your nacho story. It becomes very interesting watching others eat. But it’s great to participate and not be left out. Your really doing an amazing job.
    I still think you should start writing a book or poetry during your down time. Start a blog? Is there anything you could create that’s work related? Calling all 100 of your top clients? Learn a second language? Do a crossword? Soduko? Molly bought me a crossword color book for Christmas that I love. Get creative looking for a new job. Write a new resume targeted to what you might like to do?
    I love the idea of all updos. How sweet and fun!
    Any ideas on the honeymoon?
    I love your success story at your moms. The one big thing I have learned...nobody cares! At least not as much as I do.
    Eat don’t eat...drink don’t drink...it’s only a brief amount of time we deal with these decisions and occasions. But our decisions have huge impact on not just our physical outcomes but our mental as well.
    @sleepymom5 your stringing your successes. I find it helps to set an accountability date. When WILL you be at 199? My mini target dates really help me stay the course.
    @twyla77 I love your post. I’m going to ck out your recommendation.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Hannah’s room is absolutely beautiful! We were not able to finish. So close. I need another hour or two to put her personal items back in. I will post before and after later today.
    I was able to come home and sleep for 20 minutes before the date.
    Our blind date set up seems to be a success. It was so much fun. I have known Dave for 18 years. Mary is my client. I don’t really know her very well.
    I knew ahead of time what I was ordering. Soft corn tortilla tacos with avocado rice and beans. The plate was 5 tacos and no sides. But I like the sides so I ordered sides of rice and beans also. No dairy. No beer and no hot crispy chips. But you know what...I didn’t care. I ate my beans, 2 tacos and 1/2 the rice. We boxed up the rest. We eat till satisfied right???
    After we tried to go bowling but they were booked up. Went to our house and played couples trivial pursuit. Had a really nice evening. I hope it works out for them...and us. Everyone was enthusiastic about meeting up again.
    We agreed that Sunday’s are going to be for me to regroup. I was too stimulated to sleep last night. Gave my permission to sleep in today.
    Molly is at hospital this morning with her mom. Not sure what’s happening. Mom and I will go back this afternoon to finish the room.
    OF’s at church. I have the quiet house to myself.
    Take care all. Enjoy this glorious Sunday!!!
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member

    Saturday log in

    Food on target
    Water on target
    Exercise run 30mins

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