TEAM: The Slimsons (June)



  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    @cydneebauman I normally lose at least 1 pound a week but my loss was a measly 0.1 this week! It is a bit disappointing but each little fraction of a pound that gets knocked off takes us one step closer to our goals 💪
  • OkieGina
    OkieGina Posts: 126 Member
    Daily check in for Monday

    Track: yes
    Calories: yes - under (I was under even before the exercise!)
    Water: yes - just over 150 oz
    Exercise: yes - 30 minute training session.

    I am not sure what is wrong with my mind recently!! I seem to alternate between a "yea, I got this" mindset (where, for the first time possibly ever, I really think that I will get the body I want - not if I get the body I want) and getting so frustrated with myself that i end up crying. When I started working out at the beginning of the year, I had so many goals that should have been achieved by now. I actually thought I had set some pretty good, realistic goals. And I've done great on the "action" goals - get my diet/nutrition on track, work out an average of 2-4 times a week, etc. But physically, I'm just not seeing the results. I think there are a lot of things contributing to that (most of which I can't do anything about, but a few I'm working on). And I know that the only option is to keep my head down and keep doing what I'm supposed to be doing (I mean, I've made it through the "hardest" part - new routines and new "norms" have been established - I am NOT stopping now), but man, I really wish my head would get on board with focusing on that (and the fact that my endurance and strength have both noticeably increased) and not on (for example) the stupid fat deposit right above my elbow that keeps me uncomfortable wearing anything with sleeves above my elbows.

    Ok, sorry, rant/venting session over...for now! :p
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,839 Member
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    Daily Post Sunday

    Track yes
    Calories yes under
    Exercise no
    Water 140oz
    Goals/comments still suffering from migraine all day yesterday the worse

    Daily Post Monday

    Track yes
    Calories yes under
    Exercise yes walking 33min
    Water 170oz
    Had a doctor appointment with my PCP she's very proud of the long way I've come since OCTOBER she remembered when they had to get a wheelchair for me due to my chronic asthma and now I'm able to walk without a wheelchair amongst the hospital long hallways without having an asthma attack. Made me feel mighty proud today despite my pain level being super high this week.


    wow what a NSV
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,839 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Daily Post (Monday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes, 90 mins walking 70 mins weight training--Snatch Pull + Snatch + Overhead Squat, Clean + 3 Front Squats + 1 Split Jerk, Box Jumps and Weighted Planks

    great video
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,839 Member
    6.17 Daily Check IN (Mon) 💃🤸‍♀️💃
    Track: Yes✔️
    Calories: Yes ✔️ I will be for the day.
    Exercise: Barre one hour. 💃👍🔥

    nice day
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,839 Member
    Daily Post: Monday 6/17

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Steps: 11,482
    Exercise: 2 mile run on treadmill, getting closer to a 10 min. mile, walked dog 1.3 miles, HIIT training. Not happy with weigh-in today but knew it was a matter of time.

    great run
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,839 Member
    Daily Post: Monday 6/17
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Steps: 20244
    Exercise:90 mins yard work and 120 mins aquasize
  • lsjhudson
    lsjhudson Posts: 181 Member
    genajonas wrote: »
    lsjhudson wrote: »
    💪Weekly weigh-in💪

    Weigh in on Mondays
    Username: lsjhudson
    Week: June, week 3
    PW =226.6

    Loss this week: +4.2
    [/b]Total loss[/b]: 2.2lb

    I almost don't want to talk about this. I'm so frustrated and upset I could cry. I literally had only 2 days this week where I didn't track...but those weren't binging days...I would call them overeating days because they would have obviously been over my calorie intake amount recommended to lose weight. But I did NOT eat enough on those 2 days to warrant a stinking 4.2lb gain. I know with my health circumstances (I have IBS amongst other things) can affect the number on the scale, but I honestly feel like if I'm not actively trying to lose weight I'm gaining weight. I can't just stay in a pause setting. Do you know what I mean? So I either feel like I'm stretching myself and working super hard to lose 1-2lb a week, or I take my eye off the ball here and there and suddenly gain a stupid amount of weight that feels so terribly unfair. This makes me want to give up but I know I can't. I won't give up.

    I have been in your shoes in fact recently. This group is what got me through. This group is amazing they are understanding and have been where you are now. No one is here to judge but to help you get through it. You have nothing but support, understanding, and ideas coming your way.

    You got this. This is your journey, do it at your pace and yours alone. This is not a race but a lifestyle and that is something I had to learn. Compete with yourself not with others. I remember telling Ashley that I was working my but off five days week, walking everywhere and I was gaining instead of losing which made me go back to binge eating and that made it worst. I was ashamed and embarrassed. If it were not for members in this group saying what they said to me I may have quit. When you know that you are not judged for what you believe are short comings but given ideas on how to deal with the issue ot makes a difference.

    Thank you lovely x
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Daily Post (Monday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes, 90 mins walking 70 mins weight training--Snatch Pull + Snatch + Overhead Squat, Clean + 3 Front Squats + 1 Split Jerk, Box Jumps and Weighted Planks

    How awesome!! Thanks for sharing Ashley!
  • aadubb
    aadubb Posts: 67 Member
    Username: Gadgetgirl259

    June Week 3

    PW: 171.0
    CW: 171.7

    Bouncing back and forth this month. I was hoping this would not start for another month or so. :s

    I know right?! This is me right now. I feel your pain. You plan to make any changes to your meal plan or exercise?
  • aadubb
    aadubb Posts: 67 Member
    Daily Post for Monday June 18
    ⚡Track: Yes (once i broke my fast at 6:40)
    ⚡Calories: over - I allow myself to go over since I exercise and my calories are already low.
    ⚡ Exercise:
    -28 min of elliptical before work
    -22 min of cardio during lunch
    -Gym for "leg day" after work
    ⚡Water: approx 90oz I missed some for the day

    Comments: Found a bag of candy with only 3g of sugar SMART SWEETS. The highlight of my day...
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member

    Daily Post: Tuesday, June 18th
    Username: SLIMn2016

    ✅ Track: Yes
    ✅ Calories: Yes, under
    ✅ Exercise: Yes, Body Pump, Elliptical & Treadmill
    ✅ Water: 241.8 oz.
  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    ⭐️Daily Post: Tuesday 18 June

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Way under - missed breakfast this morning 😕
    Exercise: 20 minutes of walking and 20 minutes on exercise bike
    💬Comments: This morning I decided I’d like to try out jogging, so I’m going for my first ever jog tomorrow. I really hope it’s something I can get into as I’d love to jog regularly to keep fit, and the fresh air will do me good. But, one step at a time...we’ll see how it goes tomorrow 🏃‍♀️
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    Daily Post for Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.......

    Going through an IDGAF phase....
    I have learned to manage my food intake better, when stressed, tired, bored, hungry, at parties, etc...
    However. When I hurt, I go for whatever comfort is within reach. And that is usually food. Been dealing with back issues, and I am going to a chiropractor, but still hurting, and my nerves are all frazzled and my head is foggy... so I have been eating more than I should. And things that I shouldn't be eating. And I can't seem to care. In a few days (probably on weigh in day) I will get mad at myself for doing this when I could have had a loss. lol

    I have literally been contemplating stopping for a slice of pizza to eat on the way home. On the way home!! To dinner! UGH. Completely senseless.....

    Such is the cycle.... :/

    I can relate to this so much--- when I had my disc herniations--I went through such a depressed state--and the pain was continuous.... it really ruins you. I couldn't move, sit, stand, or lay down without pain. Took me months to heal (my back was really bad though---they wanted to do surgery on me). I hope you get some relief soon.

    I do recommend the back stretcher device that my PT recommended to me (idk if you saw my post previously... it helps!).I still use it!,aps,159
  • lsjhudson
    lsjhudson Posts: 181 Member
    o0kody0o wrote: »
    ⭐️Daily Post: Tuesday 18 June

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Way under - missed breakfast this morning 😕
    Exercise: 20 minutes of walking and 20 minutes on exercise bike
    💬Comments: This morning I decided I’d like to try out jogging, so I’m going for my first ever jog tomorrow. I really hope it’s something I can get into as I’d love to jog regularly to keep fit, and the fresh air will do me good. But, one step at a time...we’ll see how it goes tomorrow 🏃‍♀️

    Ooh I wish I could jog/run...I love the idea of it!! And I'm always well jealous when I see someone swishing along. Good luck for your first jog tomorrow. I found the couch to 5k programme (it's a free app) really brilliant, if you're looking for some guidance and a well-paced programme to get you going.

  • lsjhudson
    lsjhudson Posts: 181 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    Daily Post for Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.......

    Going through an IDGAF phase....
    I have learned to manage my food intake better, when stressed, tired, bored, hungry, at parties, etc...
    However. When I hurt, I go for whatever comfort is within reach. And that is usually food. Been dealing with back issues, and I am going to a chiropractor, but still hurting, and my nerves are all frazzled and my head is foggy... so I have been eating more than I should. And things that I shouldn't be eating. And I can't seem to care. In a few days (probably on weigh in day) I will get mad at myself for doing this when I could have had a loss. lol

    I have literally been contemplating stopping for a slice of pizza to eat on the way home. On the way home!! To dinner! UGH. Completely senseless.....

    Such is the cycle.... :/

    I feel you sister. I have inflammatory arthritis in my spine and SI joints, as well as Degenerative Disc Disease and early onset osteoarthritis in both my knees...all well before I'm 40. The pain can be a real struggle and when everything hurts the impulse is to reach for the first, reliable thing you can count on to feel better...and the food is the habit. I've not yet found anything that brings me the same level of comfort...but then nothing else seems to make me feel as crap as when I seek food for comfort too. So sometimes I try to imagine my feelings later down the line.

    It's a constant battle. And I'm sure you wish as much as I do that there was an easy way round it but I don't think there is. I think the key is that we don't let it turn into a long-term cycle. So it happened, but how can we not beat on ourselves so much that we don't dust ourselves off and carry on?

    Big hugs to you...I hope the pain settles down soon xxx
  • lsjhudson
    lsjhudson Posts: 181 Member
    💥 Daily Post: Tuesday, 18th June💥

    ✅Track: yes
    ✅Calories: under
    ✅Exercise: 30 min. mid intensity swim

    Comments: Another great day...forced myself to go to the pool this morning for a swim and must admit it was an effort, but so chuffed with myself once I finished 👍 have been busy all day and energy levels have been good!
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