2020: One Day At A Time, We Will Achieve!!



  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    I think it took me all of 5 minutes to do the census online. Truly easy and painless.

    Today I baked orange cranberry biscotti, then dipped the bottoms in dark chocolate. I am waiting for the chocolate to set now, then I’ll package them up and deliver to some of my neighbors for a treat. When I get stir crazy, I stir up something and bake it, lol.

    My sister has been sewing face masks for anyone who wants one, so today I asked her to send some to us and to my SIL and all of DH’s family in Houston. I think they will soon be recommending that everyone wear a mask whenever they are out in public, so I want to be prepared.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    Jean, you can only do what you can do. I took it easy on Sunday. I was tired and I think stress was catching up to me. I have good days when I can do a lot of steps and other days no so much. You have a lot on your plate right now. Be kind to yourself.

    I’ve mentioned I do dipping powder when I get manicures. Who knows when I’ll be able to get another one. I had the color pop off one nail so I bought a bottle of gel in a close shade. I’ll put it on the naked nails as needed. I’m not good at it so I’m sure it will look like I did it myself.

    My hair is another situation. I’m close to needing a haircut. I could trim the bangs in a pinch but the rest is going to start looking ugly pretty quick. I guess I could start wearing a hat when I go out. :'(
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    One advantage to keeping my hair long is that I have more options for disguising my need for a haircut. The color, on the other hand, not so much.


    I had just gotten my nails done right before the isolation order came down, so I can probably go another week or two. I have nail polish remover, so when they grow out to the point that they are annoying me, I’ll soak off the dipping powder and do the best I can with the nail polishes I have on hand.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I guess the good news is no one (except the cats at the colonies) is going to see me.

    I just did my first Aldi's order. Hoping to get DH's salad ingredients.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member

    Thoughts of Dog®
    there are no rules these days. i didn’t even put my collar on today. just walked around the house naked
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    That coloring at home meme is hilarious. I'll steal it and send it to my hair stylist. I get an American manicure so it isn't as obvious when the nails begin to need a fill as it is more natural looking. I usually can go 4 weeks, but the last time it was 5 weeks.

    I need to venture out to the Post Office today to get my mail. I'm expecting my last check from work. If necessary, I have enough food to stay put for 30 days.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    I love the memes. Especially the coloring your hair one.

    Chatting with you ladies lifts my spirits. I’m into thanking people for all they do for me. I’ve never expressed that to you but if not now, when.

    The only people I’ve seen since this started are the grocery store and CVS staff and Jeff at my favorite deli. I told a couple of them that they probably haven’t had so many people thank them for doing their jobs. We always appreciated them but something like a pandemic to remind you to say it out loud.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I'm thinking the answer to my bangs/grey roots may be ordering some headbands. LOL!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »

    Chatting with you ladies lifts my spirits. I’m into thanking people for all they do for me. I’ve never expressed that to you but if not now, when.

    Plus one here!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I usually sleep really well. Not so much at the moment.

    In the middle of the night last night I had this thought:

    IF I'm alive in September, and IF my cardiologist is seeing patients, and IF I stay on plan, I could be at a normal BMI. Wouldn't she be shocked. WHOA!!!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    Maryanne, change all those ifs to when’s. You’re going to be here, you’re going to do it and we’ll all be saying WHOA!
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Helene--I also want to give thanks to you all for hanging in here. Just before I opened this thread, I wondered whatever happened to those people that signed up for this group but quickly left.

    Maryanne--Thanks for the headband idea. Your September goal of shocking the cardiologist is a good one, and you are definitely on the way to meeting that goal. I had 8-1/2 hours of sleep last night which is very unusual for me.

    I'm watching the QVC pitch som great fashions right now, but I'm not going anywhere and the sweats for home are so comfy. I guess I could dress better and pretend I am going somsewhere.

    I think it is a sad comment on our society when Dr. Fauci has to have security protection because of threats. Yes, it is a change in our lifestyle but he is doing his best to provide the information necessary to better increase our chances of surviving or even not getting the virus.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    edited April 2020
    KonaKat wrote: »

    I think it is a sad comment on our society when Dr. Fauci has to have security protection because of threats. Yes, it is a change in our lifestyle but he is doing his best to provide the information necessary to better increase our chances of surviving or even not getting the virus.

    And gun sales are way up.

    It almost makes you wonder if it's a society worth saving.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Major brouhaha here in Maryland over religious services.

    For example,

    A pastor wants to have services of 10 people which he swore fit within the governor's guidelines (can he not count - 10 people plus him makes 11 - elementary school math) and the state actually revised their guidelines to specifically address religious services (including explicit instructions on how to count to 10).

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    And then there are the little points of light that remind you there are still good people:

    ALL medical folks of course

    Just read that domestic violence shelters in Maryland are staying open. Can you imagine being an abused wife and your husband is laid off? Wow.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    FL governor finally issued a stay at home edict starting Friday. He exempted vital services and religious services. My church went to streaming services online weeks ago. A foolish pastor in Tampa held services in his mega church last Sunday, putting hundreds of people at risk. The sheriff had warned him not to and arrested him after he did it. I’m sure he’ll be doing it again now that the governor exempted churches. What arrogance on his part and how foolish are his followers showing up at church. Not to mention the innocent people they will probably come in contact with. Don’t be surprised if Tampa becomes a hot spot.

    Why do I think the death threats are coming from MEGA supporters? How do they think threatening DrFauci will change the facts of this deadly virus. The new rules won’t affect our behavior much since we were already only going to necessary places. The only difference is I’ll try to stretch out the time between grocery trips.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    As I understand it, the threats against Dr. Fauci are because he is advocating keeping businesses closed. The people making the threats want to open things up again. Ridiculous, short-sighted, and irresponsible.

    I know that all of the shelters in our area are full and having difficulty maintaining social distancing as a result. And that domestic violence is way up as a result of everyone being confined at home. Very sad.

    Our governor is also exempting religious services, as long as they maintain social distancing. Utterly irresponsible, IMO. I hope most of the church leadership will choose to do only on-line services.

    I received 4 home made masks today from my sister. She had been making them for her local hospital but now has begun making them for anyone who asks for one. Last night I took orders from friends for 24 masks and coordinated getting them mailed to the appropriate addresses. We joked that I’m a pretty good salesperson and it’s a shame I’m not working on commission. I agreed that I didn’t do a very good job of negotiating my contract.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    As I understand it, the threats against Dr. Fauci are because he is advocating keeping businesses closed. The people making the threats want to open things up again. Ridiculous, short-sighted, and irresponsible.

    Yeah, like a couple million deaths and 20 times more people sick won't impact businesses.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »

    Our governor is also exempting religious services, as long as they maintain social distancing. Utterly irresponsible, IMO. I hope most of the church leadership will choose to do only on-line services.

    Some of the stuff is just funny. A Catholic priest here in Baltimore had a "thing" where people came in their cars, stayed in their cars and listened to a service on their devices. Why, you might ask (cause you're smart)? So they could see the "host" (aka communion wafers, I assume). I kid you not. I could not make this stuff up.