2020: One Day At A Time, We Will Achieve!!



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    edited April 2020
    An ambulance just went down our very short dead end street. I hope no one needs it.

    I'm reading that hospital visits/admissions for stroke/heart attack/etc. are WAY down. That's likely not because they aren't happening but because people don't want to go to the hospital (or apparently in some cases are being dissuaded from going to the hospital by EMT personnel). What a scary time.

    I can't help wondering how doctor visits are going to work. All my doctors are cancelling (or in some cases just putting messages on their web site to assume they are cancelling unless they contact you). Assume for the sake of argument that they start doing some appointments say in October (okay, call me a cockeyed optimist). Who will they be seeing? People already scheduled for October? And the rest off us who are seriously overdue will go to the end of the line?

    Pondering these things from time to time. Can you tell my work project today isn't fascinating?

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    But then a real downer. Jean - I hope this isn't your closest hospital:

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    Jean, what an unexpected surprise for you. It may not have been the best way to lose, but it might jump start your motivation again. Any news on your shoulder surgery’s? I see some news reports the some states are starting to consider elective surgeries again. What’s happening in WV?

    FL is reopening state parks, trails and reserves tomorrow but still requiring social distancing. Beaches and playgrounds will remain closed. If people do social distancing and wear masks, being able to enjoy nature will probably be good for their mental health.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    We did curbside pickup at Home Depot. DH need some Sheetrock and miscellaneous hardware for the shower renovations we’ve been doing for months. The plumber and tile setter have come, done their part and left. The new glass door were installed. Now DH has to replace the shower ceiling with waterproof Sheetrock and connect the vent fan. I didn’t want him going into big box stores so when I saw Home Depot was doing curbside delivery, that was the way to go. I ordered what we needed online, drove to the store and parked in the pick up area. A pleasant young woman came over, took our order number and sent a couple of guys into the store to the holding area. They brought it out, loaded it up and we were on our way. I topped off the gas tank and was surprised that gas prices had dropped into the low $1.70s. That’s at least 30cents less than when I got gas in March.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I went to the gas station Sunday as part of my errands. I was worried my gas gauge was broken and I couldn't think of any better way to check it than to try to get gas and see how much needed. Well, I guess my gauge isn't broken - I just haven't used much. Price was 1.59 per gallon.

    DH likes to watch CNBC (bores me silly - always has - people assume anyone who does retirement plan work is an investment expert - NOT!). There was something on there yesterday about buying gas shares. Sounded like folks are keeping a ball juggling up in the air and when it lands someone actually has to store actual gas and no one wants it to be them. At least that's how I understood it. I had a funny picture in my head of folks juggling oil.

    I saw a headline for an article online (CNN I think) titled something like "no, the negative price of gas doesn't mean they are going to pay you to put it in your car".
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    I just watched a news report of the damage low oil prices are doing to places like west Texas. There’s no place tho store oil because the demand now is so low. People are staying home and not driving much. The oil workers are all being laid off.By the time this ends, no part of the country or economy will be uneffected.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    I grew up in Midland, TX, which is the epicenter of the oil boom in West Texas. It has always had a boom and bust economy, but in recent years it has definitely been in a boom cycle. One of my cousins works in the oil industry there but I haven’t heard yet if his job has been or will be impacted. It would not surprise me if it was. I also have a nephew who works for Exxon Mobil in Houston. Hopefully he will not be impacted either. It will be interesting to see how everything shakes out.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I have never seen this before. Books available for purchase on amazon before they have a title (not unusual) but suddenly calling them something like "The new lincoln lawyer novel"


  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    I had to check out the new Michael Connelly book. It’s a new title coming out in November. Something to look forward to.
    Pam, your relatives jobs probably affected. Russia and Saudia Arabia we’re having an oil war shortly before the Pandemic. They were asked to curtail production because there was a glut. They wouldn’t do it and now the bottom has fallen out of the market. It’s hard to believe low prices could be a bad thing but I guess there’s such a thing as too low. People are being furloughed at a time when unemployment is at historic levels. It’s a sad situation.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    edited April 2020
    What's happening in WV? Our gov is filthy rich and buds with Donald is talking about jump starting but doing it with baby steps. He is focusing upon the hospitals first so that elective surgeries can be done, but before the hospital can do that it has to prove to the State that it has all the supplies and services necessary to protect the patients.

    I haven't been a fan of the Gov until this crisis. He comes across sometimes as not a polished speaker but he always emphasizes his business background and getting things done. He owns the Greenbrier, for example. He keeps emphasizing any step he takes will be done upon the advice of his staff of experts who are always present during his press conferences and updates for their input and to answer questions.

    I have been very impressed with how he has addressed the virus issue. I read yesterday, but lost the link, where WV came out as #1 in the states in their handling of the crisis, and this was primarily his taking steps to prevent rather than react. Wallethub has us ranked as 10th. Yesterday, he announced the decision not to reopen school buildings for students to return. It has been his desire for schools to reopen for a little bit so students could have some form of closure to the year but he stated he would not be responsible for putting them in danger based upon current information. He was very emotional about it.

    I have no idea what will transpire with the shoulder. I know the nurse mentioned the possibility of surgery but I guess that will be determined whenever I get to see the orthopedic surgeon. It may be just physical therapy. I can actually sleep on that side now, and the pain isn't as bad unless I move the arm a certain way. I know what is involved in recovery from surgery and am not looking forward to that.

    The telephone appointment with the cardiologist went well. Basically, he asked all the questions he always asks. What was missing was the full blown 12-lead EKG. He wants a follow up appointment in the office in three months.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    edited April 2020
    Jean - it's obvious some governors are stepping up to the plate (yours, ours, Cuomo, Whitmer) and others are a disaster.

    I never in a million years would have guessed how ours would step up but I'll give him all the credit in the world.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    edited April 2020
    Maryanne--I've been impressed with the Maryland governor. Our state is bordered by 5 states in which movement back and forth takes place each day. Our Eastern panhandle is a bedroom community for the commuters to DC. I live 50 miles from Ohio so I see many Ohio cars.

    You can get your Maryland comparison here by clicking on "State Comparison."
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    I had to check out the new Michael Connelly book. It’s a new title coming out in November. Something to look forward to.

    Barnes & Noble has a great "what's coming" section. I've never found the equivalent on Amazon. So every month or so I check Barnes & Noble to keep my Amazon wish list updated. I'm sure Amazon doesn't thank Barnes & Noble.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Maryanne--I've been impressed with the Maryland governor. Our state is bordered by 5 states in which movement back and forth takes place each day. Our Eastern panhandle is a bedroom community for the commuters to DC. I live 50 miles from Ohio so I see many Ohio cars.

    I didn't vote for him - either time - and I won't vote for him when he runs for president (which he will, I've been saying that for 4 years) - but if he won the presidency I wouldn't be nearly as worried as with a lot of possible contenders..
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I've got so many stray packages coming I had to stop the world and get organized.

    I think probably that's the biggest reason for my anxiety level. Everything is SO out of control. And my mind SO wants to be in control. One of the few things I can control is my eating so I'm doing that.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    Jean, if you can do PT for your shoulder, try that first. That’s what I did last year and I ended up with complete recovery. I would have been happy with 90% but I ended up with 100%. The PT strengthened my shoulder muscles and my body repaired the tears. Your shoulder might be worse than your’s, but maybe not. If you can get into PT while you wait to see the ortho doc, you’d probably know if the PT is helping. Like you, I had trouble sleeping and certain movements caused pain. All that is gone.

    On another note, my vertigo is back. This is the fourth time in five years or more. The last time was last fall. My chiropractor was able to do the Epley maneuver on me. It’s meant to reposition the crystals in the inner ear. It took about 3 sessions and it was gone. In each incident, Epley worked for me. In present circumstances, I can’t see a doctor so I’m on my own. I looked up how to do the maneuver at home and tried it yesterday. I haven’t seem any effect yet but it usually takes several treatments. Thankfully, this is a milder bout. It kicks in when I roll over in bed. I find if I close my eyes and lie still, the dizziness passes. Of course, if I roll over again, the process repeats. I have to remind myself, this is small stuff compared to what the virus is doing to people.