2020: One Day At A Time, We Will Achieve!!



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Okay, Pam, my first actual laugh out loud of the day!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    This is a must see. https://www.randyrainbow.com/

    Look for his latest video and turn up the sound.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    LOL. Maybe they’ll come in flavors too.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Republicans for the Rule of Law, meanwhile, shared a minute-long video of Trump musing during Thursday’s task force briefing about injecting disinfectant to combat the virus. Trump claimed Friday he was being sarcastic.

    “50,000 people have died. This is our president,” read the text at the start of the clip. It ended with the words: “Unfit. Unwell. Unacceptable.”
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    And that was from a Republican organization? Amazing that some Republicans still have intelligence and integrity. Here I was beginning to think they’d all drunk the Kool Aide. Did you see the news that Trump no longer thinks it’s worth his time to do the press briefings? You have to wonder how long that will last. Even though he’s hurting his poll numbers with every stupid theory he spouts, he’s addicted to the spotlight. I give him no more than a week before he pops back up at the briefings.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    George Conway's organization has actually come out and endorsed Biden.

    How are he and Kelly Anne still married? I expect once she leaves the white house to see a quiet divorce announcement.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    And that was from a Republican organization? Amazing that some Republicans still have intelligence and integrity. Here I was beginning to think they’d all drunk the Kool Aide. Did you see the news that Trump no longer thinks it’s worth his time to do the press briefings? You have to wonder how long that will last. Even though he’s hurting his poll numbers with every stupid theory he spouts, he’s addicted to the spotlight. I give him no more than a week before he pops back up at the briefings.

    That's his cover to get out of them now that aides are convinced he's hurting his re-election bid by doing them. But yeah, he'll be back spouting off.

    Dr. Birks was on Jake Tapper this morning trying to tap dance (get it?) around the clorox issue.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Miscellaneous comments:

    1. I went out and did my Sunday errands - nowhere near humans. There is a large intersection I go through almost every time I leave the house. There are always men there begging for money. They now have masks on.

    2. I saw a LOT of people in fast food lines. How can that be safe? You have to be close enough to exchange money and who knows who's coughing on the food.

    3. I found in my purse one of those paper numbers you get at the grocery store deli. It's dated March 11. I bet it's the last time I was there. DH says I should frame it.

    4. I have a rotisserie chicken!!! I always bought one a week. We'd have for a meal and then I'd use for my protein servings. I've missed that. I tried cooking thighs in the oven and steaming breasts in a microwave bag. Both super bland. Got one through one of the online delivery services.

    5. The Maryland emergency health response line got hundreds of calls about whether it's safe to ingest bleach. Cleaned up a little, DH's comment was "how the heck stupid are people?"

    6. DH is SO proud of himself for clearing off 4 shelves. Keep in mind he probably has 200 times that much junk to go through. But I guess it's a start.

    7. We have a special election to replace Elijah Cummings this week. We requested absentee ballots. Then the state decided to mail everyone ballots. Apparently there was a glitch and the mail everyone ballots interfered with mailing the requested absentee ballots. Supposedly you can go online and request an emailed ballot. I went through that whole tedious process only to not be able to "click" on this week's election (I can click on later elections).. Geesh! Of course there's not much suspense about this week's election (this is a blue congressional district in one of the bluest states in the country) but I can say I tried everything I could think of to vote. If my late grandfather is looking down on me, hopefully he knows I tried.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    Our market has made the store aisles one way. They have tape arrows on the floor plus I think they have a sign about it when you enter the store. They just added a sign saying customers are required to wear face masks. I was in the TP aisle and a man was pushing his cart towards me. I called out that he was going the wrong way down the aisle. I explained the one way direction and pointed to the arrows on the floor. He was confused and asked when that happened. They’d been doing it for a couple of weeks. He was pleasant about it and turned his cart around to comply. I picked up some TP to mail to my neighbor back north. She said they still can’t find any. My store had hundreds of single rolls of some off name brand. It’s not Charming but it’s okay. And any port in a storm. I mailed Campbell’s tomato soup to a friend who lives 100 miles north of me in FL. She mentioned on FB that she’d been looking for a month and couldn’t buy any. My store had plenty so I mailed 6 cans. She got it yesterday and was thrilled.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Helene - running your own grocery delivery service now. LOL! Seriously that's kind of you.

    I've read that folks here are totally ignoring all the new supermarket rules, including the one way aisles.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    My DH said some people were ignoring the one way aisles when he went to the store on Friday as well. It’s a relatively new development here, so maybe they just aren’t used to it yet.

    Maryanne, it’s been years since I’ve roasted a whole chicken, but it’s not difficult as I recall. Have you considered buying a whole chicken and roasting it so you can have it when you can’t find one at the store?

    Helene, I’m sure your friends were thrilled with their grocery windfalls you sent to them! I’ve had 2 friends who gave me flour when I couldn’t find it and it made me very happy.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Pam - I'll google roasting a chicken. I wonder how you give it flavor. The thighs I roasted were just bland.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    edited April 2020
    I think you can give it flavor by rubbing whatever spices you like on the skin and adding some lemon slices into the cavity. Maybe rub a little bit of butter on the skin to make the spices stick to it. I like lemon pepper or just salt, pepper, and maybe paprika to rub on the outside. Higher heat will give you crispier skin, but watch to make sure it doesn’t get too dark. If it is getting too dark before it’s done, put some foil over and continue cooking until it is ready. You can also add some fresh herbs into the cavity if you have them, such as rosemary or thyme. Some people like to use their fingers to separate the skin from the meat and slide thin lemon slices or spice rub up under the skin, but I’ve never tried that.

    Here’s a link to a blog post with a recipe and lots of good tips for roasting a chicken.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    edited April 2020
    Pam - Yes, no fuss roasted chicken! Sounds like something I could try. And great ideas for flavoring! Thanks!!!!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    edited April 2020
    I lost a pound and a half last week. Still making progress here although it's getting tougher to stick. I think I'm at a spot where I need to give myself a mental "stick to it" kick.
