2020: One Day At A Time, We Will Achieve!!



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I got my full to overflowing freezer sorted out between that freezer and our new freezer. Great feeling to be so organized and be able to actually get to things!!! I'm not planning on really using much of it right now - I don't think we've seen even the worst of the supply chain problems yet - but I know what we have now and I SO love being organized.

  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    Maryanne, I think I have freezer envy now! We have a side by side refrigerator, which I despise, and a small upright freezer in the pantry. Both are perpetually crammed full and disorganized. Our attempts to organize them never seem to last for more than a month, then they both seem to revert to chaos. I try to claim a couple of shelves for some of my baking supplies but DH keeps cramming things into them whenever he sees the smallest opening. Drives me completely nuts. He’s a big believer in freezing every scrap of any leftovers so there are a lot of containers of varying sizes holding who knows what. Personally, my philosophy is that if I didn’t like it the first time I’m definitely not going to like it any better after it’s sat in the freezer for a couple of months (or longer), getting freezer burn. But after 37 years I’ve given up on convincing him that some things just aren’t worth freezing. I usually wait until he’s gone on one of his camping trips and clean out some of the junk in the freezers then. He almost never misses anything I throw out.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Pam - I sometimes maybe refrigerate leftovers I shouldn't have (and don't use) but not freeze. DH has taken to reminding me how old the "old" freezer is and that it could die to which my reply is "and then we'd have to replace it". LOL!!!!

    DH has the top of the "freezer on top" frig in the basement and one shelf on the side by side in the kitchen and that's it! After all, he has the entire garage and the bigger side of the basement and I do ALL the cooking (such as it is) so the freezer space is MINE!!!

    Not that I'm childish or anything. LOL!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    My DH does cook, so I can’t ban him from the kitchen, unfortunately. A lot of the food in the freezer comes from a feeding the homeless program for which he volunteers. They seem to have a lot of leftovers and he frequently brings home large quantities of whatever they served that day. Example: one day he came in with a couple of 5 pound bags of shredded lettuce. Several times he’s brought home large foil pans of shepherd’s pie, or an Italian wedding soup casserole, among others. These are full size sheet pans, roughly 25-30 servings or more, so it’s a lot of food to find storage for. And most of it is food that I really don’t care for, so it stays in the freezer a long time before he can polish it all off.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    edited May 2020
    Pam - sort of sad that a feeding the homeless program has food left over. I wouldn't know how to store those huge pans either. Apropos of nothing - I tried JC italian wedding soup yesterday and gave up after a few bites.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Completely unhinged:

    President Trump: "We're going after Virginia, with your crazy governor, we're going after Virginia. They want to take your Second Amendment. You know that, right? You'll have nobody guarding your potatoes."
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    And totally heartless:

    (New York Times) Since the coronavirus broke out, the Trump administration has deported hundreds of migrant children alone — in some cases, without notifying their families.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I decided my brain has settled enough to try reading an actual book - instead of fluff. So I started The 20th Victim (20th Women's Murder Club by James Patterson) and I'm engrossed so maybe I was right and I have settled. For now anyway.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    Usually, when they have food leftover it is due to a lack of coordination between groups who are also feeding that day. It happened a lot when DH’s group first began their program, but they seem to be doing a better job of coordinating among groups now. When they have food leftover now, it is usually because fewer homeless people turned up. Perhaps they have also cut back some on the quantities they are preparing, although I have no way of gauging that. DH is rather vague about details such as that. Of course, during the current shutdown, the feeding program was suspended. I don’t know when they will start up again.

    I have a trip to the grocery store today on my agenda. Woohoo! I get to leave the house!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    I’ve recently got back to reading as well. I finished the last Sue Grafton last week. I started it 2 months ago and couldn’t concentrate on more than a few pages at a time. Something changed last week and I was able to read several chapters at a time. I started a new book the other day. Some sense of normal is returning.

    I’m going to make an appointment to donate blood next week. This group is doing antibody testing on all donors. You can log on their website a couple days later to find out if you have antibodies. I’d donate anyway but I do want to know my status. I had headaches in February. An I had a low temp..97.4. Looking back, I wonder if those were mild Covid symptoms or if they were nothing.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I just have the freezer on top of the fridge which works for just me.

    We are having "fun" in town. Apparently the two who have tested positively are bored and have been running around, at least one of them plus a family member of the other. When I say "running around," one of the individuals has been in the drugstore and Dollar General Store each day after being tested. The Health Department is investigating the claims now but the individual posted on Facebook a very long post about it wasn't her fault that she was identified as being positive and that she felt great. Apparently she may be one of those who are carriers or late in showing symptoms.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    I just have the freezer on top of the fridge which works for just me.

    We are having "fun" in town. Apparently the two who have tested positively are bored and have been running around, at least one of them plus a family member of the other. When I say "running around," one of the individuals has been in the drugstore and Dollar General Store each day after being tested. The Health Department is investigating the claims now but the individual posted on Facebook a very long post about it wasn't her fault that she was identified as being positive and that she felt great. Apparently she may be one of those who are carriers or late in showing symptoms.

    This country apparently has FAR more idiots than I ever dreamed. I guess I've lived a charmed life. Between the election of Trump and all the folks doing stupid things during the lockdown I've had a real eye opening experience. There just doesn't seem to be any reasoning with large groups of these people. Science denying was going to end the world due to climate change but this may just speed it up even more. If I were today's young people I'd rise up in revolt and demand someone care about whether the world still exists in 30 years or so.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    I’ve recently got back to reading as well. I finished the last Sue Grafton last week. I started it 2 months ago and couldn’t concentrate on more than a few pages at a time. Something changed last week and I was able to read several chapters at a time. I started a new book the other day. Some sense of normal is returning.

    I’m going to make an appointment to donate blood next week. This group is doing antibody testing on all donors. You can log on their website a couple days later to find out if you have antibodies. I’d donate anyway but I do want to know my status. I had headaches in February. An I had a low temp..97.4. Looking back, I wonder if those were mild Covid symptoms or if they were nothing.

    It's sad Sue Grafton never got to do a "Z" mystery. I had a whole kindle full of the latest from my favorite authors and I've been reading fluff instead. What's the new one you started?

    DH (who ran a hospital lab for years) tells me they have to keep you awake to donate blood so I can't do it. It will be interesting to find out if you have antibodies. Of course no one knows what that means at this point but still interesting.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I see an endocrinologist whose job it is to watch my thyroid and make sure (1) I don't die of thyroid cancer and (2) that my thyroid never gets really huge (my aunt had a growth the size of a softball on hers that eventually turned cancerous and killed her). They do an ultrasound and if there's any change sometimes she'll do a biopsy. She tells me that eventually it will have to come out but I'm thinking of that as hopefully waiting for my retirement. Anyway, my appointment was right at the height of all this so I called and cancelled which was redundant since their web site says "don't call us; we'll call you" essentially. Lately I've been getting all these reminders calls/emails about rescheduling but their web site still says they aren't there. I finally called today. Turns out my doctor (whom I love) never started working from home nor did her secretary. They are going to start doing ultrasounds again in July. I made an appointment. I guess it would be dumb to die of thyroid cancer for fear of COVID.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    The book I’m reading is called The Lost Vintage by Ann Moh. When my friend Susan visited in March, we went to the library and she picked out this book. The library website encourages people to hold on to their returns for now. They extended loan dates to August 1st. So I started reading it. It’s not one I would have picked but it’s holding my interest.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    Some friends invited us to a back yard happy hour tonight and it was really nice. They have a big umbrella that provided shade for all of us, and the chairs were spaced out nicely to maintain appropriate distancing. We brought our own drinks and entered through the gate on the side of the yard. It was really nice to see different faces and be in a setting where it was easy to chat. We usually see them in a larger group which makes it harder to really talk. We stopped on our way home for some fast food then came home.

    I’ve been reading a steady diet of junk lately as well. I haven’t felt too motivated to take on anything that requires much concentration.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I drove by a McDonald's the other day and had a fleeting thought about how nice an egg mcmuffin might be but then thought twice about it. First of all, DH and I stopped using cash in March so I have no cash on me. Second, even if I was still handling cash, how would you hand over cash and they hand over food and be six feet apart? So that was just a fleeting thought. I do have the diet Jimmy Dean equivalent in the freezer and I can now get to it so I guess I should have that instead!

    Either today or tomorrow I'll probably be going to the vet's parking lot to pick up meds for Jack and give my friend all the stuff I've accumulated for her. Nothing like a rendezvous in a vet parking lot. LOL! Hopefully wearing a mask and putting the stuff in through her passenger window will keep us far enough apart. At least we'll be outside and for a brief period of time.

    She was all upset last evening about censorship on the game she plays online. Certain words you can't type. I seriously think she was envisioning a vast conspiracy. I told her that kind of censorship is everywhere online and it sounds like that particular site just has a very strange program (it censors not only the usual profanity but also some strange things like my first name - I wanted to, but did not, ask WHY she'd be typing my name while playing a game online).

    I'm have 3 days of Jenny Craig shelf stable food this week and today is day 3. I scored 2 weeks of food on ebay recently to add to my stash. I must say, though, that JC food has now started to go downhill like NS food did. I guess it just took longer. At the moment anyway you can see their menu online (that hasn't always been the case) and I must say most of my favorites are gone.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    Some friends invited us to a back yard happy hour tonight and it was really nice. They have a big umbrella that provided shade for all of us, and the chairs were spaced out nicely to maintain appropriate distancing. We brought our own drinks and entered through the gate on the side of the yard. It was really nice to see different faces and be in a setting where it was easy to chat. We usually see them in a larger group which makes it harder to really talk. We stopped on our way home for some fast food then came home.

    I’ve been reading a steady diet of junk lately as well. I haven’t felt too motivated to take on anything that requires much concentration.

    Sounds like a nice evening.

    I wonder how prevalent the junk food reading diet is during this. Not something I've read anything about.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I just love how these Republican groups are going after Trump: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-brad-parscale-lincoln-project-ad_n_5ec61718c5b6dfc078e1096e

    What I can't picture is what life must be like in the Conway home. I expect once Trump leaves the White House we'll hear about a quiet divorce.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    Those are great ads. Maybe they’ll wake some people up. We’re seeing a lot of Trump ads in FL. He targets Biden and claims he’s too cozy with the Chinese from his time as VP. It paints Trump as the one defending the US against China. Disgusting. I’ve yet to see any Biden ads yet. Maybe he’s waiting until he’s the official candidate? Or for Trump to do something really crazy that can be targeted in an ad. I saw on the news the that GOP plans to hold their convention as usual while the Dems go virtual.