2020: One Day At A Time, We Will Achieve!!



  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    I read that the Tulsa Fire Marshall estimated a crowd of around 6500 people, much less than the capacity of the arena. I’ve also read multiple reports of a coordinated effort by teenagers across the country to order massive numbers of tickets for the Tulsa rally with no intention of attending, just to troll him. I hope they continue to do it for every single one of his rallies so he will never know what to expect when he walks on the stage. I also hope that these teens who are old enough to vote turn out in massive numbers to do so!

    That would be too funny! If true, good for them! Let's hope some of them are old enough to vote.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    My beloved Tuffy has a cardiology appointment Friday. Because he's SO hard to get into a carrier I decided to start this morning. GOT HIM!!! Took him to the regular vet for boarding and some things like tangle removal. They'll also give him calming drugs starting probably Thursday. Then Friday morning I'll pick him up and take him to the cardiologist. I feel like a huge weight's been lifted. Yeah, I know I'll need to do it again for his shots in the fall but that's the fall. I also don't know if I could pill him if the cardiologist sent him home on meds but I'd do my darnedest. I'll really, really miss him the next couple evenings. He's my TV and bed buddy!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    I just read a column on how to give a cat a pill. It said to hold the cat in the crook of your arm. Give the cat a treat that he really likes. They mentioned cheese, cream cheese and a third item I can’t remember. Hide the pill in a second treat and put it in the cats mouth. Quickly follow that with another treat. So the pill dose is disguised between two plain treats. To make it work, you’d have the pill in the treat prepared before you start giving the treats. Peanut butter might be a third option for hiding a pill if your cat likes it. Start practicing this summer with just treats so the cat associates the treats with something he likes. If you do it once or twice a week, Tuffy will be so used to taking treats that way he may never notice the pill dose.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I privately refer to Tuffy as a "treat slut". LOL! But he only likes crunchy treats. I don't know that I won't be able to pill him because I haven't tried. Most of our cats (other than the ferals of course) haven't been a problem. That's why when our sweet little girl Smokie turned out to be so hard to pill recently it startled me. If I have to pill Tuffy (big if) and it doesn't go well, I'll definitely try that!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I was concerned about the scale this week because I felt like my "extra bites" here and there had been a little more than usual. But instead I lost 2 1/2 pounds. Weird! :Probably means I need extra diligence this week. Or maybe less? Hard to decipher! While I certainly believe in calories being important there's also definitely at least one other element going on in our bodies during weight loss as it's by no means linear.

    I just did quickie order of mac and cheese from Nutrisystem because I suddenly discovered I'm out. I didn't think I could be OUT of anything with my stash here. I mix that with the chili to make 2 meals and since I just ordered about 70 chili meals on ebay (it's out of stock on Nutrisystem; as is the beef stew; two of my favorites; I'm wondering if beef has just gotten too expensive), I need mac n cheese. I do have some individual size Annie's here, about the same calories, which I'm going to give a try.


    You may notice that my 50-lb bear can come out of the closet but I have to think about that. I may be too uncertain about this week's results.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    The movie version of Hamilton is being released way ahead of schedule but on Disney+ instead of theaters. It will first be available late night July 3 (everyone's guessing it is meant to finish up early on the 4th). Lin is tweeting out hints.


    Apparently xfinity and disney have a feud going so watching will require a workaround for xfinity customers. I just signed up for Disney+ for a year. DH discovered his Amazon fire stick will get us to Disney + (he actually saw a few things he'd like to watch when he was experimenting which has moved this whole exercise up a notch in his estimation. Before that he'd been grumbling things like "why don't you just wait for the DVD?")

    Lin said he had to give up two swear words to get a PG-13 rating. What will be missing can be found on his twitter feed. Lin says that at home you can sing anything you like or sync up your cast album (( have one in my vehicle but of course I don't have just one copy. LOL!)

    So I think I'm ready!!! Well, except for DH to give me a couple lessons with the Fire stick.

    I can't wait! I've been working so hard (7 days a week) and this is really something to look forward to.

  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    Congrats on the big weight drop, Maryanne! Fingers crossed that it sticks and that 50 lb Bear gets to see the light of day, lol!

    I had my teeth cleaned this morning. They are prohibited from using the water drill, so I actually didn’t mind this cleaning as much as I usually do. I’ve never minded the hand tools as much as I do the water drill. I always feel like I’m about to drown while that is in use.

    Afterward I stopped at the grocery store for a few things I needed. I was pleasantly surprised to see most of the shoppers and all of the staff wearing masks.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Luckily in Maryland folks are ostracized for NOT wearing a mask.

    My dental hygienist went back to hand tool some years ago - a relief for sure! Maybe they had a lot of complaints?
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    edited June 2020
    The prohibition on water drills is one of the safety regulations related to COVID. The concern is that it causes droplets that are aerisolized into the air, so it becomes a contamination and infection risk.

    Mask wearing here has become very polarized and politicized. Most of those who refuse to wear masks aren’t afraid to wear their MAGA hats, however. We are setting new records daily for new infections, but people still stubbornly refuse to wear them. Our local paper ran a front page, above the fold editorial on Sunday begging people to wear masks, but I doubt that it will make any difference.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    One way to weigh a koala:

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    edited June 2020
    Take care of my baby!

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Just checking in. Physical therapy is going well. I guess I'll be writing off any international travel as most of the U.S. won't follow safety guidelines. I don't blame the countries who worked hard (unlike many states here) to eliminate infection by banning any country that abounds with infection. Australia, for example, has had fewer deaths than our state and our state is "acceptable" if such a rate could be called "acceptable," but is in comparison to other states when looking at percentages.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Jean - I'm glad p/t is going well.

    People in parts of this country are just being ridiculous. How anyone watches hospital personnel pouring their hearts out online and on TV and still thinks "this is just the flu" I can't begin to fathom.

    And do they not realize that all the money the states spend on this disaster is money that can't be spent on other programs and will likely result in increased taxes?

    The absolute stupidity is astounding.

    Of course talk about stupidity. The Trump campaign is running campaign ads on the Rachel Maddow show. Talk about wasting money. LOL!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    We stayed in College Station MD last night. We’re very close to U of MD. It was dark when we arrived and there was a detour less than a mile from the hotel. The GPS didn’t pick up the detour and tried to direct us through closed streets. We followed the detour signs but it felt like we were going in circles. We finally stumbled on to an open street and the GPS directed us from there. Breakfast was a grab and go bag with a mini muffin, mini cinnamon roll, an apple and a bottle of water. Normally we’d be enjoying a buffet breakfast. I guess those days are gone. We woke up to news that Gov. Como is saying that travelers from FL, SC and NC will have to quarantine 14 days when visiting NJ, NY, and CT. We spent time in FL and SC and drove through NC yesterday. We’ve been very careful about masks and social distancing. I hope we don’t have problems driving through those states. We actually have a hotel reservation in CT tonight.

    We passed a restaurant with outdoor seating last night. It was packed with young people and no masks in sight except for a waitress. And the tables were very close together. If that behavior is typical of this area, don’t be surprised to see a surge here. I certainly felt less safe here than I felt in FL and SC.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »

    We passed a restaurant with outdoor seating last night. It was packed with young people and no masks in sight except for a waitress. And the tables were very close together. If that behavior is typical of this area, don’t be surprised to see a surge here. I certainly felt less safe here than I felt in FL and SC.

    Well, daggone it, I thought Marylanders were being smarter than that!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    I did not know that our state anthem, "Maryland, my Maryland" was a pro Confederate song (I've heard of the song but am not sure I ever heard it). Apparently folks have been trying to get rid of it forever.


  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    I think they play it for the winner of the Preakness horse race. I never paid any attention to the words. Well, we did the drive from MD to the Cape so we wouldn’t have to quarantine. I canceled the hotel reservation we had in CT. I was surprised when the clerk asked my reason for canceling. So I told her about the governors quarantining people coming from FL and SC. Since we stayed both places, we couldn’t stay in CT tonight. The drive took 11 hours.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    I think they play it for the winner of the Preakness horse race. I never paid any attention to the words. Well, we did the drive from MD to the Cape so we wouldn’t have to quarantine. I canceled the hotel reservation we had in CT. I was surprised when the clerk asked my reason for canceling. So I told her about the governors quarantining people coming from FL and SC. Since we stayed both places, we couldn’t stay in CT tonight. The drive took 11 hours.

    WOW! 11 hours!! This pandemic has us doing all kinds of herculean things.

    This morning I have to go to the vet to pick up Tuffy and then take him to the cardiologist. I can't go inside either place so I'm not eating breakfast or even have a cup of coffee this morning. I'm going to be as hungry as Tuffy by the time we get home!!

    I need to call the pharmacy and find out where the drugs are they mailed me a week and a half ago. I didn't even call them to ask for refills. They called me and offered to ship so I said "okay". Thank goodness, I didn't need them.