2020: One Day At A Time, We Will Achieve!!



  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    Helene, I’m sure different offices handle their virtual visits differently but in my doctor’s case, their procedure was to advise that the medical assistant would call me 5-10 minutes before the scheduled time to take care of the preliminaries, then the doctor would come on the line. Since I had done FaceTime calls with friends before I wasn’t worried about doing it that way. The problem I did have was that they used an unidentified number to call me that I had apparently blocked some time ago. The poor MA called me multiple times and left me voicemails, but since the number was blocked, they didn’t show up on my phone until I finally found the number in my blocked calls list and unblocked it. By that time I had missed the scheduled time, so we rescheduled for the next day. I certainly must give the MA credit for not giving up. If only I could do my Pap smear and colonoscopy by virtual visit!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    It feels good to be home, especially temperature wise. It’s in the low 70s here compared to mid to high 90s. DH was really complaining about the heat and humidity in FL the last few weeks of our stay. I tended to stay inside with the AC so it wasn’t such a big deal for me. MA is only in Phase 2 and I’m not sure what’s opened or closed. We’ll be staying pretty close to home anyway. DH had a cardiology appointment Monday and that’s one of the reasons we came back when we did. He got a call Friday saying they could make it a virtual visit or could reschedule for some time in September. As I’ve mentioned, we’re not so technologically savvy so we weren’t really comfortable with virtual visit. They discovered they had a Tuesday morning cancellation and she’ll see him in person. He has to go in alone but that’s okay. He has an endocrinology appointment later in the week and that will be a phone call. Virtual was an option but he chose audio only. We have dental cleanings next month. There instructions are to call from the parking lot on arrival. They will call you and tell you when to enter the office. It’s a whole new world out there.

    Hopefully still being in phase 2 means MA is doing better than Florida.

    I've been working at home over 10 years now and I've never once done a video conference call. No need. I'm sure there's the occasional time when a doctor visit might be enhanced by video but I'm thinking most of the time it's just a fun toy.

    I'm scheduled to do an in-person endocrinology visit next month because unless I have an ultrasound there's no point to a visit.

    Still debating the dental cleaning but I'm thinking I should schedule it.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Jean - I'm sorry about your trip but those folks in Australia are being smart. I'm also sorry you're having food issues. NS isn't bad in a pinch. Many of my favorites are out of stock, though. I'm glad, though, that you're finally getting some sleep!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Pam, it’s not that we wouldn’t do a virtual visit, it’s that I’d be afraid I’d miss the doctor visit because I messed up the connection. I’m more comfortable with a dry run whenever I do something new or drive somewhere new. Since I didn’t have a way to try it in advance, I’m glad she’s seeing him in person.

    I'm with you on wanting to practice. Even though I was an early, enthusiastic adopter of personal computers, tech doesn't come naturally to me!

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    The 365 day cat calendar has a photo tomorrow of a cat ripping up a roll of toilet paper. Little did they know when they set up that page what it would mean when folks turned the calendar over to June 30.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    It is funny but Midnight did not inherit the gene to tear up toilet paper, nor did he get the gene to explore and play with boxes. He did inherit the gene to follow me everywhere.

    You will probably have to resize your page if on a computer to see the statistics, but this is how WV compares to surrounding states and the nation in percentage of people tested, and percentage of positive tests.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    Jean,I’m guessing you had to get tested before you could have surgery. BIL had cataract surgery last week and he had to be tested before he could have the surgery. He had the normal pre-op exams as well. I was looking online yesterday and I think MA is still requiring symptoms, a consultation with primary care and an appointment for a test. So I don’t think we’ll be getting tested anytime soon. So far both of us are healthy.

    I checked my weight yesterday and today and I’m down a couple of pounds but I think some of that is travel fluid. I’ll wait until mid-week to see what my weight is. That should be a true weight and I’ll be able to figure out what my quarantine gain is. It should be less than five pounds.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Our Smokie is the one of ours most in love with boxes. She'll twist her body into all sorts of positions to get into one.

    Jean - WV is looking pretty good there!

    Helene - 5 pounds "quarantine gain" is a lot less than many people are reporting.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    edited June 2020
    I just finished watching our governor's daily update to the people, along with questions from the press. He fired last week a major person in the State's Health Department because of a problem with the numbers that they didn't catch. Today's theme was "Do we require a mask?"

    Our governor may appear to be a little on the "hillbilly" side with his relaxed manner and speech but he is a sharp cookie regardless of how people feel about him. He has never held an office but he is a billionaire who among all his enterprises, owns the Greenbrier Hotel. He is also a buddy of Donald, but he does believe in masks and praising people who are helping to keep the numbers low.

    If you are bored and have time, you can catch today's talk--about an hour--which includes an update by the Covid Czar and others. There are some informational slides that precedes his talk.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    I just lost my post. I hate when that happens. We went to the supermarket and it was an eye opener in how bad things have been here. It’s an upscale independent chain and there were a lot of gaps in stock. We had to line up to enter. It was one out and then one in. The deli counter is closed and everything is prepackaged. Shopping was not the pleasant experience it used to be in this store. Meat was scarce. I bought a pack of frozen Bubba Burgers. I have part of a rotisserie chicken left over so I’ll shred it and add it to pasta. My store in FL was better stocked and easier to shop. I hope I don’t have to go back for a couple of weeks.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    The deli counter at one chain was closed already the last time I was there in March. The morning I went over to our largest chain to pick up a prescription I noticed their deli counter is closed.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    I’m using this morning’s weight as official. The travel fluid is gone. I have a 2 pound quarantine gain and I’m happy to take that. When I read how much other people have gained while staying home, I think I did okay. I had slept caked off on my steps because of the FL heat. It was in the 90s everyday during our last few weeks. Not weather that encourages me to walk. I’ve gone back to working my way up in steps again. Yesterday was over 5000 steps.

    On this morning’s news, it was reported that a couple of states and some hard hit cities are now mandating masks. When were in Jacksonville, almost nobody we saw wore a mask. And that’s where the Republican Convention is scheduled for August.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Helene - good news on the scale and getting back to the steps!!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member

    On this morning’s news, it was reported that a couple of states and some hard hit cities are now mandating masks. When were in Jacksonville, almost nobody we saw wore a mask. And that’s where the Republican Convention is scheduled for August.[/quote]

    We now know what it takes to save lives and suffering. Anyone who doesn't do it - government official or private citizen - should be ashamed. JMHO!! History (if the earth survives long enough to have history, a whole other issue) will not look kindly on the US during this period.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    The cheeto and his syncophants are SO rascist that they can't bear to leave intact a single thing the Obama administration accomplished. No matter the cost in human suffering. The latest push to repeal the Affordable Care Act really puts a bow on that.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,830 Member
    The man has no shame. In the midst of a pandemic, with so many people out of work and without employer healthcare, he scares the daylights out of vulnerable people about losing the affordable healthcare act. Supposedly, he says it’s to eliminate the penalty on those who choose not to opt in. But didn’t he already eliminate the penalty for not having health insurance a couple of years ago? I guess he forgot. He’d have to think up a new excuse just like when he tried to blame Obama for Covid when it didn’t exist until 2019.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Listening to the Dallas County judge who is urging the Gov. to order a statewide mask mandate.

    I think we are all tired of this but if people would do what is recommended, we could get through this more quickly. Too many Americans believe in freedom to do whatever they want even if it has consequences for others. Every right carries with it a responsibility and right now, responsibility is at a low.

    Today would have been the day I left for Australia. Today is the anniversary of my mother's death. There has to be something positive! Yes, I was freed to drive anywhere. This has been a very long period sitting here with the cat, and watching TV. PT awaits me, so that is an hour out of the house. I need to get some things ready for tomorrow's trash day when I return.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    The man has no shame. In the midst of a pandemic, with so many people out of work and without employer healthcare, he scares the daylights out of vulnerable people about losing the affordable healthcare act. Supposedly, he says it’s to eliminate the penalty on those who choose not to opt in. But didn’t he already eliminate the penalty for not having health insurance a couple of years ago? I guess he forgot. He’d have to think up a new excuse just like when he tried to blame Obama for Covid when it didn’t exist until 2019.

    Yes, the individual mandate penalty is already gone.

    Couldn't be a worse time for this. The pandemic makes that true overall but there's also another reason. Many employers are suggesting to their laid off employees that they go to the exchanges rather than sign up for COBRA because it's much less expensive. Once they give up their COBRA rights, they can't go back.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Listening to the Dallas County judge who is urging the Gov. to order a statewide mask mandate.

    I think we are all tired of this but if people would do what is recommended, we could get through this more quickly. Too many Americans believe in freedom to do whatever they want even if it has consequences for others. Every right carries with it a responsibility and right now, responsibility is at a low.

    Today would have been the day I left for Australia. Today is the anniversary of my mother's death. There has to be something positive! Yes, I was freed to drive anywhere. This has been a very long period sitting here with the cat, and watching TV. PT awaits me, so that is an hour out of the house. I need to get some things ready for tomorrow's trash day when I return.

    I can't believe I have so many fellow countrymen who are idiots. I can't believe the cheeto gets even one vote in November but I'm scared he'll win.

    I'm sorry about your trip and your mom. My mother and I weren't close but I don't think you ever get over losing your mother.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,646 Member
    edited June 2020
    More lunacy:

    NEW: South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem says “we will not be social distancing” at July 3 celebration with Trump at Mount Rushmore
