2020 - We can be our BEST SELF every day!



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    The doctor told me to take it easy for another couple weeks and hopefully that will be enough for the tendon. I hope she’s right. I hope yours heals up sooner rather than later. I hate how it takes so much longer to heal as we get older.

    What a great idea on the chicken! Prepping and cooking ahead of time will be a huge time saver in the long run.

    Yes, I’m still watching my grand baby full time...probably until the end of August unless something changes.

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    That does sound painful, Suzy - I hope it helps! It's almost good news about the support needed, as at least there is something you can do about it! At least I hope so, even if it's special insoles or something that will help with being active.

    Well done on the prepping, Snooozie! I must have had some sort of connection to you today - I bought a load of chicken breasts (well, four! I have a very small freezer) to prep so I had something quick for meals. Not nearly as exciting as yours, though! I just poached mine and chopped them up. Will add flavour when I come to use them.

    I got an unpleasant surprise today. I've actually been quite good at eating less, and I thought I'd check my waist again as that was always one of my measures of health. Even when I was really big I had a smallish waist and I thought if I just keep it in the 20s (and by 20s I mean 29) that's fine. Anyway hadn't measured for a while, but had assumed that if my weight was the same, my waist was the same. Measured today and not only am I out of the 20s, but I'm well into the 30s! I think I am only about 12lb heavier than when I last measured (at 29 inches), so excepted maybe an inch!

    To be honest, I think this just shows the reality of post-menopausal body recomposition, sadly. The worrying thing is that if I have put on that much fat with only 12 lb of weight gain, then I must have lost something other than fat i.e. muscle, despite all my efforts to maintain it. Oh well. Another wake-up call, I suppose!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Thanks Snoozie 😊
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    I'm still at it... logging and exercising most days

    Retirement is great.

    Hopefully I will be commenting more often.

    Carol in Jersey 😊
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Today's my birthday 🎂

    Taking the day off, luckily I have calories left from earlier 😅 in the week 😅

    Go team go 👏 🤩
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Happy Birthday, Carol! Lovely to "see" you! Well done on the logging and exercising after all this time ... glad you are enjoying retirement! Hope you have a lovely day x x
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Thanks Vailara 😊
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Happy birthday!!! You’ve been doing so great! You are rockin’ retirement!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Thanks Suzy 😊
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    This is what 2 miles looks like 👍

    Mile 1. 15.32
    Mile 2. 17.75

    Total: 39.07

    Go Carol Go
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I do the intermittent fasting, but not everyday and it gets easier as you get farther into it. You can drink black coffee unsweet or Bulletproof coffee(avocado oil or butter)
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Hi Time2

    Sounds like a plan 🥰👍

    I just try to eat 2 meals a day

    Healthy snack in between

    Trying to keep an

    80 / 20 balance

    Trying to get more cardio in

    Carol in Jersey
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I cheat and have milk in my tea, even when "fasting". Just a little thing that I'm not prepared to give up just at the moment. But I agree that it gets easier as you go on. Two meals sounds good, Carol. I've been doing that most days, and I'm now so used to going without breakfast! I get a bit hungry mid-morning but I ignore it and it goes away, or I'll have something very light. I used to do one meal a day more often.

    I have been mixing fasting and calorie counting at the moment and it's going well. I'm down 10 lb from my high of three or four weeks ago - although I know my weight fluctuates and a lot of that will not be actual fat loss! But it's still encouraging. I am eating very little, but feel OK. I just feel I have been dithering so long, and need to get this weight off quickly, then worry about sustainability later. I have been watching a TV programme about weight loss after lockdown which inspired me! All stuff I already knew, but it's just trying to set your mind to it, isn't it?

    I have had quite a few eye openers recently. The increased waist measurement was a biggy, because it takes the measurement into the unhealthy range. I'd also got just into the obese range with my weight. And also looking at the "reports" or "progress" feature that Snoozie pointed out, shows that the past YEAR during which I thought I was maintaining has actually been a slow gain.

    I just need to keep going and not make this yet another false start. Too many times I've done really well and then slacked off and just put the weight on again so easily!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    I should probably have another coffee before i attempt to write but could be more interesting without one ha..

    Vail - first off WOO HOO on the 10lbs gone.. holy cow woman that's awesome; well done YOU!! and it IS fat loss because we know every pound is made of of both fat and water so do the happy dance for yourself!! Looks like you have found what works for you right now with the combo platter of cals/fasting and i'm so happy for you! and excellent you found a programme on TV that has helped too.. i've been watching some of the webinars from one of my diabetes pages that has helped remind me why i started here too - so whatever inspiration we can get is a plus, right??

    I LOVE your word "dithering" - it's the perfect one to describe me lately and i need to def make a plan and stick to it - i don't want to end this year at this weight so i've set a first goal of 10lbs to go - you've already hit my first goal lol!! Honestly i'm afraid to do measurements = i know i have them from a few years ago but i can tell from my clothing my belly size is up too and as we know indeed the belly part indicates fat around the organs too.. i also like that you used the reports/progress to look back and realize the trend strayed a bit from maintenance.. it really sounds like you're in the groove right now and i'm so happy for you - and for sure it's the consistency thats so important for all of us i need to remember that; like you i've done the great then slacked off and while it's not about perfection, it is indeed about staying the course and staying consistent and committed to reaching our goal. Thanks for sharing that post !

    Suzy how's the foot doing?? im assuming you have weekends off from babysitting and i know that's when you like your outings - but i'm hoping you're also resting your foot consistently too... and that by the fall you will be pain free and able to resume your fav activity of hiking!

    The sheet pan of splitting the chicken into 3 different spice combos worked out well; used some of the greek in salads and the plainer ones with veg for dinners but now i'm sick of chicken lol.. my crisper in my fridge froze a cucumber and some lettuce for some reason so i was rather miffed at that loss but have restocked and turned it down lol.. last night i went to slice a pepper which looked lovely from the outside but was rotten inside.. blech! how to turn yourself off dinner lol.. but this week i will indeed focus on the consistency aspect of my eating and get back to my walking - i slacked off a bit there justifying it with playing pb a few times a week and i did one of my classes online... but its scary how easy it is to talk myself out of the walk which had honestly become a daily habit... so i'm heading out right now to get that done!

    Enjoy your sunday wherever you are and remember to do something nice for yourself - one thing i have to remember is NOT TO USE food as a reward either... i tend to still do that (like if i finish scrubbing down the kitchen i can have some chips!) but right now my place is crap and junk free ... at least for today lol... so i'll treat myself to a cup of coffee and a chapteror two of my book later on... time to lace up the sneakers now tho!!

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    This is what 2 miles looks like

    Mile 1. 18.26
    Mile 2. 17.19

    Total: 35.45

    Changed the music for mile 2

    I even jogged the first 1/2 mile without stopping 👍😲😊

    Go Carol Go
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I think I have achieved world class dithering status. If only I could stay focused for six months. Just six months!!! Ugh.

    Well done Carol! You’re doing great!

    As far as waist measurements go...if I could keep a visual in my mind of what my organs look like with all this fat packed in around them then I would probably never eat again. I’m making out my grocery list today and making an online order. I’m going to load up on veggies and some fruit to try and get focused again.

    My granny nanny days came to an abrupt and unexpected halt last Thursday. My daughter and her husband are both not feeling well and they’re afraid that it’s the virus. They went for testing today but won’t get the results for at least a week. They’re quarantined for two weeks and then will be taking the baby to daycare. I feel absolutely fine, just worried about them and my granddaughter. Their symptoms are mild at this point and the baby is fine.

    My foot is better...maybe? I still feel a bit of pain at times so it’s not completely gone yet. I’m really really hoping that it will get better because I don’t want surgery. My ankle is still bothering me a bit but the doctor said it usually takes four to six weeks for tendons to heal. It’s been three and a half. I’m waiting at least another week before deciding if I can go back to the gym...plus I need to quarantine in case my daughter does have the virus and I was exposed.

    Scary times we’re living in!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Thanks Suzy

    Hoping that your family hasn't been impacted by this virus 🙏

    Hopefully your foot will be better soon and you can get back to working out again

    Dithering can be good and bad

    Luckily in retirement I have less money and don't stop going to the store after work

    That means less junk as well


  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Thinking of you and your family, Suzy. I hope it's not Covid. It does seem that the younger you are, the better, so hopefully your granddaughter will do the best out of all of you! Amazing that it takes a week for a test! I thought it was much quicker. I think we have quicker ones here, but maybe not so accurate - I don't know. Fingers crossed that it's negative and that you haven't got it.

    Maybe the rest will help your ankle and foot to heal - I hope so.

    Glad you all like the use of "dithering"! It's so true, and I get annoyed with myself with how much time I waste. My maintenance weight was in the overweight range, but if I'd spent the last year losing weight (even if slowly) instead of allowing it to creep on, then I'd be well within the healthy range now. I had chosen to stop losing at an overweight point because I thought it would be easier to maintain (it was) but now, with Covid, I feel I should be aiming for healthy.

    Well done on the walking/jogging, Carol! Good to keep track of it for motivation. It's interesting about shopping habits changing with retirement and how that helps.

    I'm glad your three way chicken prep worked well, Snoozie! I have a few things in the freezer and I thought I should be clearing some out. I found some rump steak that I had bought when my son was here and I used it up. Some I grilled and had with oyster mushrooms and cavolo nero, and I had some tinned tomatoes left over that I made into an amazing sauce which I will have to make again. The rest I used in a sort of stroganoff type thing which was also really delicious. Such a treat! I wouldn't normally buy steak, but it was so good I might have to buy it again. Chicken breast is so bland. I think I will see if I can get a bit of lamb for this week, even though it's so expensive, but I'm eating small portions.

    I had a blip last night, and this was after my delicious meal, but I was just SO hungry and it wasn't going away, so I went and made a nutritious salad. No of course I didn't! I ate popcorn and chocolate. But I logged it and it was all still below my TDEE so I'm not going to worry about it.

    Excercise wise, I'm still mainly doing my Reebok step - I was doing step videos but it gets boring watching them over and over, so now I just watch a film or TV programme and keep repeating the same old steps that I know. It does spoil the mood a bit if it's a dramatic film, lol!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Oh Suz... must be such a scary time indeed for all of you waiting on results... please keep us posted will keep you and your family in my thoughts for sure hoping for a negative test result for all!

    Vail, although i do love the word itself, dithering is the thing i need to avoid LOL! It's the consistency i know will work for me if i can just get that into my head and stick with it every meal... and one meal at a time; i'm not going to look past that right now.. one meal and one day at a time hammering home the message to myself to be consistent.. last night i did the same as you Vail; different choice but same idea so that's over an done with and gone from my memory now... eyes ahead and focused! There are 2 weeks left in August and i'd like to lose 2lbs by the end of the month; that's my current "goal" if you will and again, not looking past that as yet. i have realized i've gotten into some bad habits using food as a reward so I've put the brakes on that as of today... (i.e., justifying a stop for a coffee and a muffin after paying pb for an hour.. 4 muffins a week is about a entire days worth of calories... so i'd rather eat for a whole day instead lol. I guess going back to the basics and hoping to stay consistent for the next 2 weeks as a start is my current goal.. i'll let ya know Sept 1st how i'm doing

    i agree with you on the boring with the same vids Vail... I found my instructors you tube videos from our class at the community centre... she's adapted it for using stuff at home for the weights and things so i'm hoping to do that class at least 3x a week.. there isn't as much ST in it as we use weighted poles and bands in class and don't have at home, but its something ... you like dance if i recall.. have you looked for any Zumba gold classes on you tube (the gold ones are designed for us older folks lol.. ) and there's a few I'm going to check out in that line called "dusty sneakers" or "silver sneakers" i think... i'm not disciplined enough to do it on my own i need some kind of thing to follow along with... so i'll be hunting around for different things i can at least try; i didnt do full reps of the squats or weights my first time doing my old class .. iremembered when i started i couldnt move the next day and as i'm basically starting over, i only did 1/2 of each and i was fine the next day lol..so i can ramp it up gradually til i';m doing it all again. it's also low impact cardio for the warmup which i like as i'm way the days of jumping around lolol..

    okey doke... need to get and get my walk done.... i'm trying to get out as much as possible and staying far away from the rest of the world while i do so.. but im just afraid if the fall brings another round and we're locked in again, if i don't get out while i can it wil make it even harder.. altho praying that won't happen anywhere!! Hugs all around

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    No wogging (walk/jog) today
    Highlights and shopping 🛍 😂🤷‍♀️