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WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - March 2020



  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 932 Member
    JillyBT wrote: »
    Finally had some time to read the posts. Sending everyone good vibes. I live in Los Angeles, and we might have to shelter in place! We are staying home but sheltering in place is a whole other level!

    So stressed with care givers coming to my parents house but I can't move in and take care of them. It is to much. And I don't want these care givers to loose their jobs. I pay a lot through an agency but I am sure they don't get that much. I would hire them privately but the Long Term Health Care insurance my father purchased years ago requires I go through an agency to get reimbursed.

    I don't have a scale at home, I was using the gym scale to motivate me to get to the gym which is now closed until further notice. So I need to order a scale, any suggestions from anyone?

    @sleepymom5 I obviously didn't get my weigh in yesterday. Can I just use last weeks weight or should I skip this week and I will hopefully get a scale delivered by next week. Sorry I missed posting my steps. I'll post all at once for this week. Hope to get out for some walks. We have had a lot of rain.

    @Cafelelia THANK YOU for the work outs

    @Freeglerock Sorry you might loose your room. It is bitter sweet to go from an empty nest to having our nest full again.

    @ljdanny so happy to hear your son's surgery was successful. Our gyms are closed too!

    @amsandos Hang in there

    Being stuck at home, should give me more time to check in.

    SUGGESTION on what helps me......

    This app "Unplug" (blue) is made by the studio I started going to. It is great for meditation. I think you can get a 7 day trial and if you like it is $7.99 a month or $50 for the year. They have 100's of meditations, in groups by topics (stress, sleep, anxiety, eating, beginners, travel, hypnosis, recovery, health and more) They also have them by time, by teacher. It has helped me so much with my anxiety. Sometimes I pick one that I don't like the voice or words they use but I haven't tried them all and most have been amazing!


    Hi Jill, If you have a Fitbit, the Fitbit Aria scale is a good one. It's probably good even if you don't have a Fitbit. The best scale I've had so far.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Vegan St. Paddy’s day, Irish soda bread and a wee bit of Guinness.
    And we got our walk in while everything was cooking!
  • KUMEcyclingteam
    KUMEcyclingteam Posts: 112 Member
    @Mrsbell8well I'm loving your food pics! Also loving that door mat (I got a thing for bikes!!)
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Tuesday 3/17
    Food: good
    Water: 40 oz
    Exercise: none

    After my alarm went off this afternoon I kind of just lounged around for a while before getting out of bed. Finally got up and went over to my dad's to get his credit card and find out what other prescriptions he needed from the pharmacy. I spent quite a bit of time in line. There were at least 6 people ahead of me(and one had a lot of questions so it took longer, good thing everyone was very patient) and when I looked behind me, there was also a long line. Once I got up to the counter, I found out the prescription the doctor called in yesterday still had not made it in from the distribution center. I could have waited for them to fill the second one but I would have had to wait at least an hour. They're really far behind in filling prescriptions right now. I"ll have to make another trip tomorrow.

    I went to a couple of stores looking for hand sanitizer and Lysol. There was none to be found. Finally got home and had supper and then paid a couple of bills. Most of my bills are automatically taken from my account except for these two. By this time it was after 7pm and I was still tired. I am sleeping but I guess just not well. I laid down to take a nap before work so my day went by quickly.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    edited March 2020
    Tuesday 3/17
    Food: logged and over
    Water: at least 64 oz
    Exercise: 40 min walk, Pt, strength and stretching

    My days are getting a little better. I am overeating dinner but other than that I am doing well. I planned all dinners that I wouldn't normally eat, so I don't know if that is why I am overeating. I may go to the store tomorrow early so I am hoping there will be more of a selection. I am actually cooking but I can't keep eating like this Lol! I have been resisting the urge to have a drink and to eat during the day and after dinner. I am taking those as wins. It hasn't been easy with all that is going on.

    I hope everyone is hanging in there. Thank you to everyone who is sharing their experiences. It is helpful to me to know what is going on outside of my little town in Pennsylvania.

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx You should share your transformation Tuesday here. You really are inspiring. :)
    @1theresamcvean Thanks for the link for the FB cooking group. I know a lot of our members will be interested!
    @podperson01 We are living in strange times. It is hard to judge how many people are listening to the requests because we are staying in and can't tell. There aren't as many cars out but there still seems to be a lot of cars if people are staying in. As you pointed out, not everyone has the option of working from home. I just hope everyone is doing enough to slow this virus down. Stay safe, especially with still having to used public transportation and working.
    @JillyBT I think we are all going to eventually have to shelter in place. I don't know about by you but it doesn't seem that everyone is staying in. I can use your weight from last week or we could just use and excused weigh in this week. Let me know what you would like to do. As far as a scale, I love my old Jenny Craig scale (I told you I have tried every diet lol!). I actually bought another scale that does body fat and other things and I just can't leave my little Jenny Craig scale Lol!
    @Cafelelia Thanks for all the suggestions. I actually shared the Kahn academy link with a friend who is watching kids and getting a little stressed with the work.
    @kirsten11872 It is just so crazy. It is amazing how the whole world seems to be going through the same thing at varying degrees. Wouldn't be nice if it brought everyone together. Even this group made me realize how we all really are alike.
    @amsandos I am glad you enjoyed your Birthday even with all that is going on. It is so hard to decide what to do. Lisa and I both had to cancel our trips. I would have left today so it was a good call. It is hard to know where this is all heading but it doesn't look like it will end any time soon. What is the Men's club? I am sorry to hear about your friend's family member. That brings things a little closer to home. I actually think yoga is a good idea at work. I know Angelina has been known to close her door and do a little yoga in her office. Can you walk through the museum. Maybe get some extra steps in? I think making a new health plan for this new situation is a great idea. We have to make this our new normal for the time being. I love that you are here with us! Hugs!
    @Mrsbell8well That looks so delicious! Nice job getting the walk in while you waiting. It was so nice out today. Now I want irish soda bread....Lol!
    @lennoncpa You're all set Lol! Look at those empty shelves. This is all so strange.
    @tryingagain5 Oh jeeze, all that waiting and you have to go back. Hopefully it will definitely be filled tomorrow. I wonder if the change in your routine is effecting your sleep. Hope you get a good sleep tomorrow.
  • Freeglerock
    Freeglerock Posts: 2,864 Member
    User ID: Freeglerock
    Week Number: 3
    Previous weight: 193.0
    Current weight: 190.8

    Might I see the 180's next week!?!?!?! So, I am now just below where I was weightwise before my brother passed away in January and I gave up smoking.  Hopefully I will keep this control going. 

    Past week or so I have been trying to change my diet up a bit.  I bought the mammoth book How Not to Diet, and have been listening to my Mum (who follows a whole food plant based no oil diet religiously after years of a vegan diet), I have been preparing a few meals that conform to that diet.  I am not 100% following (yet to find a milk alternative I like - but trying....), but gradually I will try new things and get more of our meals whole food and plant based.  But, oh my, am I gassy with it!  Getting the family on board will be a challenge though!

    Will post more later - need to get some work done...
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Wednesday check in

    Yesterday I had my C210K training. Did 2.6 miles in about 28 minutes, so my endurance is getting better. Finished the redo of week 4, which was intervals of 2.5 minutes of running with a 30 second walk recovery. Thursday will begin week 5: 3 minutes of running with 30 seconds of recovery.

    Today's workout will be arms and abs.
    Water goal is 60 oz.

    Following @Cafelelia 's example, here are a few more workout links that I like:

    Fitnessblender.com - Click on "Workout Videos" and you can filter for the type, intensity, and duration of workout you want.

    Yoga with Adriene - Her channel is great - she has whole playlists of 30-day challenges and she's encouraging and funny and awesome.

    Blogilates - Super cool workouts here. This is the gal who did the 100 ab challenge I did last spring.

    Weigh In!!!
    Username: GingerPwr
    PW 144.5
    CW 144.5

    I need to be really aware of snacking while I'm home. I eat when I'm bored.


    Sunday 3/15 - 8,202
    Monday 3/16 - 8,048
    Tuesday 3/17 - 10,357

    Hope everyone is still doing well. A friend at work has the COVID symptoms, but they won't test her because she's not high priority, nor does she have a known exposure. The real numbers on this won't ever be accurate.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Checking in after just cruising here for a few days. Monday was a long day - awake at 5, had breakfast at 6:30 then had to wait until after the biopsy to eat again. Biopsy was at 1:00 and it went well, then had to stay in recovery for 2 hours. Nothing to eat until 5 when we got some fried chicken at a drive through. Delicious!!! Yesterday was a bit tougher as I felt like someone punched me in the ribs (I guess the doctor did that Monday) and I was really tired all day. One more day to get through then I get the results and the plan. I am going to beat this thing!!
    On the state of the world - my niece has her wedding planned for April. She was told yesterday that the event will have to be postponed because the vendors can't serve more than ten people. Not sure what she will do but my Mom is very disappointed as she was looking forward to it.
    @GingerPwr It's amazing that the testing has all those restrictions but apparently there just aren't enough to go around yet.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @sleepymom5 Pam I love that cute outfit!!! I can’t wait to see you in that! I used to do that for motivation as well. Now everything fits. But I’m still contemplating that yellow polka dot bikini!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @KUMEcyclingteam thought you might like the doormat lol! I love to cook and bake. Hoping to write a cookbook someday. And a blog. Getting healthy is my biggest priority so some things on hold. We’re looking forward to biking again.

    Our days are changing everyone. So proud of our group for staying together and helping each other through EVERYTHING!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I felt like yesterday was my first kind of normal day in the new normal. I followed my plan, drank all of my water and worked out. I still get distracted but limit my access to the news cycle. I have started with homeschooling and a schedule for my kids. I am do mornings only for that, with breaks. Like me, the kids are slowly adapting to their new reality. Not seeing friends is so hard. My younger son does not have social media yet, so I will arrange for a few FaceTime callls

    @Mrsbell8well - Oh yummy food! I say go for that bikini!I am proud of us too and more than ever, now is the time to support each other!

    @pacsnc6 - I am sorry for that pain and fatigue you experienced. You are 100% right though that you are going to beat this! We are here for you every step of the way! I am sorry about your niece having to cancel her wedding and it would be hard to know what to do. She could have a small ceremony in April and a party when all of this is over. I hope everything works out ok.

    @GingerPwr - You are doing great! Thanks for those exercise links, we are going to need them! Nice maintain too, especially during this stressful time. Your colleague’s COVID situation is not unique unfortunately, and it is like that in our province too. The hospitals and testing centres do not want to see anybody unless they have upper respiratory issues or just arrived from out of the country. Everybody else is supposed to self isolate. You are absolutely right that the real numbers are not accurate.

    @Freeglerock - Great loss and you are doing great! Congrats on stopping smoking too! I think that making your diet changes gradually is the way to go. I have been an ovo-lacto vegetarian for over 30 years. My husband and boys are not vegetarians, but they eat a number of vegetarian dishes that I make, or I prepare two types of protein (one vegetarian and one not) with vegetable sides. Try it out with your family and you never know, they may like it! You will need to expertement with different foods re the gas issue. I don’t do well with cabbage and raw kale for example. It is trial and error. What is going on with your alottment during social distancing?

    @sleepymom5 - So glad that your days are getting better and you are doing great! I love your outfit and cannot wait to see a photo of you in it!

    @tryingagain5 - That is terrible about the pharmacy and I hope that you were able to get the medication today. A lot of us are not sleeping well. In another post, I will post a link for making your own hand sanitizer with Aloe Vera gel and alcohol.

    @lennoncpa - I love skinny pop! For the pandemic, tp and skinny pop is all a gal needs!

    @amsandos - Sounds like a fantastic birthday! I am so sorry that your coal carrying race was cancelled and that your other races are likely off as well. I have my 5 km in June and that is not cancelled yet, but it likely will be. I just read that Scotland and Wales cancelled school, but England will announce its decision shortly. At this point, it is likely they will shut the schools.

    @kirsten11872 - Fantastic steps! Hope that you are adjusting to this new normal and staying on track with your amazing streak!

    @JillyBT - I have not read about sheltering in place in Los Angeles yet. Is it happening? That is a very stressful situation with your parents. It is a good idea to keep things going with the caregivers as long as possible. I like the Eufy smart scale.

    @podperson1 - It is best to go about our normal lives as much as is allowed and possible. Glad that you stayed under calories and you can get back to exercise as you adjust to this new normal. So many of us have cancelled travel. When all of this is over (whenever that will be),think about how nice it will be to travel again.

    @1theresamcvean - Thanks for the facebook link!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited March 2020
    Thanks to all of you who have posted helpful links and apps for us to get through this difficult time. I have amassed a few more resources today and the links are below. There are all kinds of tours online of interesting cities, places and museums. While I am not a mental health professional, I have gathered government mental health resources for various countries of our team members. If yours is missing, let me know. There may be better resources in your city or town, but these national resources are a place to start at least. If I have some free time later, I will try to keep a running list of all links posted and then repost, so it is in one spot.

    Online Tours of Places All Over The World

    Virtual Museums

    General Mental Health Resources by Country



    New Zealand


  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    Hi again team! We started a F2F community thread where anyone can post their tips and online resources for staying motivated and healthy during this difficult time. I amassed everything I could pull from our team thread. Please feel free to add to that thread at any time!

  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    03/17 steps 6157
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Hello my friends. I went to the grocery store this morning. Plenty of fresh fruit and veggies which I needed. Not very well stocked with other things which I was expecting. We are good and no need to go out for a while. I have been cooking every night. Those of you who have been on here for a while know that cooking isn't my thing. I hope the family doesn't get used to it ;). Who knows-maybe I will get into a routine with cooking? It is another beautiful day here but I hear that rain is heading our way. I want to get out on another good walk today.

    I love how our team has been giving tips and websites so we can all stick to our goals and get our exercise in. I hope you all know you can come here and vent. We may not have the answers. This is new to all of us and sounds like we all are going through the same things. Let's support each other through this. Wouldn't it be nice if this brought the world closer?

    @Freeglerock Nice loss! I am glad you are back down to where you were. It looks like you have been doing well getting your exercise in and obviously doing well with eating too. You will see the 180s very soon!
    @GingerPwr You rock Casey! You are doing awesome with the C210K! Thank you for the links to the workouts you like. My daughter Shannon likes the fitness blender too. I am doing ok with snacking so far but I get such urges. What is it with staying in and just wanting to eat?! Stay well, I hope your co worker is ok. Who knows what these numbers are really like. Hopefully it gets better.
    @pacsnc6 Yes you will beat this! Listen to your body and rest when you need to. I feel terrible for all the weddings out there. Idk what they are going to do. Things are booked so far ahead now a days.
    @Mrsbell8well I thought you had that bikini! If not, you need to get it!
    @Cafelelia I guess it will just become the new normal to them soon. Even though I don't like that term, it is the temporary normal right? Love the links to the tours! Thank you! I also like that we have a thread to post in for staying healthy. What a great idea and definitely needed.
    @brown6267. Thanks for the steps, hope you are safe and well.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello all! Hope you are all hanging in there! I am getting stir crazy in the house. I miss going to work, never thought I'd say that, lol

    I have been struggling with staying on track & getting workouts done ov am er the last week or so. I have been grazing all day, not really tracking my food. I have decided to get out if this rut & get back on track! So far today, i have done well with my eating & I am going to do my workout after I finish working. I am also going to take the puppy for a walk or 2 later to get my steps in. We could be dealing with our current situation for a while, so I need to get back to a normal routine during these abnormal times!

    @sleepymom5 I agree, it is so weird how the whole world is going through the same thing! Love your smaller size outfit, so cute!! Definitely a motivator!

    @Cafelelia thanks! Trying to get as many steps in as possible!

    Have a good day! Hang in there!
This discussion has been closed.