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WAISTAWAYS Team Chat - April 2020



  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @Gidgitgoescrazy It is super hard to get back in the groove sometimes! It is weird out there but you can do this. I believe in you! You are awesome and inspirational. Baby steps and before you know it, you will feel like you again.

    @terytha The world needs more people like you. You are stronger than you know. Keep going. It sounds like helping others really make you feel like your best self!

    @jugar Glad you are getting back to moving even if it's modified. Hope you will keep improving and feel better soon. Glad your plants are doing well despite the snow.

    I have been doing pretty well. Getting in my workout videos and some cardio. Working on balancing my meals better. Tried a cereal today for breakfast but was starving in about 2 hours. Won't be having that again! Having smaller snacks in the evening with my husband. Had a loooooong video meeting for work today. People talked about nothing for like an hour and 45 minutes. So annoying...I ate a lot of chocolate after it. Then I stopped eating chocolate and made peanut butter toast instead.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    edited April 2020
    @jugar Glad to hear you are feeling a tiny bit better and moving slowly but more. Slowly, slowly. That's the key. And yay for little plants. Here are my little cucumbers. I just need to get some new garden soil.

    @Gidgitgoescrazy I hear you!! Weird times for sure. Give yourself some grace. Don't be too hard on yourself. You are still doing really good things, especially with your exercise. Like @conleywoods said, baby steps. <<tells self same thing>>

    I am off track with logging my food. Still have those habits I have established this past year, but not quite as disciplined as I have been. I did get out and take a lovely walk today, but I haven't logged a single thing. I will go do that as soon as I post here.

    Anyway, you are not alone in your struggle. I am right there with you struggling to get my head completely back in the game. It's not going to get there overnight, because there is so much else taking up room in my head. I think that is a big part of what is happening. You know what to do. One little thing at a time. Also, I get the disappointment in a cancelled trip. Now, I have to make sure I can get as much of a refund as possible.

    @YinxFed and @evangsimmons170 Good to hear you want to continue our Waistaways Step Team and reporting here on the thread. So we will. @evangsimmons170 You totally deserved those kudos. So, so close to 100,000 steps in a single week. I know you will get there. All my other steppers, be sure to give me your steps by Sunday afternoon.

    @conleywoods Hugs to you on the long drawn out meetings about nothing. You are amazing how well you juggle all the aspects of your life. What a great manager!!!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,261 Member
    That is some beautiful flower, @micki48 - is it a peony? I love them, but have not had luck growing them up here. I used to have a dog named Peony, though! A lovely boxer. Her personality was as gorgeous as this flower, even if her face was not!

    HEADS UP! Wednesday weigh-ins:

    Now that we are heading into the middle of the middle week of our April challenge - post some suggestions for workout videos, snack substitutions, stress eating solutions - we can all beat this slump!
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    So got home made dinner, then took the dogs for a walk, didn't get my scheduled exercise in, because dinner went long, it was taco tuesday, and both kids were present and thats an ODD thing in my house.... So I took advantage of it and made it last longer than needed... My daughter made

    Then after my shower I had some cashews... I know not the most horrible snack, but I am not sure why I even bought them... no self control....

    I didn't make it to my walk while at work, I actually got really busy, which is odd, but I enjoyed it, the day flew by...

    This morning I got up and did a 20 min Leslie Sansone video before work, and I liked it, I am going to try something different... I am going to try to do a video in the morning, and the pilates or yoga as soon as I get home from work ( before dinner) then dinner, then walk the dogs... I'll do that the rest of this week, and next and reevaluate... I have to admit the past 2 weeks, when I would do my pilates in the morning I was lazy about it, and thats one exercise style where it's easy to be lazy and just do the motions, cause well your laying down for most of it... So I think it's time for a change...

    I forgot my wrap for my lunch, so that kinda sucks, maybe I can talk my daughter into bringing it to me... it's just the actual tortilla I have the meat and veggies that go on it... Yeah I know I'm weird, I don't like my food put together until right before I eat it, so I pack everything separately. I could run across the street and buy another pack, but I don't think that would be considered "essential" so I will make due... To bad my lettuce isn't big enough to use as the cover... hmmmm My big dilemma for today...

    I also noticed my "game" went downhill when I stopped making these posts daily, I kinda felt like they were boring and no one wanted to hear my petty issues... but I think they do me good and help with accountability, so I am going to get back to doing them daily. I actually feel a little embarrassed when I have to admit I ate a whole cup of cashews, but thats a good thing, when I know I have to admit it to you guys the next day, might make me think about it...

    Hope you all have a great day and wash your hands... Oh speaking of that I got a hand soap from my fab fit fun box last year some time, just opened it last night, it's a lavendar epsom sat hand soap, it says lather, then hold your hands by your nose to inhale... OMG it smells so good.... It's a calming soap something other, ya know that stuff you would never buy, but if it's free it's awesome... lol

    Okay, Have a great day !

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,261 Member
    I also noticed my "game" went downhill when I stopped making these posts daily, I kinda felt like they were boring and no one wanted to hear my petty issues... but I think they do me good and help with accountability, so I am going to get back to doing them daily. I actually feel a little embarrassed when I have to admit I ate a whole cup of cashews, but thats a good thing, when I know I have to admit it to you guys the next day, might make me think about it...
    You have no idea how UNboring your posts are. Everyone loves everyone else's petty issues! And it is true, telling the story of your day, including its stupid moments, challenges, smiles, dilemmas, discoveries, and fun moments might be the most important part of the "game". Your voice enters our heads, our voices enter yours. You'll hear us warning you about those cashews today for sure! I actually count my daily almonds, and then put them away in the freezer. It's the only way!

    So please keep telling us about your day, and I hope the rest of us follow your example of talking about all the things. Thanks!
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    So got home made dinner, then took the dogs for a walk, didn't get my scheduled exercise in, because dinner went long, it was taco tuesday, and both kids were present and thats an ODD thing in my house.... So I took advantage of it and made it last longer than needed... My daughter made

    So didn't finish this, my daughter made guacamole, it was HORRIBLE... the avocados weren't ripe, it's was yucky, she tried to ripen them but it didn't work.. This the girl who works in a Mexican restaurant, who eats guac daily (when they were open) ... but I guess her fail was not that she can't make it, but that she doesn't know how to buy ripe avocado, takes skill to buy them the day you want to use them...
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    We are on the downhill slide to the weekend. My weight is up and I am feeling really frustrated. I have been working out a lot and doing better with food but not perfect. I feel I should be seeing some better results! I'm going to try more vegetables. I have another video meeting for 2 hours today. I was wondering if I could ride my stationary bike for part of it? I will have to experiment first incase I look ridiculous!
    @micki48 love all the spring photos! It is pouring rain here and I am wishing for sunshine.
    @Gidgitgoescrazy I love your posts and they obviously work for you! Keep'em coming.

    Yesterday my mother in law did a workout video with me. She has been complaining about not being able to do as many things physically as she use to. She had brain surgery 2 years ago and she did a lot of sitting prior to surgery. She isn't overweight just weak muscles. She liked it and said she wants to do more.

    Since we are sharing workout videos, I use Beachbody on Demand. It is a paid subscription but it's way cheaper than a gym so I am good with it. Right now I alternate 2 programs. I like Barre Blend a lot! I used to go to a barre studio but couldn't do all the travel time. It's low impact and focuses on the full body but lots of booty. I also love the Morning Meltdown 100. Each section has 10 different types of workouts. You get some weights, cardio, yoga, martial arts, full body interval stuff and stretching. Both of the programs don't repeat work outs. Barre has 80 different workouts and the other one has 100 different workouts. It is like going to a studio for a class. I like that they are filmed live so you see people wobbling, changing weights and no corny scripted lines from the instructors.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Happy hump day, everyone!

    Talking about workouts, I'm currently doing 20 minutes of HIIT and 20 minutes of yoga on alternate days. And each day I follow up with one of Lucy Wyndam Read's workouts (between 5 and 30 minutes long). I'm really enjoying it, although I seem to be a lot less flexible than I remember when I last did some yoga! All workouts are done in the company of my little dog, Edie. (Her expressions range from confused when I'm jumping up and down or huffing and puffing to disdain as she watches me - while yawning - attempt yet another awkward downward dog without shaking!)

    This morning it was yoga followed by one of Lucy's 20 minute walk and tone sessions. Lovely.

    On Easter Sunday I made a wonderful (if I say so myself) lamb roast, but it was enormous - there are just the two of us! We're still getting through cold lamb slices in sandwiches for lunch (yummy though). Tonight's supper is chilli.

    Current issues - water. I can't believe how much difficulty I have in getting enough of the H2O down my throat! Must try harder. Seriously! I'm also struggling with a small chocolate egg problem! This too will pass.

    Our neighbours directly opposite us are a lovely family with 5 lovely, well-behaved children. The children's grandparents live at the bottom of our road. Every morning (since lockdown) at around 11:00am, the grandparents walk up the hill and talk to their grandchildren from the bottom of their outer stairs or sometimes the children lean out of their bedroom windows. It's such an adorable habit to see as I look out of my kitchen window and it always makes me smile.

    Enjoy your day, friends!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,311 Member
    April 14, 2020 9:43PM
    That is some beautiful flower, @micki48 - is it a peony? I love them, but have not had luck growing them up here. I used to have a dog named Peony, though! A lovely boxer. Her personality was as gorgeous as this flower, even if her face was not!

    @jugar Thanks. It’s actually a rose and smells so good. Peonies are also a favorite but I do t have those yet. I swipe some from my daughter’s house.

    @Gidgitgoescrazy I love seeing your posts. You may not think so, but coming here reading all of your posts helps me see I am not alone on this journey and we all cycle through periods of success, frustration, boredom and everything else. I like when I see there are many posts to read and it always does me good.

    I used to get FabFitFun and I have that same lavender hand soap. It does smell soo good. I just cancelled for spring. Was uninspired by the spring box.

    Ahhhh, avocados. Such a roulette wheel. Not yet, not yet...too late. 🥑 Love them just the same. Glad the rest of the meal was good.

    You all inspire me with your exercise plans. Kudos to you. I really needed to do my Pilates this morning because I read too much news about reopening without a plan and sending teachers back first to see if it works and it made me so mad. Like teachers don’t have enough to deal with, let them be the canaries in the coal mind, so to speak. Ya da ya da. Anyway, I did my Pilates and followed up with some weight bearing exercises and it sure did help. So exercise REALLY does help.

    @YinxFed I love the visual of your neighbors. How precious. And little Edie helping you exercise. My cat, Chloe, joins me on the floor. I think she’s worried that I’ve fallen and I can’t get up. 😂

    Yesterday I went grocery shopping. So today I need to go try to organize my refrigerator so I can find stuff. It’s quite packed right now.

    Everything I’ve eaten so far is logged today and that’s the first time in a while. Baby steps, right.

    I thank each of you for all you contribute here to our United journey!🎉❤️👏🏼👍🏻🥑🥒🤙🏻👣🏃🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🏆
  • offitgoes
    offitgoes Posts: 755 Member
    PW: 176.4
    CW: 175.6
    Always a late start. I have to keep telling myself just start where you are and move forward. Took labs today for my 3 month A1C. I was doing so much better before the shut down. I won't know results until next week. I can't change them - they are what they are. My eating went way off track the last week. Trying to avolid meds for controlling diabetes. Time will tell next week.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    Feeling smug with this unmolested Easter egg! I'm having some grapes after supper (and I don't mean wine! :D )

    Have a good evening, friends!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @YinxFed I really like Lucy Wyndham Read and chocolate eggs! Good for you leaving the egg alone and eating fruit. I am also trying to resist the few chocolate eggs and bunnies we have around too.

    @micki48 Nice job logging and working out! That is a great start and hopefully the habit grows a little more each day.

    My baby steps today including eating a more satisfying breakfast: eggs, sausage, cheese and wheat toast. I made a big pot of vegetable and potato soup to keep me full with lower calories. Next is working out and spending time with the kids. The kids are growing butterflies and we will work on their butterfly journals.
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @offitgoes We are all experiencing ups and downs lately. Hopefully your test results are okay. Take baby steps and log everything! Come in and chat too.
  • Terytha
    Terytha Posts: 2,097 Member
    I couldn't donate blood. My veins are too small.

    It's stupid but I'm pretty upset.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,261 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    I couldn't donate blood. My veins are too small.
    It's stupid but I'm pretty upset.

    keep working out - they'll get bigger! And yeah, it is always amazing how bad we feel when we can't do something good like give blood. Last time I went, my blood flowed SO slowly that they almost gave up on me, and I felt like I had done something wrong. So now you'll just have to figure out another wonderful way to make a difference - and I'm sure you will!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,261 Member
    So good to hear from everyone - struggles with chocolate eggs always make me laugh. I'm SO mean just because I don't like chocolate. Halloween and Easter just give me that obnoxious superior attitude. Don't get me started on nuts or good trail mix or ice cream, though...

    Today was another slo-mo day for me. My technicolor bruise and all the swelling are still giving me discomfort, but at least the huge drops in blood pressure have calmed down! I took a good walk today, and did about a half a Pilates workout (avoiding at all cost anything rolling from sitting to lying and vice versa!). It is tricky because a certain amount of working the glutes helps dissipate all the liquid and blood in there, but too much makes the swelling worse.

    But I got almost a complete file drawer emptied! I am finally getting rid of old teaching materials. I won't be teaching those courses again, the materials are in outdated formats (SO many transparencies!!!) and they are no use to anyone at this point. It is kind of fun going through them all anyhow, but the box of paper to recycle is very full. Two more drawers to go. The best was finding drawings from my kids on occasion. They would come to work with me sometimes and draw while I was getting lecture notes ready, or they would give them to me when I was working at home. Made me smile.

    Only one Thursday weigh-in:

    and @evelynladams527 from today. Consider yourselves headsed up!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    @micki48 I will keep with the step challenge, even though my steps aren't as good now that I teach from a computer.

    @conleywoods I love Beachbody on Demand. I've had it for years. I'm currently doing 21DF RT for the 100th time. I am excited to try Barre Blend.

    @jugar good job cleaning out the file drawer. This past year, I did that in my classroom. It caused me several anxiety because what if someday maybe but, it felt great when I was done.

    This week has been pretty good. I'm finally getting the hang of working at home while home schooling my kids. I am still rocking my workouts. Eating is better...most days. I ate a lot of carbs yesterday. I keep saying I need to consistently log so I can finally have good results
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    PW 179
    CW 177
    my scale only does half pounds, I feel like I ought to get a better one. I see a lot posted here with .2s or .7s...any recommendations?
    it's grilled asparagus season....even better than chocolate eggs. ; )
    Glad you're recovering from your fall - scary- AND you're even getting in some exercise around it, good for you!
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