WaistAways - April 2021 Team Chat



  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member



    1st @apple852hk 2.75%
    2nd @19shmoo69 2.67%
    3rd @digger61 2.42%

    1st @19shmoo69 7.0 Lbs
    2nd @digger61 5.0 Lbs
    3rd @eahrenee 4.4 Lbs
    3rd @ashleycarole86 4.4 Lbs



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Terytha wrote: »
    @jugar Can I get a raincheck this week? The battery on my scale died and I didn't feel like braving the snowstorm for more.
    No problem! You're OK until next Sunday.
    CW 219
    Apologies group for some reason I couldn't log in kept telling me something about a server request. I cant seem to get away from 219/218 on the scale even thought I've lost inches. I have incorporated strength training. Any suggestions on how to get the scale moving again? Should I change my calorie intake?
    I'm glad to see you! MFP can get pretty weird sometimes with their tech difficulties. If you are not losing, and your exercise is steady, you need to reduce your calories. It does not need to be drastic! As you build muscle, you will burn more calories, but the strength building must be increased gradually all the time. If your calories are just a bit lower, you'll see the scale move for sure. Some people find that changing their macros and not just the calories helps too - and drink plenty of water! Keep the salt low enough, and try to avoid excess sugar, flour, and all that fun stuff. You are your own experiment!
    gak71 wrote: »
    I’ll finish the day with 600 calories left because I have a back tooth bothering me and it hurts too much to eat. Maybe I should skip seeing the dentist tomorrow, this could be very slimming!
    No dentist for you, buddy boy! Well, maybe you can go if the pain gets too bad... hope if feels better soon, but maybe get used to a smaller stomach first!

    Sunday - Monday people - week 4 is already rolling along!

    lead on!
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Here are my steps for the week.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Great job on the stamina increase! Soon you'll be unstoppable. Eeeee Hah!

    This is the perfect time to make a plan like that - before you get into any kind of big slide. You have lost 17 pounds so far, and you do not want them to be found again! I'm going to join you on the drinking water rule. I always drink water during the meal, but should start with it - especially at lunch where I tend to go a bit overboard. Tracking before eating is also very, very useful. You've got this!

    I'm back on my fitbit for the first day since my surgery and all the weeks of recovery with the dreaded drain, and now I guess I want to have numbers to challenge myself. The snow is gone, the mud on the road is slowly improving (gotta love dirt roads in the spring...) and there are no more reasons not to get out there and rack up some serious stepping. I'll rejoin the step team soon, and will accept invites on fitbit to keep up with you big steppers!

    I also just started using the Canadian fitness app Participaction. It looks great - any of my fellow Canadians use it?
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,195 Member
    @jugar I feel like I downloaded it a long time ago but it was well before my fitness journey and I did nothing with it. What does it do? Let me know if it's worth a download.
    Hope everyone has a great week ahead! My husband and I went for our 6K walk last night after the snow had stopped and the paths had melted a bit... went from thinking we weren't going out at all to doing a longer walk, so that was a nice boost.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    @jugar I feel like I downloaded it a long time ago but it was well before my fitness journey and I did nothing with it. What does it do? Let me know if it's worth a download.
    Hope everyone has a great week ahead! My husband and I went for our 6K walk last night after the snow had stopped and the paths had melted a bit... went from thinking we weren't going out at all to doing a longer walk, so that was a nice boost.
    The Participaction app has a combination of tracking (steps, active minutes, any workouts you want to add, etc.), articles, videos, rewards for reaching goals, and it can sync with a fitness tracker if you want. It is a bit like the fitbit app itself, but has more interesting things to read and stuff to try. They have weekly draws based on how many chances you earn through physical activity - gift cards, etc. Let me know if you decide to give it a try and we can connect for challenges, etc. In any case, good job on the 6k walk!

    I'm glad I put on the tracker today. Over 17,000 steps so far. I took a crazy hike to try out some new footwear. The things were so amazing that I went everywhere on all kinds of terrain - wet, dry, rocky, roots, tons of leaves - they passed all the tests. I'm not sure I'd want to do miles in them on pavement, though. They're like wearing socks but they protect your foot and are waterproof. If anyone is a minimalist footwear afficionado as I am, check them out -

    Tuesday is our no-weigh-in day, so go ahead and post any questions, observations, ideas. There are 2 people who I hope will weigh in asap, though!

    don't disappear :heart:
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,195 Member
    Morning all! I know I just said I was only weighing weekly, but my husband is on Noom and they weigh daily, and I felt like I was missing out on all the fun. My mentality feels so different this time that I don't suspect negative behaviors as a result of the increased scale, but I'll continue to monitor how I feel. I can see how it gives some directional understanding and that this information could be powerful for me.

    Going golfing again tomorrow night... otherwise just keeping up with my daily walks.

    One more until I'm taking my two week diet break, so hoping for some solid progress before then!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    I'm on plan, on track, only eating what fits in my goal for today, but I can't focus on work, all I can think about is FOOD! I keep opening the fridge to see if any miraculous calorie-free treats have magically appeared.

    They haven't.

    It's very disappointing.

    Back to my water.... And my desk.

    Is it Friday yet? 😉
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I've been doing well with my calories and getting in lots of outdoor exercise with all the warm weather. I have not been doing any ballet workouts but it's going to rain all weekend so that will change!

    I never found my diamond and my husband took me ring shopping last weekend. I ended up picking a new ring and it should be ready tomorrow. My original ring was so well loved they suggested it be rebuilt which was just as expensive as a new setting. I will save my original ring and have it redone later and maybe with a colored gem instead.

    Work has been very busy and we have two therapist out on maternity leave. One made it to 37 weeks with twin girls! The twins weighed in at 7 lbs 9 oz and 7 lbs 14 oz!!! Phew, I can't even wrap my head around how big they were. We have some baby coyotes on our road and their parents put them in a culvert near our friends driveway. We have a group of ladies who walk every day. When they got near the pups all six of the babies came rushing out to greet them and started rubbing against their legs. The ladies were understandably concerned. Hopefully the parents will move them ASAP. I could see the little cuties from the road when I drove home last night. zuazfv4z8ncg.jpeg
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    I'm on plan, on track, only eating what fits in my goal for today, but I can't focus on work, all I can think about is FOOD! I keep opening the fridge to see if any miraculous calorie-free treats have magically appeared.

    They haven't.

    It's very disappointing.

    Back to my water.... And my desk.

    Is it Friday yet? 😉

    carrots! I've been leaning on carrots for a week - not calorie free but better than what else I might grab. We also always have boiled eggs in the fridge - filling/protein and better than what else I might grab. If you have any tips (other than water, ha!) let me know. and, now, me, back to my desk too!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    eggfreak wrote: »

    carrots! I've been leaning on carrots for a week - not calorie free but better than what else I might grab. We also always have boiled eggs in the fridge - filling/protein and better than what else I might grab. If you have any tips (other than water, ha!) let me know. and, now, me, back to my desk too!

    I need to cook eggs! Good call. I had a hard boiled egg and a dill pickle with my lunch all last week, it helped me feel satiated longer. I think about food cause I know I'm going to eat some delicious stuff and I'm excited! Lunch was a tortilla pizza from the MFP blog videos (customized with spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, shallots and bacon - so good!) and tonight is fish tacos, one of our favourites. Mmmm tacos.......

    I haven't been giving in to snacking, and I'm not actually hungry, I just can't stop thinking about food! Like, there's just do many things I'm inspired to cook.

    K, off to drink another glass of water and then hit up some tacos.

    @ellz_runs I really liked the look of those videos @YinxFed posted about too, but I can't commit to more than 20 minutes so once I'm on my computer I'll try to see if she has any shorter programs. Hope you are enjoying them!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    What a great Tuesday here on the chat! fridges filled with imaginary calorie-free food, baby coyotes (I'm in love), crazy jobs, the challenge of working (and working out) from home. And recipes.

    I figured out at about 3:00 this afternoon that today is my anniversary - 26th! We have been together for 30 years, but got married when our daughter was just about to turn 3 so that we could adopt her little brother. We had a good laugh when I came home from my daily horse visit with some special food for dinner, and I carried it into the house naked. Don't get silly - I ALWAYS have to walk in naked after being with the horses! My husband has severe allergic asthma, so after a trip to the barn, I strip outdoors, pack up the clothes in a plastic bag, seal it, and get in the shower. The plastic bags are treated like radioactive waste until the clothes are in the washing machine and the bags are washed for the next use. So really, walking in naked is kind of normal. Dinner was great!

    Those endless thoughts of food - great way to avoid what needs to be done. I frequently find myself lining up something to cook (or eat) rather than doing that thing I know will take some effort and I want to put off. Yeah. I hear that one @PlaneMonkey and @eggfreak ! I like your ideas for substitutes to high calorie foods, and it also helps to pre-plan the food for the hours I want to work so that the kitchen is off limits during that time. I try to pretend I am somewhere else at work. Sometimes it even works! Maybe an imaginary boss in the next room could be useful. A really cranky one who hates it when anyone slacks off to go look in the fridge.

    Well, tomorrow we are expecting 15 cm of snow (6 inches), and (of course) I have early errands in the morning. Hopefully the snow will start later and I can just stay home and not make cookies or something. Wednesday people, are you ready? Good!

    Wednesday -

  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    I spent a lot of yesterday morning looking at my goals for fitness for the year and how I am doing so far. I cant believe its April ALREADY! It seems like my routine has been out of whack lately and my tracking shows that I haven't been consistent with exercise, food or tracking... :) So I need to get back to some accountability and good habits.

    @Micki48 here are my steps which should catch me up thru yesterday.

    09: 5,382
    10: 15,049
    11: 4,703
    12: 6,812
    13: 13,028
    14: 18,895
    15: 9,492
    16: 8,974
    17: 0 - Did not track or wear watch
    18: 0 - Did not track or wear watch
    19: 5,324
    20: 10,502
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    powdered peanut butter. It has all the flavor of regular peanut butter but hardly any fat and way less calories.

    WHAT??? Powdered peanut butter? I didn't know there was such a thing! That sounds amazing! - Ok Ok... I am going to try to act cool.... Could you tell me where you found that?
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