WaistAways - April 2021 Team Chat



  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    edited April 2021
    @jugar, I'm pleased to report that a higher water intake (back up to 3-4L a day) is helping me stay under my calorie goal and not eat exercise calories - I hope you're finding the same!

    Yesterday was awfully stressful. I went into the office - since last March I'd been once in April last year, once in September last year, then this was the first time this year - and I was a bit anxious about it for various reasons. An alarm system had been installed, and I mis-understood the instructions to mean that it was at the entrance to our shared building, not our internal entrance, and proceeded to set it off as I was first in, then panic. I think if I hadn't been already anxious, and there'd be somebody else there I would've been fine, but I couldn't figure out how to open the keypad cover so I wasn't sure it was the keypad and I had the alarm going for what felt like a good 5 minutes. This was about 8.30am, and the anxiety stayed with me for the rest of the day, even when coworkers came in. I did set the alarm at the end of the day (my heart rate shot right up...) and I've tried to tell myself that 'the worst thing' has happened and it ended up fine so I don't need to worry about it in the future.

    It was a really interesting lesson for me in how when I'm even mildly anxious - when my 'lizard brain' is in control - my cognitive function is impaired. It doesn't take much to escalate from the lizard hovering in the corner to being behind the wheel, which is probably something I can work on. I'm generally an intelligent, logical person who likes solving problems but in that situation I lost it and couldn't think to pause for a moment and deal with the issue. I'm not generally anxious these days, but I can see how easily it would be to allow that part of my brain to take charge and then overeat, etc.
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    PW 194.2
    CW 193.6
    LTD 50.4 LBS :)

    @Steph1498 PB2 is the powdered peanut butter. it's amazing what you can substitute with it, especially in baking! https://pb2foods.com/
    They sell it at health food stores, amazon, and our local Costco I think has even started stocking it. Great suggestions @conelywoods, I'll have to get some vanilla protein powder to try that out. Pumpkin spice..... yum! I only have chocolate powder in the cupboard at the moment but that could make for some great chocolate peanut butter smoothies.... I also have popcorn in the cupboard for afternoon cravings, 80 calories for 2 cups of the movie butter style, I reheat it in the microwave so I can pretend its fresh and savour every piece.

    @Pearl4686 hope you get out of your rut! don't let it become a man-eating pothole like on the roads this time of year!

    @jugar do you have to strip outdoors in the winter as well? or are barn visits relegated to good weather seasons only? Happy Anniversary!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    PW 148.6
    CW 149.2

    My hopes of a green month always get ruined. I had a great week so there is nothing I could have done differently. I think there is something hormonal that causes my weight to go up around the this week every month. I noticed last month that I have a high weigh in around this time every month (it's too early for PMS).🤷‍♀️
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    edited April 2021
    PW 148.6
    CW 149.2

    My hopes of a green month always get ruined. I had a great week so there is nothing I could have done differently. I think there is something hormonal that causes my weight to go up around the this week every month. I noticed last month that I have a high weigh in around this time every month (it's too early for PMS).🤷‍♀️

    You ARE having a green month - 3.2 pounds lost and one more week to go! Maybe you did not get green every single week, but as long as the final number at the end of the row is green, I'd say you're doing great. TOM can really mess with weight - for some people more than others. It is just a fact of life, like so many others, that drives us a bit crazy! Drink plenty of water, and sigh deeply. That's just a meditative breath in disguise :wink:
    PW 194.2
    CW 193.6
    LTD 50.4 LBS :)
    That plane is FLYING! Huge congratulations on losing the equivalent of a nice heavy bale of hay! Next time you're carrying some 50 pound object, remember how it felt to carry that around all the time. Your knees and everything else thank you for a great job done :sweat_smile:
    @jugar do you have to strip outdoors in the winter as well? or are barn visits relegated to good weather seasons only? Happy Anniversary!
    Usually I have a deal in the winter to shower at the house where the barn is before I leave, and the car never gets contaminated. But now the house has been sold and I'm not sure where the horse and I will be next winter. Hopefully I will not be stripping outside... although we DO have a sauna and I could just start the fire in there before leaving home, couldn't I? That might work! Thanks for the anniversary wishes :heart:

    Hugs flying your way too :heart: It is so weird how much anxiety has grown after a year of going so few places outside the home. I also get really anxious when I go to places I used to go all the time, and my tolerance for new things is going to have to be re-grown. Stuffing down the anxiety with food is hugely tempting at those times, and you did great to keep it at bay. I feel sometimes like a little kid experiencing new things for the first time and finding them really scary - but remember that doing them a few times will build your confidence back again. A repertoire of breathing exercises really helps. You can beat it! Down, lizard, down! No driving for you!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Oh yes, powdered peanut butter sounds completely amazing. It is now ON the shopping list.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    @jugar Happy belated anniversary!
    I think my golf round is only 9 holes tonight, but I believe I'll be walking the course, so it'll be a good workout right before weigh-in tomorrow morning :)
    Have a good day all - really warm and sunny here in the Calgary area before our rain/snow comes back tomorrow
  • gak71
    gak71 Posts: 192 Member
    This is currently my favorite keto snack or light meal with only 168 calories and 10 grams of net carbs. I prefer the Crepini egg wraps to the cauliflower wraps.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Thanks for the recipe @gak71 ! Looks good. Our snow is going kinda wild here tonight, so raspberries look like a great idea.

    A quick bit of nagging for ya!

    Still due for Wednesday:

    Heads up for Thursday weigh-ins:

    Looking forward to the weekend when the spring temps come back - hope you are all getting through the weeks well :heart:
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @steph1498 and @jugar The link @PlaneMonkey gave for the PB2 powdered peanut butter is the same one I use! It is amazing stuff.
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 555 Member
    As Gwen Stefani once sang, “This *kitten* is bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!...”
    We could just put “snow” in there and it’s be accurate.
    I completely forgot both weigh in *and* your anniversary, @jugar! We’re at Emily’s and will return home later tomorrow afternoon. So, I’ll weigh in on Friday this week, OK? I hope you had a good anniversary.
    We went to a great Italian restaurant nearby last night. Thank goodness we walked both ways - the food was great & precautions were good.
    We ended up doing some errands in the mid afternoon when we were hungry and thirsty so...ate authentic fish’N chips at a British run fish shop. It was really tasty and well over calories, I’m sure!
    It’s a good thing that we often have kale and other veggies with breakfast.
    Ok, time for bed.
    Sleep well, y’all.
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    PW 152
    CW 151.5
    so happy that I broke the yo-yo!
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,089 Member
    Back from my walk and the weather's lovely. Here are a couple of snaps that I took.

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    Username ashleycarole86
    PW 260
    CW 258.4
This discussion has been closed.