Downsizers - May 2021 Team Chat



  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,714 Member
    azkunk wrote: »

    I am on a diet break for 2 weeks and @megan_smartiepants said she would excuse my weigh-ins. I am happy to post but it is a gain. Just let me know.

    I am not in charge of weigh ins....@TheresaM787 is since Linda is taking a break... I made a mistake when I told you that you could go on support for 2 is for ones who don't want to weigh in for the entire month....I apologize for my mess up...Please ask @TheresaM787 if she will excuse you....again I apologize
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Please enjoy your time focusing on nutrition and rowing. We're here for you, feel free to jump back in to get or give support. I submitted your request to be put on the Cheer Squad (aka Support Team) for the next two weeks. 🤗
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Congrats @Roz0810, @missysave0612, and @rwood566!! Your hard work is paying dividends!!😊😊


    Steps for 5/9: 4392. Decided to take the day off. Since today is actually my birthday, I want to get in at least 10k steps. I'll report them later. I'm glad you are feeling better, and can resume walks with Aspen when you are ready.
  • lcfa5317
    lcfa5317 Posts: 147 Member

    CW = 189.5
    PW= 190.1

    Weigh in day = Mondays

    Fairly good day today
    Finally I can set some goals.
    All 3 rings closed on Apple Watch every day - this includes 30 minutes of exercise.
    3 days a week of strength exercises.

    My daughter was very ill the last 2 weeks, but she was able to go back to the university on Saturday. Yay! She still is weak because she lost so I have blood, but she’s much better. She’s going to take a few incompletes and finish classes in the summer. Wow! What a bizarre 2 weeks. You never know when something crazy will happen. She was in an emergency room for 10 hours before anyone even saw her even though she was losing vast amounts of blood. She is going to need to write a letter of complaint to that hospital.
    I’m exhausted after 2 weeks an an emotional roller coaster. I brought her home last week so I could take care of her. I’m no longer used to cooking every day, so that tired me out too. It helped her though, so all is well. She’s a vegetarian, so I found new recipes which were good.
    Now I need the weather to warm up to get out on my bike.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Ok... Today is my birthday. Having a great day. Was at an appointment, when a somewhat random acquaintance, hereinafter, (SWA), heard me on the telephone. I was saying something about the flowers hubs got me. Anyway, SWA is male. SWA asks me how old I am. I looked at SWA with a straight face and said... I'm 35. SWA, says "I didn't realize you were that old." I'm actually a little older than 35, lol. So, all in all it was really, really funny.

    It did get a little less funny when I told hubs about it, and he laughed a little too hard. He totally knows why I refer to this person as SWA. I guess you would have had to have been there....🤣🤣🤣
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Week one of my break was ok. I only gained 0.4lbs. The theory is that a diet breaks help reverse meta.boric adaptations. I am still tracking, rowing and focusing on protein but I have increased my calories to maintenance. We’ll see how it goes. My endocrinologist appointment was on Friday. She thinks my symptoms are mostly menopause and changed the medication I was on. She did order thyroid studies to be sure nothing is going on there. As far as the calcium and parathyroid goes, she thinks it’s all related to medications that I was n and she wants to give it 3 months off the medications to recheck the labs. I really hope the new medication helps with my symptoms. Today, I had to use my lunch break to take a z30 minute nap. I could not keep my eyes open and I still feel exhausted. I feel like if I were left alone in a dark room, I could sleep for 2 days.

    I will try to read and catch up. Hope everyone is well.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Thank you @azkunk!! I'm glad you are getting some answers for what has been going on medically. I'm sorry that you are still feeling tired. I was going to have a big step day. I think I'll watch a movie in bed, instead!!😊
  • rwood566
    rwood566 Posts: 987 Member
    @azkunk i'm glad to hear they think it may only be menopause. nothing serious (coming from a man. lol). enjoy your break. you deserve and earned it.

    @lindamtuck2018 thanks for the info on the burgers. i'll be looking again tonight when i pick my daughter up from work. she's a cashier at our grocery store. i don't recognize the names but i don't remember them all that were there.

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 why did he leave 2 in? if you get bored, just grab some tweezers and yank them out yourself. lol keep healing. has the pain all but disappeared yet?

    @Bluetail6 i hope you had a very happy birthday. and i can't believe some cad asked your age. i would have asked your weight, thinking you're prouder to give that one out.

    check-in for 5/10:
    steps - 4338. i'll probably hit 4500 when i pick up daughter. i can't believe i still have to pick up a 32 year old.
    calories - well under. i have no clue how. story below.
    exercise - not today. i did, however, sign up at a gym. 30 a month and i can take a guest with me. i got chased out of the same gym years ago from people mocking me. i hope i can handle any of it this time. granted, i'm 140 pounds lighter than i was then.

    today i met up with my friend and had a late lunch, snack for me, at dennys. i'm sure we grossed some people out since we just sat there telling each other about all of our near death experiences in detail. heart attacks, strokes, b/p collapses, cancer of testicle, etc. we did that even when we were young. i just ordered a small plate of nachos and still only ate half with some calorie free tea.
    i feel like i ate a lot of food today. i've been full most of the day. breakfast, lunch, late lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks. MFP still puts me well under 1800. it's sooooo weird. today i checked and double checked my entries again.

    important day tomorrow. national "eat what you want" day. it's also "twilight zone" day. so grab the ice cream, put on fat free whip cream and binge on the show.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,714 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 why did he leave 2 in? if you get bored, just grab some tweezers and yank them out yourself. lol keep healing. has the pain all but disappeared yet?

    He said it wasn't quite healed yet so come back on Friday to get the last 2 staples out ...I asked him it is suppose to burn and itch on the incision he said yes ........and how about this intense pain on my left side ... he said I have no idea ....he did tell me I am allowed to walk with I tried to go around the block and the pain was unbearable so I have decided to take the entire month of from walking ( I know me I would push myself to hard and injure myself even more )
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,714 Member

    1st @Bluetail6 - 94,217 steps
    2nd @TheresaM787 - 91,200 steps
    3rd @rlaskey2 - 87,795 steps
    4th @Z1ORtza- 78,132 steps
    5th @iradi8- 71,626 steps
    CONGRATS LADIES :):):):)
    AS A GROUP WE WALKED 816,744 steps
    GREAT JOB EVERYONE :):):):):)

    Recognizing everyone who pledged their steps
    @lindamtuck2018 - 7/7
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 -6/7
    @TheresaM787 - 7/7
    @iradi8- 7/7
    @rlaskey2 - 5/7
    @Tazaria87 - 5/7
    @Z1ORtza- 6/7
    @Bluetail6 - 6/7
    @red1185 -4/7
    @rwood566 - 4/7
    @Poobah1972 -7/7
    @lmf1012 -5/7
    @littleflutterby - 67
    @roz0810 - 3/7

  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    01/05/2021 10.853 steps
    02/05/2021 14.765 steps
    03/05/2021 12.513 steps
    04/05/2021 8.844 steps
    05/05/2021 14.205 steps
    06/05/2021 10.613 steps
    07/05/2021 5.903 steps
    08/05/2021 11.289 steps
    09/05/2021 11.506 steps
    10/05/2021 16.233 steps + 1 hour of zumba.

    I'm really worried about my weight. And I don't trust my dietist anymore. She keeps giving me less and less options and less quantity of food.

  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Fantastic Tuesday Morning Everyone!

    I felt amazing out there this morning. Pain was at an absolute minimum throughout my 5 laps around the compound. It didn't feel like a chore today, that I had to grind through. The handled the hill portion of each lap with gusto and definitely had more power in my step to get up that hill and still have go-go juice when I got to the top. I even slogged the entire flat section of my last lap in a bid to keep my heart rate close to the 160 mark successfully. And as an added bonus, my heart rate monitor actually worked pretty good, except near the end for a few minutes....

    So, lessons learned. Listen to my body. If the pain is making it so I cringe when I'm out there, and the enjoyment seeps out of it. TAKE A BREAK. You will come back stronger then ever, and your body and you mind will thank you for it.

    Also, if you experience issues, then take steps l to alleviate them... Don't just let them get worse. Such as...

    Ordered Knee brace (should have it by Friday)
    Started taking Glucosamine and Chondroitin
    Massages (lynn thankyou)
    Voltaren cream... It helps.. I think.
    Ice Gel Pack - on the list for this weekend's shopping trip.

    (I'm starting to hear the Getting stronger music from Rocky... Just like I did when I was reading about Beth's hard work.) lol...

    Anyway, it's all good.... Now for the Blood work this morning.

    Blood Ketones 2.0
    Blood Glucose 161
    GKI 4.47

    Was expecting a 3 for ketones this morning and a I'm not sure what's up with my blood sugar, but that is the highest reading I have ever had I think.... GKI is alright though... So, I'm just ignoring the whole thing.

    As for the weight room, I tore down the last of the boxes and vacuumed the room. Tonight, after work I pick up the Olympic bar and some Olympic weights. It's also start to pack up all the stuff on the shelving unit, so we can get it out of the room. 😄

    Other than that.... I feel GREAT! Thanks for all the love and support through these last few "Darker" days. lol

    Have an amazing Tuesday Everyone! 🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗🤗🤓😆👍


    @Megan_smartiepants1970 Steps May 10, 2021 - 3756 (I failed.... :neutral: )
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    🎉Happy Birthday 🎉

    Congratulations on your weight loss AND for hitting your Apple Watch goals! 👏🏻👏🏻 That's terrific news, about your daughter feeling better and is back at Uni. So scary, you're a strong momma. 🤗

    It sounds like your body is telling you to sleep and rest. I'm glad you listened and slept a bit. Are you able to get to bed earlier? It's amazing as adults we fight the urge to sleep, but as infants we just fall asleep when we're tired (hear that Netflix? we're tired) 😆 I heard something similar about going on maintenance during deficits - I think it was from the Half Size Me podcast.

    I LOVE that podcast (We Only Look Thin), so inspiring 😆(the hosts joke about how inspirational they are, but to me they really are). I'm definitely using almost every last available calorie in my budget- I still pre-log in my dinners and desserts. It's true what she says, maintenance and deficit are basically the same, you just have a bit more calories available to you in maintenance. I think that's why both We Only Look Thin and HalfSize Me are both advocating for choosing a meal plan/diet/lifestyle that you won't mind sticking to forever.

    Thank you for sharing what you're going through. I had no idea of the range of emotions 🤗. I'm so glad you found an outlet to exercise on the bike, that's good to hear you aren't putting any pressure on the wound. Please continue to share and hopefully that will help you realize that you are not alone, we are all here for you.

    Terrific step count 👏🏻👏🏻 I'm so glad you went to meet your friend. Hilarious about your lunch conversations, the neighboring diners were probably in awe 😆. Bonus, you stayed under your calorie budget, especially when going out - that's a tough one! I hope you enjoy the gym, shame on those people for making you feel unwelcome - they don't know how awesome you are, YET!
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    May I have your permission to whack your surgeon with a wooden spoon? Sorry, violence is not the answer - he needs a wake up. If you are having pressure and pain standing during meal prep, HOW could he tell you that you can go for a walk? Shaking my head over here. Please use YOUR best judgement, it's clearly better than his.

    CONGRATULATIONS to all the walkers out there 🎉 A big round of applause to Megan for keep track of all of those steps for us 👏🏻👏🏻

    HUGE numbers!! Well done 🙌🏻 Blah blah, I'm not a medical professional- have you entered your information into MFP and Noom (the free trial- not the paid subscription) to see what calorie maximum you should be at? My brother-in-law was doing WW and he wasn't losing any weight, it turns out that he wasn't eating at the right calorie deficit.

    Amazing!! Look at how far you've come in such a short time! Five laps AND it didn't feel like a chore 🤩 Yes, great advice and I'm glad you took you're own. You did come back stronger, mentally and physically. So happy for you👏🏻👏🏻 Now for the mean momma part (said sternly, but with motherly love), please don't say (even in jest) that you failed. Every step counts, and you did FIVE LAPS of steps. Some days we hit our goals, other days we may not. That's why it's a goal, something to strive for. Ok, mean momma part over - go outside and play with your friends.

  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    Amazing!! Look at how far you've come in such a short time! Five laps AND it didn't feel like a chore 🤩 Yes, great advice and I'm glad you took you're own. You did come back stronger, mentally and physically. So happy for you👏🏻👏🏻 Now for the mean momma part (said sternly, but with motherly love), please don't say (even in jest) that you failed. Every step counts, and you did FIVE LAPS of steps. Some days we hit our goals, other days we may not. That's why it's a goal, something to strive for. Ok, mean momma part over - go outside and play with your friends.

    Your right... My fiancé would of been all over me for that one too. I should of said I failed to hit my target yesterday. I am certainly not a failure. It was a rest day after all, and I came back all the stronger for it!

    Thanks Momma Bear! :smiley:

  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    I just heard a fantastic tip on the We Only Look Thin podcast

    Round Up:
    If you are tracking steps, before you sit down first take a few extra steps to round to the nearest hundred or fifty. So, right now I’m at 381 steps, I’m going to put down my phone and walk around the house until I get to 400. Be right back.

    Ok, I’m back. Easy.

    Anyone else have a quick tip?
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