What Have You Done Today That Is Healthy



  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    I didn't track foods, but managed to eat healthy. Will get back to walking tomorrow.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,806 Member
    I got my mile walk in this morning and it was beautiful, again. The only problem was the nice breeze that kept blowing my hair in my face. :smile:

    Calories 1016
    Carbs 99
    Sat Fat 11
    Cholesterol 310 - I knew I was doing that with breakfast for dinner. At least I didn't blow anything else, out.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited September 2021
    It has been cloudy, ugly and hot today, so I didn't take my walk. Then I made a couple of changes to my tracked food and now I am over in my Sat Fats. If I take even a short walk, it would be okay. I need to decide if that one over fat is worth walking the house or taking a chance on getting rained on for an outdoor walk. Hmmmm.

    I fixed a big bowl of strawberries for the guys and put out a package of sugar-free cookies (BIL is diabetic). I ate two of those little cookies and they had more sat fat than an Oreo which is what I originally had tracked. I just hated to eat an Oreo and not offer him one.

    Calories 958
    Carbs 99
    Sat fats 14 (goal is 13 without exercise)
    Cholesterol 89

    Editing to say that I went ahead on my walk. The weather was perfect, the sky clearing, and just perfect. I got just about a quarter of the way through the walk and the doorbell went off on my phone. I didn't know what or who, but didn't know what Bill would do. I turned around, looked at the video and saw it was kids. I was about home so just cut my walk to 1/2 mile. Bill did get up and answer the door, though! WOOHOO
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    That great that Bill walked to the door, Connie!

    Our daytime temperatures are fairly comfortable in the 80s, but I cut my walk in half because the humidity was so high. That was hopefully offset, however, by a lot of work around the house today.

    You mentioned the wind blowing your hair while walking a couple of days ago, Connie. One evening last week it was pretty cool and breezy, making for the best walk! No one was around, so I just held my arms out and soaked it in.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Not much done that is helping my weight loss - Wade brought home several sweets for our anniversary so enjoyed those yesterday and had some of the pumpkin roll for breakfast and still have part of my small bag of jelly beans left so will enjoy those today as well and just start back on a very low cal diet tomorrow!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,806 Member
    Got my mile walk in this morning.

    Calories - 990
    carbs - 88
    Sat Fats - 12
    Cholesterol - 151
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,806 Member
    Got my mile walk in this morning.

    Calories - 854
    carbs - 87
    Sat Fats - 12
    Cholesterol - 67

    I didn't eat my yogurt that I had in tracker yesterday, and I also have one in the tracker that I may not eat today. I should due to the calories, but I am not hungry and I need to quit eating for the evening in 23 minutes.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,806 Member
    Well, not an especially successful day today. It is still 88 degrees and I am not seeing a walk in today's realm. Also, I was trying to figure out something different for dinner and decided to make chicken and noodles with mashed potatoes. I knew I was going to blow my carbs, but it did taste wonderful! It could have been better, but I did used dried noodles and made without salt.

    Calories - 1167
    Carbs - 127
    Sat Fat - 10
    Cholesterol - 56

    Again, I may have overestimated my evening snack (like the last couple days), but I would rather track and not use, than still be hungry.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,806 Member
    The calorie count is a bit low today, but in trying to bring it up, most everything had either too many carbs or sat. fats. That's okay. I am full, anyway.

    Calories 887
    Carbs 97
    Sat Fat 13
    Cholesterol 75

    Got my mile walk in fairly early this morning before it got too hot.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,806 Member
    Today wasn't an especially good day with diet. Sundays are left-over days. So the high carb things we had during the week was what was left-over for today. Tasted good the second day, anyway! I also didn't even think about taking a walk. I usually take Sunday as a rest day, and today it definitely was.

    Calories 1116
    Carbs 115
    Sat Fat 13
    Cholesterol 49
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Did well yesterday. Ended up with a migraine in the evening but ate within plan.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,806 Member
    Yesterday was awful - but sooo good! I did take my walk and I did eat within my hours, but oh my, what I ate! Whew!

    Today I didn't walk. Yesterday I kind of wrenched my knee and it hurt all day yesterday, then was sore when I got up this morning. It did quit hurting, but I was a little afraid to misuse it but walking very far. I also decided to cook up some hamburger that we had in the freezer. I hate to just let it go to waste and since it had been quite a while since Bill had beef, I decided on burgers and potato soup. Wow - these were 85% angus burgers and the sat. fats were out of control!

    Calories 1177
    Carbs 93
    Sat Fats 23 - Whew, but 9 of them were that burger! That was impossible to work around.
    Cholesterol 170 - 100 of that was that burger. I think it is a good thing that we are trying to clean out the freezer.

    I still have 24 pre-made patties and 2# of burger in the freezer. That is after cooking 10 burgers tonight (I sent 7 down to my BIL to throw in his freezer for lunches). He was telling me the other day that he was looking for pre-cooked burgers and couldn't find them. Now he has several. He has a full size fridge and microwave but said he didn't really want to take up room for a stove. He has a hot-plate, but I don't think he has ever used it.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    THM suggests washing your beef after you cook it to get rid of extra fat. Remember, if you remove the fat that melts off while you cook, that doesn't count against you, and if you rinse off your meat after you cook it, that is even more fat you are getting rid of from that number! The meat isn't as moist, but then it isn't as fat either! LOL!

    Eating well. Probably not going to walk, way too tired despite having eight hours of sleep last night. I feel like I can hardly keep my eyes open!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,806 Member
    My Sat Fats is really just a minor problem with beef, I have always rinsed it and know that helps. The problem with beef is the uric acid in red meat. Pork isn't quite as bad, but still can be a problem if eaten often. I try to not let Bill have beef more than 2x a month, and then in moderation. Pork we will eat 4x a month.

    WOW it is cold here today. I should have walked yesterday. I keep waiting for it to warm up enough to enjoy the walk, but it is still in the 50's. It got down to 46 last night. I keep wanting to turn the heat on, but it is just too early in the year!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,806 Member
    Well the weather is beautiful and I really want my walk, but I am afraid to leave the house. I have pretty much been waiting all day for the utility company to mark lines in the back yard because they are supposed to start on our fence tomorrow. They told us that they would be done by 1am tomorrow morning. I don't think they will be out a 1am. One company was here early, but the rest are handled by the same locator company (water, sewer, cable, phone, gas, etc) and they haven't been here yet. Then, the fence company is supposed to call us about the materials for the fence, so that could take a while.

    Calories 931
    Carbs 89
    Sat Fats13
    Cholesterol 118

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Oh brother, trying to get all of that lined up is never easy! Hope everyone cooperates.

    On track eating wise. Still need to get more exercise in though. Will work on getting some walking in. I sent a message to my NPFM about the tummy troubles I've been having. She said to definitely cut out the wheat and dairy completely and work on getting more natural protein than from the protein drinks and powders - so, we will need to figure that out. I'm still going to do my protein drink in the morning, I use that to get my pills down - other things make me nauseous because I have so many pills to take, I need something thicker to drink. I'll try to think of something different for lunch and dinner and still keep my calories down. I think I'll have some tuna fish for lunch with my veggie straws - no bread, just some tuna with mayo mixed in - yum.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,806 Member
    Kim - I guess it won't work with cutting dairy, but we make our tuna salad with 1/2 mayo and 1/2 sour cream. It cuts the calories a lot and tastes great. I use egg in mine - that might add a bit more protein (but hurt the cholesterol if you watch it).

    The utility companies finally marked the yard at about 11:00 this morning. I had to make two more phone calls about it. The fence company will start tomorrow morning. They were hoping to start today, but that didn't work for them, so I didn't worry about the utilities quite as much.

    I did get my walk today, so that is good. Such BEAUTIFUL weather!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,806 Member
    Calories 975
    Carbs 100
    Sat Fats 10
    Forgot to check Cholesterol but should be good.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    I made a scramble for dinner tonight - spinach, mushrooms, canned chicken, three slices of pepperoni quartered, toasted sesame oil to cook it in, and then I poured egg over it and scrambled it. It was alright, healthy, but it needed some flavoring to it. No wheat - oops, I did use about a Tbsp of parmesan cheese in it, but I only ate 1/3 of it, so I didn't get much of the dairy. It would have been awesome with both parmesan and cheddar in it! Oh well, I'm going to have to learn to eat without the cheese (or at least not much of it). I love sour cream in my chili, and I make my chicken chili with cream cheese - wah! I watch my saturated fat but not my cholesterol.

    I did get some movement today, but not a specific walk. I did several things around the house.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,806 Member
    Got my walk today. Beautiful day for a walk, except I couldn't see through my hair for half of it.

    Calories 1007
    Carbs 85
    Sat Fats 9
    Cholesterol 48

    I think this was the best turkey meatloaf that I have made. Bill had 3 pieces. And there is enough left over for meatloaf sandwiches on Sunday afternoon! WooHoo!