What Have You Done Today That Is Healthy



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Did my 6/10 mile.walk, but sciatica is acting up today, so I probably wasn't as quick as usual. Usually walking helps my back, but didn't notice an improvement today. At least this isn't the norm anymore!

    Calories 908
    Carbs 97
    Sat fats 12
    Cholesterol 58
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Back is soooo much better today. Still just did the 6/10 mile circuit, but the weather was amazing.

    Calories 1093
    Carbs 132 (oops. "Fried" potatoes and beans will do that - the men were happy, though)
    Sat fats 12
    Cholesterol 107
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    Okay, I did some tracking today! Really like this website for that. I was pretty satisfied with my first effort, but need to develop some willpower when it comes to carbs. Got a delightful walk in with the temperature about 10 degrees cooler, and added a few minutes to my normal walk.

    Calories - 1,304
    Carbs - 192
    Fiber - 19
    Protein - 79
    Calcium - 145
    Cholesterol - 212

    Walking - 28 minutes
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    No walk today due to rain, rain and more rain! It looks pretty nice out there now, so maybe in a while. Or, maybe not!

    Calories 981
    Carbs 115 - oops, did it again. I really tried to correct as much as I could, but since most of them were already eaten, I couldn't fix.
    Sat Fat 18 - and that was caused by trying to lower the carbs. Aarg!
    Cholesterol - 112. At least that was good.

    I was afraid I was going to run high on the carbs, but I was surprised on the Sat Fats.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    I did get six laps done yesterday. I didn't walk one of my halls, so I did the shorter route six times. I ate well even though we ordered dinner in from our favorite pizza place (the only restaurant close to us) but I went ahead and had my shrimp burger without the bun, so it came in a bowl with the slaw. Yummy!

    On track today. Weight 236.8
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    No walk today, again. Rain. I may get it later this evening, but who knows.

    Calories 1060
    Carbs 86 (finally!)
    Sat Fat 11
    Cholesterol 171
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Well, I decided to take Kim's lead and walk inside the house. I did 6/10 mile, and it was a little quicker than if I actually walked the block. It also didn't have hills. I should have walked outside, but the temperature got pretty warm, and then the neighbors have a big kids birthday bash going on, and the road is full of cars, and half are parked on the sidewalk (no curbs).

    Calories 895
    Carbs 98
    Sat Fats 11
    Cholesterol 87
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    I love the idea of walking inside the house, but mine isn't large enough. I'm working on figuring out a path outside that doesn't involve more steep hills than I can handle, maybe retracing some steps or exploring some side streets. My church is located on the corner of a beautiful college campus, so I did a little walking before coming home this afternoon.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Carole - Ha! It took lots of trips through the house for me! And round and round the dining room table - almost got dizzy!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    I got out early this morning and the weather was perfect for my walk. I almost went further, but had told Bill I would be back in 20 minutes and wanted to live up to my word (usually takes me 16 minutes).

    Calories 1039
    Carbs 92
    Sat Fats 12
    Cholesterol 99

    Nothing really looks terrible, but I'm not going to say it was a particularly "healthy" dinner. I pounded 4 slices of pork loin, sliced very thinly and fried in olive oil, then made gravy with the left over oil. Tasted good, I hadn't done that in probably 35 years. It was low in sat fats, low in sodium and was really yummy.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    No walk today. It was really hot and now it is looking like rain. I may do an indoor walk again tonight. We will see.

    Calories 880
    Carbs 100
    Sat Fat 11
    Cholesterol 58

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Short walk for me yesterday, legs were hurting too much. I can't wear my tennis shoes right now so I am walking in my flip flops (they do have a thick sole, but don't hug my feet so I don't feel like I have much support. Here's a link to them: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B08VYJQMXW They are Skechers, but just not enough support to last through all my laps.

    Had lunch out again today, I did some chicken nuggets, some French fries and part of a soft drink (first one in months). Dinner will be a protein drink and veggie chips!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    It has been one of those days! I woke up and it was actually cold in the house - such a nice difference! Anyway, I went to grab a lightweight cardigan out of the closet and the bracket holding the closet rod was broken. I had to go to the bank, so on the way back I stopped at the hardware store and picked up a bracket. When I got home, I got that mess cleaned up and totally forgot my walk. When I realized that I forgot it, it was 90 degrees. I didn't get one in yesterday, so am hoping that it cools just a tad more so that I can go this evening.

    Calories 1093
    carbs 88
    sat fats 10
    cholesterol 273 (caused by a part of an egg in the pea salad I made). I really miss my eggs.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    I tracked today. I will have
    1075 calories
    103 carbs
    65 protein
    7 sat fats
    1352 sodium. Everything was within my ranges. I lowered my sodium range from 2300 to 1800 a day.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Well, today is a cheat day. I won't track because it won't be pretty!

    Took Bill to the doctor this morning. The foot is doing great and they removed the stitches, but they aren't letting him out of his cast until his next appointment on the 27th. He can start putting weight on the heel now, and walking normally (with the cast) about mid-week. At least I was able to put the wheelchair in the back bedroom. I am a little afraid to go through and re-arrange the entire closet for just a little while. I'm not quite sure if we will need it for a store trip, etc. Right now he is haltingly using his walker. Hopefully can get him on cane only by mid-week.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    We ordered a Drive Medical lightweight transport chair for Mom. We mostly need it for getting her from the house to the Church building (meeting house really), and then if we go out somewhere we will need her in that. She stares at the ground and doesn't watch where she is going and really struggles to walk and use her cane at the same time, so that is going to be something that we phase out with her. Even when she uses her walker, she doesn't look where she is going and we have to steer her away from walking into trees and things! I don't know why she stares down so much, but there are times I try to get her to look up when I am helping her with something and I have to about force her head up, she resists me. Even watching TV, we look over and she is looking down. On occasion she will be looking at the TV, but mostly she is just looking down! Please continue to pray for us, that we have the wisdom we need to do the best for her.

    So glad that Bill is improving, praise the Lord!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Kim - I can't imagine how we would have coped the last 3 weeks without the transport chair. Bill handled it himself on hard floors and some on the carpet, but it was hard for him to get around sharp corners on the carpet by himself. There were a couple places that I almost had to have him stand up for us to get across them. One was a threshold into a building and one was the lip into our garage where there was a little hole in the concrete. Both of them were fine when we backed up and got a straight shot. You also have to remember that Bill weighs at least 100 pounds more than me + that brace/cast that he has to wear.

    I was really happy to fold it up and put it out of the way. I think Bill would like to have it back - You should have seen the look when he told me he had to go to the bathroom and I pointed at his walker and said that it was up to him, now!

    I got a little bit longer walk in today 3/4 mile. It was nice and it is supposed to start getting really hot again, then rain - thought I had better get it while I could.

    Calories 989
    Carbs 90
    Sat Fat 10
    Cholesterol 222 - the last of the pea salad with egg. But, it was so good! I figure that I stayed under the 300 recommended and rarely get that high, so I'm not too worried.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Don't know if I will have the energy to walk today but will work on eating according to the THM plan. It allows stuff that I try to limit (like these lemon/coconut bonbons that they have a recipe for which has a lot of fat in them, way more than I allow myself. I'm going to have a PB and J on the acceptable Joseph's Lavash bread today. It has quite a bit of sodium, but it's mostly flax and oat flour with some whole wheat flour in there as well, so not as bad for my wheat sensitivity as regular bread. I use the Simply Fruit and Natural peanut butter as well.

    I ordered their new protein powder which is simply de-fatted hemp, nothing else. It has about 60 calories a serving, but no fat, 2 carbs, and I think 18 g of protein. I'll put it in my smoothies instead of the KOS and save that for when I want just a protein drink.

    Oh Connie, that's funny. I can just see Bill's face when you tell him he's on his own! I don't even want to think about Mom's face when we pull out the transport chair (wheel chair) the first time. So far we haven't told her we are going in that direction, it's better for her not to have time to think about it!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    edited September 2021
    Well, I couldn't figure what to fix for dinner without red meat tonight. I got a package of chicken out of the freezer and saw corn on the cob. Well, to make a long story short - CARBS

    Calories - 958
    Carbs 120
    Sat Fat 9
    Cholesterol 87

    Oh well, everything else is okay and carbs are in their range. AND I actually got a mile walk in today!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    edited September 2021
    Calories 936
    Carbs 99
    Sat Fat 14 (that is the goal shown with the exercise added in)
    Cholesterol 69

    We had stew from the left over pork loin. So good, but with that and a 1/2 sandwich with pretzels for a light dinner, it took a bit of figuring out my evening snack to fit the goals.

    I got in another nice 1 mile walk. This kind of weather makes me really enjoy my walks! Kim - I am making my weekly goals, believe it or not.