What Have You Done Today That Is Healthy



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Oh my - I was so bad yesterday. I ate cookies, and cookies, and fried chicken tenderloin with french fries, and more cookies. I went to bed miserably full! Today will be off of the 8 hour rule for a few days due to meds. I have to take a couple of meds pre-dentist, and they continue for a few days afterward. It will probably effect my carbs& calories to some extent because I will be eating breakfast. This morning I ate a slice of dry toast and will probably do that tomorrow as well. After that, probably oatmeal or yogurt for a couple of days being on soft food.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Do you like protein drinks, Connie. I don't drink coffee any more but use my morning protein drink (coffee infused) instead, so it's my breakfast as well as my wake up!

    Walked some yesterday, 400 steps outside. Still having trouble catching my breath, and the swelling in my feet keep me from being able to comfortably wear my tennis shoes and even though the flip flops that I have have a good sole on them my feet move around too much in them and my legs hurt pretty quickly. I am definitely going to have to buy another pair of tennis shoes (mules) if this swelling doesn't work itself out. I have no idea why it's happening, but it's beginning to be a concern for me. My feet haven't swelled like this for 20-30 years, and that was before I was using any kind of diuretic. Once I went on the diuretic they rarely swelled. My hands are swollen too. I wonder if my body is just so used to the diuretics I'm taking that they aren't working any more. Sigh. I really don't want to have to see a doctor about this. We do go see her in December, so I'll wait until then to get it figured out.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Kim - I refuse to spend my calories on anything that I drink. I am just strange that way. I don't drink anything with more than 5 calories. I drink black coffee, unsweetened tea (rarely), Crystal Light (rarely), and LOTS of water. I enjoy eating, so save all my calories for that. If I need soft foods, I would much rather have oatmeal or yogurt, at least to me that "feels" like food. And don't give me anything "milky" tasting!

    Calories - 931
    Carbs - 99
    Sat fats - 12
    Cholesterol - 90
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Oh well, the protein drinks, although they don't contain dairy, are milky! Me, I'd rather drink my calories - wow, we are so not twins!

    Will try to get some walking in today. I need to send a note to my doctor about why my feet stay swollen. I've had edema for two months, which is not normal, at all, for me.

  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member
    I'm not good at eating when I first get up, so I start most days with a glass of Carnation Light breakfast drink - a good way to get calcium and other nutrients. Other than that, it's one cup of coffee with cream, lots of water, and occasionally Crystal Light. That being said, I remember making some sugar-free smoothies in the blender that Dwight and I both loved, so I need to do that for him again. The cookbook they were in didn't make the move, but surely I have them on my computer somewhere.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Today isn't going to be a good day. I started it with 3 large cookies left from my birthday. Then, after the surgery I had a cup of mashed potatoes with a bit of cheese. Tonight we will have stew and mashed potatoes. My mouth really hurts, but I am also hungry. I knew that I wouldn't feel much like eating, so decided to bulk in the breakfast calories.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Oh, Connie, I hope that the mouth feels better quickly! I don't know, cookies always made me feel better.

    Wade got me some white chocolate kit kats so I would have a treat for this weekend. I think I've figured out that it's more the wheat than the dairy that is causing the tummy troubles, so I am just going to have to stay away from that and just do dairy on a limited basis.

    I made a pumpkin smoothie for lunch. My pumpkin spice disappeared so I need to order more of that so I can get that pumpkin pie flavor in the smoothie. I did two heaping spoonfuls of the pumpkin, some cinnamon/sugar blend (next time, when I have the spices I'll just do that and Stevia), some milk and water and ice and vanilla too. It was good even without the spices. I did my walk today, 3.5 laps up and down the driveway. One lap is 170 steps (approx). I'd done 2.5 laps the last two times. It's still hard to catch my breathe, my chest feels like it won't move to let the air in, but I do better when I breathe in my nose and out of my mouth, that seems to work the best for me, and deep breathes. No weight loss, but I did gain about a pound and a half, my body not liking the little bit I lost before! I'm going to have to be very strict on eating a specific number of calories in the 900-1200 range. I just am able to lose when I stay there.

    I sent a note to my NP about the swelling in my feet and she wants to see me, so they'll make an appointment for me, hopefully soon. I was able to get my left shoe on more easily today, so hopefully the swelling was down a bit and I didn't just stretch out my shoe from shoving it on yesterday! LOL!

    Have an awesome day, y'all.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    edited October 2021
    Kim - the swelling in your feet is probably part of the culprit in your weight gain.

    I am still having to eat three meals and a snack today in order to take the meds the dentist has me taking. I will be taking the last of them tomorrow, so I can go back to my normal meal times. Planning in an extra meal has been hard on the calories and carbs.

    I found out that they don't want me eating anything crunchy for the next 4 weeks - chips, pretzels, toast, nuts, raw veggies, crispy chicken, etc. I have a feeling that I am going to have to up my carb consumption and work more pastas into the rotation. I rarely eat chips, but I eat a toasted cheese (one slice bread) and pretzels almost everyday for lunch and almonds as part of my evening snack. This is taking some thought.

    Calories - 1115
    Carbs - 128
    Sat Fats - 13
    Cholesterol - 465!!!! We had Denny's (BIL's birthday and that was his choice) I had a pancake and a half and two scrambled eggs - those 2 eggs showed 450 cholesterol in the tracker! WHEW! I love how you can actually pull up Denny's items on the tracker. That helps a lot. I'm sure they didn't take into account that the pancakes were HUGE! That's why I had one and a half.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Does Denny's do the egg whites only eggs? I think the yolks are the culprits! I need to find a recipe for coconut flour pancakes, that sure sounds good.

    I found that milk does cause the side effects but it is far worse when I add the wheat to it. I think I can risk some cheese or dairy every now and again, but I am going to have to really contemplate whether the side effects of eating wheat are worth what I want to eat!

    Probably won't get walking in today since it's very wet outside!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    edited October 2021
    Denny's does have egg white only and I didn't even think about looking for it. We had it delivered, so there are some differences. They really mixed up our order. I got a HUGE order of hash browns that I didn't order (Bill ate some, the rest went in trash), and we all got pancakes, but no pancake syrup or butter. I even specified on one order that it be sugar-free for my BIL. I got our bottle of SF syrup out of the fridge and warmed it up because the guys like lots. I was glad that I did, but it was barely enough for the two of them (I don't like soggy pancakes, so eat them plain). I didn't warm up Bill's unsalted butter, but I figured since he was eating sodium in the bacon and sausage that regular margarine would have to do.

    I do the egg whites for anything I can at home, but they don't work very well if I need boiled eggs. If I make eggs for all of us, I use half egg whites and half real egg. That way they are a little more yellow.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Calories 1111
    Carbs 121
    Sat Fat 12
    Cholesterol 233

    This is the last day of the extra meal, and I did quit my eating at my normal time, although I started a couple of hours early. The soft foods today were really good, but I can't eat this type of food every day. I threw a couple of frozen chicken breasts in the crock pot and they were done by lunch-time. I took out 2oz and ate with a stir-fry blend of veggies that I nuked. They were so good. Then for the evening meal, I made chicken and noodles with reams noodles. I saw a recipe that I thought I could adapt to very low sodium, and it was really yummy. There is enough left over for tomorrow after church.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Calories 864
    Carbs 98
    Sat fats 11
    Cholesterol 154

    Boy this is hard without my almonds. It seems like everything else either has too many carbs or too much sat fat.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    I think almonds are the best nut that you can eat, the most healthy for you. Hopefully it won't be long before your mouth can handle them again! You could blend them into a nut butter and eat them mushed up. Wade likes to eat a spoonful of peanut butter sometimes - although you would probably have to add a wee bit of oil to them to get that butter consistency - added fat! MCT oil would be a healthy fat choice.

    Got my second shot today, we'll see how it goes. We did stop and get some biscuits for breakfast and I ate half of my chicken biscuit and will eat the other half for lunch. Wheat ingestion - oh boy! We'll see how it goes.

    Down a wee bit in weight and my left foot went into my shoe much easier this morning, so maybe the swelling is going down some. Still edema there, but at least first thing this morning not as bad as it had been. Praise the Lord.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    I am not a huge nut-butter fan. I prefer the crunch. I ate a small bowl of oatmeal tonight for my snack and that was a good change. I love oatmeal, just don't love eating breakfast. I like peanut butter in my oatmeal, but refuse to do it due to calories added. A bit of vanilla, Splenda, and cinnamon work fine and don't add unwanted extra calories.

    Calories 863
    Carbs 95
    Sat Fats 17 (a bit too much cheese)
    Cholesterol 117

    I had a cheese stick with my lunch instead of my pretzels and then had chili with a single slice toasted cheese sandwich. I knew it was going to happen, but still haven't totally figured out getting the calories and staying in the guidelines without crunch.

    I did tear up my sandwich in my chili so the toast got mushy. For a lunch sandwich, I usually toast a piece of bread and then slice it so it is like 2 really thin slices. I decided to try putting the soft side out and still doing that. Yesterday, I had a half sandwich, but it was a bit thick for me. It worked well with soft side out. I have at least gotten that figured out.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    I have had a few issues today with my tooth...the dentist even had me come in so he could look at it. He wasn't too worried about it, but it is kind of "leaking" bone graft. Anyway I think I brushed over it and disturbed it this morning and it hasn't felt good all day. He said that the actual healing is happening, and that I just made it a little mad this morning. That being said, I haven't been very adventurous in eating.

    Calories 725
    Carbs 93
    Sat Fats 12
    Cholesterol 42

    I haven't even gotten all of my water in today, and I don't want to drink a bunch right before bed.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Calories 915
    Carbs 102
    Sat Fats 13
    Cholesterol 156
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Oh my, I hate brushing over an implant or a pulled tooth hole, I'm just sure that I am going to really damage something - never did though. I did have to go into the dentist one time when I couldn't find the post for my implant, he said the gums had grown completely over it and he would have to cut it out when it was ready for the tooth - eek! So glad I didn't swallow it. I have swallowed the cotton swab that they put in to keep the tooth from bleeding. Never knew it, but I did know I didn't take it out or feel it fall out - so...

    Doing well, weight is going down a wee bit to 235.8, lowest I've been in about six months. I think that the swelling is going down in my legs and feet so that probably accounts for that because I know that the three slices of pumpkin pie I ate over the last two days had nothing to do with it. Have I mentioned I love pumpkin pie??? Mom ate the last piece so I'm safe now! LOL!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    I love pumpkin pie! My mom makes a pumpkin dump cake think that is even better. Now I want to cheat.

    I finally got down under 140 again, but with going to Mom's for 3 days, it probably will come up a little bit again. I can't do my intermittent fast, and just hope I can stay away from the "crunchy" stuff.

    Calories 829
    Carbs 98
    Sat Fat 10
    Cholesterol 106
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    WooHoo - Back in my size 2 skinny jeans! A couple of pairs are a big snug, but they zip easily enough. 6 more pounds to go and back to goal weight. I kept that weight off for 8 years, I should be able to keep it off, again. This diet change for Bill and for me has changed our eating and added a lot of carbs into my diet, but I am learning to work with it.

    Calories 885 (it is hard to get the calories in without the crunchy stuff and still keep the other stuff in line)
    Carbs 97
    Sat Fat 11
    Cholesterol 272 (it is a bit high, but ate an egg)
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Woohoo, Connie. That's awesome! I think I wore a size two when I was two years old, it's been going up ever since. I was thrilled to get into a size 9 in high school, and that was one of those lay on the bed and suck in the gut shots at it - but I got them on! I wore small tops and 13/14 bottoms - thank you lipedema and lymphedema. Although I didn't know it at the time, I'm just glad I know why now.

    Got in 3.5 laps today, which is around 500-550 steps. I'll try to go for 600 tomorrow. Ate well today.